• Published 15th Jan 2014
  • 3,830 Views, 286 Comments

Pinkie Who - sparkypchu

Pinkie Pie meets Doctor Whooves, but what's that in her possession? A pocket watch?

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Chapter 3: Pinkie...Who?

The Doctor took a step back into the house.

This new Pinkie seemed to have recognized him as more than just Time Turner. This wasn't unusual, more the life of a time traveler. People assume that time is a strict progression from cause to effect. Which to most people, or ponies for that matter, it is. An average individual can mix some flour then make some muffins. When actually, from the nonlinear nonsubjective viewpoint of a Time Lord, time is more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly...timey wimey...stuff. A Time Lord can eat a muffin, plant the wheat to make the flour, build the house where he's cooking, and then mix the flour. In that, or any other, order.

He could remember hearing in his schooling on Gallifrey of how often fights would get started over things not yet said or not yet done. So much so that it was put into law.

"We haven't met yet it would seem." The Doctor said "I must ask you to please calm down."

"Calm!?" Pinkie shouted "What gives you the RIGHT to tell me to be calm!? You...you TRAITOR!"

'Traitor? Oh hell. What did we do, future me?' The Doctor thought.

"Whatever I've done, let me assure you, I haven't done yet. I can apologize on behalf of my future self but I can't-"

"How old are you?" Pinkie asked. Her flames of rage cooling down to embers. Still hot, waiting to rise again.

"...what?" The Doctor asked, caught off guard.

"You heard me, old timer." Pinkie said, eyes narrow in suspicion.

"Last time I checked, I was 933. Not an old timer anymore." The Doctor trotted in place as if to emphasis his point.

"933? Oh you've long since done it. In fact, it was two regenerations ago if I'm right. I've seen pictures of those faces, this one aswell. I must admit that this face is my favorite. Just...the MANE."

Pinkie seemed to have cooled down. Admiring the beauty that was the Doctor's mane. The Doctor opened his mouth to speak, but was interruptted as Pinkie continued.

"Great mane or not, you are a traitor to your race! You are a disgrace to the title of Time Lord."

"What exactly are you referring to?" The Doctor asked. He already guessed the answer and now it was time to see if he had guessed correctly.

"Don't play dumb, Doctor. You destroyed Gallopfrey!" Pinkie yelled.

'Apparently that happened in this dimension, too. But how? I was never...wait...'

"GALLOPFREY?!" The Doctor more shouted than asked.

The Doctor began laughing uncontrollably. Pinkie was completely shocked by this.

"I mean..." He tried to say between laughs. "I can *giggle* understand every *laugh* PONY...but *giggle* GALLOPfrey? Are you joking?"


Pinkie had slapped the Doctor across the face in a flash of anger.

"Ok. I deserved that." The Doctor admitted, rubbing his cheek.

Derpy joined the Doctor by his side. She had stayed back in confused, shock but decided she needed to be by the Doctor's side. In case he needed help with diplomacy or pegasus kicking Pinkie in the jaw. Pinkie was her friend, but this was not Pinkie.

Pinkie noticed Derpy. Her face turned slightly pale. "Y-you...um." Pinkie cleared her throat "Who are you?"

If Derpy didn't know any better she would think Pinkie already knew who she was, and seemed surprised to see her.

'Oh, Future Doctor...' Derpy thought 'What did you do? And why did you drag me along?'

"I'm Derpy Hooves. The Doctor's companion."

Pinkie mouthed the word 'companion', with what seemed like sad understanding.

The Doctor cleared his throat to get Pinkie's attention. Pinkie snapped out of her lost state.

"Well, who would YOU be?" The Doctor began at a pace that would make the old Pinkie proud. "You're obviously not Pinkie Pie anymore. Actually, no one is or ever WAS Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie was essentially wiped from existence when you opened the watch. Like pressing reset. Actually...more like reloading an old save. So again I ask you, who are you?" He emphasized the last three words.

Pinkie stepped back, as the Doctor seemed to offensively question her. Not angry, but determined to get an answer. She gave him a mischievous smile.

"Oh, but giving you my name now would be no fun." She said, her smile widening. "But since you insist, I'll follow your lead. Call me The Baker."

"The Baker?" The Doctor asked.

"Did you honestly think that watch gave me the art of the baked good?" The Baker said. "I learned from the best. My...mother."

That last word seemed to hold tears. Memories of love and the emptiness of loss. The Baker's smile was lost and her eyes seemed to be losing a battle with tears.

'Maybe this is why she chose to forget.' The Doctor thought.

The Doctor walked up to the Baker and put a hoof on her shoulder. She looked into his eyes. His eyes were full of understanding. He had seen loss in its purest form and had chosen to keep going in its wake. Kept running, if only to outrun his own loss and sadness.

The stare seemed to last hours, weeks, centuries. Enough time for stars to be born and die. Yet no more than a moment or two had passed. The stare was broken by the lights of something teleporting.

A figure had teleported behind the Baker. This figure was quite robotic. The body was shaped like a triangular prism with the top corner being rounded. The robot had a black base that separated the main body from the ground. The rest of the robot was a bronze color. The exterior of the robot was covered with evenly placed half spheres of the same color. From the front extended two devices. One that resembled an egg beater and the other a plunger. The head of the robot seemed equine-like. It had a neck that featured vent-like areas and the head was free of all but two features. Where the ears would be were two short, cylindrical lights, and in the center of the head extended a horizontal eye stalk. At the end of this eye stalk was a black object with a blue light. This could only be one race, a-

"DALEK!" screamed The Baker. She backed away from the robot and towards the Doctor.

"Really?!" The Doctor began to laugh. "THAT'S a Dalek?! *ah ha ha ha* Oh if only Davros were here to see this. *he he*"

"THE DOCTOR HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED." The lights on its head flickered in time with its words. "THE DOCTOR IS THE ENEMY OF THE DALEKS."

The Doctor's laughter dissipated to a more serious expression.

"Nooow it's not funny." The Doctor said slightly annoyed.


"Bite me." The Baker replied, spitting at the Dalek's base.


"Some things are the same in every dimension." The Doctor mumbled "RUN!"

The Doctor hopped past The Baker and broke into a gallop. The Baker followed suit. Derpy took advantage of her wings and took off. She flew high and fast, knowing exactly where the Doctor was heading.

Fortunately, Daleks aren't known for their speed. Hell, in the early days a good flight of stairs was enough to stop a Dalek. But speedy or not, Daleks are deadly. Especially their laser blasts. But lucky for the Doctor and 'friends' the Daleks were pretty rubbish with moving targets.

After a few minutes of full gallop the lasers stopped. Hopefully signalling that the Dalek was left in the dust. At this point they had exited Ponyville and had entered the field that preceded the Everfree Forest. The perfect place to hide a blue box.

The Baker picked up the pace upon seeing the box and left the Doctor behind. This wasn't exactly the hardest feat as the Doctor hadn't entirely perfected galloping yet. Running on two legs was one thing, but galloping with four was a totally different kettle of fish. It was more like a bowl full of fish fingers....and custard.

The Baker made it to the TARDIS before the Doctor. The Doctor was now down to a good trot because...well...galloping was hard. He was out breath but still managed to yell.

"It's *breath* locked! I *pant* have the *breath* key!"

The Doctor made it to the TARDIS and tried to catch his breath. The TARDIS was as blue as always. It looked like a Police Call Box from 1963. It had the sign proclaiming it to be a "POLICE PUBLIC CALL BOX" along with a blue light on the top. Once he had regained his composure, the Doctor walked to the TARDIS door to find it....OPEN?!

The Doctor was sure he had locked it and Derpy hadn't gotten here yet. How?

The Doctor walked into the TARDIS control room. The control room was pretty big especially since the outside was rather small. TARDIS interiors are set in their own kind of dimensional space. They can be infinitely big yet the exterior would remain the same size. Kinda like opening a mailbox expecting a letter and finding the entirety New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New......New York.

From the door led a metal pathway to the TARDIS console. The console being a rather circular area in the center of TARDIS that consisted of seemingly random bits and baubles. Random as they were, these were the controls that allowed the Doctor to travel anywhere and anywhen. In the center of the console rose a large glowing column called the Time Rotor. For the sake of brevity, think of it as a giant piston that glows and moves when the TARDIS is working. It also makes an odd noise that the Doctor just assumes is just how it works and isn't something silly like him leaving the handbrake on.

At the console stood the Baker. She seemed to be examining the various levers.

"How did you get in?" The Doctor asked. "The door was locked."

The Baker held a key up, not breaking eye contact with the console. The Doctor was shocked and began to search himself for his own key. The Baker spoke up.

"I didn't steal your key, you twit. I have my own." The Baker turned to face him.

The Doctor stared at her, hoof still in his seemingly unnatural, equine pocket. As if reading the question on his face, The Baker continued.

"You gave it to me...a long LONG time ago...with the promise that I was always welcome to come back."

Author's Note:

Thanks to Syvvak for the name "The Baker". Thanks to Neko Majin C and refferee for error correction.

Sorry for such a short chapter. I ran out of ideas and didn't want to delay you guys while I thought on it. Please keep posting predictions and ideas in the comments. I have and will use people's ideas.

Thank you guys for your continued support!

Keep Buggering On!