• Published 13th Jan 2014
  • 972 Views, 76 Comments

The Apple Ran Away With The Spoon - gwg

Can a former bully and an architect find love in each other? Silver Spoon and Apple Bloom will find out.

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Chapter 4

Author's Note:

I would recommend to all of you who are still reading this story to go back and get reacquainted with the story, and to possibly read 'My Inspiration' as there are references to that story. I am so sorry that this took so long but I hope this makes it up to you all who have been so patient.

Here it is: chapter 4

One Week After The Get Together

Silver was walking towards Bloom’s apartment some time before noon, since the architect had told her she would have a design ready for today; as she walked, she admired the scenery and enjoying such a beautiful day. Maybe Bloom and I can spend the day together after she gives me the design. Wouldn’t want to waste such a day like this. Ooohh, this day is going to be great.

She had reached the building and headed inside, stepping in the elevator to head up. She walked up to the door as usual and opened it without knocking, since Bloom had said she didn’t need to do so. Silver went in but could not find her friend. “Bloom? Are you here?”

“Ah’m upstairs in the shower. Ah’ll be out in a bit; sit and make yerself at home.” Bloom’s voice was muffled by the door to the bathroom and the sound of the shower running; because of her location, she could not see the blush the enveloped Silver’s entire face. Bloom had forgotten that Silver was coming over so early, so she figured a quick shower couldn’t hurt. She was nearly finished when Silver arrived, so there was no need to rush.

Downstairs in the living room section, Silver was sitting on the couch that had been bought for the architect, trying and failing to combat her blush. Why am I blushing so much? It’s just my friend...taking a shower...getting all wet and soapy...her hooves making sure everything is clean...her mane...her body...her flank...her m-NOT HELPING!! Now, just relax Silver Spoon; this isn’t the way you think about a friend. Friends don’t think about friends lathering up their sexy bod-STOP!! Just stop thinking about anything going on up there. You can do this. Stop thinking about your friend in that way. Confident that she was able to get a hold of herself, Silver was ill-prepared for the sight she was about to see.

Bloom walked down the stairs, a towel resting on her shoulders. Her mane was still wet and it was lacking the usual pink bow. Hips were swaying to a song that was going through her head, completely unaware of what she was doing to her friend on the couch whose blush had returned with a vengeance. By Celestia, she is beautiful. With her mane like that, she is driving me wild- What is wrong with me? You don’t think about friends in this way. Wait, I think she’s talking to me. “W-w-what were you saying?”

“Ah was askin’ if you were alright; ya kinda been sittin’ there lookin’ like a zombie. You ok now?”

“Heh heh, yeah I’m fine, really. Were you saying something before?”

“Well, Ah was askin’ if ya wouldn’t mind helpin’ me with mah bow. Ah could do it mahself but it’s easier if somepony else does the tyin’.” She handed the ribbon over to Silver then turned around to give the back of her head. The grey mare had to get close in order to fix up her friend's mane; the fact it was freshly shampooed was not helping her present condition. She decided to let the shampoo provide some conversation to ease the awkward silence.

"I was wondering: what shampoo do you use? It smells fantastic!"

"Ah can't pronounce the name of it; Ah think it's Prench or somethin'. Anyways, Rarity got it for me one year for mah birthday and Ah liked it. Ah think she gets it from that there spa run by them Lotus twins. Ah could pick ya a bottle next time Ah'm in Ponyville if ya like."

"No thanks, Bloom. I have my own shampoo that I like to use. I do like your shampoo though; the scent compliments you.” Silver thought herself fortunate that Bloom wasn’t looking at her; otherwise she would have seen the blushing. She did not need to keep the conversation going as she finished her task at just that moment, providing the opportunity to get down to business. “There, all done. So, you have a design for me?”

“Eeyup, Ah do have a design fer ya. Jus’ give me a moment an’ Ah’ll go get it.” The architect headed over to her work station where the design was sitting on her work desk. She came back to the couch with a look that said she was pleased with herself. “Ah have a good feelin’ about this one; if she doesn’t like it then she doesn’t have taste.” Before she took her seat on the couch, Bloom felt the need to stretch, first bringing her front half low to the ground with her rear in the air followed by bringing her front forward, stretching out her spine and hind legs. She was completely unaware of what this display was doing to her friend, whose face was imitating her brother’s coat color. In order to hide her embarrassment, Silver ran to the half-bath, separating herself from the source of her discomfort. What is she doing to me?! It’s almost like she is doing it all on purpose. Everything she is doing is just fueling this ache...ache? What day is it…? Oh, horsefeathers! I can’t believe that of all the possible times this could happen, now is when I go into heat! That explains everything, but it doesn’t make it any less embarrassing. I need to get out of here as soon as possible, lest I make a fool of myself. With the situation fully understood, she rejoined her friend and unwitting tormentor on the couch, hoping to just retrieve what she came for and get to someplace safe.

“Sorry about that, I really had to use the facilities. I’ll just take this design over to Diamond Tiara and I will see you later.” Grabbing the design and placing it in her saddlebag, she headed to the door hoping that she was home free. All such hope was lost when the architect spoke.

“You don’t have tah leave so soon; it looks like a beautiful day out, maybe we can hang out around town?”

“I can’t really; I need to get this to her as soon as possible.”

“Ya said so yerself that Ah don’t have deadlines. Ah’m sure the boss can wait another day tah get it. Come on, there’s this movie Ah wanted tah see fer a while and if’n we leave now we can catch a matinee.” Silver was unable to make any argument as she was pulled onto the elevator by strong olive-yellow hooves. Maybe I can hide my condition for a little while and hope nopony notices.


The two mares had made their way to the movie theater in the capital city, buying the tickets with ease. As they were waiting in the line for the concession stand, Bloom was looking at the displays for combos and Silver looking at Bloom. Once they made it to the front where Bloom placed the order for both of them.

“Ah’d like a number one combo please.”

“The large popcorn with two medium sodas? What would you like for drinks?”

“Ah’ll have the regular cola. Silver?”

“Um, I guess I’ll have the cherry cola please.” The two waited for their snack and beverages before it was time to pay; Silver began to reach into her saddlebag but Bloom beat her to it by placing her bits on the counter. As they took their items, they headed towards the designated auditorium, finding seats near the back so they wouldn’t have to worry about ponies behind them. The previews hadn’t even begun yet so Silver thought it was appropriate to speak. “I could have paid for this; you didn’t have to do that.”

“Yer right, Ah didn’t but Ah wanted to. Ah was the one who wanted to see this movie, so it’s only fair that Ah pay. If it’s really botherin’ ya, Ah guess you can pay for dinner later, ok?”

“Alright, I guess that’s fair. So what is this movie about?”

“Ah’m not sure; Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo saw this on one of their dates not too long ago. Scoots said that Ah’d probably like it so Ah decided Ah wanted tah see it. Didn’t wanna go by mahself though, so here we are.”

“So why did Scootaloo like it? And why did they see this as part of a date?”

“Well, Scoots was sayin’ that there was a lot of action in this movie and parts of it were funny. There were also some romantic bits that Sweetie enjoyed. Ah guess they went because it was somethin’ they both would enjoy; or maybe it’s ‘cause they just like doin’ things together, Ah’m not sure.”

As Bloom looked to the ceiling in thought, Silver could not help but study the head of her friend, her eyes, muzzle, and neck in particular. The flustered mare observed a certain twinkle in Bloom’s eyes when she was deep in thought, how she bit her bottom lip while she concentrated, and how the muscles in her neck tensed and relaxed as she tilted her head left and right. Being in a public place helped her from acting on her lecherous thoughts, but nothing was stopping her from having them, having given up trying to stop them earlier. I wonder what her eyes would look like when her mind is clouded with lust. Will she bite her lip like that if I do something to one of her sensitive spots? Would kissing and biting her neck cause that effect? I don’t know if I can control myself all day. As the lights dimmed she became thankful that she would have something else to focus on and turned to face the screen instead of the mare next to her.

The film was about a Royal Guard recruit trying to make a name of himself in order to be famous and hopefully catching the attention of a mare he had feelings for. His comical wit earned him more trouble than praise, however, and he thought that he wouldn’t make it as a guard. Before he could quit however, changelings invaded Canterlot, taking part of the fighting in order to save his city and the mare he loved. Though he wasn’t influential in stopping the invasion, his deeds did not go unrewarded.

Silver would have enjoyed this movie, had she been paying attention; she had spent most of the film distracted by an earlier incident. During a rather intense fight scene between the lead and another recruit, Silver had went to grab a hoofful of popcorn at the same time as the architect. Their hooves touched briefly, but for Silver it felt like time had stopped; she felt a gentle warmth radiating off of Blooms hoof, a small movement that felt like a little caress. Bloom apologized and said that Silver could go first, whereas Silver simply nodded and complied, fearful that her voice would crack embarrassingly. Throughout the rest of the film she kept shifting her attention to the mare next to her, resisting the urge to jump her. It became nearly unbearable when near the end of the movie the love interest kissed the stallion that had saved her life; in Silver’s condition, however, she imagined that the kissing ponies were replaced with her and Bloom. She was grateful that the darkened theater hid her lit up face; as the credits began to roll, Silver felt as though she needed a distraction. Perhaps discussing the movie would provide her with one.

"I can see that Scootaloo would like that, but I'm not so sure Sweetie Belle would have." Silver began, hopeful that it would distract Bloom long enough for her to get her blush under control.

"Yea, Ah think Sweetie may have lied to Scoots so as not to upset her." Bloom looked rather uncomfortable, fidgeting in her seat. "Ya've been here in Canterlot for some time now, ya know of any good parks we can go to? Ah feel rather cramped in here and Ah haven't found any good places yet."

"Well, there's the hedge maze by the castle; I tend to go there when I need some air. You should remember it, we went there for a field trip before Discord was released.”

“Ya mean before me and the other crusaders released him with our fightin’.” Bloom shook her head at the unpleasant memory; she always felt horrible whenever she and her friends fought, and still hadn’t gotten over the events of last week, which wasn’t the worst example. Still, the mention of the hedge maze lifted her spirits. “That sounds like a lot of fun though. Let’s go before it becomes evenin’ and then we can get dinner.”


The two earth pony mares stood at the entrance of the infamous hedge maze that once broke the elements of harmony temporarily, but instead of dread they anticipated that they were going to have a relaxing stroll through the formation. They couldn’t have been further from the truth.

“Wow, it’s been years since Ah’ve been here! Though that could be cause Ah didn’t come to Canterlot that much when Ah was younger.” Bloom stated as she gazed upon the maze in awe, wondering if she could incorporate something similar in a later design; though that would have to wait until the commission for Diamond Tiara was finished. A lot of things would have to be put on hold for that to finish.

“I thought you were in Canterlot for the royal wedding years ago. In fact, I remember that Diamond Tiara was immensely jealous of the fact that you three were able to go to the wedding.”

“Ah doubt she was jealous of nearly being changeling chow. Yeah, me and the other crusaders were the flower fillies fer the ceremony and we got tah spend a few days in Canterlot because of it, but we were too busy to do anythin’ really, what with gettin’ our dresses fitted and taste testin’ AJ’s food. Mah sis had more opportunities tah come here than Ah did.” Bloom looked as if she was in a trance, thinking back to her fillyhood and her adventures with the crusaders. “Ah’ve only been here that one time back when we were in school. Do ya come here often?”

“Every once in awhile, I do. I mostly like to come during Spring and Summer, but it’s nice during the Fall, too. I didn’t realize how much earth ponies need nature around them in order to feel comfortable until I came here. In Ponyville, nature is just all around us; you don’t realize how comforting it is until you don’t have it all the time.” Silver took in a deep breath, basking in what may be the last warm day before Fall really settled in. “Well, we should get in there and enjoy it before it becomes too late.”

The two mares entered the maze with no difficulty. Since the fate of Equestria didn’t depend on them reaching the center of the maze, they were free to just observe the scenery. Bloom was contemplating how the addition of hedge mazes could improve the appearance of a building, wondering if that would make it more inviting. Silver was admiring the statues that were placed throughout the maze, hoping their design would distract her from her thoughts. It did indeed provide her with a distraction; she was so distracted that she failed to notice that she got separated from her friend.

As Silver ventured through the maze, she began to notice that the statues were starting to have a common theme. Where once the statues featured only one subject, now there were two, and it was always two mares. Each statue showed a scene in a budding relationship, from the two becoming friends till in the end where they were lovers. This did not help Silver’s condition, especially since the last statue featured one mare wearing a bow on her head while the other was wearing glasses. As her legs rubbed together subconsciously, she began to hear a mischievous chuckle that seemed to come from the statue itself.

“Is somepony getting a little hot under the collar?” The mysterious voice asked before chuckling louder. “I must admit that while your condition must be very uncomfortable, and the fact that you are having these thoughts for your friend even more so, I find it quite entertaining.”

“W-w-who are you?” Silver wasn’t sure if she was more worried about something reading her thoughts or that Bloom might overhear.

“Let’s just say that I’m a concerned citizen who strives to make sure things don’t get too boring around here.” The chuckling continued, making Silver feel more and more uncomfortable.

“Show yourself!” Silver demanded, though her flustered state didn’t make her sound all that intimidating.

“As you wish, but you may decide that you were better off talking to a statue than conversing with me; stronger ponies than you have gone mad doing so.” The voice responded as the statue began to shift. Where once was a statue of two lovers now stood an amalgamation of different creatures; it had the paw of a lion, the talon of an eagle, the foot of a reptile, a hoof, tail like a dragon, one wing was feathered like a bird while the other was leathery like a bat, on its head were the antlers of a goat and a deer. Its most distinguishing features however was its yellow eyes with red pupils and its long fang that rested outside of its maw. The creature was immediately recognized by the flustered pony and she found that she agreed with its earlier statement; she wished she was still talking to the statue.


“The one and only. I do so love the look on ponies faces when they meet me for the first time; always reminds me of the good old days.” The lord of chaos wiped a tear from his eyes with a tissue that appeared out of nowhere; or it seemed to be a tissue at first glance, until Silver realized it was one of Apple Bloom's designs that Diamond Tiara rejected.

“Hey! Don’t do that, Bloom worked very hard on that!” The deity stopped his mistreatment of the design as he snapped it from existence.

“Now I wonder why you care so much about that. I know she’s your friend and that you wouldn’t mind a roll in the hay with her”- Silver blushed deeply- “but that’s no reason to get so protective over something she worked on. I wonder if there is more going on than even you realize.”

“I don’t understand.” She was trying to piece together what Discord was saying, but it just added to her confusion.

“Perhaps there is something stirring within you that your lust addled brain can’t even comprehend now. Oh well, you’ll get it soon enough, or not. I’m sorry but as amusing as this conversation is, I’m going to have to cut it a little short; we have a guest coming and we wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise, now would we?” With a giddy smile he snapped his talons and the hedge behind him disappeared, shortly followed by Bloom coming into view and approaching them.

“There ya are Silver! Ah’ve been lookin’ all over fer ya!” Silver did not know why her heart rate sped up or why she was flattered to hear she was missed, though she didn’t get much of an opportunity to question it as Bloom came closer. “And Discord? What’re you doin’ here?”

“Hello to you too, Apple Bloom. This is one of my favorite places to entertain myself, livening up this otherwise dull maze. And how have you been, my little pony?”

“Ah’m alright, could be better.”

“Wait, why are you so familiar with him?” Silver couldn’t believe her eyes or her ears; Apple Bloom and Discord were chatting it up like they were old acquaintances.

“After he was reformed, he spent a lotta time in Ponyville with his ‘favorite ponies in Equestria’; aka mah sis and her friends.”

“During one of my happy visits, I had made dear Applejack and Rarity sick, an accident of course, and felt that I had to make it up to them. When I heard that they were going to be married, I offered to perform the service for them. During that time, me and Apple Bloom became the best of friends.” He said as he picked up the architect in a crushing hug.

“Yeah, ‘the best of friends’.” She deadpanned with a sarcastic roll of her eyes. “Can ya put me down now?” The lord of Chaos obliged her request before giving a wink to the still confused Silver.

“I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about your architecture lately; even Princess Luna is impressed.” Silver did not like the look of mischief on his face, but she felt helpless to stop him.

“Really?” Bloom’s ears stood at attention, clearly intrigued.

“Mhmm, in fact she was considering commissioning you to design a nightclub right here in Canterlot.” His grin grew wider even as Silver’s concern rose.

“Really?” Bloom’s tone clearly showed that she was excited; Silver would have noted how cute her wagging tail was if she wasn’t worried about what would happen next.

“Yep, and you would be working on it right now…” He paused as he watched her excitement peak, “...if she hadn’t lost that bet.” And with that, Bloom visibly deflated. Silver hardly noticed that her inappropriate thoughts had been completely silenced as she looked at the dejected mare next to her.

“W-w-what?” Bloom was heart broken, that job would have meant that she wouldn’t have to worry about Granny’s spending in Las Pegasus. Instead she was here, dealing with the queen of all brats.

“Yep, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I thought you should know.” Silver had no idea as to why Discord winked at her again; no inkling of the scheme he put in motion. “Well, I would love to stay and chat but I have a meeting with the royal sisters I must attend to, something about a wedding I believe it was. Now Silver Spoon, why don’t you go and get poor little ol’ Apple Bloom some dinner to cheer her up, it looks like she could use it right about now. TTFN.” With a snap of his fingers he was gone and the two mares were sitting outside the maze once more. Silver was about to try to understand what had just happened but a sniffle from her friend brought her back to the situation at hoof and that she had to act fast.

“Come on Bloom, I know of a restaurant nearby that you will like.” Silver gave a hopeful smile to the distraught mare along with a hoof to help her up. Bloom gave a dejected sigh before responding.



The restaurant was a bit fancier than the cafe they normally frequented, but not as fancy as the high class restaurants in the city so they were able to have a relaxing meal. This allowed Silver to focus on raising Bloom’s spirits; but first she had to get to the root of the problem.

“So why did Discord’s words make you upset? Did what he say really bother you so much?” Silver asked as their drinks arrived, feeling that as they waited for their food to arrive it would be the perfect time to talk about this. Apple Bloom let out a sigh, not wanting to talk about this. In fact she didn’t feel like eating right now, but she knew that Silver meant well and was concerned; so she decided she would talk about it, even if it did upset Silver. Bloom was surprised how much that meant to her.

“He just...hit a raw nerve. Normally, Ah can ignore him, like everypony else since most of the time he can be real annoyin’; but sometimes, like he was today, he can be a real asshole. He knew just what to say to get to me. This job Ah’m doin’ for y’all sucks; while the pay allows me to manage my problem, the job for Princess Luna would have made it non-existent. And Ah can’t work on any other projects while Ah’m working for Tiara or Ah’d be in breach of contract.”

“Oh, I forgot about that part of the contract, sorry.”

“It’s fine, that’s normal procedure in mah usual contracts. It’s just never been an issue before. Like Ah have so many design ideas for other potential projects; Ah don’t want to be canned fer working on something else, so Ah have to put them on hold. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are practically livin’ together now so Ah was gonna surprise them with their own home that Ah designed for their anniversary, but Ah can’t if’n it costs me a job.”

“Hey, I have no problem with you doing that. In fact, the only pony that would have an issue with that would be Diamond Tiara and she doesn’t check on you, I do. I have no issue with you working on side projects, just as long as you remember to work on this.” Bloom’s eyes brightened a little at this, before she showed concern.

“Are ya sure Ah wouldn’t be in breach of contract?” Silver waved a dismissive hoof.

“Don’t you worry your pretty head about it, my dear Bloom; I’ll make sure nothing happens.” Silver was hopeful that Bloom didn’t catch that little slip, and was relieved to see that Bloom seemed unaffected by it.

“Thanks. Ah just wish Ah didn’t have to take this job.”

“What do you mean?” Silver’s heart had pulsed painfully at the thought of Bloom being unhappy here, unhappy with her.

“If the job for Luna was available, Ah wouldn’t have been here, Ah wouldn’t be working for that brat, Ah wouldn’t have-”

“-Become friends with me.” Silver interrupted, her tone demonstrating how she was on the verge of tears.

“No no, that isn’t what Ah was gonna say. In fact you are the best part of this whole experience; you’re like the silver lining in all this.” Bloom lightly chuckled at that, though she was curious as to why there was a slight fluttering in her chest as she said those words. Silver sniffled a couple times before wiping at her face, hoping to hide her heated cheeks, before she spoke.

“Thanks, that means a lot to hear you say that. And I have been thinking of changing my name to Silver Lining since Silver Spoon has such a negative connotation.”

“A name doesn’t define a pony and neither does a cutie mark. The only thing that defines you are yer actions, and your actions show that yer a good pony.”

“Thanks Bloom. Well it looks like our food is here, let’s dig in.”

As they went about enjoying their meals, the more serious conversation came to an end and they engaged in idle chit chat instead. Throughout the meal, they exchanged glances that only confused both mares, as they hardly understood what they meant or why they enjoyed such brief looks. It was during this time that Silver’s condition made itself known again to the suffering mare, and she knew that she would have to draw the evening to a close soon before she did something she regretted. Once they finished the meal and it was payed for Silver made a move to part ways but Bloom would have none of it.

“Nonsense, Ah’ll walk you home. It’s the least Ah could do for having you spend the day with me.” And so they made their way to the other end of the Upper District, towards Silver’s home with Silver being flustered the entire way.


“Ah still can’t believe you live here, Ah thought ya had lots of bits.” Bloom stated as she looked upon the relatively modest home again; when she had first seen it she had suggested that they switched homes seeing as how the loft was the more extravagant of the two homes, but Silver declined.

“I told you, I don’t really need much. And living like this gives me more opportunities to be more charitable and giving to my friends. Thank you for the lovely day.” Silver was trying to rush this along, unsure of how much longer she could hold lewd thoughts at bay. Her body was demanding release.

“Ah should be thankin’ you. And Ah’m sorry if what Ah said at the restaurant upset ya, Ah was just ventin’ mah frustrations.” Oh, do I need to vent my frustrations. Can we hurry this up Bloom?! I don’t want to jump you and see if what they say about a farm pony’s stamina is true...NOT HELPING! Before she could say anything, Bloom came up to her and hugged her, giving her a friendly kiss on the cheek. “Have a good night, Silver. Ah’ll see ya around.” The architect quickly turned for home, unsure of why she was blushing heavily.

“See ya.” Silver responded weakly, long after Bloom was out of hearing range. The flustered mare brought a hoof to her cheek, her aching need momentarily forgotten. But that didn’t last long as she rushed inside to seek release, thinking about what would have happened if she acted on her thoughts in the movie theater. Once she was sated she went to sleep, dreaming of more innocent things, though the feeling of Bloom’s lips on her cheek was prevalent in her dreams.

The next morning, Silver awoke with her head clear of the cloud of lust that afflicted her the day before. She was happy to have a temporary reprieve. I wouldn’t want my condition yesterday to have ruined what I have with Bloom; I worked too hard for that to have it ruined by lust. Maybe I should take a look at the design now that I am thinking straight.

She leafed through her saddlebag until she found the desired document, and found that her friend’s words rang true: this was her best design thus far. Wow, this is incredible, better than anything she’s done so far. I am positive that Diamond Tiara will love it. She’ll accept the design and Bloom will be so happy; she’ll be done here and have her pay and she will...will...will leave. The once ecstatic mare felt her heart drop at this. There would be no reason for her to stay. Why does that hurt? ‘Perhaps there is something stirring within you that your lust addled brain can’t even comprehend now.’ Discord’s words from yesterday danced in her head, trying to find meaning. Well, I’m not in heat at the moment, but why am I still feeling this sort of attachment to Bloom? I feel for her more than any friend should. Perhaps I- Her pupils shrank as the pieces came together, explaining not only yesterday but also her experiences over the past month.

“I think I love her…” Her confession to herself brought her both joy and fear; joy because she finally understood her feelings and fear because she felt that what she held in her hooves told her that she was too late in her discovery. If she turned this in and it was accepted, which she was certain it would be, Bloom would have no reason to stay, no reason to see Silver everyday. It was only at this point in time that their lives revolved around each other; it wouldn’t be the same once this was finished. The document in her hooves held the power to end Apple Bloom’s suffering and Silver Spoon’s happiness. It was then that she discovered a solution, albeit not a happy one; tears began to roll down her cheeks as she determined it was the only thing she can do to get Apple Bloom to stay.

“I’m sorry.” She said as silver-grey hooves tore the paper into tiny pieces before they were deposited into the trash bin.

Bottom A/N: they should really add a feature to allow for two Author's notes in a story. Oh well.

Sorry for the long wait, this chapter had been a real pain as some of you know from the blogs. First off, I hated the beginning, I still do. Secondly, I had to move back in March. Finally, I had put more of my efforts on other projects instead of this one. So yeah.

In the next chapter, the perspective will shift to mostly follow Apple Bloom as she deals with an annual phenomenon. Secrets will be revealed and lies will be told. Stay tuned for more.