• Published 13th Jan 2014
  • 972 Views, 76 Comments

The Apple Ran Away With The Spoon - gwg

Can a former bully and an architect find love in each other? Silver Spoon and Apple Bloom will find out.

  • ...

Chapter 5

One Month Later

Apple Bloom awoke disappointed. Once again she woke up to find that she had cuddled up with her pillow. It was in times such as this that she wished that she didn’t need sleep; when she was awake, her financial difficulties and her current project took priority. But at night when she was granted a reprieve from her fiscal woes, she was overcome with the knowledge that she slept in her bed alone. It was during the night when she would feel the most envious of Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, of Applejack and Rarity, of Big Mac and Fluttershy; envious because they had someone to hold or to hold them as they slept, and Bloom had no one. Her nights have always been like this ever since her friends told her of their relationship, but of late her dreams that were the result of that conversation have been become more and more detailed. Before, she just dreamt that she held somepony, with no features with which to identify them: no horn or wings, no coat color, no cutie mark, no clue if this dream pony was a mare or a stallion. Now, she can see a color: grey.

With an angry grunt Bloom tossed the pillow away from her; it shot past the foot of the bed and the railing for the upper level and landed on her work desk. If not for her foul mood she would have been impressed. But as it stood, she didn’t care. She looked to her large window and saw that the weather outside reflected her mood. The sky was dark and the clouds were threatening to let loose a downpour, probably within the next few hours.

There was no point in going back to sleep now, once she was up she was up for the whole day, unless she exhausted herself to the point of needing a nap. She rose from her bed and performed her stretching ritual which reminded the Apple family of Winona, bringing humor to everyone except Apple Bloom. Once that was complete she headed to the shower, hoping that it would liven her up enough to bring her out of her morning rut. The shower itself was easily large enough to fit two ponies comfortably, most likely for purposes besides cleaning. Bloom remembered how embarrassed she was when she made that realization and how she wondered briefly if it was used for that purpose before, but stopped before she got too hot and bothered. She turned the knobs until they were in the position for the perfect temperature, something she had discovered through previous experimentation. She hopped in once it reached perfection and released a relaxed sigh, smiling for the first time that morning.

The architect stayed under the spray for a minute or two before she reached for the shampoo. Her original approval of the product, which smelt like cinnamon, was raised when she was complemented by Silver for it. The thought of the grey mare made her blush, much to her confusion. It’s strange that Ah have been feelin’ like this lately. Ever since that day with Discord, whenever Ah think of Silver, Ah feel all...warm. It’s weird...But Ah like it. Ah jus’ wish Ah knew what it all means. Her thoughts concluded, she determined that it was time to rinse off the shampoo and continue with the rest of the shower.

Now fully clean and awake, the olive-yellow mare proceeded to tie up the bow in her mane and head to the lower level. After consuming a light breakfast, she found herself with nothing to do besides working on the next design, much to her displeasure. Every design Ah make is better than the last, and that bitch keeps turning them down, callin’ ‘em trash. It’s pissin’ me off to no end...but Ah need this. Honestly, the only good thing about this whole mess is Silver. Again she felt that familiar warmth radiate throughout her core, a content smile adorning her muzzle despite her current situation. She was about to head to her work station when she heard the door open.

As if summoned by her thoughts, Silver stepped into the apartment, her head reaching into her saddlebag from which she received the mail for the day. She placed the letters on the coffee table in front of the couch before turning to Bloom to speak.

“Good morning, Bloom. It looks terrible outside but it actually isn’t too cold out. I was thinking maybe we cou…” Her attention was focused on the latest addition to the architect’s work station, “...Why is there a pillow on your desk?”

“Heheh.” Bloom blushed slightly before she answered. “Ah, kinda, woke up on the wrong side of the bed this mornin’ and Ah guess this was the outcome of mah frustration.” She decided to ignore the pillow for now as she headed to the coffee table. “So, what’d ya bring me?”

“Well, it looks like you received a letter from Princess Twilight Sparkle, besides that not much.” Silver tried to look nonchalant about it, but it was clear that she was curious as to what the message from a princess could be about.

“Let’s see...’You are cordially invited to the wedding of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Lieutenant Rainbow Dash. The ceremony will be held in the Royal Ballroom at Canterlot Castle and the reception will be held in the Royal Gardens on the eighteenth of March. You are permitted to bring a guest of your choosing.’ Looks like Ah’m goin’ to another royal weddin’. Hopefully there won’t be any invasions this time.” Bloom chuckled at her own little joke. She failed to see Silver scuffing her hoof on the floor.

“Ah, so who are you to bring with you as your plus one?” Silver tried to hide the hopefulness in her tone, and she wasn’t completely certain that she had succeeded.

“Well Ah ain’t got time to be lookin’ for a date for this event, so Ah guess Ah can invite ya tah this, if’n you wanna go.”

“Of course, it would be an honor to accompany you!” Bloom assumed that Silver’s overly excited answer was because of the chance to attend such a high class event, unaware of Silver’s real reasons.

“Great, well next time we get an excuse to visit Ponyville we’ll hafta stop by Rarity’s to get our dresses made.” Little did she know that the universe was going to provide such an excuse, in the form of a klutzy mailmare colliding with the large window. The two mares were startled by the loud thud against the window and watched with sympathy as Ditzy slid down the window’s surface.

“I don’t know if I should be grateful or regretful for reinforcing the window a few years back.” The two mares continued to watch the slowly sliding pegasus before they snapped into action.

“Help me get this window open and get ‘er inside.” They opened the window quickly and helped the poor pegasus into the apartment. The bubbly mare’s eyes spun around for a bit before they readjusted. “Ya alright, Ditzy?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. That wasn’t my first crash and it certainly won’t be the last. I’m just glad I didn’t smash through the window, glass really hurts you know.” She shook her head a few more times before her golden eyes settled on the architect. “Ah, Apple Bloom, just the mare I was looking for. I have an urgent message from Applejack for you. I don’t think it’s a medical emergency or something like that, but it looks like they need ya.” She handed Bloom a scroll before taking off out the window, or would have if she hadn’t crashed into the window again before readjusting and flying out the open window. Bloom was too busy reading the letter to notice.

Dear Apple Bloom,

I know you’re busy and all in Canterlot, but we need you back here quick. Big Mac heard the timberwolves last night and you know what that means.

With Granny Smith not around you are the only one who knows how to make the Zap Apple Jam. Jonny is too young to assist you, so you may want to bring Silver Spoon to help you.

Come on back to Ponyville as quick as you can, we’re counting on you.Your Sister,


“Well, looks like we have our excuse to go to Ponyville. The Zap Apples are comin’, and without Granny Smith, Ah’m the only one who knows the jammin’ process. Ah’m gonna need yer help for this, and we’re probably gonna be there all week. Do you wanna come along?” Bloom didn’t understand it, but she found that she was fearful of Silver saying no. These fears were unwarranted however.

“I’d be glad to. The next train doesn’t leave for another hour, so let me grab some things from my house and I’ll meet you at the train station. See you in a bit.”


The two mares were sitting on the train heading to Ponyville. Unlike the first time the two were heading there, Silver wasn’t gushing about heading back home. Instead she was staring intently at Bloom, who bore a somber expression on her face. Silver decided to voice the question that has been nagging her since before they left.

“You mentioned that you would have to make the jam without Granny Smith. What happened to her, if it isn’t too much to ask?” Bloom gave a deep sigh; she didn’t want to talk about this, but Silver was helping out and had a right to know.

“...Don’t worry, she isn’t dead, if that’s what yer thinkin’. No, she’s very much alive and probably enjoyin’ herself where she is. Ya see, Granny Smith is presently in Las Pegasus, and her gamblin’ expedition is bein’ funded by your’s truly. Ah made the foolish mistake of givin’ her access to mah account, which she is runnin’ dry nearly every week. She is the cause of mah financial issues, and the reason Ah even took this job.”

“Remind me to thank her the next time I see her.” Bloom could see the sad glint in her friend’s eyes, and she regretted sounding so negative about the situation that allowed the two mares to become close friends.

“Geez, Ah’m sorry Silver. It’s just that this is all very stressful right now. That day with Discord brought me to a very low place and Ah may have put too much hope on that design passing. So when Diamond turned it down Ah was perhaps more upset than Ah should have been.” Bloom was looking out the window as she said this, and therefore didn’t see Silver visibly tense as she mentioned the design. Bloom completely trusted Silver when she told her that the design wasn’t accepted; completely believing the lies. There was no reason to believe that Silver wasn’t turning in the designs but rather destroying them, removing all evidence that they ever existed. She ripped that first design and lied about the outcome, and repeated this process for every design that followed. Each one added more of a burden to her guilty conscious, but she reasoned that if they gave her more time to get closer to the one she loved, then it would all be worth it. With every torn design, her love for the architect only grew. She just prayed that Bloom would never find out about the deception.

“Next stop Ponyville! Make sure you have all of your belongings before exiting the train.” The conductor’s shout brought both mares out of their respective reveries. They noticed that it was downpouring on the town and thus foolish to head straight to the farm.

“Come on, let’s head to the Boutique so we can get the dresses started and wait out the rain.” With that the two mares galloped in the direction of the dress shop.


“Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is- Oh Apple Bloom it’s you, and you’ve brought a friend. Don’t just stand there, darlings, come in and dry off! It’s positively dreadful out there!” The prim unicorn magicked a couple towels towards the soaked mares while using a third to clean up the water and mud they brought in with them. “It’s so good you’re here; ever since Big Mac came over last night with the news they’ve been running about trying to get everything ready and this weather isn’t helping. Now did you come in here for shelter or was there something else that brought you here?”

“Well, Rarity, the weather did bring us in here but we were gonna come by at some point. Ya must’ve gotten the invitation recently?” Bloom was too busy drying out her mane and tail to notice the fashionista switch into her gushing mode, though there was no way she didn’t hear her sister-in-law once she entered it.

“Oooohh, I’m simply ecstatic! Two of my best friends are having a wedding, a royal wedding no less, and in the middle of the Cherry Blossom Festival. It’s going to be so romantic and…” Rarity stopped when she noticed the amused look on Bloom’s face and cleared her throat before she spoke again. “...Um, yes, we did receive the invitation. Why do you ask?”

“Well Ah got it today and we were wondering if you would make us dresses for the occasion?” Bloom watched Silver as the measuring tape and other necessary objects began floating towards them, amused to see Silver jump as she wasn’t expecting the fleet of objects to come flying at them.

“Stand still, darlings, this shouldn’t take long at all.” She began with her sister-in-law. “Now, Apple Bloom, you have grown since the last time you were measured, but I assume that you haven’t changed too much since last time. Let’s see: not as broad shouldered or muscular as Jackie, you have a more feminine form that should look nicely with what I have in mind. Hmm, again your flanks aren’t as muscular as my dear wife but they are firm. Yes, that should do nicely. Perhaps a nice red that compliments your mane, ah but that is for later. You’re next Silver Spoon.” The two turned to the grey mare, noticing that she was blushing furiously.

“Don’t worry, Silver, Rarity isn’t that invasive. And plus, it’s nice to complemented on appearances.” Bloom added with a slight blush of her own. She didn’t know that Silver was actually blushing because she was jealous of Rarity and her measuring tape, being able to admire her beauty without coming across as weird, and the fact she was enjoying the show. She was ill prepared for the assault that was measurements with Rarity.

“Hmm, I must admit I don’t see many earth ponies like yourself. Most I’ve seen had figures that suggested strength or endurance. You, on the other hoof, look like you were made for speed. You have a very sleek form, very lithe. Have you ever considered modeling? No? Well, that is a shame. You must get a lot of attention from stallions and mares alike. Something form fitting and…dark, to bring out your coat and make your mane practically shine. I see that those glasses are more for accessory, I’ll look for something that will fit the dress perfectly. I must say, with what I have planned for you, you’ll definitely be turning heads.” Rarity finished writing down the measurements and some of her design ideas for each dress before levitating the paper to her desk.

As Silver was imagining what the dress would look like, Bloom sat there blushing madly, a hoof covering her muzzle in an attempt to hide it. Ah don’t get it, Ah’ve been to quite a few of these measuring sessions before with Scoots and Sweetie, and this has never happened to me. Maybe Ah-Oh good the rain stopped, maybe Ah just need tah get outta here. “Well, it looks like the rain has let up. Let’s go Silver, we need tah get to the farm.” Silver was barely able to offer her thanks before she was pulled out of the store by impatient hooves. Neither mare heard Rarity chuckle as they made their hasty exit.

“Now isn’t that precious; I always enjoy seeing young love blossoming into a beautiful rose. I can’t wait to tell my Jackie about this newest development.”


“Now are ya sure that was the first sign? Just because timberwolves howl doesn’t mean it’s time.” As if in response, the wind seemed to shift from the Everfree through the orchard. The barren Zap Apple trees began to spark to life, pure magical energy running across the branches. At last the leaves appeared in a grand spectacle, leaving the younger mares with their jaws open.

“Eeyup.” Both of the older Apple siblings responded, much to Bloom’s agitation.

“Shy and Jonny are ready with them bunny ears at the waterin’ cans, y’all get ready and they’ll follow yer lead.” Applejack said as she pointed up the hill towards the two waving pegasi. “Me an’ Mac here will continue laying buckets down fer the harvest. We’ll be havin’ dinner at six. Ah’ll see ya later, sis.”

Bloom and Silver walked towards the farmhouse where they dropped off their saddlebags and picked up two pairs of floppy bunny ears. They were heading up the hill each wearing their head gear when Silver posed one of her many questions about this process.

“Did Granny Smith ever tell you why we have to hop around the water cans while wearing bunny ears and singing the alphabet?” Bloom released another sigh.

“She told me it’s ‘cause it activates the magic, but Ah prefer the answer mah sis gave,” Bloom cleared her throat and when she spoke again her voice was deeper in order to present a poor imitation of Applejack’s voice. “‘If’n it ain’t broke, don’t try tah fix it.’”

“Ah do not sound like that ya runt!” Applejack yelled from a small distance away.

“Hey, less eavesdroppin’ and more bucket layin’! Chop chop!” Bloom laughed as she heard her sister grumbling across the way. She turned to her companion who was giving her a look before the architect sighed. “That’s just how we always are with each other; if Ah really upset her Ah would know.” At that moment an apple came flying from Applejack’s general direction and hit Bloom in the head, though she didn’t look to have been phased by it at all. “Ah’ll apologize tah her later. Right now we got water cans tah sing tah.”

As they neared the hill they noticed that the pegasi were not alone. Next to the mother and son was the offspring (Bloom prefered the term ‘demon spawn’) of Angel Bunny, Angelica, who looked just like her father except that her paws were grey instead of white. She also shared her father’s temperament and Fluttershy babied her all the same. In Bloom’s opinion, this rabbit was worse than her father, but there was very little she could do against the prized pet.

“Good morning Apple Bloom and...Oh, I’m really sorry, but I don’t remember your name, Miss…” Fluttershy may have gotten over her fear of strange ponies but she was still anxious about upsetting anypony, and still resorted to hiding behind her mane if she believed she offended someone.

“No worries Mrs. Apple, there wasn’t much reason for you to remember me. My name is Silver Spoon.” She offered her hoof out only to take it back as she heard light giggling.

“Please, just call me Fluttershy. Being called Mrs. Apple just makes me feel older than I am.”

“Auntie Bloom, Ah thought you said that Silver Spoon was a bully. What she doin’ here?” The young pegasus asked as he buzzed his wings briefly. Silver turned to Bloom with a raised brow, which the architect responded with a sheepish smile.

“A year ago he came to me sayin’ he was bein’ picked on in school and so Ah told him a coupla stories from our youth and Ah maaayy have name dropped you as one of the bullies.”

“I see, well Jonagold, let me tell you that bullies try to put you down because they have no other way of making themselves look good. If you don’t let what they say bother you, then you take away all their power. And perhaps later down the line, they’ll try to make up for what they said about you. Take me for example; I would like to say that I am no longer a bully, but that’s up to your aunt.” Silver turned to Bloom, hope shining in her eyes. The architect was happy to once again tell her friend that she wasn’t the bully she once was.

“That’s right, Silver Spoon is reformed. Now come on we got cans tah sing tah.” The four ponies and one bunny began hopping around the cans as they sang. “A, B, C, D, E, F, G…”


“Are you sure it’s ok Sweetie Belle? You don’t have to do this if you’re too busy.” Fluttershy asked for what felt like fourth time since they arrived at Scootaloo’s home. The singer merely shook her head and smiled, happy to put Fluttershy’s worries to rest.

“Of course it’s ok, I was planning on watching Scoots train this afternoon, I’m sure she won’t mind the additional attention. Right, babe?” Sweetie Belle asked with a wink to the stuntmare.

“Yeah, that sounds awesome. With two of my biggest fans watching me fly, I’m unstoppable.” Scootaloo gave a winning grin that Rainbow Dash would be proud of.

“Just don’t overdo it, Scootaloo. You wouldn’t want to get hurt before your next show.” Fluttershy offered in a concerned tone.

“Speakin’ of shows, how’d ya do yesterday?” Bloom raised her leg to bump hooves with the orange pegasus, who responded quickly.

“Awesome, as always. It’s great to see you here for the week, AB.” She smiled to her friend before turning to the grey mare and gave a curt nod. “Silver.”

“It’s always good to see you two. We’ll make sure to see you when you do a show in Canterlot and then we can all hang out while you two are in the city.” Silver said hopefully in an attempt win over the pegasus, but all she received in return was another short nod. Sweetie Belle on the other hand showed her excitement clearly.

“Ooohh, that sounds like a lot of fun. Well, you guys have some shopping to do and we should get to the training ground. We’ll bring Jonny around to the farm before six, ok?”

“Alright, see you then. Bye Jonny, be good for Sweetie and Scootaloo. I love you.”

“Momma, yer embarrassin’ me in front of Scoots.” The young colt buzzed his wings in agitation before he quickly hugged his mother’s legs. After that he followed the new couple to the training field.

“Ah’m sorry about Scoots, Ah just wish she wasn’t so rude to ya.” Bloom looked down to the ground, still feeling awful for her friends not getting along. Her downcast look was ended when Silver nuzzled her cheek, causing both mares to blush slightly and catching Fluttershy’s interest.

“Small victories. She isn’t being friendly, but she also isn’t being mean. Like she said, I have to take what I am given. So what do we have to get in the market place?”

“Well, we need a new pan, some replacement jars, a can of pink paint, and some honey. That’s why we have Fluttershy with us.”

“I don’t get it. No offense Fluttershy, but why are you here with us?”

“I’m here to talk to the bees, of course.” Fluttershy gave a small smile.

“Of course.” Silver said with a raised brow towards Bloom.

“She’s here to sweet talk the bees intah givin’ us sweeter honey. Fluttershy has been doin’ this ever since she entered this family.”

“It’s the least I can do.” Fluttershy added with a blush of her own.

“Ya’ve already done plenty, havin’ given birth to an heir takes a lotta pressure off of me and Applejack. Come on, we got things tah get.”

“Um...if it isn’t too much trouble, could we perhaps get the honey first? I would like to head back to the cottage so that I can make sure that my animal friends are fed. If you don’t mind that is.” Fluttershy hid her face behind her mane again as reverted back to her shy nature. Bloom only smiled at the request, though she wished that Fluttershy would be more assertive in her requests.

“Certainly. We’ll go get the honey and then me and Silver will take care of the rest.”

The three mares arrived at the beehive booth, where Fluttershy began to work her magic while the other two mares could have a moment alone. Ah wish they didn’t shove their relationships in mah face so much. Ah know they don’t mean anythin’ by it, but that doesn’t stop me from feelin’ so cold an’ empty every time. A hug would be nice right about now. As if sensing her friend’s discomfort, Silver wrapped her grey hooves around Bloom’s shoulders and brought her in for a hug.

“What’s bothering you, hmm? Is everything alright?” The concern and the proximity brought a blush to the architect’s muzzle and she decided to be honest with her friend.

“Sometimes, Ah just feel empty and alone, especially when I see ponies like Scoot and Sweetie so happy together. Ah feel awful knowing that Ah’m envious of their happiness, but Ah can’t help it. Ah am so alone.” A small tear ran down her face that was quickly wiped away by a brief nuzzle from Silver.

“You’re never alone when you have me by your side. Whenever you start to feel this way, just let me know and I’ll make you feel all better.” The coldness that seemed to grip Bloom’s heart appeared to be receding, being replaced by the familiar warmth. Bloom gave a content sigh and nuzzled her friend.

“Thanks Silver. You’re the best friend a mare could ask for.” Why does that not sound appropriate? It’s like ‘friend’ doesn’t really describe what we have. Ah just felt her tense, so Ah guess she agrees. Ah need to think on this more. Silver decided to break the hug before it lasted too long.

“No problem, Bloom.”

“Um...sorry to interrupt, but I have the honey. I’ll just go and drop this off at the farm before I head back to the cottage, if that is alright with you.” The two mares tried to control their faces before they spoke.

“No problem Fluttershy. We’ll take care of the rest, then me and Silver will start preppin’ for the jammin’. We’ll see you later.” They waved off the pegasus as she trotted away. Fluttershy was thankful that neither of them could read minds.

Oh my...They seem closer than friends...perhaps they have feelings for each other...Maybe I can talk to Rarity about this and see what she thinks. She has a better eye for relationships after all.


Dinner came and went sooner than the two mares expected, though Bloom felt that she accomplished a lot today. Before the meal could finish, Applejack called for everypony’s attention.

“Alright y’all, given the circumstances, right now we have more ponies than we have beds. But that’s an easy fix. Big Mac and Shy, you two get Granny’s room, her bed should be big enough. Jonny, you get to sleep in yer pa’s old room. Me and Rarity-”

“Rarity and I, darling.”

“Rarity and Ah will be sleepin’ in mah room. Bloom, you and Silver will be sleepin’ in your room. Any questions?”

“Yeah, why don’t Ah just take the couch and Silver can take mah bed?” Bloom asked, unsure of why she was nervous of sleeping in the same bed as her friend.

“Because we need ya both well rested for tomorrow, and we all know that ya can’t get a good night’s sleep on that old thing. Now if’n that’s all then Ah think we should all turn in early, we all have a lot tah do tomorrow. So finish up, wash up and off tah bed.”

There were several murmurs of consent as they decided to listen to the temporary matriarch. Bloom saw out of the corner of her eye that Fluttershy and Rarity were whispering to each other before they both giggled; it all made Bloom slightly uncomfortable. And for some reason she felt anxious about tonight.

After both had washed up they were ready for bed, the dim light of the room concealed their blushes as they looked at the small bed.

“Sorry if’n there’s not a lotta room, weren’t designed for two ponies. But Ah’m sure we’ll fit.” It was at this time that Bloom noticed that Silver had her mane down. “Ah don’t think Ah’ve ever seen ya with your mane like that.”

“Yeah, it tends to get too messy if I don’t tie it up.” Silver couldn’t help but to play with her mane a bit. Bloom also noticed that Silver wasn’t wearing her glasses, but she already knew that Silver didn’t need them for her vision. Instead she just admired the sight.

“Well, anyways Ah’ll take the left side and you can the right. We better get to bed soon, we do have a long day ahead of us.” Both mares settled into their side of the bed and Bloom flicked the lamp off. “Goodnight, Silver.”

“Goodnight, Bloom. I’ll see you in the morning.” A short time later the grey mare was fast asleep.

Alas, the architect wasn’t as fortunate. Even though there was another pony in her bed, she still felt the creeping loneliness, the cold feeling gripping her heart. So cold. My sis and brother are with their spouses, and Scoots and Sweetie are holding each other, and then there’s me, nopony to call my own. Why can’t Ah just sleep without thinking about this every time? About me being alone. Ah’m just so co-. Her thoughts were cut off when a slumbering Silver turned over and pulled the architect into an embrace, the end result was them spooning. What is she doin’? Is she...snuggling me in her sleep? Ah should try to get out of this, friends don’t do things like this...So why do Ah want to stay? It feels so nice, bein’ held like this. So comforting.

In a moment of confusion or affection, she wasn’t sure which, Bloom reached for the hoof that was draped over her body and kissed it before she snuggled deeper into the embrace.

So warm...

Author's Note:

This one came out sooner than the last, you must all be relieved. I know I am.

Now at the time of writing this, it is intended that the Zap Apple harvest will be a three part event, this being part one. Part two will most likely come out once finals are finished. And I hope part three will make you gasp just like you did for chapter four. But I digress.

An outsider learns a family ritual, two more signs make their presence, and an architect learns what moon light does to a silver mane. Find out what that all means next time.