• Published 18th Jan 2014
  • 904 Views, 7 Comments

Black Mirror - Electuroo

Two great forces of darkness rapidly descending to the two worlds, the mirrors either hold the key to salvation or the fall of Equus and Earth, to either Nilrem the dark wizard or the Black Phoenix of the Black Flames.

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Chapter 4: The Years That Stood Still Part 1

Author's Note:

I still have no one to edit this story as well the completed first part story Through the Looking Glass.

Sorry ahead for the grammar and typo errors that most likely be found.

Drawing made by Buizelcream (DA) and pony Lightning Rider owned by him too.

Black Mirror
Chapter 4: The Years That Stood Still Part 1

6 Days after Goldenmare's Victory

Outside the weather factory entrance Electuroo stood by the door with Soarin checking every pony that arrived, there was a few waiting in line as they check the names with the cutie marks on the clip boards. The chaos from the force take over by Goldenmare had caused mass panic over Equestria with over 98% of the pony population losing their magic and something that was part of them, wings or a horn.

Electuroo looked at the cutie mark of the slightly bigger stallion and look to the clip board. “Soarin do you have his cutie mark on your clip board. I don't have anything with two swirling clouds that look almost like a hurricane on it.”

Soarin check through his and doubled checked it. “No there no cutie mark on here. Are you sure we got the complete list of pegasi in Equestria?”

Electuroo stared at all the pages he had on it and gave Soarin an rather agitated look. “Heck I know! I am not even on this chart since I am not officially an Equestria citizen! Nor is Wind Note!”

“Point taken...” Soarin put a hoof to his head. He picked up the clipboard with the blank page. “Name please.”

“Marshal Hurricane from Fort Hooves on the most southern tip of Equestria close to the the Dragon bounders.” The light blue stallion replied.

Electuroo step back with surprise. “Whoa! I heard of you!”

“You have?” Soarin asked.

“Sure have. Thanks for coming we need-”

Marshal Hurricane put his hoof out. “I am not here to help here. My work is back at Fort Hooves, I am here to tell you that none of us have been effected and the ponies there are ready and able to help in the rest of Equestria, I have to leave but give this to Rainbow Dash. I heard she taken charge of the factory till further notice.” He pulled out of the saddle bag a letter.

“Tell her also that we will continue to work on getting needed rations out if things get out of hoof. Those that need shelter without their magic for flying, magic or even land are most welcomed. Remember even without magic working together we can pull through. Times are now extremely chaotic and tough but stay there youngsters.”

Hurricane put his wings over both of them gently with a warm smile. “Also let her know the ponies of Dust Town are living at Fort Hooves, we brought them in just yesterday.” He step back and flies up and over the small number of ponies before diving right down below the factory, he turns south flying right back to Fort Hooves.

Soarin tap the quill against the board. “At least we still got somepony keeping order down there.”

“Indeed.” Electuroo sighed. “Next please.” He wave the hoof for the next Pegasus to step up to them. He checked the orange stallion cutie mark to the papers and finds the name. “Lightning Rider, Ponyville weather and mail pony, is that correct?”

He shakily saluted. “Y-yes sir that me.” The two tone blue mane stallion replied.

Electuroo smiled putting his hoof to the cream colour hoof of Lightning Rider pushing it down. “Look Lightning Rider I might be stuck holding the reins alongside Rainbow, Soarin and Wind Note but it doesn't mean we all can't work together on this. It going to need team work to fix this bloody mess.”

“Y-your right. Sorry it just...”

“With all the crazy things that gold alicorn done. It fine kid. Go inside and wait till everypony arrive ok?” Soarin smirked. “At this point no pony better then each other.”

Lightning Rider staring at Soarin for a second or two realising who spoken to him and with a shaky nod he walks inside.

They checked in another two ponies and for a few minutes it seem that no one else was coming, they packed up the papers and put the pile of paper of able fliers being only about 37 total pegasi listed still in action.

All the sudden coming in for a landing was an mint coloured pegasi, she lands with a sliding stop right before them only a foot from Electuroo and Soarin. “Name Lightning Dust. Heard you need any able fliers for weather detail hope I'm not late!”

They both standing on their hind legs holding onto the boxes they carried in their forelegs. Electuroo recalled seeing the name on one of the pages. “We are but this isn't a chance to prove your the best or anything Lightning Dust.” He said directly to her looking over to his right of the box he held.

“Of course not duh! I know what going on in the world and I am here to help!” Lightning Dust said back with quite the temper in her voice and eyes.

Soarin walking to the door struggling to balance himself holding up the box. “Ok, go in and meet up with the rest of the ponies, don't expect this to be easy though, it going to be really tough with so little of any pegasi left.”

“Yeah yeah, I get it.” She walk by them not even trying to help Soarin struggling with his box. “I love a challenge.”

Soarin stares at Electuroo as he head to the door. “How in the hay are you doing that so easily?”

“Wings Soarin, you got them ya know.” Electuroo look over to Soarin with a chuckle and enters.

Soarin realised he had the wings closed and groan. “If Spitfire was here she be telling me I am over looking the obvious.” Opening his wings up the former Wonderbolt enters the factory finding it easier to walk on his hind legs. “Just hate it that she lost her wings because of Goldenmare's spell...”

“You and me both Soarin...”

They walk into the main hall and fly the rest to the railings where Rainbow Dash stood looking at the small group of ponies talking among each other. “I'm not gonna to like this am I?” Rainbow Dash went over to them as they put the boxes down and pulled out all the papers of the able flies.

Wind Note look through them quickly and with a chalk in his mouth wrote the last few names on the board. Putting it down and stared at the total number of ponies they had to work with. “How many pegasi does it take to run all of Equestria's weather?” He dared ask the question.

Rainbow Dash look at the numbers, she walked into the office and took one good look at the Weather Factory floor layout. Every room from their size to the numbers required to run them from rainbows, snow, fog to rain. Even getting water up into the factory itself. The supplies they had would last a year at normal function, rationing was the only option.”

“There no way we can run the whole factory. The numbers we need is no where near enough, with all the management and those that ran this place grounded...” Rainbow Dash went to smash her hoof against the wall but Electuroo put his on hers stopping it. Rainbow Dash look right at him with water in her eyes. “I-it not fair!”

She hugged him tightly, the stresses of just finding the ponies they now had and even getting into the weather factory was just taking it toll on Rainbow Dash and the others, the other two watch as little they can do at the moment. “Why am I put in charge!? Why me!?” She started to cry.

Electuroo put his forelegs around her as the others watch. “I hardly lived here more then half a year Rainbow Dash, you threw me into this weather business and helped teach me so much.” He rested the chin of his snout on top of Rainbow Dash's head. “If anypony could do this, it you. That why.” He push her back after a moment looking into her watered eyes. “So stop being sappy ok?”

Rainbow Dash wipe her tears away pushing him off her. “You got it Sparks, not a word to anypony got it boys?”

“Got it!” Both Wind Note and Soarin answered.

Rainbow Dash walk around the table in the middle and stood on one side with Electuroo, the others stood on either side. They let Rainbow Dash collect herself before she asked them the question. “So any ideas guys?”

Soarin took a good look at the layout before answering. “I use to work here before signing up for the Wonderbolts, there was a time when we ran this place with only 12 ponies, it was hard but we managed it.”

“How exactly did you do that?” Wind Note asked knowing how big the factory is.

Soarin pulled down the layout placing it on the table. “We close down everything part from the cloud makers and distribution centre for a week.” Soarin moved his hoof over to the sections of the layout. “We turn the room where we make our rainbows into living quarters since we worked almost around the clock and where we make snow into a cold storage for extra food and drink to be stored.”

“That could work.” Electuroo looking over it. “Kinda be like working at McD's back when I was human.”

“Or even ASDA where I worked at. Just instead we be living at the place we work.” He chuckled and Electuroo also laughed a little as the joked about their former lives.

Rainbow Dash was glad to see smiles from them and sat there taking in what they got. “That good to know that we have that option. It a good one but let figure out what exactly to do in the long run. I rather be awesome but there isn't a time or place for it now. We all seen what happened six days ago after Goldenmare took over right?”

“Yes...” They answered.

“Cloudsdale is empty, seriously empty! There should be a whole city of us pegasi and yet there only us.” She look around at them. “We each some how was completely unaffected her crazy magic, not sure what it is but we going to need all the strength we go to help everypony else...”

Electuroo put the letter on the table. “This is from Marshal Hurricane.”

Rainbow Dash took it with her hooves. “He was here?”

“Only for a moment, he went back to Fort Hooves.” Soarin replied.

Rainbow Dash put it down on the file cabinet. “I will read it later, for now it good to know we got somepony keeping an eye on things on the south, for now we got to figure out what to do.” Rainbow Dash turn to the map of Equestria. “Because we got a lot of cities, towns and villages to get weather to...”

“Climb up a hill and walk down a mountain...” Electuroo muttered under his breath looking at the scale they had got at hoof with the very limited number of pegasi that made it, they just hope there was more out there.

The ponies that was still waiting in the main hall by the desk talked to each other, sat around or some just snoozing away with minutes turn into hours of waiting without a single thing said to them by any of the four ponies that disappeared into the management offices.

Lightning Dust picked up an card from the pile looking at what she got and place one down on the discard pile. “It been hours since they went inside, what we suppose to do? Wait till we get bored?”

Thunderlane took the card from the discard pile and put one of his cards on it. “Just chill. They wouldn't have been put in charge by the princesses if they didn't think their up for it.” He put one of the other cards down.

Derpy pick up one from the face down pile and look at her cards in hoof. “Yeah! We was there when they arrived in Ponyville. It took days but they all came to agreement that we can do something!”

Lightning Dust rolled her eyes. “That all to it huh? They became weather mangers just like that huh?”

Derpy just kept her smile. “Sure is! I was asked right away by Rainbow Dash to go around and find every able flier in towns around Cloudsdale! I couldn't let her down!”

Lightning Dust glanced at the stallion walking back and forwards the clopping of the hooves as he pace. “I doubt somepony that nervous and unsure of himself would be any-cop.”

Thunderlane chuckled. “Don't count Lightning Rider out Dust, his pretty good at it. Just need some encouragement that all.”

“If you say so.” Lightning Dust answered. “Hey Rider!”

“Y-yeah?” He stop walking and turn his head to the three ponies playing cards.

She pat the ground beside her. “Sit down and play, your going to wear out the clouds with all that pasting.”

Lightning Rider shook his head. “No thanks. I learned my lesson when playing against Derpy.”

“What the hay do you mean by that?” Lighting Dust quickly turn to Derpy who place a card face down on the discard pile. “Oh you got to be bucking kidding me! Again!?”

Derpy giggled. “That five games for me!” She place the other down showing three kings and all four fours.

Lightning Dust toss the cards down on the pile of cards. “You know what! I just say if she can beat us at cards like that, anything is possible!” The three ponies started to laugh and Lightning Dust chuckled slightly. “Your not half bad Derpy, no way I'm underestimating you anymore.” She put her hoof out to the wall eyed mare. “Pals?”

Derpy giggled. “Pals!” She clopped her hoof against Lightning Dust's.

The sound of the doors opening got everypony attention, those that sleeping woke up, those gaming stopped and those talking stopped, they all raise their heads looking up at the second floor to see Electuroo, Rainbow Dash, Soarin and Wind Note.

Rainbow Dash hovering above them and lands before them with Soarin and Wind Note beside her. Electuroo staying where he was. “Ok everypony here the news.” She looked around at each of them as they got up. “In the last four days we was tasked in looking for any pony with wings, able to fly and got some strength behind them for this. And what you see is all there is.”

They was muttering to each other and Soarin spoke in turn. “I am the last of the Wonderbolts that got wings, the rest lost theirs because of what Goldenmare did. I know we all anger and like to beat the buck out of her but it not going to help us since she got control of the moon and sun now.” Soarin trotting around them as he spoke with wings open. “We are going to have to do things that isn't normal for weather around here. Each team we assign will be doing their part that make things run.”

Wind Note next to speak as Soarin step back beside Rainbow Dash. “I be stationed here with Rainbow Dash and Electuroo in the factory to help coordinate the weather to the best I can, as it looks we going to only able to provide the rain to areas of Equestria once an week even as far to three weeks, we going to have to try and work out what we got and make it last till we find a way to resupply the factory for weather.”

“So what do you mean we going to have to do things that not normal for our weather?” Lightning Dust decided to raise the question hovering over the other ponies.

Rainbow Dash pulled up an cloud she found in the lobby they all was in. “You see this cloud?” They nod. “Instead of busting it for nice sunny weather we going to move it and join it with other clouds till they get super heavy and cause rain.” They looked really surprised by this. “Some of the crazy weather coming from outside Equestria and in the Everfree will be used too. We going to have to guide these wild and outcontrol weather systems into Equestria if we going to keep crops and such going.”

“That crazy! We never seen any weather pony do that! Not even you!” One of them shouted in an outburst to this. “We can't let dangerous weather move freely! What if ponies get hurt!?”

“Ponies are already getting hurt.” Electuroo decided it was time to speak and they all looked up at him.

“I don't want anypony to see me as one of those that lead, but here we are and I have to try and play catch up with Wind Note here, we have weather in Earth that always out of control and no human controls it.” He starts to walk.

“We going to have to try and create some of these weather patterns to just make do with what we got.” Electuroo walking on the walk way around them as they moved their eyes and heads in motion to his, the sound of hooves against metal clapping with echoes of hoof steps.

“Goldenmare even removed the magic of Princess Celestia and Luna, the rumours are true on that and also the talks between her and the Crystal Empire. Good news about that is the ponies we sent there with the whole mirror thing saved them from losing their magic. So any of you having family there is safe.” Sighs in relief came from many, Electuroo came back to where he began and held up the clipboard in his hoof.

“Now Rainbow Dash and I will see Lightning Rider, Derpy and Thunderlane in the office right now, Soarin and Wind Note will assign everypony else jobs to get this place ready for delievering it first weather and also gathering supplies through out Cloudsdale.” Electuroo lower the clip board. An hoof raised by Lightning Rider. “Yes.”

He looking around seeing eyes was on him, nervously he asked. “Wh-what do you me-mean by gathering supplies in Cloudsdale?”

Electuroo joined by Rainbow Dash allowed her to answer stepping back a little. “It means we going to every business, home and restaurant to find food, water and other much needed supplies to live. That even include moving some of the cloud houses to the factory. I hate the idea of going into someponies home or place of work and taking stuff that not ours but we the only fliers now and we need this stuff to keep us going as long we can.”

Rainbow Dash lower her head with a heavy sigh. “As uncool this is ponies.” She raise her head a little. “We got little choice, we been put into an place where now we are the only ponies at this time that can do the weather. Without us Equestria will wilt and...” They all didn't need to hear this and nod after the silence for a moment or two.

“Those that was called out come up please...”

Rainbow Dash turn with Electuroo heading into the office followed by the three pegasi that was called for, all flew up and landed by the door and walked inside. Thunderlane, Derpy and Lightning Rider stood now across the round table to the two ponies Electuroo and Rainbow Dash.

“Here the deal, you three are now the weather team for Ponyville.” Rainbow Dash push a clipboard across the table. They showed surprise in their eyes and expression at the two before them.

“We will have somepony drop by some clouds once a week but during that time you three must keep your eyes peeled for any clouds or storms that floating around. You will have to push them over Ponyville, not only that but make drift like a weather pattern seen on this clipboard before you.” Rainbow Dash gave the heads up about their new job.

Thunderlane took it from the table to get a good look at it. “Rainbow what up with this? Why aren't you leading the team in Ponyville?”

“Thunderlane I...” Rainbow Dash begun. “I can't...” With an whisper she turn her head away from them.

“Wh-what?” Lightning Rider was taken back by the words he just heard.

Thunderlane blinked. “Come again?”

Electuroo decided it was best to step a hoof into this before it got out of hoof and seeing Rainbow Dash's look he had to. “We can't because we too O P in wing power.” He exclaimed.

“O P?” Derpy tilted her head.

Electuroo rubbed his hoof through his mane. “Me, Soarin, Wind Note and Rainbow have over powered wing power and pegasi magic, not sure how or why but we almost twenty-two times stronger in both cases. Heck! Me and Rainbow Dash alone was able to pull off over 600 wing power tornado!” Electuroo open his wings up as he told the three pegasuses of their problem.

Lightning Rider gasped with the others leaving their jaws hanging as they heard this, the image of two pegasi pulling off that much wing power going through their heads was one of ponyfiction. “R-Re-Really?”

“Really.” Electuroo instantly replied. “We kinda grounded in an manner of speaking till we get our wing power under control.” Electuroo gave them the run down. “Princess Celestia and Luna suggested that we gather all able fliers and manage the weather best we could by dispatching those we found to different parts of Equestria.”

Rainbow Dash stood by him adding her own words. “That where you three came in for Ponyville. We think you all are an awesome choice.”

Lightning Rider saluted. “We won't let you down Rainbow Dash.”

Thunderlane push his hoof down. “Chill Lightning, we be fine.”

“Su-sure” He smiled sheepishly to Thunderlane.

Derpy put both hooves around the two stallions “We do great! We all good friends right!?”

“Hehe sure thing Derpy.” Thunderlane return the hoof around her back of the neck. “We do fine, might be hard going but we get there together.”

Lightning Rider felt relaxed with an warm smile in return placing his hoof over Derpy's back too. “Yeah together.”

Rainbow Dash hits Electuroo with her hoof. “See told you they be perfect for Ponyville.”

“Don't need to tell me twice Dash.” Electuroo rubbed his leg where she hit it. “So... Derpy, Thunderlane and Lightning Rider are you ready to take charge of Ponyville's weather?”

“Yes sir!” They said together.

Electuroo felt a little unnerving by this. “I hate this in charge stuff... I just don't know if I will mess up on this...”

Rainbow Dash countered. “It fine Sparks you be fine, you have me, Soarin and Wind Note here. So don't get your ponyfeathers in a twist and chill ok?”

“Sure thing.” Electuroo laughed lightly.

Rainbow Dash open the door. “Lightning Dust should have been briefed by Soarin and Wind Note, she be in charge of bring the first clouds alongside you to Ponyville, once delivered she be returning here for the next task at hoof.” They all walk through the door with Rainbow Dash and Electuroo. “We come by for a visit...”

They looked at what task at hoof in the factory itself. “When we get things sorted out here... Man this is gonna to be so lame...”

“Well we better get started Rainbow Dash.” Electuroo lightly spoke and turn to the three they talked to. “Take care and don't stress yourselves out. Trust me it get you no where...”

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Like back in Ponyville after you...” Electuroo quickly put his hoof on her snout.

“Hehe look at the time, better get going!” Electuroo drags her away quickly before any of them could respond.

Lightning Dust step up to the three pegasi. “Alright I got the clouds outside, lead the way to this Ponyville and I get the clouds delivered ok?”

“Sure!” Derpy beamed.

The four ponies set off out of the weather factory to take the cloud and go to Ponyville, Electuroo and Rainbow Dash watch another set of pegasi leave soon after talking with Soarin and Wind Note, soon there was only about six of them left to run the whole factory excluding the four that was put in charge.

“This place isn't going to run itself.” Rainbow Dash finally said.

“The remaining ponies will come with us to scout out Cloudsdale and take what we will need to survive up here, even moving some cloud houses closer to the factory itself. We are going to up here for a long time and we are part of what Equestria needs to survive at this time of need. We might be few but we strong as a team.” Soarin gave them his speech as they gathered around.

“I know it won't be easy entering other ponies homes, but we need food, water and anything that will help us to live that little easier in these trying times. Chaos and panic is continuing far and wide and without our help to try and bring some norm back to the ponies below the land we call home would most likely not be called Equestria. Let do our part to make it better for everypony ok? Let do our part!” Soarin raised his hoof up at the last word and followed by a...

“YEAH!” From them.

Wind Note took to the air. “What we waiting for then? Hearth Warming?” The remaining ponies laughed lightly at the comment and took off out of the weather factory to find supplies.

Their attempt to help everypony had truly begun for all the remaining pegasi that now was weather ponies for the whole country of Equestria, an task challenging for all of them for sure and this was only day one of this new team...

“Rainbow Dash our spirits might be high at the moment with us able to do something, but if some of the ponies don't stop what they been doing for the past six days this will be only a short welcomed rest bite.” Electuroo trot through the factory floor with Rainbow Dash as Soarin with Wind Note help with salvaging anything of use for their long term stay.

“Wonder if an normal human life would have been better.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at the yellow stallion. “Yeah as if that happen.”

“Oh?” Electuroo stopped his tracks turning around to face Rainbow Dash. “And why do you say that?”

With an flick of her tail in his face she replied in a sly tone of voice. “Two words.” The mare turn around facing him directly staring into his brown eyes. “Rainbow Dash.” She boop his snout with her hoof making him crunch up his snout in response wiggling it a little.

Electuroo put his hoof on his snout rubbing it. “Wow... So that what it feels like to get booped.” He trots off after her but he turn to the north when glancing out a window at Canterlot and beyond thinking about the two words she just spoken.

“Electuroo stop daydreaming and move your flank!” Rainbow Dash's words rang out snapping him out of the trail of thoughts and he gallops off after Rainbow Dash to catch up with her as they head to the rainbow pools where they made the rainbows for Equestria.


A unicorn guard with help from Gold Horn set up the last of the steps to one of many new watch towers being put around Ponyville, it was to give early warning to the residents from those that without reason been looting and other crazy things that no pony would normally do.

“I think that about does it.” Gold Horn put the hammer down in the tool box wiping his head and adjusting the armour slightly, the blue star on the front of it and the helmet by the box. “Shield Spell are you ok?”

The unicorn guard with the grey fur with white and grey mane and tail with the mix gold and purple armour sat down with the tools by him breathing a little heavily. “Yes I'm alright. Just building all these towers taking it toll, I'm a guard not an engineer...” Shield Spell slowly got up on his hooves picking up his helmet placing it on his head.

Gold Horn put the last of the tools away, patting his golden covered hoof shoe on the ground he used the magic on his horn to launch a flare up to let the ponies that be taking station at the new watch tower to come. “We going to be doing a lot of things we never thought we'd be doing. I was a personal guard to that mare that now rules Equestria...”

“I heard the story when I got here with the princesses and Princes Blue Blood, never thought you be here and not there with her.” Shield Spell pick up the tool box with his magic and they made their way back into town seeing some coming back from Sweet Apple Acres looking really worn out and out of breath.

Gold Horn saw his brother Gold Dust among them without any sort of armour, he had packed it up forgood and decided to help the Apple family any way he could. “Too much history and wrong doing. This just topped it all Shield, I hate what she done to almost everypony. It not right.”

Shield Spell nudge him a little as they quietly trotted back. “From what I seen and gotten to know you Gold Horn, I am pleased you joined Celestia's and Luna's guard. If we got any chance of keeping Ponyville and anywhere else safe from those ponies taking advantage of those in need, we need all the good ponies out there.”

Gold Horn snout a little almost laughing at the statement. “That bold Shield Spell and...” He turn to Spield Spell. “Thanks.”

“Anything for a friend.”

“First time anypony called me that in an very long life time.” Gold Horn words was quiet and just heard by Shield Spell. “I just hope I can help Gold Wing... Gold Dust and I do not know what to do... How to help him...”

“If anypony can help it the princesses even without their horn and wings. They wise and do all in their power to help your brother.”

“That they will, come on Shield Spell let get back to the library and get some rest before the rain hits.” Gold Horn trots a little faster with Shield Spell keeping up.

Shield Spell was a little confused. “What rain?” As he said it a large build up of clouds moved right over them with droplets hitting his armour and snout. “Me and my big mouth.” This earned a chuckle from Gold Horn as they quicken their paste to the library, high above the rain clouds was pushed and left to move by three pegasi hovering over it looking down as it covers Ponyville.

The fourth watch them shift it and left it to move. “Well it be fun watching you do your jobs but I got to do mine, take care guys!” Lightning Dust waved at Thunderlane, Derpy and Lightning Rider before taking off at high speeds back to Cloudsdale in the distance.

Lightning Rider flew around to the clouds pushing the rain storm they have but it was barely changing direction, it took help from Derpy and Thunderlane with about 15 minutes of flapping their wings almost non stop to get it to shift direction to Sweet Apple Acres.

They land on the ground close to one of the watch towers. “Wow that was harder then I thought it be, without Lightning Dust it was trying to push a mountain or something.” Thunderlane flapping his wings a little trying to get the pain out of them. “Man this isn't going to be an easy task.”

“No it won't, but all that can help will try.” They all turn their heads up to the wooden tower, looking over it was Luna with Pinkie Pie beside her.

Lightning Rider lower his head instantly. “Princess Luna...”

“Please rise, I and Pinkie Pie are on watch for the evening.” Luna said calmly. She without her crown and still mane resting down her side of her head look really out of place.

Lightning Rider raise his head. “Sor-sorry it just...” He stared with curious eyes noticing what she just said. “Night watch?” He turn to the sky seeing the sun setting and the moon starting to rise, it was strange for everypony to see it happen without Luna or Celestia doing it themselves, it was all done by Goldenmare now. “Wow time really gone by...”

“Yeah! Time flies when your having fun!” Derpy giggled.

“Or working hard without thinking about time!” Pinkie Pie also replied and they giggled a bit more.

Lightning Rider flapping his wings took a look at the tower as he flew around it. “When was these built? I am sure they wasn't here last night.”

“Oh the unicorns worked on them through out the day, they are all resting now, so are many that worked the fields. You and your friends shall rest too. We will alert you of any bending weather from the Everfree with these erm...” Luna look at the device place on the side of the tower. “Pinkie Pie what exactly are these again?”

Pinkie Pie put her snout close to it with a hoof over the trigger, pressing down on it she spoke. “A MEGAPHONE!”

The three ponies covered their ears from the sound. “Whoa that really loud.” Thunderlane bashing his head lightly with his hoof. “No way I won't hear that.”

“Indeed.” Luna exclaimed staring at the pink pony. “Even without your unusual magic you are still one of wonder.”

“And that how it going to stay!” Pinkie Pie giggled, picked up some playing cards. “Up for a game or two Luna?”

“Sure, but we must keep an eye for trouble.” Luna replied in a serious tone.

“Of course!” Pinkie Pie answered. “Good night!” Pinkie Pie waved at them and as they about to leave she yelled out to Lightning Rider. “Don't worry you will get your birthday party in two weeks! That a promise!”

Lightning Rider froze and quickly turn to the tower. “B-but I never told anypony of my birthday!” Pinkie Pie winked and turn to Luna.

Derpy giggled. “You know the saying Lightning.”

He just gave a deadpan look. “Never question Pinkie Pie.”

The other two grinned and said together. “Right!” Just laughing softly between the three pegasi and flew to make their way to their homes for the night. The days ahead will be tough for them for sure.

As they flew away and over Golden Oak Library, Twilight with Celestia watch the clouds roll over with rain falling as the clouds head to Sweet Apple Acres. “It seem Rainbow Dash, Electuroo, Soarin and Wind Note got a team of pegasus to bring weather. It is of a heavy heart that much of Equestria fallen to chaos and those with magic are taking advantage of others.”

Twilight letting the rain fall on her freely watch the two guard ponies fast trotting towards the library. “Princess I don't mean to question you on this, but do you think we acting a bit rash on putting up those watch towers all over the edges of Ponyville?”

“Twilight you may just call me Celestia, but to answer your question. No it isn't rash.” Celestia gaze to the stallions coming up to the door and entering the library. This gave Twilight surprise by what Celestia said. “I heard many troubling stories from the major cities since Goldenmare had taken over Canterlot, she even made the ponies safe which was a surprise. But elsewhere not so much since she sealed all contact and travel between us and the Crystal Empire.”

Twilight walked inside with Celestia, she stared at the dead phone on her desk, the battery long died since day two of the Goldenmare's conquer of Equestria. “I wish we could of gotten help from our human friends instant of getting a unblinking response for almost nine straight hours.”

“Indeed it was strange. But with looting and word of ponies grouping up into these raiders with their magic still intact is troubling. They harming others and taking what they want from those that are helpless, we even had two attempts already from two small groups from Las Pegasus. With the train network now completely cut off we having to defend ourselves, Appleloosa, Fort Hooves and Dust Town.” Celestia calmly recapped all the events that taken place and the locations that seem to be safe for those that are trying to avoid the rapidly formed raiders.

“Six days... Only six days with almost no pony with magic left and we got some becoming these raiders... It just wrong! We should be working together to solve the problems we facing! Not stealing, looting and causing pain to others! It Equestria not...” Twilight from full blown anger to instant freeze in her tracks and words turn to the golden pegasus standing before her. “Gold Wing?”

Gold Wing look at her and Celestia. “Sorry. I was listening and thought I might help you solve what might of happened. Could the magic in their bodies be corrupted by whatever this Goldenmare pony did?”

Both wingless and hornless ponies look at each other for a moment and back at him. “Gold Wing! Bro you should be in bed!” Gold Horn trotted up the stairs to his brother.

“I am very confused with everything going on, I don't completely understand how we brothers and yet I feel that connection that we are and feel that we done wrong yet I never done anything that comes to mind, but I think I know why some ponies acting the way they are.” Gold Wing exclaimed.

Celestia turn to the storm. “That would explain why some acted the way they did within a day after the magic spell was cast. But why did others that didn't show any effect from the spell are themselves?”

“Erm...” Gold Wing put his hoof to the snout rubbing under it. “I haven't got a clue, it was only a idea.”

“A good one, thank you Gold Wing.” Celestia bow her head slightly.

“Glad to help Celestia. I think I will do what my brother suggested and rest.” Gold Wing yawned and trot back down the stairs by Gold Horn to get some rest in the bed that was set up in the basement.

Gold Horn remove the helmet from his head with his magic. “The towers will give us more time to warn of dangers to come and with the magic trip lights we put it place also it will help. But I wish to know of word of Typhoon, I know he was in the Crystal Empire when this all happened, is any word on his safety?” Gold Horn requested a answer to his uneasy feeling he had for days and one of those was wearing the army of the Equestrian guard.

Celestia still standing taller then most ponies step up to him, she was without hoof shoes or the crown only the plate around the neck and chest. “Even without my alicorn magic I can sense your discomfort of being before me and wearing the armour you now wear to help those here in Ponyville. I can answer what I know and this is all I know, those that fled to the Crystal Empire and within it are still there. That is all I know.” Celestia put her hoof to his shoulder looking square into his eyes.

“You have lived far longer then I, you know so much that I do not. Wearing something that once you classed as your enemy is to bring up some strong feelings.” Celestia remove her hoof. “I am only asking for your help to be part of the guard to protect those in the areas we can keep safe for now.” Celestia turn her head to the closed balcony window with rain splashing against it. “Since that day I only think of how I could of done things differently and you know what?”

Gold Horn put the helmet back on. “Nothing would be any different to as it is now?” She nods with a small smile. “We made our choice to help. And we stand by it, I bid you young mares a goodnight. It time for this old stallion to get some shut eye.” Gold Horn turn and head back down the stairs.

Celestia put a hoof to her snout giggling a little. “I can not have a come back from that dear Twilight, he and his brothers is far older then I.”

“Indeed...” Twilight sat down at the table looking to the quill and ink well with a sigh. She still had her cutie mark but the magic in her that made her talent mean something was gone and never coming back, the sense of not having a horn or the recent wings felt very alien still to her. “Nothing going to be the same again is it Princess?”

“No it will not. Equestria is never going to be the same and what we can salvage to help those around us be our first steps, Rainbow Dash and her friends are doing their part and even challenging they will give it all they got.” Celestia nuzzle Twilight softly with a warm smile. “I bid you a goodnight Twilight Sparkle. Without magic yet it strange I will adapt to this.”

Twilight watch her former mentor walk down the steps to join those in the basement to rest. “Only six days ago the world was a much happier place... Will it ever be again?” Twilight whispered and taking the quill with her mouth she begins to write on the scroll with Owlowiscious landing by her stand keeping her company.

One thing that played on her mind again was what happened with the mobile phone that now lay ideal and dead. For all the time Electuroo been in Equestria it not once lost power and always on but in a space of a few days it was now completely drained of energy.

This and what the call for help brought lead her to no answers at all only questions and even more questions to everything that happened in one week that there was no answer to...