• Published 18th Jan 2014
  • 903 Views, 7 Comments

Black Mirror - Electuroo

Two great forces of darkness rapidly descending to the two worlds, the mirrors either hold the key to salvation or the fall of Equus and Earth, to either Nilrem the dark wizard or the Black Phoenix of the Black Flames.

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MRE Adventure Chapter 3 - One Old Wizard Comes to Canterlot

The MRE Adventure

Chapter 3 – One Odd Wizard Comes to Canterlot

Thump Thump...

The eye lids open showing calm blue eyes as the pupils adjust to the light from the window to the left.

Thump Thump...

Ears twitch to the echo within the brown unicorn as he yawns deeply and takes in a deep amount of oxygen into the lungs. In a frozen motion the eyes snap open.

Thump Thump...

The exhale was sharp and crisp causing a set of coughs to come from the unicorn.

Thump Thump Thump Thump...

The heart beats a little faster as he feels it and the body tensing up, he eyes started at the end of his vision a snout covered with white hair. With a snort he felt the hairs tingle to the fur hairs.

The raise of a arm showed in vision was an brown fur foreleg with a dark grey hoof attached to the end of it, with a few motions the eyes showed inquizzion and amazed at the side as he test out the limb with some twists, lift, lowering and bending. “Can it be?” The voice was clearly his as the pony ears twitch to the sound of it.

Thump Thump Thump...

The heart rate slows a little but it felt it there as he breathed in and out taking in the smells around him through his nostrils at the end of the snout. “I have a heart beat, I can really smell and even breath. This is my body... The question is how...”

The feeling of contact with fur to the bed sheets he decided to test this new body of his, thinking about using a hand to lift the sheets off the horn on his head buzz into life with a light blue aura similar to his eye colour. The sheets moved as if he had hands on it, feeling the levitation contact with his magic with him.

“How interesting. The magic I processed is now within my own body and through it I can levitate things if I had hands reaching out.” He spoke to himself with interest to understand this. “Doing so within the realm between dreams and reality is one thing but able to breathe, use magic and feel hunger is something I haven't felt in 6,000 years.”

Sliding his hind legs around he caught sight of the mark on his flank, it was a purple orb glowing with a odd yellow shape object in front of it. “When dreams and reality bends anything is possible it seems.” He slip off the bed with a clop and leaning forwards the front hooves land on the smooth surface.

He calmly folded the sheets up and made the bed up, walking on his four hooves he took a good look around the room he was in. It had varnished wooden draws with a carefully carved pattern through it, giving it character. The curtains was a dull blue in colour with an golden ribbon of pattern through it of flowers, the window when looking out of it showed parts of the city of Canterlot.

By the window was a rack and on it was his cape and below it was his bag, surprised to see it he opens it to taking a good inside. “It seem that I wasn't the only thing brought through, the bag shouldn't be possible yet it is here and full with all my stuff.” He whispered taking a good look and pulling out a wizard hat from it and staff. “Well it seem I won't be needing much of this now.” He place them back inside and closed it up.

A knock came from the door as he put the cape back on around his neck with it clipping on by the sapphire pendant attached to it and pull his tail through the hole in the back letting the cape rest on most of his back down resting partly against his body and hind legs. “You may enter.”

The door opens and to his surprise who it was. “Soon I heard the sound of hooves, I had a feeling you just woke.” The grey unicorn with white and purple mane and tail said with a every warm smile to her house guest. “You most likely wondering how you got here.”

Merlin made his bag vanish into thin air. “I believe that is the case Mrs. Sparkle.”

“It seem you have me at a disadvantage. You seem to know who I am.” She said keeping her smile walking into the bed room.

Merlin bow slightly with a hoof moved across his chest slightly lowing his gaze to the ground as he replied. “Merlin is my name Mrs. Sparkle.” He raised from the formal bow to the house owner. “May I ask why you brought me into your home? A stranger no less.” Merlin brought up the statement made by Twilight Velvet in a form of an question.

Twilight Velvet glance to the door she came through. “That was because you was found in the alley not to far from where we live covered in boxes after an strange rainbow light was saw by not only me but my son Shining Armor the captain of the guards here in Canterlot. He suggested that I get you here and have the guards right out this door and one below the window to stay guard.”

Merlin notice the spear tips just in view behind her showing there was a guard on either side of the door. “Very wise and one that thinks on the go as it seem.” Merlin walk by Twilight Velvet glancing to the golden armour white ponies with two tone mane colours that stood firm and their eyes turn to him as he stood in view. “Ah the twins that just below the rank of Captain, they work directly for Shining Armor the best in his division. Shield Lance and Spark Lance am I correct?”

They shifted a little with surprise. “H-how...”

“Did you...”


“Who we are?” They spoke after each other.

“Ah and there the telepathic link the unicorn twins has, able to share their words in perfect harmony. Yet without the armour one is red and the other is blue. You wouldn't think they would be twins part from their yellow piecing colours right?” They was very surprised by this and couldn't understand how this old unicorn knew who exactly they was. “If it bad enough for me, I can tell you the name of every single pony in Canterlot from A to Z.”

Merlin popped his bag out of the air making them jump and prepare their spears. “Calm now it only my bag.” He opens it and pulling out of it a book and lowers it in front of them. “This book tells you every name, gender and type of pony there is from about 6000 years give it take.” They stared at the massive book that was hovering.

Twilight Velvet blinked. “Did you just say 6000 years? You can't be that old can you?”

“That I am Mrs Sparkle. I lived without form for a very long time, when your without form and stuck between dreams and reality you don't really have much to do but what the world and dreams unfold.” Merlin turn around to her and place the massive book back into his bag closing it up and popped it back out of sight.

Being straight forward and to the point to the most part, hearing that Captain Shining Armor and not Prince means this is before the wedding and using the time I brought out the book to sense the between layers of the reality. I can not sense my past self without the folds of it which means this isn't my reality and thous I never excised is the most logical option.

Which means this isn't my dimension nor the right point in time. An event which gave me not only a physical form but now tore between realities and time is part of the every growing questions I have in mind.

Place the truth in pieces and not tell the whole to get the answers I seek and maybe get an auidence with the Princesses of Celestia, Luna and Cadance. Blueblood even a prince and nephew of Celestia and Luna good at being a diplomat isn't much for this. He will be rude and prideful at most.”

The information sinks in and Twilight Velvet finally snaps out of it. “Could one of you boys go get my son, this something he needs to hear for himself.”

“Yes ma'am!” The left one replied and gallops off down to the stairs.

With the sound of magic, the door opens and slam shut. “Till he gets here I will be a good host and get you something to eat Merlin.” She smiled. “Follow me.”

“Very well Mrs Sparkle.” The remaining guard follows close behind as they went to the stairs to go downstairs to the kitchen slash dining room.

She sat him and the guard down at the table before cooking up something from the kitchen. The guard remove his helmet and the fur turn red and mane with the tail turn into a light blue with white streaks through it. “Lt. Shield Lance.”

“Well seeing it many times through the rifts of reality is one thing but sitting here and watching it happen is something else.” Merlin studied the change. “But I seen many take the helmets off before how...” He noticed the rest of the armour including the hoof shoes was removed. Blinking the old unicorn was really surprised how fast this unicorn removed his armour. “That wasn't even a second. That is very impressive youngster.”

Shield chuckled softly as he took the cup of water with his magic and drunk a little. “Usually I wouldn't but after hearing your over 6000 years old I thought I try to surprise you and it worked.”

“I can say it easily did. This old git is still learning even after all this time. When you view almost the whole world instantly through your eyes the little details can be easily missed.” He put a hoof up. “Before you ask how I coped with it. It became white noise to me, an annoying buzzing sound deep in the depths of your mind that you can never shake.”

Twilight Velvet came in with Night Light her husband and sat at the table with them as she put four plates down. “While we wait for my son to get home we enjoy a good meal and Merlin can explain what he meant about being disembodied.”

“No body but how...” Night Light stared at Merlin drinking some of the water.

Merlin put the glass down with his magic. “That Mr Sparkle is a question I can not answer and as the youngsters of this generation may say. 'It driving me up the wall' and that it is...” Merlin drunk a little bit more.

“Hmm, purified water through a tap with a traces of iron. Drinking water and feeling it run down my throat and into my stomach feels really interesting to say the least. Having a body after all this time is really something give this old wizard a feel of life once more.” He chuckled lightly taking another sip of the water and enjoying the feeling and tastes of it explaining the taste and feel to them.

Shield drunk a little bit more of his and stared at the clear liquid. “You can taste this?”

Merlin stared at the plate before him. “Indeed, new taste buds, new everything. I muse say that digging into this will be a delightful treat!”

“For a wizard his very odd.” Night Light said quietly to his wife.

She nods as they watched him eat some of the carrot soup she made. “One odd wizard indeed but he seem to enjoy my soup though.”

Merlin after eating some of it with bread took a spoon and drunk some of it while chewing on the carrots in it. “Creamy, crunchy and rich with flavour! This is an master piece! I am going to really enjoy trying out any dishes I can get my-” He stopped in an instant looking upon his front hooves on the table. “Hooves on.” he finished bluntly with a chuckle and felt so much alive as he took another sip.

“I am definitive going to try many of the treats that Miss Pie has in Ponyville! I seen how amazing they are and if this soup is a start then I am on a roll.”

Merlin finished it and went to the mash and hay bacon. “Oh my stars this is even more taster! It got such a sweet texture to it and-”

Shield Lance was starting on his plate and watching Merlin just gone into a world of his own explaining the texture of the food and how much he was enjoying it. “If this what the captain called a threat then I like to know how an 6000 year old unicorn like him that just seem to have a flare for food is going to be such a thing.”

“I got to agree Twilight, first impressions shouldn't be taken lightly but this. I never seen anypony just enjoy themselves with eating food before...” Night Light said and continues to eat his meal.

Twilight Velvet sighed putting a hoof to Merlin “Ease up Merlin. I don't completely understand what going on and why you was trapped in some between place, the fact you have a body once more is creepy to hear but you might not have it much longer if you keep going the way you are with the way your eating and drinking.”

Merlin swallowed and stared at her for a moment, he took into account of how fast he was eating and drinking that it now drawn to him. A feeling within an aching feeling. “It seem that I have reach my limits of eating, my body is telling me to stop. How wonderfully delightful and discomforting as well.” Merlin groaned a little leaning back. “That is an lesson that I just learned. An bloated old unicorn.” He grumbled in discomfort.

“That you did dear, now tell us how did it all happen? You being in this between place and now having a body.” Twilight velvet asked and unaware her son had returned, he stood at the door way listening to them with Shield's brother.

Merlin thought about how to place the words right and he couldn't really beat around the bush. “To stop an evil I created by my own careless actions. A brother reflecting everything opposite to what I uphold an evil brother I created through a jagged mirror of pure darkness. I tried to reason with him, even try to help him to change his nature to go beyond.” Merlin begins to explain to them and he sound sadness in his old eyes as he spoke on.

“Nilrem did and went so far into the darkness he made it his own, took control of the Black Mirror and within unleashed the frozen heart he had upon the world. He would take control but that he didn't care for, he would do it to make others suffer and die because he could. I had no choose but to seal the mirror within itself in an pocket reality at the cost of my own physical form. I destroyed my body to save every living thing for the very mistake I made. That is why I was without a body for 6000 years dear Mrs Sparkle.” Merlin finished telling them a short story of what he did wrong not including the battle, the betray of Goldenmare to her own younger brother and so much more.

Shining Armor entered the room with no one saying anything all turn to the stallion that was captain of Canterlot's royal guards. “So why do you have a body now?”

Merlin stood from the table looking directly into the eyes of Shining Armor. “If I knew I believe I would tell you. But I can't because the answers of that very question completely escapes me.”

“Then what of your brother? If destroying your body sealed him away, what stopping him from returning now that your body is back.” Shining Armor asked not leaving eye contact.

Merlin smiled. “This isn't my body, this is a new body. I never had a body quite like this, how I was given such a thing is a mystery that I want to solve. And if he did return from the Black Mirror Realm we would be under attack at this very second by an army of frozen soldiers and mirror counterparts that would over run this very city in mere minutes in ice and snow with the hollowing of the Windegos.” Merlin's smile turn into a serious expression when telling this to the royal captain.

“The last army that faced his might was almost destroyed completely. The history of that every moment wiped from time and forgotten. Like me...” Merlin turn away looking out at the window. “I stand with a new life, a spring in my hooves. I might look like I am less focused but I not.” Merlin took a glance at Shining Armor. “Like the very motion just a few days ago you proposed to Cadance”

Shining Armor blinked a few times as those final words left the old unicorn's mouth. “No pony but Princess Luna and Celestia know about that! I was going to surprise mum and dad tonight with the news!”

“I will tell in audience of all the princesses and if Mr and Mrs Sparkle like to join you are most welcomed.” Merlin had enough theories to go but needed a little bit more and getting the three princesses together will help.

With the push he needed now all he had to see if they will follow it through. “And the prove I know.” The bag appears and he place it down on the a open space on the table, opening it he looked inside for what he needed.

They watch him pull out one wooden case after another from the bag stacking them. Shining Armor curiously open one of them to see a set of five crystals in it, he took one with his magic and it reacted the whole world around them seem to melt away and found themselves at a throne room with Princess Luna stepping out of the shadows past one seat towards another standing on the bridge between the two.

“Wh-what-” Night Light glancing around as they was still sitting at the table. All of them was confused.

Merlin stares right at Shining Armor. “Young stallion has anyone told you that never to touch something that doesn't belong to you?”

“Y-yes...” Shining Armor sighed and glance around. “But what is this?”

“The night Luna became Nightmare Moon and Celestia having no other choose but to use the elements on her.” Merlin explained. “Stay still all of you, we still in your dining room slash kitchen.”

They all nod nervously. “Since you activated we have to let it play itself out...” Shining Armor's response was a nervous laugh rubbing the back of his head before he really had to from a clout from his mother across that very back of the head.

Luna calls out to Celestia. “Not another step.” She continues to stare at her older sister with the group watching this unfold. “Did you really expect me to sit idly by while they all basked in your precious light?”

Luna slams her hooves into the ground breaking the wall and a crack behind her forms up to the window. “There can only be one princess in Equestria! And that princess... will be me!” The moon moves in front of the sun causing a Eclipse.

Luna transforms into Nightmare Moon before their eyes and the eyes of Celestia. “If you saw this happening why didn't you stop this from happening!?” Shining Armor turn and glared at the old unicorn.

“I was only in the power of viewing, you try listening and seeing everything at every moment.” Merlin replied in a calm manner. “Here is an example of such.” Merlin close his eyes and the magic he released made they see and hear everything that was happening at the moment of the memory crystal for a single second.

Twilight Velvet was dazed and trying to refocus. “Th-that was everything happening at the time this happened!? It insane!”

“That is what I had to live with. I learned to focus it into white noise. Background sights and sounds that I can simply put to the side. It did once drive me mad for a small time.” Merlin replied. “Now watch...”

Shining Armor looked away feeling bad now, he just experienced the pain that Merlin had to endor for so long. This odd old wizard was far from questionable but now with a understanding this unicorn saw so much more. “I am sorry...”

“There nothing to be sorry about my young friend. Just remember to not to judge one till you know who or why the motives was made or had no choice to be made. Sometimes you have to think on your hooves at the moment but this isn't that instant moment is it?” Shining Armor shook his head.

The rest of the events unfolded with Celestia being chased by Nightmare to the point she got struck down but upon getting up using the elements Celestia with tears banished her sister to the moon and forever losing connection the the very Elements of Harmony.

The memory crystal dims and drops, Merlin takes it with his magic and placed it back in the case closing it up. “This is for you Shining Armor, it is the moment you proposed to Cadance.” Merlin put the purple crystal into a new case he brought out of the bag and put all the rest back inside it. “Think of this an early wedding gift from me to you and your wife to be.”

Shining Armor took the case with his magic staring at the markings on it, they was of his cutie mark and Cadance's. “Th-thank you...”

“It is an pleasure to see one happy of their gift.” He smiled softly.

Shining Armor wipe away from tears that had formed and fell from his face. “Lance brothers, take Merlin with my parents if they wish to come to the castle. I will be there shortly, I am going to get Cadance.”

They nod without a word and so did the parents of Shining Armor.

During their walk it was mostly quiet with Night Light and Twilight Velvet talking about what just happened back in their home. One thing that slip the mind of the old wizard as they closed in on the front gates. “How long was I asleep for if I may ask?”

“Oh since yesterday.” Twilight Velvet replied.

“A day hmm. Understandable with the transition.” Merlin responded as the Lance brothers talk to the guards at the gate and they open them right afterwards allowing the group to move on through to the throne room of Canterlot castle.

Entering the castle the twins kept the path clear for a straight path for the throne room, it took them a little longer then they hoped with Merlin slowing his walk to take in the sights of the castle and talking to some of the guards.

Spark Lance lean over to Shield. “How is he able to do that?”

Shield whispered back with an astonished look. “Beats the heck out of me, but after what we seen that he pulled off. He most likely got more surprises installed.”

Both nod with the same word spoken. “Yeah...”

“Take care Shimmer Night and remember to take it easy, also let the captain know your with child.” The old wizard put his hoof on the shoulder of the mare guard.

Her expression showed shock as she tried to find her words. “B-but-Bu-but, I ju-just found out th-this morning h-”

Merlin made his bag reappear and pulls out of it a towel nicely folded and tired with an nice purple bow. “This blanket I made during my time alone. Give it to your child when he or she is born. A gift from a very old wizard.” The purple blanket slash towel had a mix of gold and silver stars with crescent moons on it.

The smile he gave was filled with warmth, the pegasus solar guard took it with a hoof with a smile came from her. Giving him a warm hug with her other hoof and an wing. “Th-thank you...”

“A pleasure youngster. I bid you well. I kept the princesses waiting long enough.”

She put the blanket beside her and stood back at her post without a word but the expression she had was enough for him as Merlin rejoined the group. “We can proceed.” The bag disappears in a pop of magical energy.

The twins nod silently and walk on with Shining Armor's parents and Merlin down the last corridor to the main doors of the throne room, standing and waiting was Shining Armor with Princess Cadance. “What took you? We been here for almost ten minutes.” Shining asked the guards.

“Merlin sir...”

“He stopped at almost...”

“Every guard and pony...”

“On the way here and...”

“Gave them some meaning...

“Words and gave them gifts...”

“From that impossible bag of his...”

Both of them reported speaking directly one after the other, Shining turn his head each time one spoke then followed by the next. “Why didn't you just tell him to continue cause the princesses been waiting with the co-captain and captain of the Wonderbolts?”

“Ah Captain Spitfire and Co-Captain Soarin are here? That an interesting development.” Merlin step up to Cadance with an soft smile came from his bearded snout. “The Princess of Love with magic as pure to show. Your ability as an Pegasus against such odds was amazing. Alicorn during the first time you foalsit Miss Sparkle and your little ladybug song is quite charming as well.”

Cadance raise an eye with an questionable look. “You seem to know a fair amount about me and Twilight.”

“That I do Cadance-”

“Princess Cadance...” Shining tried to correct him.

“That is true but Cadance will suffice.” Merlin countered.

“Look you can't-”

“Captain Armor I am well over 6000 years. I am not an citizen of Equestria. I maybe a Unicorn but it doesn't mean I have to show the same respect the guards and civilians has to show.” Merlin yet he countered Shining Armor once again.

Shining raise a hoof and about to speak but Cadance steps in with an hoof on Shining Armor foreleg. “It fine Shining. He is correct that somepony from outside Equestia doesn't have to bow or call me Princess if he choose to. It maybe an insult to some but when you have somepony as old as he is that can be easily over looked. He far older then anypony if his age is true.”

“Fine...” He relented.

“I can say it very much true. Captain Armor had seen one of my memory crystals.”

“Memory Crystals?”

Shining Armor sighed putting an hoof to his head. “Merlin got these weird crystals in his weird bag of his. It contains part of the past. The one I accidentally activated when being too curious for my own good watched the events that had Princess Luna turn into Nightmare Moon over 1000 years ago...”

Cadance was surprised and look to each of the other ponies they nodding. “That's... Amazing...”

Merlin grinned. “I think I can show a short one.” With a pop the bag appear landing before him. “Care to have a look Cadance.”

She open it up and took a look inside. “It empty...” She put her hoof inside and touch the bottom. “There nothing in here.”

Shining Armor and the other ponies looked inside. “Ho-how...”

Merlin took the bag with his magic and with an hoof put inside he pulls out a wizard hat. “Opps. Wrong thing.” He put it back inside and then pulls out a hat rack from it that placed beside him.

Cadance stared at the large wooden rack that had the hat on it now with a few others. “Bu-but that was empty-” Cadance look inside again and saw nothing but the bottom of the bag. “How are you doing that?”

“A wizard doesn't relieve his or hers secrets easily my young friend.” He pick up the rack and bag with his magic walking into the throne room searching in the bag pulling out a few books, an globe. Wires, lightbulbs, an laptop and pictures with an chest and a many more items. “Now where did I place those boxes...”

The two Wonderbolts, Celestia and Luna watch as the doors close behind the remaining ponies, they wasn't sure what to exactly say when Merlin was pulling out item after item from his bag, it was quickly filling up the throne room with his stuff.

Luna pick up an cube with nine smaller ones on each face, the colours mixed up. “Sister...”

“Don't ask... Just don't...” Celestia whispered.

Luna shrugs and with her magic she moved one of the slots. “Interesting, it some form of puzzle.”

“I wonder what happens if you complete it.” Celestia was curious about it.

Merlin turn to them. “Oh it an simple puzzle game toy that I saw children and adults playing with and I simply had to get one to see what it like. It an quite the puzzle.”

“An puzzle game! We will win!” Luna beamed and went on trying to solve it with her magic.

Spitfire found a book with the words on it of her own name, opening the book she found a weird looking flying machine in a picture, the words on the other page she started to read but the magic pulls it away from her was Merlin, he was returning everything back into his bag. “Hey I was reading that!”

“Sorry Captain Spitfire. I will return the book to you as an gift after we all discuss why we are here.” Merlin replied leaving the book by his bag after returning all back into his bag part from one crystal as well resting on top of the book.

Luna still had hold of the Rubik Cube and refused to let go of it. “We have not finished the puzzle! This will not leave our side!”

“Very well Luna you may keep it. But for now please put it down so we all can talk and listen without distraction.” Merlin replied with an calm manner to the princess of the night.

Luna nod putting it down beside her hoof. “Very well. But we must ask, who are thy?”

Merlin bow slightly with his head and raise it. “I am Merlin, an very old wizard. You are Luna, Princess of the Night and your eldest sister Celestia the Princess of the Day.”

“That we are.” Celestia replied. “I am curious though. You seem to be a wizard from the way you are dressed but I have no knowledge of anypony called Merlin.”

“It is to be expected, I wasn't even here till yesterday when Mrs Sparkle and her son Captain Armor found me in the alleyway of one of the Canterlot streets after seeing an rainbow flash.” Merlin replied. “That is when I arrived.”

Soarin stepped up. “That odd. It was the same time the hole in the sky appeared and it was filled with rainbow light.”

Merlin stared at the crystal on top of the book. “My last Memory Crystal created before I came to be in Canterlot. It was of an event that took place, which I can not remember clearly.”

Spitfire spoke next with wings flared out a little. “How can two things that happened almost exactly the same time so far apart be connected? Magic can't be exploding like that in two places at once.”

“Normally it can not. But we are talking about an level of magic that was an factor. If you explain to us what happened in detail and Mrs Sparkle and Captain Armor does the same we can fill in the missing pieces with the crystal.” Both parties nod in agreement. “Good I will get a table out.”

Before they could say anything the bag opens and out came a table that was small and suddenly became a huge round wooden table that lands between all the ponies landing in the middle of the throne room with chairs placed at each of them, a few bigger then others for the princesses sizes.

Celestia stared at the table trying to get her head around what exactly happened. “How did that come out of a bag so small?”

“Somethings best left unanswered, my bag is one of them.” Merlin replied as he sat down at the table.

The others sat down and Celestia choose to just let it slide for now. “Very well. As for now let hear of the events that unfolded in the last 24 hours.”

Both parties explained what happened during the time that seem to happen exactly at the same time. From the hole in the Academy skies to Electuroo arriving, the stories from both Electuroo and Rainbow Dash confirmed about his death and how his alive once more.

The other side was of Merlin who was without a body that now has one once again and an unicorn that was far older then Celestia and Luna, he caught them by surprise by the age. He ended up sleeping through a whole day in the Sparkle home to waking up a few short hours ago.

Merlin taking in all the information finally figured it out. “It wasn't only a temporal blast of magic it was dimensionally as well. With all that harmoniousness magic from Rainbow Dash and the over charge she had it was not only enough to shatter the walls of reality but dreams as well. That why I can't remember clearly, she hit me.”

“Somepony trapped between dreams and reality is hard to believe but Rainbow Dash able to have both touch? Isn't that impossible?” Spitfire argued.

Luna shook her head. “No it is possible. If an being is created within a dream of magic. It is possible if it grows strong enough it could escape the dream into this.” Luna replied in an calm manner.

Celestia felt a bit tense of this new news. “If this is true it means you, this Electuroo and Rainbow Dash are all from another time and dimension which explains why you all knew of the planned wedding in a few months time of Shining Armor and Princess Cadance.”

Merlin nods. “Yes and I can confirm it.” He used his magic on the crystal and the room around them melt away replaced by a village they appeared in. “No pony move. We are still in the throne room. Just watch.”


Starlight went to the aid of the ponies being Twilight and her friends under some pieces of her home. “Party Favor, Night Glider help me!” She called out and they quickly came to her aid, with them restored to their truesleves they managed to remove the debris.

Double Diamond help some of them to their hooves. “Are you all ok?”

Yeah...” Twilight took his hoof and got back up on hers. “How are you?”

Feeling pretty good being back to normal. The vault most of been shattered from that explosion. What exactly was that?” Double Diamond turn to the ruins of Starlight Glimmer's home.

Starlight continue to aid others and answered. “That was Electuroo's cutie mark exploding...”

Sugar Belle blinked. “Wh-what? How can a cutie mark explode?”

Because they was right and I knew...” Starlight answered again.

WHAT!?” Rainbow Dash screamed out. “How can you know and still do this!?”

Starlight glared at her stomping her hoof hard. “I had to! If I didn't none of this would happen and who knows what would happen if I didn't!”

What the heck does that mean?” Applejack now asked. “Yer better make sense sugarcube.”

Twilight was curious now walking up to the unicorn. “What do you mean you had to?”

Starlight sighed sitting down on her rump looking over to her ruined home. “I don't have time to explain all I can say is that Rainbow Dash need to take Electuroo right now and fly fast as you can, no slowing down, just go faster and faster.”

What?” Rainbow Dash lower Electuroo's still body off her and got onto her hooves. “How can that help me!?”

The connection of the magic mirrors are one path, when you touched the energy of two became one for a second and in that transferences of magical energy and life force a part of him stayed within you, how I can't say for sure but with all that extra magical energy in you at the moment you could maybe use your speed to do something impossible.” Starlight Glimmer explained to Rainbow Dash looking directly at Electuroo as she spoke.


If there a chance it is now, the more time we waste chatting the less chance you have to bring back Electuroo. What have you got to lose?” Starlight Glimmer interrupted Rainbow Dash instantly looking directly into the eyes of the cyan pegasi. “Worst case I am wrong and you do whatever you wish of me...”

Fluttershy took the chance to speak with the silence that came right after with at first none of the ponies saying anything even the guard ponies and the two brothers, Flim and Flam. “Rainbow Dash I-I... Think it worth a try...”

You really think so?” Rainbow Dash asked her best friend from Cloudsdale.


Ah have to agree Rainbow it worth a shot. Ah'll get some ropes to...”

Rainbow Dash flapping her wings hovered over Electuroo with both forelegs over and under each of Electuroo's. “No time Applejack, if you all think I got to do this and the chance of saving Electuroo's life. Then I will take it.” Rainbow Dash flapping her wings a few strong beats lift him up with simple ease.

Gold Wing look around at the sky quickly and pulled out one of his feathers and give it to Rainbow Dash. “This should help create a stable magical field around you when you go faster then sound itself.”

Dash looked at the feather in her mane that he placed there. “How is a gold feather going to do that?”

Trust me I haven't got a clue. At the end it magic so don't question it and do it now before we flap around and chat all day. You got a coltfriend to save.” He grinned as she blushed heavily. “Skittles.”

Rainbow Dash grumbled under her breath. “I'll get you back for that Gold Wing.” Rainbow Dash gains more height looking around the town with a smirk came to her snout. “I'll be back before ya know it everypony! See ya soon!” With a few powerful flaps she takes off in a blinding speed into the distance creating a Sonic Rainboom soon afterwards.

Rarity with a hoof over her eyes watch Rainbow Dash disappear into the horizon. “Darling how would we know it worked?”

Twilight shrugs. “I don't know, whatever this have to do with Rainbow Dash flying faster and faster got me beat. I am trying to figure it out and it driving me nuts!” Twilight screeched a little at the end.

The ponies all talking about it all looking at the sky for anything as well, minutes past and nothing seem to happen. Starlight Glimmer stood in front of what was her home now only the foundations and the hidden passage exposed. “Well I hope this stupid plan was worth it, not only I lost my home but everything I worked for a better place...” She grumbled.

Twilight walked up alongside her. “What exactly was this plan?”

Starlight caught glimpse of the elderly stallion. “Why don't you ask the jackass behind the plan himself...”

Huh?” Twilight turn her head to the left seeing nothing then to the right to see a brown unicorn with grey hooves, white mane, tail and bread with a purple cape standing before her. “You got Starlight Glimmer to do that to Rainbow Dash!?”

Indeed my dear young friend. It had to happen or this wouldn't have happened.” The elderly unicorn answered calmly to the enraged pony about to charge at him but frozen in place.


Yes it me and the reason behind this outrageous plan is about to fly over in ten seconds.”

Twilight frowned at the words he gave her and about to protest when she turn to the direct he was looking at. On cue of ten exact seconds a rainbow streak shot right over at blinding speeds and just as fast it came it was gone. “Sweet Celestia! She flying faster then I ever seen her fly before!”

Merlin chuckled lightly. “She be crossing over again in about 30 seconds or so and then less time after that and then less after that. After about seven trips she be catching up to her own rainbow trail and over it take it.”

Ho-how do you know this!?”

Starlight was about to ask this as well but her jaw just dropped at what was walking up to them behind Twilight. “N-no way...”

Twilight quickly spun around and gasped. Standing before her was no other then Rainbow Dash and Electuroo both wearing red puffer sleeveless jackets with sunglasses on their heads. “Guess who back from the future!” Both said together with smirks on their faces.

The other ponies saw the rainbow streak go over again faster this time and fading not as fast as before. But what shocked them even more was seeing Rainbow Dash and Electuroo, Pinkie Pie bounced over to them and gave Electuroo a huge hug. “Oh gosh Electuroo! Your alive! Your breathing!”

Electuroo hugged her back. “Pretty much.” He answered and let go. “Been alive for over a year or two.” He said looking at each of them. “It going to be tricky to explain but we arrived back about a month ago.”

Month ago? Sugarcube how is that even possible?”

Merlin step up between the two pegasi. “Time and dimensional travel Miss Applejack.”

Applejack looked at him dead in the eyes. “Yer that old pony that came by Sweet Apple Acres two weeks ago. Ah know those eyes.”

Indeed I am, 'guilty as charged' as you youngsters say it.” Merlin smiled putting his hoof on her right shoulder. “As for how I am really here and a Unicorn that because of Miss Dash here.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Merlin we been through this so many times already! It Dash, Rainbow Dash or Rainbow. Not Miss Dash!”

Merlin looked around as the crowd gather. “Twilight are you ok?”

Rainbow Dash smirked seeing that twitch in her eye. “T-time travel... Dim-dimensional tr-travel... Brought back...” Twilight eyes rolled up and she fell over backwards with a hind leg twitching after the fall.

Electuroo just shook his head. “Rainbow I own you ten bits.”

Yep you do.” Rainbow Dash replied and they watch another streak and followed by another. “Whelp, let get Twi into a bed and we will explain what happened.”

I am for one that want to know because I was put through all this and it was part of you three plan!” Starlight Glimmer stomped her hoof hard. “This was all part of your stupid plan to get him back alive and I want to know why it had to cost what I was doing here!”

Electuroo and Rainbow Dash looked to each other and back at Starlight. “Because fear of not getting another friend over gaining a cutie mark and moving on isn't the answer your seeking Starlight. You got friends here.” Electuroo said calmly to her.

Starlight blinked. “H-how...”

You told me.” Electuroo pulled out with his hoof a pair of bands and toss it over to her.

Starlight caught them with her magic and looked at it. “Wait this is one of my mane bands from when I was a child. But I got them right here.” She showed the pair and looked at the others. “The other me from this other Equestria wasn't it?”

Pretty much. Took some crazy time events when you was trying to change history from Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom to finally come to terms and have new friends.” Electuroo said making the ponies look at each other talking quietly. “But that was you there and not here.”

Don't bother trying to get your head around this time travel dimensional thingy, I been through it from going to that Equestria to getting home and arriving a month before all this.” Rainbow Dash pull out her hoof to the land around and looked up. “Wow so that what it looked like from down here. Never thought I see myself flying.”

Sugarcube ya have no idea how weird it is for us.” Applejack step up to Electuroo. “But it good to see it did work Electuroo.”

Electuroo flap his wings a little before resting them against his sides. “It was weird for me too waking up at the Wonderbolt Academy after I should have been dead. Magic just something I can't understand, just one of those things you go along with and keep a open mind.” Electuroo gave her a hug. “But it good to see you again Applejack, same to all of you.”

Oh darling it is.” Rarity next hugged him and pulled away looking at both him and Rainbow Dash. “Those outfits what exactly are they?”

Back to the Future. It something Electuroo said about and we got Rarity in the other Equestria to make them for us before we returned.” Rainbow Dash smirked. “It is your hoof work.”

Indeed I can see.” Rarity replied taking a good look at their jackets. “It good to know the plan worked.”

Fluttershy next hugged Electuroo and Rainbow Dash. “I am glad you two are ok. And now we got a new friend. It makes me feel warm.”

Indeed it does Miss Flutershy.” Merlin bow his head slightly as the speed of the past Dash was now so fast it seem there was many of her. “The ring is forming and soon she will crash into me.”

Oh so that why I been getting that weird feeling in my tongue and back legs since it begun! It a new Pinkie Sense I had a month ago! I couldn't just place it and now I know!” Pinkie Pie giggled.

All of the ponies part from Twilight who was out cold watch the rainbow ring glow brighter till it exploded ...


The room return to normal right after the blast happened and the crystal cracked and shattered into an million pieces on the table. “It seems you being here and showing us this was no accident. It seem that time has played it part for you, Electuroo and Rainbow Dash. Whatever exactly happened from then and now is unknown but it seem your future self made sure this was only seen once from the way the crystal shattered.”

Merlin took in Celestia's words and stared at the pieces on the table. “Indeed. Not only we do not know how exactly we return it seem to be years down the line. How interesting to know that whatever the path is laid out in front of us will lead to an causality paradox.”

“Causality paradox? What exactly does that mean?” Shining Armor asked.

“It means an set of events from somepony from one point in time go back in time and lead to events that leads back to the start of the very event that it begins at.” Cadance replied. “Usually time travel is almost impossible to do, Starswirl created such a spell but it only take the user back a week for a few minutes before bring them back to the present.” Cadance finished explaining to Shining Armor.

He rubbed his head. “This is just giving me an headache...”

“Time travel and paradoxes usually do.” Merlin replied. “That why it surprising it happened. We was in such a paradox already thanks to an Alicorn called Goldenmare, she sealed the universe in an time bubble that will have time pass faster inside then outside, how fast and how many years is unknown. The spell only been around for a month so far and from what I saw of Equestria only one percent of all the ponies have their internal magic. Another 1 percent became corrupted by the magical blast.” Merlin explained and using his magic shows them an image of Twilight and the girls.

“Twily... She don't have her horn! What happened to it!?” Shining Armor demanded with his magic grip on Merlin picking him up.

Merlin raise a hoof to the princesses, all of them not to act. “Goldenmare removed their magic part from Rainbow Dash. Her connection to the mirrors I created somehow protected her, in fact gave her, Electuroo, Soarin and Wind Note an magical boost by 22 times their normal level of internal magic. Stable.”

Shining Armor lowers him onto his hooves. “Will that happen here?”

“No.” Merlin replied. “Reason is I, her and Electuroo don't excised in this world.”

Soarin coughs. “Erm... One thing. Our previous captain is related to Electuroo...”

“How so?” Celestia asked.

“F-father and son related... The DNA test clearly shows it...” Soarin gave her the results.

Celestia look at the papers and double checked the results. “Interesting. It seem that the tests are true.”

Merlin chuckled lightly. “I can believe that, Stardust gave him a black eye.”

“Stardust? Who is this pony you speak of?” Luna asked.

Merlin replied in calm collected voice. “The mother of Electuroo.” This interesting of Celestia as she listened to this and showed a picture of her to Celestia. “He figured it out and tried to avoid her at all costs and well it didn't work and lead to her giving him an hoof in the face for his troubles.”

Celestia put the papers down on the table. “It seem that this has just got far more complicated, Lance brothers.” The two guards saluted. “What we seen today is not to be spoken of.”

“Yes Princess!” They answered.

“Go to the western side of the castle and talk to two Luna guards at a silver door and ask for Lightning Strikeer to come to the throne room by tomorrow.” Celestia told them.

They was about to leave but stop. “Tomorrow?” Shield asked.

“Yes, for today get some rest. We need time to examine this and see where we go from this point on.” Celestia turn to Spitfire and Soarin. “Will that give you two time to bring Electuroo and Rainbow Dash to Canterlot?”

“Yes princess. That will give us enough time.” Spitfire replied and turn to Merlin who place the book in front of her.

“Happy readings youngster. And if you do not like what you read do not complain. You wanted to read it.” Merlin said to her.

Spitfire took the book with a hoof. “Don't worry I got you.” She turn and leaves.

Soarin step up to Merlin. “What happened to the Wonderbolts in your world?”

“You are all that is left of them that has wings.” Merlin replied. “Your counterpart with Electuroo, Rainbow Dash and Wind Note manage the Weather Factory with a very limited staff.”


“You asked and I answered my young friend.”

“That I did. Thanks.” Soarin took off after Spitfire leaving the throne room.

Celestia looked at the table and back to the old wizard. “If you don't mind. Can we keep this?”

Merlin nod. “Yes Celestia you may.”

Twilight Velvet and Night Light walked up to Shining Armor. “Son we going home, we won't tell anypony of this, it too crazy to believe.”

“Indeed it is mum...”

“Take care son and congrats.” Night Light smiled hugging his son.

“Thank you dad.”

Cadance watch Luna try to solve the Rubik Cube “Auntie do you need any help?”

“NO! WE WILL SOLVE THIS!” Luna replied with her Royal Voice.

Celestia just rolled her eyes and Cadance just shrugged and leaves with Shining Armor. “Time, dimensions all shattered by one pony saving a life...” Celestia whispers to herself.

“If I had that amount of magic and Luna was... Would I do what Rainbow Dash did?”

“That is something only you can answer my young friend.” Merlin replied standing beside her as she and the old odd wizard look out to the city of Canterlot.