• Published 17th Jan 2014
  • 1,094 Views, 85 Comments

the secrets of the north, shinings new hope. - RC

thisis my first story. the infamous DJ-PON3 is well know. shining armor is also well known. cadance sees that shining resembiles vinyl so she decided to find out for herself what shining dose on those saterday nights when he aint home till midnight.

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chapter 3. double agents

Chapter 3
The secret life of shining armor

As shining and Cadance were waiting for their train cart to arrive at the dock, Cadance was telling shining about her favorite memories as a foal, most of which involved her old foal-sitting job.
“…and he fell of the swing somehow but his thick skull helped with his lack of damages. I’m still wondering how he did it. He was straped in a child safety swing and he fell off. Eh, I guess we may never know.” Said Cadance “so what was your favorite foal-hood memory?”
“Well, that would have to be when twilight got stuck up a tree for nightmare night when she was 2. I still don’t know how she did it. But it took 3 royal guards 4 bystanders and 6 fire ponies to get her down.” Shining laughed “ha, it was pretty funny, seeing as she was dressed as daring do. Even then she managed to collect at least 5 times the candy I did.” ‘Still mad that she was a lot more efficient than me as a freaking FILLY!’
*knock* there was a knock at the door to their private car. “I wonder who it is?” said Cadance as she started for the door. Shining stopped her “I'll get it. You sit towards the back of the car.” Shining opened the door to see one of Lunas elite three night guards, Shadow chaser, a unicorn who’s left fore leg was made of pure shadow.
“Hello sir, the princess asked us to be your guard for your honeymoon, Dragon is going to guard you from behind, I’ll be guarding your room and using a spell to check your food for poison, and RC will be above you till the night when he and dragon will go to bed.” Shade said”oh and if you need anything for one of your sets just call RC. He is a master of bass mixes to shake all tem wubs.” She left the room with a dumbfounded Cadance and shining.
“How did she…?” began Cadance, as she began to regain her wits about what just happened. “I just don’t know. My only guess is that she and the guard have been using the shadows to listen to us.” Shining was still puzzled as he responded. Suddenly from the shadows behind him he heard a voice, “I apologize for listening in but I can’t control what I hear from the shadows. My name is Rain chaser, please call me RC and if ya need a swift rescue or escape just call me. I’ll take you from there and defend you from the hive and from the hoard. Oh and vinyl, wanna do a surprise beat for some traveling music?” said RC.
“Let's do it. Time for this trip to get bassed.” Said vinyl after shining changed. “Let's get started!” ”got it boss!”Said RC as he started the beat
“Excuse me passengers, the train will be reaching the dock in approximately 5 minutes. Pleas locate your cargo and be ready to depart from the train” said the train conductor through the speaker.
“Time to wrap this up then, ready?*RC nods*DROP THISS SHIST!!!!!” wub wub wub wub wub wuwuwuwuwb! Said and played Vinyl. As the train reached the station and they were about to depart shining decided to say something to his wife.”I think RC is a changling.”

Author's Note:

mysteries begin.