• Published 3rd Feb 2014
  • 2,342 Views, 136 Comments

The Fall of Link - Mr Zelda C Brony

Link always wins and defeats the bad guy in the end right but what if link loses for once and ganondorf rules and link is to be sent to the void like ganondorf normally is. but something happens and he lands in equestria instead wounded and lost.

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Chapter 5 "Dealings in the Dark"

Author's Note:

So yeah I made a new chapter! I know i sure took my time but let this all remind you... I NEED YOUR INPUT TO DO THESE QUICKLY OK!?!? Ok.
So yea hope you all enjoy it and give me INPUT! so I can finish the next one faster, hopefully.

-Equestria 2 days before Link’s arrival-

Deep within the gardens of Canterlot castle there laid statues that no sculptor would ever create…. Some are strange at best, while others look surprisingly normal... these statues are those whom have been imprisoned in stone by The Elements of Harmony. They are also some of the most dangerous creatures in all of Equestrian history, and are great threats to the peace that all ponykind has come to know. Very few ponies visited them and all hoped they would stay imprisoned forever…. But one of them, was starting to crack.

Discord stretched, knocking the few remaining pieces of stone off of him with a little yawn. He casually stretched out his giant lion’s paw and magically poofed up a calendar so that he could check the day and year.

“Well, well, well…” Discord mumbled to himself “seems those girls had me locked in stone for a few months, how naughty of them” he was smiling slightly now.

Discord then began to walk towards the garden’s entrance so as to stretch his two tired legs. Halfway to the entrance, well really it was about to be his exit. He spotted a strange floating ball of energy, this time fissure glowed with a pulsing white light and stayed there floating mere inches from him.

“Well now, this is different” said Discord thoroughly puzzled.

He then walked up to it and tentatively touched it with a single griffon claw, and vanished along with the time fissure itself. Hours later the Royal Guard would discover the issue of Discord no longer on his podium and would immediately report it to Princess’ Celestia and Luna, but since Discord had caused no trouble, a trait that was unusual when it came to him, they decided to keep the matter between themselves.

Through the mysterious fissure lay a hole in both space and time, and in this hole was a box… and a newly added god of chaos of course. The box was not just any box, it was a blue box. A blue police box to be exact, it looked as if it was fresh off the streets of old London. But this was not an old London era Police box, this was a T.A.R.D.I.S, a Time And Relative Dimension In Space, and it was being driven by a man known to many as “The Doctor”. Inside the T.A.R.D.I.S many lights began to blink and flicker in random patterns causing the Doctor to frown as he glanced at his readings and instruments.

“That’s not right,” the Doctor muttered as he kicked the T.A.R.D.I.S., “that’s not right at all!”

“What’s wrong Doctor?” questioned Derpy

“There’s something else in the Time Vortex,” the Doctor said, puzzled.

“What do you mean something else is there,” Derpy asked, thoroughly confused about what he was talking about.

The Doctor responded, “Well, you see the time vortex is what we travel in. It’s basically a combination of time and space energy. When we enter it we travel along a line of energy to a certain point. Sometimes minuscule amounts of other energies enter with us, but this energy is huge! It’s almost like a creature entered the vortex, but it wouldn’t survive without having the ability to control a certain energy.”

“Sure…” Derpy said still confused, “Let’s just pretend I know what you’re talking about.”

“It’s a hole from multiple points in time to another,” the Doctor said simply. “Well, I might as well contain the energy.”

“Doctor, why would you do that?” Derpy asked

“Because I believe it’s my job to keep the time vortex in good condition,” the Doctor explained.

The Doctor started pushing buttons, which looked random to everyone else, even Time Lords. While the Doctor was pushing buttons and pulling levers, the chaotic energy was being pulled towards the T.A.R.D.I.S., until it started resisting. The energy was so strong that it started shaking the T.A.R.D.I.S., until it knocked Derpy into the control panel.

“I’m sorry Doctor. I just don’t know what went wrong.” Derpy said sadly.

“It’s ok Derpy, nothing is broken.” The Doctor said while checking his controls. “The energy did escape somehow. It looks like it went to another dimension, strange.”

“How is that strange, don’t we do that all the time?” Derpy asked.

“We travel through time, not dimensions and it’s not easy in the real world. It used to be easy, when the Time Lords kept their eye on everything. You could pop between realities, and be home in time for tea.” The Doctor shuddered and continued, “Then they died and took it all with them. The walls of reality closed, the worlds were sealed, and everything became a bit less kind.”

“Oh, I didn’t know.” Derpy responded

The Doctor whispered to himself, “I didn’t have a choice. They would have destroyed everything.”

As he said this, a cloud begin to form in the T.A.R.D.I.S. and it started raining, but what came from it wasn’t water.

“Why is it raining in here?” The doctor tasted the rain and said, “Wait! This is chocolate milk! How can a cloud rain chocolate milk? Is that cloud made of cotton candy?”

“Oh wow! I’ve seen something like this about a year ago.” Derpy responded.

“Really?” The Doctor said as he used his sonic screwdriver to make the cloud disappear. “Oh well. That’s that.”

“So, Doctor.” Derpy asked, “Where are we going?”

“Oh, right!” The Doctor said happily. “We’re going to the fall of Equestria!”

“Wait! What?” Derpy yelled.

“Allons-y!” The Doctor yelled as the T.A.R.D.I.S. disappeared from the time vortex, vanishing into a different time period.

Approximately 2 weeks before the stories beginning

Discord stumbled to his feet after shooting from thin air and into a nearby sand dune.

“Well, that was different” Discord said as he brushed himself off looking around into the darkened desert he was in.
Suddenly there was the sound of a horse galloping towards him with a large plume of dust behind it.

“Oh great” Discord said frowning “Celestia’s already found me and sent in the Calvary” Discord chuckled “Calvary, get it!?” he said

(Far away in another dimension and world a poor writer face palmed at the bad pun he had just typed and wondering why he had)

Then the horse appeared.

“One?” Discord questioned “Celestia sent only ONE of her guards to capture me?!? Oh this is too funny!”

Then a deep menacing voice boomed from the darkness.

“Who are you who laugh in my desert? Are you a creature sent by the goddess’ to defy me and ruin my plans?” the voice questioned, dark and menacing.

“Oh?” Discord said as he stood “Now what would you have planned that would cause a Goddess to stand against you? Also who are you because you don’t look like a lackey of Celestia, or Luna’s for that matter?”

“I am Ganondorf, Lord of Darkness and King of the Gerudos, and I will soon rule this world!” the voice bellowed into the night “and this time, in this incarnation I shall be victorious and that foolish HERO shall not defeat me again!”

“Well that sounds like fun,” Discord said a smile beginning to form “I too know how it feels to have domination snatched from your grasp, perhaps I can help you succeed since I seem to be trapped in this new world.”

Now Discord was not really a bad person at heart all he truly wanted was a life of FUN but he had been hurt and mocked many times by Celestia, and now her student with her ‘friends’ so it is understandable that he would have some resentment. So he decided to help someone else and try his hand at some more serious evil, perhaps that strange glowing thing had been a sign, perhaps this was his destiny. Whatever the case Discord had committed himself, and Discord ALWAYS kept his promises and followed his commitments.

3 hours before the battle

Ganondorf was ready, he was prepared. He had rapidly made preparations with the strange creature he had met that night two weeks ago, and in that time the creature had shown him new ways to use magic and his forces. In that time, Ganondorf had something he could call a… friend? Yes ‘friend’ summed up what Discord had become to him, and now all their preparations were in place. Today, he would be victorious!

Discord had enchanted Ganondorf’s weapons, armor, and horse. They were ready. According to their spies, Link was riding hard to the castle and would arrive within the hour, then the dungeons and traps would weaken him and lower his supplies before the real fight would begin. Discord estimated that it would take Link close to two hours to arrive to where Ganondorf and his location. Then the real fun would begin.

15 minutes before the battle
Link’s PoV
Exit of the Dungeon

Link lowered his shield to protect himself as the Bomb exploded destroying the remains of the final Stalfos in his way. Then the Boss Chest appeared in front of him.

He walked forward and opened the chest retrieving the Boss Key within. He walked over to the final door and the lock fell to the floor with a loud thump leaving an imprint in the floor, behind the door lay a set of stairs.

Link sighed ‘more stairs, GREAT!’ he thought sarcastically.

His legs burned from adventuring through this dungeon. Navi had said they had been in here almost two hours now and Link was feeling it.

‘Hopefully I can catch Ganondorf taking a nap from boredom like I did last time, then I can end this quickly’ Link thought smiling slightly.

“C’mon Link, let’s go! Hyrule won’t save itself now will it?” Navi said as chipper as ever.

As Link arrived at the top he found Ganondorf very much awake.

‘Should have expected as much, it’s not like that lock came off quietly’ Link thought grimly.

“Ah Link, so we meet again!” Ganondorf said grinning evilly.

Link sighed and pulled out his prompt cards. “Yeah just like all the other times, dummy” read the card.

“Oh…. Well THIS TIME I SHALL WIN!” Ganondorf said triumphantly.

“Not if I stop you, again, like always...” read the next card.

“Oh shut up.” Ganondorf grumbled.

“I didn’t say a word -.-.” read the card.

“How come these are already written out?” Ganondorf asked puzzled.

“You say the same thing every time, same with Zelda and almost everyone else in this silly world….” Read the final card.

“Oh yeah…. You know I never really noticed before” Ganondorf mumbled “Well anyways let’s get this fight started.”

Link’s only response was to draw his sword and to bring out his shield.

“Yeah” said Navi “that’s the spirit Link, as long as we’re together we can beat ANYTHING!”

Then a bird swooped down from nowhere and put Navi in a jar, and it all went downhill from there.

Comments ( 39 )

Heyy best friend! I love your story!! It's the best one on here I bet!! Love you! See you at school!

Ok this story is magnificent.. Unbelievable Infact. Just sort of confusing with the skippiness. Just some advice for my BFF :)

Comment posted by Peaceprincess deleted Oct 27th, 2014

Oh dear... She found me!!!! QUICK TO THE ESCAPE PODS!!
Ummm we don't have anymore...
WHAT? Why not?
We sold them so we could get a vending machine and a Slurpee/Milkshake Machine!
Cause you blew up the last one!
oh yeah.... that was an accident...


Who blew it up? And I'm in science class laughing lol. I love you!!

5192815 Orange of course!
Yeah and he also framed me!
You just revealed your ENTIRE SCHEME!!!


Tell me about this plan. I just must know...
What is it that the plot could be.....

5193065 Plan?
LOL She thinks we have a plan!
Well actually..... I have a plan.


5192913 Orange this isn't Town of Salem no framing!

5197299 How did he know!?!?
Ummm idk.

Comment posted by Peaceprincess deleted Oct 28th, 2014

as long as you do not betray me, we are good. cya bro. yo gravy. .. do not tell brony wat i told ya at lunch while he was gone cleaning up his... accident. also i told the girl that did it to you that its not cool. not gonna say real names on here. love you bye :)

Honestly call it what it was YOUKNOWWHO spilt chocolate milk on MY PANTS!!! THAT SPOT WAS THERE FOR THE ENTIRE DAY!!!
and what thing at lunch? :ajbemused: did you all plan for that to happen so you could have a secret conversation without me????



Aww :)
I love you bro...
no we were not plotting to get you to leave. your presence makes me feel full of joy. want a poem? okay!!!

Your friendship fills my heart sir,
your presence warms my soul bro,
with you I am a white flower in a meadow and you the sun shining.
love and peace :)
Amen amen i say to you. cya lata bro

5201563 O.o
ok then.....
*pulls open a travel Brochure* where can we afford to escape to?
ummm we can only afford to go to this place called "The Nether of Real Life!"


Ohhhhh I want to go...
Is it like a beach? or something??
Also I don't know why your words hit me so hard but i will consider it. what we talked about at lunch and such...

Comment posted by Peaceprincess deleted Oct 30th, 2014
Comment posted by Peaceprincess deleted Oct 30th, 2014

Hey it's ok! What I said was a suggestion for you to consider at your leisure I was in no way attempting to force you to change... I do think you should try it but as I said only you can choose your life's path, and YOU and ONLY YOU hold the reigns that control you.
So the choice is yours and no one not even me can force you to choose!
Also just another suggestion but.... this site has a PM feature for the more personal stuff..... that might be a better place to talk about this instead of letting ANYONE read it.....


5637416 OMG..... A COMMENT!!! I had almost forgotten my own story!!! OMG!
Oh, and of course he never talked before! The most Link communicates to the rest of the LoZ world is smiles and nods. Everything else the other people just immediately know! I mean the only interaction that the Player rarely has during dialouges are to say "Yes" or "NO" to a specific question and if you say "NO" they repeat EVERYTHING and then ask you again until you say "YES" sooo yeah.... HEY! Maybe I should try writing some more of this! I still have the draft for the next chapter made I just need Ideas to help flesh it out! Any ideas from you?



I liked it, but there may need to be less detail. Try adding some 'color'.:twilightsmile:

5648816 Oh? O.o how would you suggest that? I'm new to this so constructive criticism is welcome!


There are some run-on sentences, also try to avoid really long paragraphs, as I find that I tend to skip through those. Try to describe the places he goes more, and don't always say 'said...' because that just makes it boring. Also, facial expressions. Those can add so much to a world.

5649094 Yeah now that you mention it I do the same thing with long paragraphs. I also have a bad problem with run-on sentences.... also do you know how hard it is to think up new ways to say "said" huh..... maybe I should go get myself a thesaurus.
Also if you want i would love a co-author or at least another proof-reader! The more the merrier!


I've been writing for a long time, and I have also been reading for even longer. I know what to do or not do.

I is smart. S-M-R-T

Oh great sensei Share with me your wisdom.


Sure! I love writing and I have that special ability to think up what to write instantly.

Wait...send me the URL just to double-check.

Not that I doubt myself:rainbowderp:

I love it so far more please:heart:

6044971 too true... That's why I had the idea of the note cards!


i really like it so far:twilightsmile:

keep up the good work:pinkiesmile:

...but what if link loses for once and ganondorf rules...

Hyrule Hystoria has an answer to that question.

6498903 I know -.- but I hadn't seen that until AFTER I first started this story...


6051349 the note cards are genius so bravo bravo looking forward to the next chapter.:rainbowlaugh::trollestia:

7514776 Wow.. umm, thanks!! Any desires/suggestions are welcome!


Leave the video games alone!

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