• Published 18th Mar 2012
  • 15,548 Views, 1,996 Comments

I Blame You - Whitestrake

The product of my friend and I having a Skype call that went to the subject of 'What if...'

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The Universe Heard Twilight Thinking

By the time we'd arrived to the farm, the sun had nearly set. I was pleasantly surprised to see everyone inside remain calm about what must have sounded like a monster approaching. The ponies, and Jay, came outside to investigate, but I'm certain my friend knew what had just pulled up to the dwelling. I think he's still an amnesiac, pity, I was looking forward to bashing his skull in, but that can wait, I'm nothing if not patient.

“What in tarnation is that?” Applejack drawled in amazement, I can't say I blamed her, modern technology is almost magical anyone unfamiliar with it. I killed the engine, and my passenger exited the vehicle, with me tailing her.

“Applejack, humans have wagons that move on their own!” Twilight was obviously excited, at telling someone about what she'd learned, or being free of the cab, I have no idea which. Nor do I have any idea why she called the automobile a wagon, I had clearly stated that while it was similar, it was also incredibly more complicated.

“That's not a wagon, it's a truck.” Jay was speaking in monotone, seems his day of work had given him time to think, understand what the implications of his misdeeds, however fictitious they may have been. I think I may have crossed the line, not that I care, I just wanted to make a note of it. Part of me should feel bad, but I had a feeling that he'd be back to his old self soon enough, and revenge was part of the package.

“Okay, why is it pullin' that wagon behind it?” I'm not sure she recognized it, it bore little resemblance to Trixie's old one. I doubt she cared for who the owner was, but better safe than sorry, I sincerely doubt I can bullshit to the Element of Honesty.

“This is Trixie's, the axle broke on her way here, she was changing it when the manticore attacked her.” Of course I told the truth, I didn't want to end up in the same boat as Jay, actually, I just didn't want AJ pissed at me. Not that I was afraid of her, I've tangoed with the farmer pony before, but her brother was intimidating, as things of his size usually are.

“Ah suppose yer lookin' tah keep it outta th' weather, aren't ya'?” Applejack asked with a slight smirk, and I wondered if she would allow it.

“Only if you're okay with it.” I gave a friendly smile. I should make it very clear, years of stoicism has made facial expressions very difficult for me, so I only managed to grin on my right side. Underdeveloped facial muscles for the win! But, seriously, it makes the little that I can express that much more sincere.

“'Fraid Ah can't, sorry.” Her face and mine fell in unison. I was not angry, far from it, I was simply frustrated. Finding a place to store my truck was essential to keeping harmful technology out of the hooves of ponies, simply essential! If only the task was essentially simple.

“I was worried you would say that.” To be fair, she's done more than enough for me, she doesn't need any extra burden. Besides, it would give her something else to worry about, and that was the very last thing Applejack needed. I could tell that she was affected rather heavily by lying to Jay, she would likely break under the pressure. Regardless, my own problem takes precedence over those of the farmer, at least in my opinion.

I had a feeling AJ's apprehension would take care of itself.


The War of the Tribunal.” Trixie repeated the odd title to herself. She had never come across any mentions of this Tribunal anywhere before, even during her brief stay in the Pridelands. What was stranger still, this entry seemed more like a recorded speech or lecture rather than a tale of mythology. The showmare put the odd discrepancy aside, and began her reading.

In the Times Before, we lived alongside with them. They were were our brothers in battle, eager to fight and defend our mutual home with their very lives. It is with a heavy heart that I must inform the Council that this has changed. I speak, of course, of our former allies: the humans.

Three days ago, a small detachment of troops entered the city Ivoryclaw, the visitors were noted as behaving strangely, more so than we often expect of humans. Without warning, they attacked, killing hens and chicks indiscriminately. The raiders were quickly killed by the local guard, but the damage would reach much farther. In the next three days, we received reports of no less than six of our cities and towns falling within the first hour of attack.

Despite how quickly we reacted upon receiving this news, we were too late. Nestopia was burned to the ground, as well as Ironwall, and Nevermore. Each was razed to its foundation, its inhabitants killed and its lands salted. The words First was Carthage, now Knossos will feel our wrath. Chancellor Azuhral deserves a traitor's death. It wasn't until the next day that we discovered their campsites.

Six thousand strong, at the very least, rested in the canyon. The camps, as they were grouped separately, consisted of men, women and children, though they all prepared themselves for battle. Within the largest tent, near the compound's center, resided the army's leaders. Those aiding the humans in this act of treason were none other than the chancellor's most trusted advisers: the Tribunal.

Trixie had read enough. Surely the griffins were describing something other than humans, her guardian angel couldn't have belong to a race so savage. Even if they were connected, the story was from two thousand years ago, more than enough time for culture to improve even the most brutal of savages. The showmare closed the book, eager to get some fresh air. She resolved to ask Taylor about any past interactions with griffins, major or minor, and get some confirmation on the validity of the story.

Returning the tome to its rightful place on the shelf, Trixie began her search for something else to occupy her time.


Well, that trip was a bust. Now I’ve got to find somewhere else to store this shit. In all seriousness, this is going to be a slight irritation. If only Applejack had allowed me to keep my stuff in her barn. Of course, I understand her reasons for denying me, she has to minimize Applebloom's exposure to the human element that was quickly making its home in Ponyville. Even so, I doubt driving to Twilight's library is stealthier than hiding the vehicles in the barn.

Have I mentioned how strangely even Ponyville's roads are? It was like they were paved, then flat dirt was place over the cement. Outstandingly even ground, that is the picture I am trying to paint here. Travel was pretty quick, and we reached the library in about ten minutes. We would have gotten there faster if someone hadn't insisted that I drive slowly during the sunset. Despite how short the drive was, it gave me time to think.

Would it be considered normal to find the thought of never going home a little depressing?


As Twilight and Taylor entered the library, Trixie was finishing her eighth hoof of Blackjack against Spike. The little dragon was quite the shark, the showmare thought he must have been cheating. That wasn't the case, actually, Trixie just sucked at card games.

“I see you're still wearing my hoodie.” Taylor's voice was oddly bass-y, an unusual characteristic in ponies. Perhaps the trait was more commonplace in humans, but the ponies had no way of finding out.

“Of course, it's very comfortable.” Twilight thought Trixie's snarky comments to the human would have been found offensive, however, the opposite proved true. Taylor took them in stride, and dealt them just as easily. Somewhere, the showpony and teen found a mutual respect for one another, which the Element of Magic found endlessly confusing.

“Just make sure it is clean when you return it.” Of course, it may have had something to do with Trixie's near-death experience, gratitude can be a powerful emotion. Regardless of how strange the human was, certain gestures had meanings either identical, or very similar, to those used by Equestrians, as evidenced by his small smile.

All in all, Twilight supposed things could have gone much worse.

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