• Published 16th Jan 2014
  • 674 Views, 24 Comments

The beginning of the end. - BAR0SS

Wind Slash. A pegasus pony who has worked as an apple farmer in the town of Appleoosa for the past four years. What would happen if his boss told him he should become a pegasus again?

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

"Wind Slash!"

I fell out of the bunk and landed on the floor of the train car with a *THUD* as Braeburn yelled to try and wake me. I lay there for a moment before I groaned and pushed myself to my hooves.

"Damn you. Couldn't you have just lightly shaken me awake?" I asked as I tried to escape the feeling of being tired.

"Ah tried, but ya just wouldn't stir. So I had to use another tactic." Braeburn said snickering, Causing me to huff. "Walk it off pardner. We're a few minutes from Ponyville."

I felt myself tense, but I soon remembered the events of yesterday. Braeburn had talked me into coming to Ponyville while he visited his cousins, and to try and get me to get my wings back into a better condition. I then remembered that the Wonderbolt's had a better chance at finding me in Ponyville.

I sub-consciously pressed my wings harder against my sides at that thought. I just hoped with all my being that I remained anonymous, I was in no condition to escape them, and I was really REALLY not ever going to be in a mood to listen to their pleas for me to come back.

I looked over to my wings and remembered their neglected condition. 'Maybe if I do get found, they won't want me to come back with wings like these... No they will force me to get back into shape.' I thought to myself.

I had mixed feeling about that thought.

I shook off the feeling as I was interrupted by my thinking form Braeburn as he called out to me.

"When did ya change ya mane colour?" Braeburn asked. I had brought along some smoky black mane dye and applied it to my mane and tail in the middle of the night.

"Last night while you were sleeping." I said as I looked my tail over. Braeburn rolled his eyes.

"Well anyway, we're almost there." He said as he turned and looked out the window to the town that was getting closer.

'Celestia? if you can hear me, please do anything you can to not make my time here in Ponyville stressful.' I said in my head sarcastically.

I turned and grabbed my saddlebags from the bunk and threw them onto my back before following Braeburn to the exit of the train.

The train stopped in Ponyville station and let off a hiss. The doors opened and both me and Braeburn stepped out onto the platform. I instinctively lowered my head, expecting something bad to happen.
"Will ya stop worrying." Braeburn said. I lifted my head up and looked around. "Ah said yer gona be fine."

"Sorry, just a reaction. I can't help it." I said as I rubbed the back of my head.

Braeburn was right. All the ponies just walked past, not knowing who I once was. A few pegasi glanced at me, but just continued to do whatever they were doing.

"A reaction to what, having attention drawn to yerself because yer a pony whose acting strange and has a black coat who now has a smoky black mane and tail to add to the shady look?" he asked sarcastically.

"Ok, so it wasn't the best choice of colour. But I only had a few minutes to get it, and smoky black was the first colour I grabbed from the store yesterday afternoon. It's not like I had much of a choice there anyway." I said.

"I still don't think ya needed it." he said to himself, but just loud enough for me to hear.

"Look, lets just get to your cousin's already. That way, you can focus on whatever it is that you do on the rare occasion you three see each other, and I can get to work on being alone." I said grumpily.

Braeburn rolled his eyes before turning away from me and began to walk in the direction I presumed Sweet Apple Acre's was in. I trotted up beside him and fell in pace.

10 minutes later of walking in silence, we were walking along a dirt pathway that followed a fence line. On the other side of the fence was hundreds and hundreds of apple trees, so I thought it was safe to presume we were almost there.

We came up to a 'T' intersection of the pathway. Straight ahead led of to Celestia knows where, but to the right led into the fence through a square archway. we turned and followed the right side path

I looked up and saw a sign on the top. 'Sweet Apple Acre's' it read. I looked down the path ahead and spotted a farm house, and beyond that was a red barn.

"Come on partner, were almost there." Braeburn said as he continued to walk down the path.

As we were walking, I spotted a young filly. She had a yellow coat and a red mane and tail. She also had a big red bow in her mane. She spotted us coming up the path and a large grin grew upon her face.

'Braeburn!!!" the filly exclaimed happily before she sprinted at us as fast as she could.

When she reached Braeburn, she jumped straight into his chest, causing them both to fall back and laugh hysterically as they began to play wrestle.

I rolled me eyes and sat down a few metres away so I could wait without being in their was as they played in the dirt.

They continued to laugh and have fun for a few minutes, but soon stopped as they both needed to catch their breath.

"It's good ta see ya again Applebloom." Braeburn said as he scooped the filly up into a hug.

"You too, Braeburn. I haven't seen ya since that time ya came down fer that annual harvest to help out." the filly I presumed to be named Applebloom said with glee.

"That was some time ago. Anyway, is yer sister or brother around?" Braeburn asked.

"Nah, Big Mac is in town selling our apples, and Applejack said she needed to help Twilight with something." Applebloom explained before she looked to me. "Oh is this that pony ma sis said you'd be bringing?"

'Wait. If I'm expected, Braeburn must have been planing this for a while.' I thought to myself as I looked to Braeburn and frowned. He was giving me a nervous grin.

"I guess I am. I'm Wind Slash, and you must be Applebloom." I said as I looked back to her and smiled.

"Yes sir, I am. Boy, is Applejack in fer a surprise when she meets you." the filly said while giggling.

Both Braeburn and I raised and eyebrow. Applebloom saw our confused expressions and continued.

"She's gonna be surprised because she was goin on about how you are going to look like 'a big strong earth pony' from all the letters Braeburn sent us about you. But you ain't an earth pony, yer a pegasus." she explained.

I looked back to my wings. 'May as well be an earth pony with how useless these things have become.' I thought to myself as I remembered my test flights yesterday.

"But, ah guess that's why Braeburn said that you would be 'learning to fly again.' Ma brother and Applejack never could figure out how an earth pony was going to fly. But yer not an earth pony." Applebloom continued.

"Anyway, when do you think that yer siblings will be back?" Braeburn asked, trying to change the subject.

"Big mac shouldn't be too long, with how good business has been lately. And ah don't know about Applejack. If ya just come with me, I can take ya'll inside." Me and Braeburn nodded before she turned around and began to walk towards the farm house, with me and Braeburn in tow.

We arrived up to the front door of the house and Applebloom led us inside.

"Granny Smith, Cousin Braeburn is here!!!" Applebloom yelled into the house.

"What!?! Who now?" came an elderly voice from inside the kitchen.

"Ah said cousin Braeburn is here! He's stayin fer a few weeks, remember!?! Ah'm gonna show them to their room!"

"Ok then!" Ms Smith ended the shouting contest.

Applebloom led us up a set of stairs, We came to a halt outside of a door and Applebloom opened it up before she entered

"Me an Applejack set up this room fer you two to stay in while yer both here." Applebloom said while allowing Braeburn in to the room. I just stood in the doorway.

Inside the room was a bed on either side. Braeburn walked up to the bed on the right side of the room and dropped his saddle bags onto it. I finally walked in and placed my saddlebags on the left bed.

"Well, Ah'm gonna go back outside. Let me know if ya'll need anything." Applebloom said as she walked back outside.

I looked to Braeburn and saw him rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Let me guess: You have been planing for me to come along for a while now, but you were not expecting for her to let on that you called ahead to tell them I'm coming?" I asked sarcastically. "What else did you tell them about me?"

"Nothing. Just that ya are a hard working stallion that is only trying to make a living, and ah also said that yer coming along because ah think ya need a break from workin." Braeburn said nervously.

I approached him with and angry look. "You know that we're friends right?" I asked in a whisper. He nodded his head. "I am thankful for everything you have helped me with over the past four years. But if any complications arise, such as: The Wonderbolt's finding me, or crazed fan's going skit because they find out who I am, I am going to snap you." I warned, causing him to gulp.

"W-well, it's a good thing ah kept yer secret a... secret. After all this time, ah thought ya would have a little more faith." Braeburn countered.

I took a step back and looked away. He was right, I shouldn't have doubted his trust. He had helped me all this time, I shouldn't have just presumed that he would just go and make my life difficult.

"Sorry Braeburn, I shouldn't have doubted you." I apologized dejectedly.

He smiled before he put a hoof on my shoulder. "Ah understand partner, yer just distressed about yer identity." he said before he turned and made for the door.

"Where you going?" I asked. He stopped and looked to me.

"Ah'm gonna go and say hello ta Granny Smith, see how she's doing and all." he said before he continued out the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

'So what do I do now?' I asked myself. I walked back to my saddlebags and opened them up. The first thing I saw was my old Wonderbolt flight suit. I pushed it to the side and reached further in for my book.

'Wing injury recovery.'

This book was all about pegasi wing recovery for if a pegasus's wing or wings got damaged from an accident. It explained and demonstrated the correct procedures of physiotherapy and stretches to get wings back into working order.

I had brought the book along in hopes that it could give me some pointers on getting my wings back to a better condition.

I opened the book and began to read.


I closed the book and got off the bed before looking back to my wings. I stretched them out and moved them around, making sure I still full movement in them. Satisfied that I could feel no restrictions, I folded my wings up and began to make my way back outside.

I stopped by the kitchen and saw Braeburn talking with an elderly mare who had a light green coat and a white mane and tail. She also had a pie as a cutie mark.

"Excuse me." I interrupted, causing both of them to stop talking and look to me. "I'm going to go outside for a bit and just have a look around."

Ms Smith walked up to me and began to look me over. "Yer sure don't look like a born apple farmer." she said.

"Well ma'am, I'm not. It's more of a part time job." I said as she noticed my wings. She pulled it out and looked it over.

"If ya have wings, that means yer a pegasus. But why would a pegasus be working on an apple farm?" she asked.

"Braeburn saved my life once, so I figured I owed him and have worked on his farm ever since." I explained.

She looked back to Braeburn and smiled. "Well, that was mighty kind of him." she said. She began to talk to Braeburn again, something about what they would all be doing while he was here.

I turned around and exited the kitchen and made my way back outside, breathing in the fresh air as I did.

As I opened my eyes, I spotted a Big red Stallion pulling and empty cart along the dirt path that we took to get here before. From what Braeburn has told me, I would presume that this was Big Macintosh.

He spotted me before he unhitched the cart from himself and made his way over to me.

When he got to me, he stood right in front of me. He was taller up close, and a heck more intimidating.

"Can ah help ya partner?" he asked in his deep southern drawl.

"H-Hi, I'm Wind Slash. I-I came here with Braeburn." I said nervously. I was relieved however when he relaxed and smiled.

"Ah reckon ya must be that stallion that he mentioned he was going to bring along." he said and I nodded. "Where is he?"

"He's inside talking with Ms Smith." I said, causing him to facehoof.

"Just call her Granny. She dosen't like to be called Ms." Big Macintosh said as he walked past me and into the house.

I shook my head and continued my walk into the apple fields. If I was going to learn how to fly again, I was going to do it in a secluded area.

I walked for about 15 minutes and came across an open field that was about 50 metres in diameter, surrounded by apple trees. Why this space was here was beyond me, but it would do just fine.

I opened my wings again and began to stretch them out. I knew that I needed to stretch before a workout, so thats just what I did.

When I was content that my wings had been stretched enough, I dropped them to the ground and began to do wingup's.









I collapsed to the ground. I had been doing wing ups for about half an hour. I would do ten, take a 5 minute break, then do another ten.

But buy the time I had completed this 3rd set of reps, I felt exhausted and my wings felt like they were burning.

'10.' I thought to myself shamefully. ' I used to be able to do 100 before I had to take a break. This is just degrading.'

I kept my wings moving, even on my breaks. I did not want them to seize or I would not be able to continue for the rest of the day.

After another 5 minutes passed, I looked around to double check that I was still alone. When I saw nopony in sight, I began to flap my wings in an attempt to lift off the ground.

I felt my hooves lift off the grass and smiled. Now I just had to hold this hover for as long as I could. I managed to stay up for about 3 minutes before I had to touch back down.

I was actually quite proud of my achievement. Any other pegasus would think that my flight duration was shocking, but I had managed to double what I was capable of in one session.

The therapy book said something about muscle memory, so I guessed that it was right. Because My wings were considered the best for a short time at one stage, getting them back to at least half of their performance level should be a sinch.

I used to have a wing power of 26. If I remember correctly, the minimum wing power requirement to get into the Wonderbolt's was about 15, then they would train you until you had about 20. I pushed myself further though to see how far I could get, but that was before I went into exile.

And after 4 years, my wings had severely degraded in condition. I was going to take a guess and say I had a wing power of 1 or less combined with a really bad endurance level.

I knew that was shameful, but I was still smiling at my achievement. If I could keep up this training pace, I should be back to at least 15 in no time.

"There yer are. Ah've been looking all over fer ya." I turned and saw Braeburn standing on the edge of to opening.

"Oh, hey. What's up?" I asked, still kind of confused that he even did manage to find me all the way out here.

"Ah went looking fer ya ta let ya know that lunch will be ready soon. And ah'm gonna say that ya look like ya could use a good meal from how sweaty ya are." he said.

"Yeah, I have been working on getting my wings better like you wanted." I admitted.

"Well, don't work ya self to hard, or ya might just collapse out here. Anyway, lets get back to the house and get some food." he said as he turned and began to make his way back. I quickly trotted up beside him.

"Anything happen while I was out here?" I asked.

"As a matter of fact, yes. Applejack has come back, and Big Mac and Granny Smith keep going on about how yer a pegasus." I facehoofed as he told me this. "And now Applejack really wants ta meet ya. Oh, I should also mention that her friends have come over as well."

"Whoopie." I said sarcastically. "I'm more concerned that everypony seems to think that it's shocking news that I'm not an earth pony." I said with a groan.

"As ah told ya back in Appleoosa, It's not right fer a pegasus to be actin like an earth pony. Ah'm sure they will find it fine once they see yer just as good at helping around the farm as any earth pony." he said.

We exited the apple fields and began to walk towards a table that had been set up under a gazebo. I spotted Granny Smith, Big Mac, Applebloom, an orange earth pony mare wearing a brown stetson hat who I presumed was Applejack, 4 other mares that I did not recognize along with 2 other fillies that I also did not recognize.

"Ah found him! He was in the open space in the southern field!" Braeburn called out.

"How'd ya manage ta get lost all the way out there?" Applejack asked while intercepting us and looking to me.

"I wasn't lost, I was just needing a space to work out a bit." I answered.

"Well alright. Just so long as ya don't go and hurt ya self out there. Come on Ya'll, the pies are getting cold." she said as she turned and made her way back to the table with me and Braeburn following.

When we got to the table, we all sat down and began to dig in to whatever was placed in front of us.

I never knew that there were so many apple foods.

Lunch was great. Applejack had introduced me to her friends. Their names were: Fluttershy, Pinky Pie, Rarity and finally, Twilight Sparkle.

I learned that Fluttershy was an animal care taker, Rarity was a dress maker, Pinky Pie was... was something else, but what got me most was that Twilight Sparkle was Princess Celestia's own prized student.

I however managed to get away somehow with calling myself 'The new Guy.' and they bought it, albiet with a few laughs.

As I was almost finished, I heard what sounded like an explosion. I whipped my head around and saw what looked like a rainbow coloured ring spreading out over the land.There was also a rainbow trail that was shooting directly at our location.

I closed my eyes, expecting whatever it was to crash into our location and cause some sort of detonation.

But that never happened.

I slowly opened my eyes and felt my heart twist a little.

Standing a few metres away from the table was probably the most breathtaking thing I have seen.