• Published 15th Jan 2014
  • 3,832 Views, 286 Comments

Pinkie Who - sparkypchu

Pinkie Pie meets Doctor Whooves, but what's that in her possession? A pocket watch?

  • ...

Alternate Timeline 1

The Doctor took that watch out of his pocket and handed it to Pinkie Pie. She took it in her hoof and pressed the open button with the side of her occupied hoof.

The few seconds felt like an eternity wrapped in forever.

"Wow! Good work, Mr. Turner!"

Pinkie took another bite of the cookie as the Doctor sighed in relief. Maybe it wasn't her watch.

Then light poured out of the watch, much like water. It flowed towards Pinkie's face. She had stopped chewing and her pupils shrank.

After a moment the glow faded, leaving a stunned looking Pinkie Pie. She blinked and swallowed her bite of cookie. Her face became an evil grin.

"Pinkie has returned!" She shouted to the sky, her voice deeper and with an odd accent. "Pinkie regrets using that watch. It makes Pinkie forget, yes."

The Doctor was shocked by the sudden outburst. He had this weird feeling in the back of his head that this wasn't how this was supposed to go.

"You," said Pinkie Pie, addressing the Doctor. "You have saved Pinkie from that memory prison, yes. For that Pinkie will remove your name from hat tonight. Which reminds Pinkie that she must invite Dash to make cupcakes. Pinkie is so excited. She cannot stop rubbing her hooves together, yes!"

Pinkie proceeded to rub her hooves together...yes. The Doctor opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Pinkie.

"Pinkie has no time for talking, Pinkie must prepare, yes."

Pinkie pulled a frog from seemingly nowhere and placed it in front of the Doctor. The frog looked up at the Doctor.

"Pinkie commands you to assimilate," said Pinkie.

Before the Doctor could mumble that he would try, she was gone. The Doctor blinked for a few times and looked around randomly. As if looking for something. He took a long sniff and turned around. Derpy was behind him, she looked concerned and confused.

"Doctor," said the grey mare, "What was that about?"

"I have a hunch, but we need to get back to the TARDIS."

"Why? Shouldn't we just ask-"

"Please, Ditzy." The Doctor interrupted. "We need to go to the TARDIS."

Derpy looked into the Doctor's eyes. She could see impatience with a dash of fear. Derpy nodded.


The walk to the TARDIS was rather uneventful. The Doctor had his head tilted downward as if completely lost in thought. Derpy just followed silently because the Doctor was scaring her. The Doctor was normally bubbly and fun, but he seemed more serious. That fear she saw in his eyes just didn't seem right. The Doctor didn't even look up when Rainbow Dash was doing her stunts. The Doctor should be having an episode of "Fancy That's" and giggles, but he trotted on.

Eventually the pair made it to a blue box in the middle of nowhere. The box was tall enough to allow pony entry via a double door entrance. Above the door frame read the words 'POLICE PUBLIC CALL BOX'. On the doors themselves were a pair of windows, a panel with instructions, and a lock. This box should have stuck out like a sore hoof, yet no pony gave it a second glance.

The Doctor used his key to unlock the TARDIS and stepped inside. Inside the TARDIS was a lot bigger than the exterior would show. In the center of the spacious room was a set of console panels that were built around a large glowing column that extended to the ceiling.

The Doctor stepped aside and allowed Derpy to enter. After she did, he closed the doors and locked them. The Doctor then joined Derpy at the console. He looked down at the screen embedded into the console and began to pull levers. The screen display changed to an image of several lines of varying colors. These lines started from the left side of the screen and all curved to meet a single point on the center of the screen. From the point the lines curved back outwards as they went to the right. The lines were slowly shifting and moving, except for the center point. The lines consistently curved to meet at the center point and the point itself stayed static.

"What's that, Doctor?" asked Derpy.

"This is a representation of time. Starting from yesterday..." He gestured to the left of the screen. "...and ending tomorrow." He gestured to the right.

"I'm confused," said Derpy, tilting her head.

"Well," the Doctor began calmly, "Each line is a possible timeline that is occurring, has occurred, or will occur. We are that orange one there. Now, that bit in the middle is what's called a fixed point in time. They're a mess."

"But if each line here is a timeline," Derpy interrupted, "Then how come they keep moving? Shouldn't they all be straight."

"Oh, Ms. Hooves. You're not thinking fourth dimensionally. Time is in a state of flux, it can be changed. Just by the TARDIS being here we are changing time. Bumblebees now have to go around a big box to do their normal routines. This isn't big but it's a change from the original timeline. Normally time sorts itself out and everything moves on. That is, except for fixed points. Fixed points are events that need to happen no matter what, even Time Lords can't prevent them. This is why every line bends to that point, the point forces them to."

"How did you know there was a fixed point in time?" Derpy asked. "Besides Pinkie Pie becoming weirder than usual, I didn't notice anything out of place."

"Time Lords can sense these things. Smells of snozberries oddly enough."

"So, if you can sense these fixed point thingies, why did we come back to the TARDIS?"

"Because I had a terrible feeling about it. A fixed point normally has no general feeling towards it. It just is. This point, however, felt like it would change everything forever. A once innocent thing would be given an extremely dark side. Something to do with donuts....or croissants..."

The Doctor was starring at the screen. Well, more through the screen than actually at the image. Derpy just sat facing him, blinking a few times. The Doctor snapped out of his thought after a moment and looked up at Derpy.

"Mainly...I just wanted to keep you safe. I may not be able to stop a fixed point in time, but I can try to stop it from hurting-"

The Doctor was cut off by a sudden hug. Derpy broke the hug and addressed the Doctor.

"Thank you."


The Doctor had planned to wait out the fixed point until the next day. When Derpy asked why they didn't just travel to tomorrow, the Doctor said that he wanted to monitor the environment to determine the source of the fixed point.

So then began the waiting game, and what a long one it was. The Doctor had returned to the TARDIS at roughly noon, so there was a long time to wait out. Lucky for Derpy that she was trapped in the TARDIS. She spent a lot of time just exploring. Flying down one corridor and up the next, and in one case diagonally zig-zagged across one. She had found a library, a messy wardrobe, a kitchen, three choices of bathroom, a room dedicated to bananas, and even a pool. She wandered for hours, but even when she thought she was lost she would turn left and she would be back in the control room.

Every time she would come back, the Doctor was standing at a different part of the console and looking at a different screen. Since Derpy flew everywhere, he didn't really notice when she entered the control room. Eventually the sound of hoof steps on the metal ground caught the attention of the Doctor. He looked to see a rather tired looking Derpy.

"Hey Doctor, I think I'm going to turn in for the night," said Derpy with a yawn.

"Alright. Goodnight, Ms. Hooves."

"Goodnight, Doctor."

Derpy then turned and walked out of the control room and down the corridor to her room.

The Doctor let out a long sigh. He was honestly bored out of his mind. Every instrument and readout on the console said that Ponyville was absolutely fine. The only oddity was that someone was singing a version of what sounded like "Hooked on a Feeling" in the distance. Besides that everything was ordinary.

"Surely this point has to be a big event," the Doctor said to himself. "Like the return of Nightmare Moon. Yet there's nothing!"

The Doctor slammed a hoof on the console in frustration. Maybe he should get away from the console. Get some butter to calm his nerves. The Doctor let out another sigh and looked back at the display showing the timelines. Something looked different.

"It can't be. That's impossible."

The Doctor turned a knob and other lines came into focus. They were colorful and shifting like the others, but they didn't meet at the fixed point. They curved away from the fixed point and continued on. There were three of them: a pink one, a green one, and a white one. Everything the Doctor knew said that was impossible, yet there it was. The Doctor just stared at the image, eyebrow raised. After a moment or two he shook his head and looked up at the screen hanging on the glowing column. It showed outside the TARDIS in a monochrome of green due to the night vision technology. In the distance was Ponyville, quiet and still. If it weren't for the clouds moving it would look like a photograph rather than live video.

Then he saw it. For just a fraction of a second he saw it. A gorilla with wings that looked like it left a monochromatic rainbow trail. The Doctor blinked a few times. Surely that couldn't be right. There weren't any flying gorillas in Equestria to his knowledge, and that rainbow trail further showed the madness in what he saw. Something moving that fast must have been the fastest flyer in Equestria. Surely if there were supersonic rainbow gorillas in Equestria Derpy would have told him. That would be day one of pegasus school: 'Don't fly to close to the sun, the ground isn't made of clouds, and supersonic rainbow gorillas. Okay, same time next week.'

Maybe he did need a break. He was obviously seeing things from being at the console so long, and he could use a nice snack.



"No...it's just a screwdriver..."


"...A flux capacitor?...Rubbish..."


"It's a good source of potassium!"

The Doctor awoke with a start. He was in the kitchen and Derpy was next to him.

"Oh hello Derpy. How are you?"

"I'm fine, Doctor. You fell asleep eating butter again."

The Doctor looked to the counter he had used as a pillow. Several wrappers for sticks of butter covered it. Where his face had been was the smashed remains of a stick of butter. The Doctor brought a hoof to his face and it too was covered in butter.

"So I did," said the Doctor. "Well, since we're out of butter maybe we should go out to breakfast. After I clean up of course."

The Doctor looked to Derpy with an embarrassed grin. Derpy rolled her eyes, in opposite directions, and walked away.


Sugarcube Corner was as sweet smelling as always. The Doctor and Derpy sat at a table and enjoyed blueberry muffins.

"So Doctor, did you ever figure out what that fixed point was?" Derpy asked between bites.

"Unfortunately no," said the Doctor. "The scanners didn't pick up anything out of the ordinary. So it must have been such an isolated event that it flew under the TARDIS's radar."

Derpy shrugged and continued to enjoy her muffin. The Doctor let his gaze wander around the bakery. It met a tray of rainbow cupcakes. The Doctor's mind began to entertain the idea of icing made from actual rainbows. The pegasi could control the weather after all, what's stopping them from using rainbows in baking. It might add a bit of spice.

The Doctor's curiousity got the better of him and he scanned the cupcakes with his sonic screwdriver. He looked at the tip of the screwdriver as it displayed its findings. The Doctor's eyes grew wide. He looked up at Derpy, who stopped chewing as she made eye contact.

"Derpy...we need to leave..."

Author's Note:

Here it is! The bonus content are alternate timelines that are based around references. This is a reference to FiMFlamFilosophy's Rainbow Dash Presents: Cupcakes. I have two more of these planned. I hope you enjoyed. :D

Thanks go to both Neko Majin C and referee for grammar correction.

Referenced Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AbtCTbSWTk