• Published 3rd Feb 2014
  • 2,337 Views, 136 Comments

The Fall of Link - Mr Zelda C Brony

Link always wins and defeats the bad guy in the end right but what if link loses for once and ganondorf rules and link is to be sent to the void like ganondorf normally is. but something happens and he lands in equestria instead wounded and lost.

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Chapter 3 "What the Buck?"

“Well good morning Nurse Caring” Twilight said with surprise as spike led the nervous mare into the dining room.

“Good morning Twilight” Nurse Caring replied sounding more nervous than Fluttershy normally did.

“What’s wrong Nurse Caring you seem extremely nervous today? Did something happen at the Hospital?” Twilight questioned the nervous mare.

“Well yes and no Twilight” the poor nurse began “everyone at the hospital is perfectly fine but just recently we received a strange new patient. He is larger than a normal pony and doesn’t even look like a pony at all. He wears strange green clothes and has very pointy ears; he also says his name is Link and that he comes from a land called Hyrule. I don’t know where that is or where it could be but I thought you might. So … I decided to come to you for help” the nurse finished looking at Twilight in hopes that Celestia’s famous student might hold the answer to her problem.

“Hyrule, Hyrule, Hyrule hmm” Twilight began to ponder “I definitely don’t remember it off-hoof but I might have information about it somewhere in the library”

Spike hearing the name of the so called home of the mysterious new patient, he had just entered the room with some cups of coffee for the shaking nurse and Twilight, suddenly went pale.

“D-did you say H-Hyrule?!?!” the poor drake asked beginning to turn a faint lavender instead of his normal dark purple.

“Why yes Spike I did why is there a problem. Oh my Spike what’s wrong you look so pale!” Twilight said shocked by the dragons sudden color change.

“Well, Twilight I umm recently got a book about humans, a fairy tale really, from Lyra, she had a few copies since she’s so obsessed about humans and she gave me a copy for the library” Spike said starting to ramble on a bit “ and I was very bored so I started to read it. And it well it wasaboutapersonnamedLinkwhohadanepicadventureinalandcalledHyruleandIstartedtowritemyownversionaboutmeandRarity!”

“I’m sorry Spike I didn’t catch that last part what did you say?” Twilight asked confused by the poor drake’s rapid changing skin tone that was now the light pink he became when he was greatly embarrassed.

“I said that the book was about a person named Link who had done an epic adventure in a land called Hyrule and” here Spike hesitated but Twilight motioned for him to continue “I might have written a version of it involving me and Rarity”

Twilight who was just close enough to hear this chuckled well naturally “Oh Spike you don’t need to be embarrassed about that but can you please go get the book so we can head off to the Hospital and try to sort fact from fiction ok?” Twilight asked with a kind smile.

Spike, relieved to no longer being questioned, left to go get the book that Twilight so badly needed.

“Do you really think that the book Spike has might have any facts in it?” Nurse Caring questioned Twilight.

“I don’t know Nurse Caring but there are too many coincidences between the book and what your new patient has said for us to ignore” Twilight stated a determined look in her eyes.

A short while later Spike, Twilight, and Nurse Caring arrived at the Hospital near the center of Ponyville. As they entered the Hospital Nurse caring left them in the lobby while she went to get them visitor passes and make sure nothing had happened while she was at the library.

“Well good news Twilight he is still asleep from when I left and hasn’t stirred but he is no longer in danger of dying like he was when he arrived” Nurse Caring said with a bright smile “So here are yours and Spikes visitor passes so you can come in and see him”

“That’s great Nurse Caring I’m very eager to meet this ‘Link’ fellow I have so many things to ask him especially if he really is the same Link from spikes book. You know I was reading it while we were waiting and he sounds really interesting and extremely powerful for a human with no magic.” Twilight said beginning to “egghead out” as Rainbow Dash would say.

“Really Twilight that does sound amazing” Nurse Caring said nodding as her eyes began to glaze over from boredom thanks to twilights speech. Spike seeing this and deciding that he should do his best to keep the medical personnel alive made the brave decision to stop Twilights rant.

“Umm hey Twilight” Spike spoke up “instead of talking about it here how about we go and talk to him in person to see if it is true or not that way you can check your theories.”

“Why you are absolutely correct Spike why waste time theorizing when I can go prove it quick come on Spike and Nurse Caring I must see him. Which room is he in?” Twilight said shocked by her lack of insight about this.

“Well umm…” Nurse Caring stammered shocked out of her stupor “he is in room number 32 in the Main Wing” she said shooting Spike an appreciative glance thanking him for his quick save.

“Ok let’s go hopefully he will be awake when we get there!” Twilight said nearly shouting only to be shushed by many Doctors and Nurses “whoops sorry about that” Twilight replied sheepishly.

Link never really wanted much just some peace and quiet and maybe for Hyrule to not be attacked by a new or reoccurring evil every year or so and maybe time for him to recover after each epic journey and maybe a kiss or two from Princess Zelda. What he didn’t expect or want was to go to a normally routine and annual battle with Gannondorf like normal and get his butt defeated and sent to a strange world inhabited by, of all things, PONIES or to be able to talk for the first time in his life normally Navi did the talking for him or that one time with Midna and the other time he had Navi’s Cousin Tatl helping him. He also did not expect to be taken to a hospital to recover only to be rudely disturbed by a purple pony with a horn on her head, a purple dragon, and the tan unicorn from earlier but that’s what happened whether he wanted or expected it or not.

“So it’s this room right…. Oh you were right Nurse Caring he most definitely is not a pony” these were the words that woke Link up out of his troubled sleep. He opened his eyes only to groan for there instead of the ponies that had been coming in and out to check on him it was the tan unicorn he met when he first woke up, and she had brought others ‘oh joy’ Link thought ‘company.’

“Twilight I said you had to be quiet you might wake him up and he really needs his sleep to recover correctly.” That was that nice tan unicorn he met originally Link realized he had earlier asked one of the other ponies her name and been told it was Nurse Caring. Therefore he guessed the purple one who just woke him up must be Twilight. Link opened his eyes and slowly sat up.

“Umm Twilight” the small purple dragon on ‘Twilight’s’ back said tugging on her mane

“What is it Spike?” Twilight said

‘So’ Link mused ‘Spike must be the name of the dragon on Twilight’s back’

“You might want to look behind you. Like right now” Spike said nearing panic as Link reached his full height, well his full height sitting down that is, Spike continued to tug on Twilight’s mane.

“Ow Spike your starting to hurt m…..” Twilight stopped suddenly as she looked behind her to reprimand Spike only to see the source of his terror and discomfort. “Umm Nurse Caring” Twilight called out into the hallway never looking away from Link “I think he’s awake.”

“…. And that’s how I ended up here” Link said finishing his narrative. After Twilight and Spike got used to how large and imposing Link looked they were able to talk about his past.

“So this book is entirely true?” Twilight questioned passing ‘this book’ towards Link; it was labeled ‘The Legends of Hyrule’s Savior’.

“Yes” Link replied “Strangely enough that is the exact account of both my quests to save Hyrule and those of my ancestors whose memories I have within me as well.

“That’s brilliant” Twilight said merrily studiously taking notes on the entire conversation while Spike sat there and stared at Link in awe. Link had become a role model for Spike just by reading the book and now here was Spike’s role model and personal hero sitting before him real and alive. Link was a person whom Spike thought was just a fairy tale and that what Link had done was impossible yet here was Link who admitted to doing all those things and even said some were greatly exaggerated he didn’t brag and say he was a hero he let his actions speak for themselves, he was a true hero without even trying.

“Well” yawned Twilight “Spike and I should be heading home but can we come visit you tomorrow?”

“Actually” interrupted a Doctor before Link could respond “we will be discharging Mr. Link here in an hour”

“What!” Twilight said instantly waking up

“Well yes” said the Doctor “he is perfectly healthy and is only taking up space here in our hospital space that could be used elsewhere so we are discharging him with a clean bill of health.”

“But where will he go” Spike asked desperately curious.

“That” said the Doctor with an air of finality “is Mr. Link’s problem not ours we tend to the sick not the perfectly healthy”

“Oh dear what to do oh what to do” Twilight muttered as she paced back and forth in the cramped room

Spike seeing a way to learn more about this great hero and a way to also allow Twilight to learn more from Link as well decided to speak up. “Hey Twilight I have a good idea” Spike stated.

“Ok and what is your idea Spike” Twilight asked feeling very nervous about this new problem.

“Well we recently had the library expanded and we have some large and empty rooms that could easily fit Link and I bet we could extend a bed in order to fit him.” Spike said excitedly hoping that his idea was a good one.

“Well Spike that’s a uh …… THAT’S A GREAT IDEA SPIKE!!!” Twilight cried excitedly. Spike smiled brightly pleased at the acceptance of his idea.

“What do you think Link would that be ok with you?” Twilight asked hopefully.

Link’s only response was a smile and a nod of his head.

Author's Note:

Ok everyone now that this is up i am already working on chapter 4 "Meet the Royals" so hold tight i wont be too long. ALSO DON'T FORGET TO GIVE ME YOUR FEEDBACK PLEASE!! Your feedack really helps me with writing these chapters.