• Published 18th Mar 2012
  • 15,548 Views, 1,996 Comments

I Blame You - Whitestrake

The product of my friend and I having a Skype call that went to the subject of 'What if...'

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Albert Einstein's Last Words are Lost to History Because he Spoke Them in German, and his Attending Nurse Couldn't Understand him

I slept for about seven hours, which was pretty good for me. Unfortunately, I hadn't been nearly lucid enough to understand how bad things would be when I woke up. No matter how much sleep I got, I was going to look like I was recovering from a rough night. Add my strewn-about clothes and insectoid bed-buddy to the mix, and shit got real. My only consolation was seeing Cadence's face when she saw Chrysalis and I both look up when she opened the door. The room didn't even smell like sex, but seeing a possibly naked me and a seductress together, with both of us looking disheveled and tired, it would be hard for anyone not to connect dots that didn't exist.

“Why didn't you try and get me up sooner?” A better question would be why Cadence was back from her honeymoon so soon, but that would be tasteless. The queen was strangely calm around the pink princess, maybe she was trying to fake the relaxation people get after a good night. If that was the case, I hope she stops.

“Well, Princess Celestia thought it would be a good idea for me to get to know you on friendly terms.” Right, Princess of Love and all that. While I was glad to see the real Cadence wasn't a permabitch, I couldn't help but think she was easy to manipulate. I had no doubt in my mind that Tia had actually sent the young alicorn to be sure Chrysalis hadn't escaped into the night. “And I needed to see how Taylor was feeling.”

“Yeah, that would have been good to do about three days ago.” You have any idea how awkward it is to dress in front of someone who was pretty sure you slept with the person that tried to kill her? The pretty pink pony looked shocked at my rudeness, but leave it to the changeling queen to help with everything she didn't need to fuck with.

“Sorry, he's just grumpy.” I think she realized how bad that actually sounded immediately after the words left her mouth, because her expression only had one meaning across the multiverse. Cadence looked a little red at the implications, but she kind of asked for it. I think she was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that Chrysalis and I were on good terms, considering I tried to burn her to death. Not to mention the fact that I destroyed priceless artifacts and nearly died in the process.

“I am not.” I gave my best impression of a child, complete with the whiny tone and slight drawl of an eight year old. The two females lost their previous tension and giggled at my joke, so progress was made on that front. Actually, Chrysalis wouldn't have any trouble being nice to Cadence. The inverse would be a bit more difficult, but the pink alicorn wouldn't present the same challenge as Shining Armor. “But, on a serious note, what are you doing back so soon?”

“Scheduling needed us both back home.” Right, the relief efforts and such. Despite the necessity, the pink princess didn't seem to enjoy her honeymoon being cut short.


Trixie was always accustomed to doing things by herself. While the showmare's occupation required an audience, she managed to fulfill the stagehand obligations alone. Her show also sucked, by all accounts, but was beside the point. At the moment, the blue unicorn was working with somepony many would consider to be her rival: Twilight Sparkle. There wasn't any sort of conflict between the two; the Element of Magic had handed Trixie's flank back to her on a silver platter.

What was it that had them working side by side? Studying, of course! The pair had broken into the Royal Canterlot Library, because Twilight thought it would be fun to pretend it was illegal for them to be there. It was, but the lavender mare had taken things a little too far. Trixie still wasn't quite sure why the Element had a pair of latex bodysuits on her, but hanging around Ponyville had taught her not to question things involving Twilight and her friends.

“What is it we're looking for, again?” The blue showmare was really hoping to get a straight answer this time, but she knew she wouldn't, if any of her previous attempts were anything to go by. While Trixie had a rough idea from every book Twilight pulled from the shelves, it wasn't enough to form a complete picture. Everything from bestiaries and biology texts to sociological guides and history books were piled onto one of the libraries many tables.

“Taylor reported all of his findings to Princess Celestia, and that includes references to another human called the Deceiver. You and I are going to try and build a model of human society that factors in evolutionary quirks and tries to make sense of the techno-warrior-priest culture the Deceiver seems to have come from in an attempt to understand the his prophecies to the changelings and how they might come to pass.”

“How did you say that in one breath?” Trixie pondered that Twilight's lungs must have taken up most of her trunk in order to hold that much air, but understood that equine biology would never allow such a mutant to reach maturity.

“Practice.” The lavender mare said that like it was a good answer, but the street magician had no choice but to continue working with her. The Element had the most experience when it came to research; Trixie hadn't received any schooling beyond what was required of Equestrians. That didn't stop the Lulamoon from giving Twilight a flat look. “Oh, come on, think of it like a science project.”

“Wouldn't it be easier to just ask Chrysalis about the Deceiver directly?” Much to Trixie's dismay, the lavender unicorn shook her head. Then, in the finest show of mixed signal the world had ever seen, she nodded like a great idea was slowly forming in her head.

“She is the only one here that's actually seen anything the Deceiver brought to Equestria.” Twilight had no idea how close she was to getting bitch slapped, but Trixie kept her foreleg firmly on the ground. “Good idea! We have no time to waste!” In a rush of scholarly obsession the Element of Magic displayed only once per season, the purple pony slammed into the door.

For such a smart mare, one would think she'd remember that particular door opened inward.


Jay was occupying himself by testing his newest creation. For such a destructive device, his upgraded flamer was surprisingly lightweight and easy to use. The gas-mask wearing teen narrowed his eyes at a griffon target about sixty feet from him; this would be the ultimate test of heat output and range. The flautist leveled the nozzle at the fake bird-lion, beaming a hidden smile the entire time he aimed. With the flick of a switch, the flamethrower's pilot light set its inextinguishable flame. Jay moved his trigger hand slowly to the squeeze-release, which would send an gout of fire over the distance and hopefully burn the pseudo-griffon in its armor.


Like a work of art, the fire reached the faraway target, its angry tendril snaked effortlessly around and through its metal shell. The cotton-filled dummy went up in record time, the flame's intense heat burning through its leather harness even after the human ceased his assault. It fact, it was hot enough to fell at this distance, so much so that Jay was slightly worried his clothes might catch.

“Oh shit, why is the armor melting?” Indeed, the alloys that comprised the shell were made molten under the mighty flame. It would have been awesome if the sparse grass and the actual fucking dirt hadn't combusted like they did. Yep, time to get help.


After such a day, it was easy for me to return to my workshop and relax. With nothing to do but finish what little maintenance was required to get Leviathan combat ready, there wasn't much to keep me occupied. In fact, there was nothing more I could do for its armor, so I would need to actually climb into the massive war machine to stay busy. If I recall correctly, there were a few instruments that I needed to recalibrate. The Baneblade's machine spirit was more than willing to cooperate with me, there was no doubt that it was just happy to be back in use.

Leviathan thrummed along with the music as I went about my work. While I wasn't a techpriest by any means, the steel beast wasn't complaining. The spirit's humming and silent noise was my guide for what needed to be fixed, but the work was surprisingly sparse. Those guys on Mars sure knew how to build these things to last. With each passing repair session, I could almost feel the tank and I attuning to one another, enough that I could almost understand how the animalistic spirit felt about certain things. When the happy thrumming became an angry blare of static, I knew something was wrong.

“Taylor?” You'd think Leviathan would have gotten used to her by now, but the xenophobic war machine remained firm in its hatred. At least the Baneblade wasn't actively trying to kill the queen, which probably meant it knew how useful she was.

“Need something?”

Extra – By the Emperor!
Present Day

There was the calming music again, that meant the Korpsman was back. While inexperienced, he surpassed many of the mechanics that had cared for the armored killing machine, if only because he took the time to ponder its emotional well-being in addition to the physical shell. If this was how things would be, then Leviathan had no complaints about its future on the uncharted planet. The battle could be a bit more frequent, but maintenance came first and foremost. Only on thing kept the machine spirit from actually relaxing: the rampant xenos infestation. While the Korpsman seemed fine with the aliens, it went against everything the Imperium stood for.

Speak of the Dark Gods and their servants seem to appear, because the bug-xeno from before was back. The massive tank did its best to maintain its composure as the overgrown insect flew onto it shell. Leviathan didn't even act when Chrysalis – it knew her name all too well – stuck her head into its cabin and called the Korpsman by his given name. At least the two were friendly enough, though the fighting machine still wanted bloodshed, it knew the Korpsman would lead it into battle soon enough. The two conversed for a few minutes, nothing important enough for the machine spirit to devote too much effort into eavesdropping. Wait. What were they doing? It appeared to be a hug, but there was something that felt unusual about the contact. The Baneblade focused intently on the human to find any sign of distress, and would have continued to monitor his vitals were it not for a rapidly growing development.

Oh what the fuck, Korpsman!?

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