• Published 29th Jan 2014
  • 7,757 Views, 607 Comments

Baen of Equestria - CrypticMetaphor

A warrior from an Equestria of the past awakens in the current Equestria

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The following morning was quiet to say the least. The usual in Ponyville in fact all except for one slight thing, it was overcast outside. Yes indeed, the prior day after the entire hoopla outside the library the Weather Team had decided since there had been a good week of sun that it was time for some shade. Octavia as a whole did not mind in the slightest when she entered a cool kitchen without the sudden onset of heat. The grey mare casually poured herself some orange juice and prepared a blueberry bagel. As the aforementioned breakfast food toasted in its chrome holder she grabbed some cream cheese spread and plopped it on the counter with a butter knife beside it. She smiled pleasantly as he stomach growled in anticipation for its coming feast. However, her smile vanished when she heard a muffled noise from the living room. Trotting into the room she slowed her pace and beheld two things, one was that there was an axe leaning against the coat rack near the door. The second was the fact that there was a shape curled up on the couch.

Octavia shakily backed out as the shape shook slightly under its covers. A head emerged from the covers and a pair of emerald green eyes fell upon her. The shape fully sat up to reveal it was garbed in armor. Now, a pony such as Octavia was rational and well minded but when a mare feels threatened they do the most rational thing they can think of, smash the thing that is threatening them.


Baen blinked his eyes slightly only for a vase to hit him in the head.

“WHO ARE YOU! GET OUT,” Octavia hurled another vase at the stallion before her, “VINYL! THERE’S A STRANGER IN THE HOUSE!!! GET YOUR CANNON!!!!”

Baen shielded his face as more object were hurled at him, “WAIT!! STOP FOR A SECOND YOU CRAZ- *BONG!*”

Octavia had closed the distance and smacked the pony on the head hard with a cast iron frying pan. The offender dropped off the couch in a heap, Octavia gasped in both fright and fear as the sounds of rapidly approaching hoof steps reached her ears.

“You alright Octy?” Vinyl’s concern was evident when she arrived, “What’s the problem?”

Octavia pointed a hoof at the intruder, “I-I think I killed him. Oh Celestia what have I done!?”

Vinyl walked to Baen, “Well for starters. You just knocked out our new roommate.”

Octavia’s expression shifted to one of slight annoyance, “Our new roommate? Really now?”

Vinyl nodded with a smile as she spiked her hair, “Yep, by orders of the Princess.”

“Well, be that as it may,” Octavia harrumphed forgetting about the stallion, “I would like you to TELL me if we are going to house mystery stallions in our home in the future.”

Vinyl smirked, “Yeah sure, I’ll get out my crystal ball and make sure of that.”

Octavia snorted as her bagel popped.

Walking into the kitchen she began to spread the cream cheese upon the bagels now golden brown surface. Vinyl shook her head at her roommate and noticed Baen rising up from the ground with slight irritation plastered on his face.

“What hit me?”

Vinyl chuckled as she gestured where her friend was, “That would have been my other roommate, resident cellist Octavia.”

Baen snorted slightly as he walked into the kitchen, his armored hooves clanking on the tiles. Octavia turned around and backed up in fear as the stallion that she had rendered unconscious glared daggers at her. Octavia looked from side to side for a weapon of some kind, only for Baen to smile.

“I have to say,” his smile turned to a smirk, “You hit hard for a musician.”

Octavia was slightly confused but still fearful, “T-thank you I suppose…I didn’t hurt you by chance, did I?”

Baen shook his head, “Nah, I can take a beating,” his eyes traveled along the mares grey coated body as old mannerisms surfaced slightly, “Say…you wouldn’t by chance be seeing somepony would you?”

Octavia’s face became beet red as she sputtered instead of responding. Vinyl was on the ground rolling in laughter.

Baen raised an eyebrow with a small toothy grin, “I can respect a mare that can hold her own. I’ll be blunt, you and me upstairs in your chamb-“


A Wok was now currently in the shape of Baen’s head as he plopped down on his back. Octavia still wore her flustered expression but her eyes bore embarrassment.

“W-why I…never have I heard such,” she scrunched up her face when she saw her roommate in tears while laughing, “What’s so funny?!”

Vinyl wiped a tear from her eye, “Your face is priceless!”

Octavia growled slightly as Baen stirred, “its not funny Vinyl! I will not allow such a vulgar stallion to live here!”

Vinyl stopped her laughing, “I’m sure he was just joking Octy.”

“Ow,” Baen glanced up at Octavia, “Such a beautiful mare you are.”

Octavia swiftly responded with another hit, “SEE!”

“Octy, he was just complementing you that time,” Vinyl shook her head, “I think he got the message.”

Octavia raised an eyebrow as Baen looked up at her, “Vinyl speaks the truth, I understand if you are not interested in me,” he slowly rose into the standing position, “but that does not mean I won’t keep trying.”

Octavia huffed and hefted the Wok only for Baen to wave his hooves, “Kidding! I’m kidding!”

She shook her head and dropped the ruined Wok on the counter as she munched on her bagel.

Vinyl glanced at Baen, “So Baen, what’re you gonna do today?”

Baen shrugged, “Probably just walk around town, maybe get some training in after I eat,” he then sniffed the air slightly, “Hm…where is your cleansing facility?”

Vinyl raised an eyebrow, “You mean the bathroom? Upstairs, first door on the right.”

Baen nodded, “Thank you. You’ll excuse me, I haven’t really bathed since I’ve been unfrozen.”

Octavia wrinkled her nose, “Clearly.”

Baen walked out of the kitchen as Octavia sipped her orange juice. Vinyl sat across from her with a sly grin.

“You know,” she leaned forward, “If you go in there now, you might be able to get a better look at him.”

Octavia spat out her juice, “*cough* Never!”

Vinyl shrugged, “Your loss, but come on Octavia. He’s got a nice plot, am I right,” Vinyl grinned like a devil as she spoke each word slowly, “ Nice, toned, and firm. Tell me I’m wrong.”

Octavia slammed her head as a muffled sigh escaped her, “You’re right….”

Vinyl squeed in victory as Baen’s voice traveled down the stairs, “VINYL! WHERE’S THE SOAP!”

Vinyl smiled, “Shelf beside your head.”

Silence followed before a scream broke it, “MY EYES!!!!!”

Vinyl lost her cool and laughed anew at having tricked her new occupant.


Baen grumbled in annoyance as his slightly bloodshot and stinging eyes glanced around the town. The stupid soap Vinyl had told him to grab was something called ‘Sham-poo’. He had tried to lather himself with the bottle but found that was impossible. He had then opened the bottle and glanced inside, big mistake. The barbarian trotted through the streets as some citizens gave him a wide berth whereas others couldn’t help but gaze at the warrior from another time. Baen paid them no heed as he continued along his way; he ended up in front of a peculiar building. It was red bricked and had a white roof, oddly enough there were even some sort of weird sculptures of metal. Odder still was the fact that fillies and colts were playing on them beside. Could it be some form of orphanage?

Baen unknowingly found himself at the fence of the establishment and gazed at the building before a friendly sounding voice caused his ear to swivel, “Can I help you…sir?”

Baen turned his head and noted the mare staring at him curiously, “I was merely curious as to what this place was.”

“It’s the Ponyville Schoolhouse,” the mare raised an eyebrow but then clapped her hoof against the floor, “OH! You’re the pony that attacked Rainbow Dash!”

“In my defence she attacked me,” he then nodded slightly as he glanced at the mare, “the name is Baen, and you are?”

“Cheerilee,” she smiled, “I’m the teacher here.”

“Well it’s nice to meet you,” Baen cocked his head slightly as he gazed into her eyes, “Do I know you?”

Cheerilee shook her head, “I don’t think so.”

Baen shrugged, “Well…,” he rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, “is this what the town calls…a friendship moment?”

Cheerilee giggled, “Well I suppose so. Would you want to maybe allow me to show you around sometime?”

Baen looked to the side and mumbled, “Sure…”

Cheerilee gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder, “Well it was nice meeting you Baen, I hope to see you soon.”

Baen nodded, “Likewise.”

The barbarian slowly left as Cheerilee called the students in after their recess concluded.


After meeting the school mare, Baen found himself standing in a field taking swings at a tree. Baen gazed at the steadily chopped tree; his mind began to wonder as he started to think back. In truth, he was recollecting what had caused his imprisonment. When he reached that image however, the floodgates opened and a torrent of memories hit him.

Baen stared at a pair of glowing golden orbs that bore holes into him. His blood ran freely as a crimson clay like spear slashed deeply into his shoulder.

Baen recoiled as his nerves responded. The pain scorched through him like a fire in his veins. Six shapes crested the hill behind him.

Baen felt his axe hit home on the shapes neck. The shape roared deeply and back handed him into a wall.

Baen reared back and yelled in pain. His breath coming in ragged gasps. The six shapes ran to him.

The shape plowed into the bleeding warrior with furious blows of its fists. His bones cracking and creaking with each successful hit.

Twilight stared on in fear at Baen who seemed to be recoiling from invisible strikes. The six mares attempted to speak to the barbarian, but he heard none of their voices. His nerves screamed in agony as his breaths got more forced.

Baen was then hurled to the ground by the shapes will alone.

Baen threw himself to the ground as Rarity ran toward him, “Baen! Stop this!”

The shape then towered over Baen, the word exchange that took place he had already heard in that one dream.

Baen stood as still as a statue staring into thin air.

Applejack approached him cautiously, “Baen? Sugarcube, are ya alright?”

Baen’s mouth opened and a blood curdling scream left it.

Baen felt like his coat was on fire. The energy burned his lungs and zapped away his strength. Soon his screams died and he saw nothing. But all the while he heard that laugh. That sickening deep laugh.

Baen then shook his head as Rainbow Dash released him from her shaking. He frantically snapped his head around looking at them. His vision started to become blurry as his breathes were nothing more than puffs. His chest ached, it was as if somepony was driving a knife into it.

Fluttershy quickly approached him, “Baen you have to calm down! Breath!”

Baen visibly tried, but nothing was heard. Just a sickening gagging sound, he then keeled over and started to thrash on the ground.

Twilight was by his side, “He’s having a panic attack again! But this one’s bad, if it continues he’ll have a heart attack!”

Pinkie ran to a nearby tree and grabbed a bucket full of cold water. Twilight fired up her horn and sent a mild pulse through the barbarian, his breathing forcibly restarted as a sharp inhale was heard. Twilight nodded to Pinkie who then dumped the bucket on Baen’s head. The barbarian shook his head hard as his senses returned.

He fearfully stood up and grabbed his axe while yelling angrily, “STAY AWAY FROM ME!”

Baen galloped away in a flash.

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes, “YEAH! YOU’RE WELCOME!”

Twilight placed a hoof on her friend, “It’s not our fault. He’s just in shock.”

Rarity looked after the warrior with worry, “To think one such as he could be rendered so…defenceless. It was so frightening.”

Applejack removed her hat, “He needs somepony to talk to.”

Fluttershy nodded, “We need to be there for him, whether he wants us there or not.”

The girls looked at the usually shy mare as Rainbow nodded, “Wow Flutters, I knew you were kind. But usually you’re never so…”

“Resolved?” Rarity added.

Rainbow nodded, “Yeah!”

Fluttershy timidly kicked the dirt, “Well it’s just that he’s out of his own time. So he’s probably just scared and lonely. He just needs friends to show him to not be scared anymore.”

Twilight nodded with a smile, “Good thinking Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy smiled as all six mares looked after the barbarian.


Baen sat in the middle of the dark living room staring at the floor at his hooves. For the first time in his life…he felt vulnerable. It scared him to no end.

Octavia looked at the stallion in the living room as Vinyl stood beside her.

“How long has he been there for?” Vinyl asked her roommate.

Octavia shook her head, “He just walked in little over an hour ago and has just been sitting there.”

Vinyl pursed her lips then walked over to the stallion and sat beside him on his left. Octavia followed her lead and sat on his right, both mares then hugged the stallion.

Baen perked up in surprise and glanced at the two. He gave a small smile, but then he became stoic and lost himself in his thoughts.

Author's Note:

What's this?! I wrote some actual depth?! BLASPHEMY!