• Published 29th Jan 2014
  • 7,757 Views, 607 Comments

Baen of Equestria - CrypticMetaphor

A warrior from an Equestria of the past awakens in the current Equestria

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Baen faded in and out of reality. Daylight and the feeling of grass came to him in flashes of semi-consciousness. But one thing he couldn’t put his hoof on was why his chest hurt. He glanced down, his neck and limbs felt weak and he ached all over. He noticed blood coming out of an incision in his armor and slithering out from under the metal. He blinked in confusion as he noticed this, the edges of his vision started to become blurry as he picked up some sounds.

“He will not die,” a metallic sounding voice stated, “He has not earned that privilege of dying by my sword.”

A voice responded that sounded both female and distressed, “The privilege?! You stabbed him,” a warmth enveloped Baen as he felt weightless.

The voice took on an intense edge, “If he does die Kriger Kongen,” the voice became a growl, “you better run and hide.”

A western sounding voice could be heard to his right, “Come on Twi, be careful with him, we don’t wanna jostle him too much.”

The voice lost its edge as Baen coughed, “Sorry Applejack.”

Baen then felt a searing pulse of fire lash through his body as he convulsed. The next thing he knew, he blacked out.


Baen glanced down into the abyss and sighed. He had failed, Kriger had bested him and now…now he was done. But something below, though it was fire, it called to him. It wanted him to fall into the fire.

“Baen, don’t do it!”

Baen glanced up and saw Twilight and the girls attempting to save him. The ledge he clutched crumbled, his grip lost, he fell. But he then landed on a ledge. Though the ledge was big enough for him, it was securely fastened to the wall and about half way down the pit.

Twilight glanced down at him, “Baen just hang on! Stay away from the bottom!”


Baen’s eyes shot open as he sat straight up, then regretted it. Searing pain shot through him as a magical aura gently eased him back. The barbarian glanced down and noticed that not only was his armor gone, but he had bandages wrapped around a good portion of his body. He glanced over and was staring straight into the face of a concerned Twilight Sparkle.

“Don’t move around so much Baen, you’ll reopen your wounds.”

Baen glared darkly at her, “Was there a reason you were coming to the battlefield?”

Twilight returned his glare with glare, “I was worried about you! Despite what you think Baen, you aren’t invincible,” she stated flatly, “Nopony is.”

Baen rolled his eyes, “An injury and a lecture, oh joy.”

Twilight then reached over…and slapped him.

Baen blinked in surprise from the strike.

“You are…,” she shook her head and let out a groan of anger before storming out of the room.

Nurse Redheart walked past the fuming mare and into the room, “Well you certainly have a way with ladies,” her tone was dripping with sarcasm.

Baen laid back and shook his head, “At least I’m alive.”

Redheart nodded, “It’s lucky that you are. The stab wound was…well for a medical term, surgically precise. The blade itself seemed to pass every vital organ and out your back completely missing your shoulder and spine. Though, if we didn’t stitch it and heal the wound as much as we did, you would have died from blood loss.”

Baen glanced down at all of his covered wounds, “I assume you mean with all my wounds in total?”

Redheart nodded.

“Fantastic,” Baen muttered.

“It would be prudent mister Baen,” Redheart droned, “That you remain here. You did lose some blood and your wounds might reopen if you strain yourself. So I recommend plenty of rest and relaxation.”

Redheart then turned to leave, “Your dinner will be here in an hour.”

Baen slumped in his bed as it began to rain outside.


Twilight was angrily muttering as she paced around the lobby.

The door opened as Rarity walked in brandishing an umbrella to prevent the rain from hitting her.

“Twilight dear,” a look of concern appeared on her face, “Your muttering.”

Twilight sat down with a huff, “I don’t mutter.”

Rarity smiled warmly as she sat down beside her, “Yes you do. You always do when something really upset you.”

Twilight sighed as her anger fizzled, “It’s just…Baen. I can see we’re reaching him, he’s just so…”


“YES!” she startled Rarity, “Can’t he see we mean well. I mean lately he’s been better and more tolerable, but ever since Kriger came along, he’s become obsessed with defeating him.”

Rarity tapped her chin, “Have you actually tried to talk to him like you did back in that temple?”

Twilight sighed, “I try to, but he never listens.”

Rarity placed a hoof on comfortingly, “We can’t change ponies Twilight, we can only show them the possible path they can take and let them choose. You just have to be patient with him and try not to control him as much.”

“I don’t try to control him,” she glanced at the ground.

Rarity blinked in sudden realization, “You feel responsible for him?”

Twilight nodded, “Yes. I thawed him from stone and brought him here, and I greatly care for him. If he died, I could never live with myself,” she sighed sadly, “but he still hates me.”

Rarity shook her head, “Twilight, you’re the most likeable mare I’ve ever met,” she turned Twilight’s head to look at her as she smooshed her cheeks together, “plus, you have one of the brightest smiles I’ve seen. I’d rather see that now then mopey Twilight.”

Twilight smiled at her friend’s support as Rarity booped her nose, “There she is there’s the princess I know.”

Twilight giggled as Rarity released her, “Thanks Rarity. Say, where are the others?”

Rarity grinned, “Getting Baen his dinner.”

Then they heard the glass breaking.

Twilight and Rarity got onto their hooves when nurse Redheart ran to them.



Baen was limping down the stormy streets clad in his armor; the rain pelted him as he headed toward the forest. His eyes narrowed as he continued forward despite his body’s protests.


Applejack and the girls searched the ground levels while Dash covered the skies.

Rainbow landed, “I saw him heading into the Everfree again.”

The farm mare arrived with her friends at the center of town, “Is he crazy?!”

Twilight stamped her hooves, “Come on girls, we have a barbarian to save.”

Applejack then muttered, “Then probably throttle him.”


Baen grit his teeth as his bandages became damp and had torn on a few brambles. He exited into the ruined clearing, and Kriger stood firmly and glared at him.

Kriger shook his head in both pity and disgust, “Why do you appear before me in this sorry state.”

Baen growled, “I came to finish this.”

Kriger raised his head high, “You would give me an adequate bout. Now, begone boy.”

Baen advanced on him, “Don’t talk down on me!”

Kriger delivered a swift buck to Baen’s jaw as the barbarian ate dirt.

Kriger scoffed and turned to leave.

Baen saw stars and lapsed into unconsciousness.


Baen glared into the fiery pit then looked up at Twilight, “I don’t need you!”

Baen dived off the edge and landed in the fire. It coiled around the barbarian as if it were a mass of tentacles. The fire seeped into his coat and under his skin, his nerves started to burn as the fire seemed to attach itself beneath his skin to his muscles, bone, and brain. Baen looked up and roared unnaturally, his eyes turning completely red.


Kriger halted as the air began to heat up. A massive heat haze billowed through the air as Baen rose to all four hooves, his wrath aura manifested, but it started to change. It went from its usual red color to a dark almost blackish red, its appearance more like a raging inferno. The barbarian’s eyes were glowing and completely red as he roared like a monster. His armor burned with intense heat as the dents and incision from their earlier fight closed up. His bandages burned off in bursts of fire. Then it started. His armor became more ribbed and sinister looking as it literally stretched and formed to cover the exposed areas of his body. The shoulder pads stretched and two blade like spikes emerged on each in a vertical line. Then the armor covered his head. The helm only had one slit for an eye hole, the edges of which formed a sharp end. Two black horns sprouted from either side of the helm and curved back. When the heat subsided, Baen stood before Kriger, changed.

His armor was a much deeper black and in appearance and texture borderline on demonic. Sharp texture and a rigged look made the barbarian much more imposing, almost evil in presence. He took one step forward as the rain evaporated upon contact with the armor. Two glowing red eyes burned in the helm.

Kriger readied himself, “Ruination, so you have reacquired it, but it seems you must remas-“

Kriger was cut off as Baen closed the distance in an instant, the ground quaking from the barbarian kicking off from the ground. Baen barrelled into the armored pony and sent him tumbling through the tree line. Kriger’s wave sword clattered across the ground as Baen stormed through the trees like an animal, axe hefted, the helmet seemingly opened with a mouth of its own. Kriger rolled from a massively powerful swing to his neck and clutched his sword with his aura. His indigo aura burned to life around him as Baen was upon him in an instant. The next swing making a crater under Kongen from the sheer force of the strike, Baen roared as he bucked Kriger into a tree.

Baen advanced on the downed pony, only to stagger.

Kriger laughed, “It seems despite you requiring your power. Even your body still has limits. How much longer can you hold against me?”

Baen roared and charged.

Kriger for once, could not keep up with Baen’s slashes. Each blocked swing and barely dodged swing not only shook the earth, but rattled Kriger’s armor. Baen then brought his axe back, and followed through with a mighty swing. Kriger took the swing full in the barrel and smashed through four trees. Black ooze poured form the armored pone’s wound.
Then Baen moved in for the kill…then he screamed.

His armor heated up once more, and then exploded off of him in a shower of white hot metal. Baen staggered as the armor plates vanished around him. His usual armor still atop his body.

Kriger advanced on him as Baen collapsed, “You have indeed shown me a worthy fight,” he then raised his wave sword, “so as a gift, I shall grant you a swift exit from this life.”


Baen lay on his back on the burnt out ashes of his power. His life and strength slowly returning to the Earth, he was beaten, he would be with mother and father soon.


Baen opened his eyes, and saw them. He saw Twilight, the other elements of harmony as well as all of his friends, coming into the pit to rescue him.

Baen could only stare as Twilight and the ponies approached him.

Baen gazed at Twilight, “You’ve never given up on anything in your life! Don’t start now!”


A blast of magic was knocked aside by Kriger. However when he turned his attention back to Baen, he was blocked by six mares glaring angrily at him.

Twilight glared defiantly into Kriger’s helm, “Leave him alone.”

“Stand aside ponies,” Kriger ordered, “this is neither your place nor fight.”

Twilight remained stoic and stood firm, “No. I won’t let you touch him. Baen is a pony of Equestria now, test or no test, he is our friend and one of my subjects and I will fight tooth and hoof to protect him!”

Applejack nodded, “If ya want him, ya gotta get through us ya varmint!”

All the girls nodded as one, their resolve settled.

Kriger then coldly stated, “Very well.”

His wave sword raised and soon it flew through the air…only to be stopped by the blade of an axe. Baen had pushed his way through the girls and was keeping the blade locked in place.

Kriger leaned forward as both Baen and his helm met forehead to forehead, the bladed horn lightly cutting Baen’s.

Kriger growled, “You can’t defeat me, I am stronger and vastly superior in combat. Give up!”

“That’s the one thing I’ll never do,” Baen growled back, “As long as you live and breathe in this forest, I’ll keep coming back! In my most solitary moments I’ll plot your defeat and train to achieve it!”

Kriger then pressed forward, “Then there’s only one last thing,” Kriger pulled away and sheathed his blade, “You have passed the test.”

The girls stared at Baen as he too became confused.

Kriger nodded, “Yes. You have reawakened your strongest ability and have finally shown me what I’ve wanted. You are indeed ready.”

Baen blinked, “Ready?”

Kriger nodded then ominously stated, “I am nothing to what comes next. But your bravery and tenacity will prove your greatest asset in the battles to come Baen. Be warned, you will be tested by fire and darkness, but never falter,” he glanced at the girls, “and never lose hope.”

Kriger turned to leave as mist rolled in.

Baen flinched in pain as he moved toward Kriger, “Wait! Just who are you?”

Kriger turned back to look at Baen, “Someone not from your past, but someone who has watched you and your tribes for millennia.”

Baen blinked in astonishment as Kriger vanished in the mist.

Baen turned to Twilight, visibly exhausted and bleeding.

Twilight was about to open her mouth to chew him out, but stopped when Baen uttered three words.

“Twilight, thank you.”

Baen collapsed in a heap.


Baen awoke once more in the hospital bed, the window having been replaced upon his departure under the ‘Baen Insurance’ that most of Ponyville applied for. Baen then stared at the girls who were all smiling at him but were clearly concerned for his health.

Twilight approached him, “Baen…listen, we’re sorry that we interfered in your fight. But you have to understand that…if we didn’t step in you would have died. But we all understand if you are angry at us for possibly wounding your pride,” the girls looked away in collective sadness.

Baen glanced away from them, “I said thank you didn’t I?”

Twilight and the girls stared at the bandaged barbarian in shock, “You mean…you’re not mad that we interfered?”

Baen chuckled, “Of course not, though it was pretty stupid to step in as you did. But I have to say it took guts,” he cast a small grin at them, “and I respect that.”

Applejack chuckled and gave him a teasing nudge, “Did Baen jus give us all a compliment?”

Baen gently waved her off, “Yes.”

Silence returned to the room as the girls and Baen stared into space. However, one comment broke the silence.

“I was wrong Twilight.”

Twilight glanced at Baen in surprise, “Excuse me?”

“I said I was wrong,” Baen scratched the back of his head, “You know. At first I thought you all were crazy and annoying mares that didn’t even deserve to have the title of heroes.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, “Aaaand then, he turns sour.”

Baen raised a hoof, “Let me finish. I did think that at first and for a time I believed it. But living here, going through those days with one or all of you showed me something’s. Despite the way I treated you, and others, you stuck by me and wouldn’t let up,” he then muttered, “which was annoying mind you,” his voice picked back up, “But despite that, I always questioned why.”

Twilight approached his bedside, “It’s because your one of us Baen. As I said, you’re a part of this kingdom and one of its citizens.”

Rarity nodded, “Even though you wear armor.”

Fluttershy added, “And carry an axe.”

Applejack then pointed out, “And have a bad temper.”

Baen raised a hoof, “I get it. But when you stood up for me and faced down certain death with nary a falter in your stride. I knew you all deserved the titles you received.”

The girls smiled at Baen’s acknowledgement.

“And Twilight, for what it’s worth,” he glanced at the alicorn, “Celestia couldn’t have picked a better mare to wear the title you now have.”

Twilight’s eyes watered at the statement and she embraced the stallion in a hug.


Twilight pulled back, “Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!”

“Its fine,” Baen wheezed as he leaned back, “You know, I get what you meant by I’ve made connections Twilight,” an image of himself at Kriger’s mercy flashed across his vision, “In that moment I was about to be struck down….I saw all of the faces that I’ve met during my time here. Vinyl, Cheerilee, Shining, Coco,” he glanced at the six of them, “and the six of you. It was then that I felt something I had not felt in quite some time….,” his voice trailed off

Pinkie Pie tilted her head, “So what are you trying to say Baen?”

“Well for starters,” he looked at his bed sheets, “I can’t believe I’m going to say this. But,” he inhaled, “I’ve actually learned that you have to appreciate the ponies in your life while you have the chance…and….”

Twilight smiled, “And?”

Baen fidgeted slightly, “Well…..Um

Twilight nudged him with a bit of a playful smile, “Come on. Say it.”

Baen slumped in defeat and mumbled, “Friendship is magic…..”

The six mares then embraced him in a group hug only for him to lightly push them off, “Whoa Whoa, first off. I might be your friend now but this,” he makes a bubble gesture, “will take some time to open to you lot, alright?”

They all nodded with happy smiles at finally having Baen accept their friendship.

Baen fidgeted nervously, “So….what happens now?”

Pinkie Pie then whispered in his ear one word, “Party….”

Author's Note:

If you're curious, this is what his Ruination Armor looks like, well, human wise any way. Ignore the shield

End of Act 2, prepare for Act 3 aka The Final Act where shit gets real! Act 3 will be written after the Season FInale though o3o