• Published 11th Jan 2014
  • 3,902 Views, 6 Comments

The Beatles Radio - Darth Atrox

Twilight invents a machine to listen to The Beatles.

  • ...

In which Twilight is very Prudent *EDIT*

This is a work of total fiction, made entirely for entertainment purposes. No money is gained from the production of this prose.

"What exactly do you think Twilight wants us for?" Complained Rainbow Dash. "I've got some sick tricks I want to try out today!" She emphasized her exclamation with a midair loop-d-loop.

"Whoa there, partner." Said Applejack. "I'm sure that whatever it is, it's very important to her."

Pinkie Pie audibly gasped.

"What if she's made contact with an alien race who've accidentally been transported to our universe, or a Master of some galactic religious-warrior sect has been stranded on our planet, or a poor alien has been enslave by a cruel pony, or a pair of young lovers get stranded on an island far away from here, or---"

Rarity shoved a fore hoof in her talkative friends mouth.

"I'm sure none of that has happened, Pinkie Pie." Slowly, she removed her hoof the pink maned phenom and resumed her stride. "Twilight wouldn't have summoned us for absolutely no reason. You can mark my words, this will affect us all." She stated primly. "Don't you think so, Fluttershy?"

"Oh, I'm certain of it." Fluttershy quietly commented.

"Welp, here we are. Let's get this over with." Said Rainbow.

Rarity stepped forward and knocked on the Library door politely.

"Twilight, dear? We are here as requested." She said.

Slowly, the door creaked open revealing an exhausted looking Spike.

"Hello---" A deep yawn interrupted his greeting. "---everyone." He stepped back, allowing the quintet of mares inside the library. "Sorry about the mess. Twilight's been running me ragged." He yawned again.

"Oh, is my wittle Spikey-Wikey tired?" Cooed Rarity. "Why don't you let your friend Rarity tuck you in for a nice nap?" She offered. Surprisingly, Spike refused.

"No thanks Rarity. I want to be there for the demonstration." He said. Spike led them over to the basement.

"What exactly is going to be demonstrated, Spike?" Asked Fluttershy.

Spike gave them a knowing smile.

"You'll see." He said enigmatically.

The mares shared a worried look, but continued to follow the diminutive dragon down the stairs. Stepping into the larger room, the five mares immediately noticed their Princesses.

"Princess Celestia!? Princess Luna!?" They cried.

"I had no idea you two would be here." Said Applejack, who sank to her belly in reverence. He four comrades did the same.

"You may rise, my little ponies." Said Celestia. "Today, we are merely observers, like yourselves."

"Twilight Sparkle has summoned all of us, for a 'demonstration' as she has stated."

Rising from their stomachs, Rainbow Dash asked:

"What do you mean 'all of us'?"

"We're here too." Said a deep masculine voice. Turning around, looking near the stairs, they saw both Shining Armor and Princess Cadence.

"Darlings! How have you been? Is everything going well at the Crystal Empire?"

Cadence smiled.

"It's going well."

The nine ponies and singular dragon continued to exchange pleasantries, until a familiar voice interrupted them. Stepping out from behind a curtain, Twilight Sparkle her friends and princesses.

"Hello everyone." She said, smiling.

Immediately, everyone bombarded her with questions.

"Calm down, everypony. All of your questions will be answered." She said. "Thank you. Now, as I'm sure you all remember, months ago, we picked up a radio signal that was, putting it simply, out of this world."

She paused for dramatic effect.

"Anyway, after months of experimentation and research I have managed to build this!" Using her magic, she levitated a tarp off the nearby table. On it was a complicated-looking machine with various knobs and levers.

"Twilight? Could you tell us exactly what it is we're looking at?" Asked Princess Celestia.

"This," Twilight gestured to the machine. "Is an Interstellar Radio Receiver." She smirked as looks of realization dawned on the faces of her friends. "Using the star signal that arrived with the music, I keyed in the frequency on this machine to immediately hone in on any signal that originates from the same solar system as the original broadcast!"

"Twily...are you saying that you built a radio for...alien music?" Asked Shining Armor. Twilight nodded rapidly, proud of her accomplishment.

"How does it work?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Well, I built it to listen to only one frequency, so we just have to turn it on and listen to what comes up."

Immediately, everypony started arguing over who would be the first one to use the machine.

"Silence!" Cried Celestia. Everypony immediately stopped and looked at her. "Now, this was Twilight's invention. It's only fair that she uses it first. Only after do we decide who goes next, if anypony." She commanded. "Twilight, would you do the honors?"

"With pleasure, princess!" Twilight stepped over to the machine and flipped the 'on' switch. Slowly, she raised the volume and came up with static. Suddenly, the static was replaced by dead silence. Slowly, a stringed instrument became louder and louder.

Everypony listened to the note progression. They listened as it was joined by a singer and a bass line. As the music and singer picked up, they were joined by what sounded like drums and percussion.

Slowly, they began to sway with the music.

"Are they...harmonizing?" Asked Rarity.

Twilight nodded slowly.

After the first chorus, a second, more artificial sounding, stringed instrument joined the music.

"Dear Prudence! Won't you come out to play?" The ponies sang together.

Finally, the song ended and the ponies listened to the stringed instrument fade away into silence.

Then static.

Author's Note:

I hope people enjoy this story as they did the original. People have begged me for a sequel,and for some reason I decided that I wanted the ponies to listen to some more Beatles songs.

Don't expect future chapters to be as long.

I'm not saying they can't be, but don't expect it.

Comments ( 4 )

I want moar it good cwnt wait to see whats next,

when's the next chapter?

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