• Published 21st Jan 2014
  • 3,199 Views, 65 Comments

Face the Unexpected - Hakuno

Daniel appears in Equestria out of nowhere. He must learn how to live in that weird world and forget everything about Earth.

  • ...

12. Face the Friends

A warm ray of light coming through the window was enough to wake Daniel up. He pressed his eyelids to dismiss the tiredness and slowly opened them, patiently waiting for the blur in his sight to disappear. And then he noticed something weird. The window was in the opposite side of the bed. For a moment he wondered if he slept upside down, and he was going to sit up when he felt that something moved a little on his chest.

He looked down, it was a purple hoof. His heart stopped for a second and suddenly began to beat really fast. Turning his head to his left he could see a sleeping Twilight with her nose pressing softly against his shoulder. He blinked and after several seconds, he smiled. He moved a little trying not to wake her up, and with his right hand he started to stroke her cheek.

Daniel then remembered that just last night Twilight confessed her love for him and after a talk with Rarity he had been able to admit his feelings for her. They had kissed each other. And after that they just hugged.

They must have fell asleep without noticing, Daniel concluded. After all, that had been a really active day with Winter Wrap Up and that kind of stuff. He even noticed that he still had his vest on, and he was soaked in sweat. It was really uncomfortable, but he didn’t want to move, not yet. Twilight looked so cute and he wanted to enjoy this sight as much as he could. But sadly that moment had to end, and making a little sound with her mouth, she woke up.

“Rise and shine, sleepyhead” Daniel said in a cheerful and tender tune. Twilight abruptly opened her eyes and looked at the human, who only greeted her with a warm smile. “Did you sleep well?” He asked and the alicorn’s face turned to a bright red.

“Did… I… We…” Twilight couldn’t make her words have sense. Daniel had to giggle a little the surprised look in her eyes, and before she could even realize what was going on, he leaned closer and gave her a tender kiss in her forehead.

“Hush now” He said with a small grin in his face. “Yes, we did sleep together” Twilight’s wings twitched, but she struggled to keep them folded. “Yes, we only slept” He giggled a little more when the alicorn looked away a little embarrassed.

Daniel started to softly stroke her face, tenderly rubbing his thumb against her cheek. Twilight turned again to look at him with a faint smile. Her heart was beating fast, but her muscles were relaxed and she was normally breathing. This was definitively a moment she didn’t want to end. She pressed her muzzle against his chest, carefully trying not to stab him with her horn. She was so comfortable that she wanted to fall asleep again and forget everything about the world.

But paradise was not meant to last forever. Daniel moved away from her and sat up on the edge of the bed and stretched his arms. “Wow I haven’t slept this good in years” He said and awkwardly moved his head to one side to crack his neck. For a moment Twilight feared that he injured himself, but then he did the same to the other side, and with a second crack he sighed in relief.

“Do I have to get used to that sound?” Twilight asked and Daniel only could giggle at that. He then took his vest off and placed it on the bed at his side. “What are you doing?” She asked and Daniel noticed the nervousness of her voice.

He smiled to himself, knowing that she couldn’t see his face at the moment. “Exactly what you think I’m doing” He answered and slowly started to take off his shirt. The feeling of wet clothes against his body was something Daniel always found disgusting. He could hear how Twilight was muttering, probably something about him being naked. “Relax Twilight, I’m just taking off my shirt. I need to ventilate my torso or all this sweat will drive me crazy” And with that, he finally divested from his shirt.

Twilight could see how the dim light cast shadows through his muscles and how they danced on his back when he moved. It wasn’t exactly an uncommon sight for her since minotaurs seemed to have the same anatomy in the torso. But his furless skin and slim body somehow hypnotized her. And then he turned around to face her, but she kept staring at his body. Then again, she didn’t have anything to compare him with, but for some reason she found the shape of his muscles rather attractive. And then she saw them.

“Nipples” Was the only thing she could say.

Daniel raised an eyebrow. “I’d never have guessed you had a fetish like that” He said with a smirk and enjoyed how Twilight turned red again.

“I-I don’t!” She said shaking her hooves in front of her. “It’s just that… Well, only females have nipples!”

He scratched his chin for a few seconds and looked back at Twilight. “Maybe in this world, but we humans have nipples regardless of our gender”

“But what’s their purpose? I don’t think you can lactate, can you?”

Daniel had to laugh. Twilight was certainly the kind of pony that wanted to know everything, and he had to admit that he really loved that curiosity of hers. When he finally could calm himself, he dried some tears with his thumb and looked at her. “No, I don’t lactate. They’re just there for decoration”

Twilight was about to argue that every part of the body in every living being had a purpose, but she was cut off when he leaned closer and kissed her. He passed his hand through her messy mane and to the back of her head. And after a few seconds, he leaned backwards to brake the kiss, but was surprised when she decided to keep their lips united.

He giggled a little and gave her what she wanted. And so their mouths opened and their tongues greeted each other to start a dance of love only they knew. Twilight used her hind legs to lift her body a little and hugged him by his neck, and she could feel the sweat of his body against her fur, but she didn’t care.

Both of them were enjoying the moment, and didn’t want it to end. But there was a knock at the door. “Breakfast’s served, Twilight!” Spike’s cheerful voice echoed through the room and made them stop the kiss.

Twilight awkwardly cleared her throat. “Coming!” Daniel yelled and Twilight only looked at him with widened eyes, and he only gave her a sly smile.

“Daniel? What are you doing there?”

There was a small pause while Daniel jumped off the bed and walked to the door to greet his draconic friend despite Twilight’s complaints. “Morning, Spike” He said and the dragon only looked at him with an eyebrow raised and a speculative gaze. “Did you sleep well?”

Spike nodded. “Did you sleep here?” He asked and looked past Daniel to where Twilight was brushing her mane and then laid his eyes upon the human again.

“Well, no. Do you know how difficult it would be for me to sleep standing on my feet?” He asked, and Spike only remained staring at him. He giggled a little. “I’m teasing Spike, of course I slept here” Daniel heard Twilight choke and cough as Spike only fell silent without changing his expression.

“Why?” Spike asked after a brief pause.

“Why not?” Daniel said comically while crouching to be a little closer to the dragon. “Isn’t that what couples do?”

Spike was about to answer when Twilight teleported between him and the human. “Spike, can you please go back downstairs? Daniel and I need to talk” And before the dragon could say anything, she closed the door, locked it and cast a sound proof barrier around her and Daniel. “What was that?” She said looking directly at the human’s eyes.

“What?” He raised both shoulders and held his hands in the air mimicking a surprised reaction. “The little guy asked some obvious questions and I answered them” He then raised an eyebrow. “Why? Is that a bad thing?”

“N-No! Of course not! It’s just… Well I-I think that…”

Daniel stared at her with a very forced serious expression in his face, as if trying not to laugh. But then he just smiled, kneeled to be eye level with Twilight and put a finger on her lips. “You’re really cute, Twilight Sparkle” He said, and for a moment the alicorn only blinked. “You want to hide me from the world as if I was some kind of naughty secret, don’t you?” Twilight blushed again and tried to reply but Daniel only pressed his finger a little harder against her lips. “Oh I’m not mad at you. I actually find it really adorable”


“But we can’t keep the girls in the dark about us, you know. They would feel really sad, specially Rarity since she helped me realize and admit my love for you”


“Besides, Spike already knows it. And I’ve noticed that he’s not exactly good at keeping secrets”



Twilight sighed and rubbed the point of her nose with a hoof. “What’s gotten into you? You’re talking way too much. Not that that’s a bad thing, but it’s unlike you”

Daniel blinked twice and leaned a little backwards. “I’m sorry”

“No, no. Don’t be sorry” She said making a little jump to put her forelegs on his shoulders. “I’m the one who should apologize. All this is new to me and I don’t know how to act” She looked down thinking on the best words to say.

Daniel gently lifted her chin and looked at her eyes. “I can’t say I’m new with this kind of stuff, but I don’t think I’ve ever felt how I feel right now” He gave her a faint smile. “I think I got a little carried away and didn’t think of how you feel. And for that, I’m truly sorry” He playfully rubbed his nose with Twilight’s. “If you want to wait for the proper time to tell the girls, I’ll understand”

Twilight slowly shook her head. “No, I do want to tell them about us as soon as possible. I just need a few minutes to convince myself that I’m not dreaming”

“Very well then” Daniel said and gave her a gentle kiss. “Your wish is my command, princess” He said with a goofy smile and Twilight couldn’t help but giggle.

She leaned backwards to be on her four legs and dismissed the spell while Daniel stood up. She opened the door and Spike was still there with his arms crossed against his chest and an eyebrow raised. “So, a couple huh?”

Twilight sighed and smiled at her assistant. “Yes Spike, Daniel and I are a couple now”

“Does that mean he’s going to sleep with you from now on?”

She looked at Daniel, who only shrugged and walked outside the room to his own to get a clean shirt. Twilight looked at Spike and smiled. “We’ll talk about that later. For now let’s have breakfast, ok?”

Spike shrugged and started to walk away. “If that’s a yes, then I want his room” He said waving a claw in the air. “I don’t want to hear weird noises at night” Twilight blushed and was going to reply, but Spike was already gone.


The sudden change of season was something Daniel was amazed at. One day everything was covered in snow and the air was really cold, and the next day it was warm and flowers were starting to bloom and the streets were really clean. He wondered how the change to other seasons would look like.

He was going to the boutique along with Twilight. They had decided to tell the girls about their relationship that same day, but the first one to who they had to tell first was Rarity. “Are you ok there?” Daniel asked after noticing that Twilight had a nervous look in her eyes.

“Ah, yes. It’s just…” She stopped walking and forcefully sighed. “I was thinking that when we tell Pinkie, she most likely will throw a party… And…”

Daniel nodded in understanding. “Don’t worry, I know how to make her not to throw a party without offending her” She smiled at him and started to walk again. It was weird, the human somehow knew how to treat Pinkie Pie without losing his head in the process.

They finally got to the boutique. The ringing sound of the small bell had become so familiar to Daniel that it was almost relaxing. “Good morning, how may I-Twilight! Daniel!” Rarity said and ran to them just to stop mere feet away. For a moment she only looked at one another as her smile grew wide and her chest lifted in pride. “Please take a sit while I get some tea” She said and started to walk to the kitchen.

Daniel sat on the couch, his height always made him need to cross his legs under his body in order to get comfortable. Twilight decided to sit right at his side. At first she wanted to remain still, but the human used an arm to lean her closer to him with a hug. She smiled and rested her body on his, sitting on her flank for better comfort.

Rarity came a few moments later with her well known silver plate carrying her silver teapot and some cups. She placed them on the little table in front of the couch and then sat on a cushion to the other side. After serving the tea she took a little sip from her cup. “So” She placed her teacup on the table. “I see you two are getting along”

Twilight giggled a little. “Thank you Rarity” She looked at Daniel who smiled at her and then again to Rarity. “Without you this would have been impossible” She sighed and pressed her body a little more against the human’s. “We just came here to say thanks”

“Nonsense, darling. It’s what friends are for” She gave a warm grin to Daniel before looking again to Twilight. “But I want to know how it happened”

“Well…” Twilight said with a big smile and starting to blush a little. “Yesterday after Winter Wrap Up I told him how I feel. He said to let him think and then he walked away. I thought he was going to reject me, so I went to the library and asked Spike to leave me alone” She made a little pause and then looked directly at Rarity’s eyes. “But a few minutes later he came to my room and kissed me. And then he told me that he loves me too”

Rarity raised an eyebrow and looked at Daniel with a sly smile. “Oh really? You sure did a thorough thinking on your way to the library”

Daniel shrugged. “I guess I did”

“Well, I’m really happy for you two” Rarity said and took a sip of her tea. “Did you tell the other girls yet?”

Twilight slowly shook her head. “We wanted to talk to you first since you’re the reason why we’re together now” Rarity let out a flattered giggle. And after that they just talked about other things. Daniel remained particularly silent, but never stopped hugging Twilight.


“The next one is Pinkie Pie” Twilight said while trotting down the street.

“Did you make a list?” Daniel asked following her effortlessly.

“Of course not! It’s just that Sugar Cube Corner is the nearest place of the boutique!”

Daniel laughed a little. “I’m teasing you Twilight” The alicorn was going to reply but a pink blur tackled her to the ground. She blinked to recover her sight. “Pinkie Pie? What are you doing?”

“Twilight! Last night my Pinkie sense told me that something big, like, really big was going to happen! And I remembered that the last time my Pinkie sense told me something like that was when you finally accepted that I have a Pinkie sense! *Gasp* But then it stopped and I was really confused because I never got to know what was going to happen! *Gasp* But then I saw you walking and I remembered that last night my Pinkie sense told me that something happened! And if I remembered that the moment I saw you it means that you’re related to that! *Gasp* So, what happened?!”

“Pinkie, let me stand up and I’ll tell you” Twilight said and Pinkie moved bouncing and smiling expectantly. When the alicorn recovered her balance on her four legs, she looked to her friend with a smile. “I believe that the ‘big thing’ is that Daniel and I are a couple now”

“No way!” Pinkie yelled and looked at Daniel who only smiled and nodded. She then looked at Twilight and jumped to hug her. “That’s the best news ever! You know what this calls for? A PAR-”

“Pinkie” Daniel interrupted. “Come here for a moment” He said and stepped backwards at a good distance from Twilight. Pinkie followed him bouncing until he stopped and bent over to her. “I know you’re excited and all that, but could you please not throw a party this time?”

Pinkie stared at him for a few seconds. “Why not?”

“Listen, we don’t mind that everybody knows about us, but we don’t want a party for that” He said with a soft voice.

“But why not? Two of my bestest friends love each other so so so so so much that they are now a cute couple! And that needs to be celebrated with the biggest party Ponyville has ever had!”

Daniel only stared at her and then smiled. “Yes, we want to celebrate, but we want to do it our way, with a quiet reunion and just with our closest friends.” He said and stood up stretching his back. “And I want you to organize that normal, quiet and scheduled reunion where we can just talk and eat some pastries. What do you say?”

“Oki doki loki!” Pinkie said beaming.

“What are we celebrating?” Daniel almost jumped in surprise just to meet a cyan pegasus hovering lazily in the air.

“We’re celebrating that Daniel and Twilight are a couple and they love each other so much that they want a party! But a quiet party! I have to ask Fluttershy, she knows how to throw that kind of parties. See you Daniel!” And with that, Pinkie was nowhere to be seen.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow to the human and then looked at Twilight to the other side of the street. “Really?” She asked and looked at the human. “Since when?”

“Since yesterday” He answered with a proud smile.

Rainbow Dash gave him a sly smile as well. “Gotta say, I didn’t expect that. I mean, I never thought Twilight would ever know what is it like to feel attracted by somepony else”

Daniel chuckled a little. “You underestimate her. Actually, she’s the one who told me her feelings first” Dash looked at him with her eyes filled up with surprise. “You should learn from her, Dash. It’s time for you to admit your feelings for-”

“SHUT UP!” Rainbow said with her face completely red.

“What’s going on here?” Twilight said having crossed the road. “Where’s Pinkie Pie? Why Rainbow’s face is all red? Are you ok Rainbow Dash?”

“I’m fine! Stop questioning me!” Twilight raised an eyebrow. That nervousness only meant that the pegasus was hiding something, but before she could speak, Rainbow cleared her throat awkwardly. “Anyway, good to hear that you two are together and that stuff-Oh! Look at the time! Gotta go bye!” And with that, Rainbow disappeared in a multicolored blur.

Twilight looked at Daniel with an inquiring gaze and he only shrugged. “Pinkie is with Fluttershy to ask for her advice in quiet parties” The alicorn raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Don’t ask, let’s go with the others”


Fluttershy’s cottage was next. Daniel couldn’t help but admire the beauty of the sight. Everything was surrounded by all kind of flowers. And all kind of animals were running everywhere. But what really caught his attention was a big brown bear playing bunnies and squirrels.

Twilight knocked the door while Daniel kept staring at the animals. “Oh hi Twilight” Fluttershy said after opening the front door and shyly pocking her head through it. “Pinkie told me the good news. Congratulations to both of you”

“Thanks Fluttershy” Twilight said looking at Daniel with almost angry eyes, but the human was distracted by Fluttershy’s critters. “So, we’d like to stay and talk with you, but we still want to tell AJ about us, and then we’ll go out on a date” Twilight giggled nervously a little at her last word.

“I understand. If you need anything else just call me and I’ll be there” Fluttershy said and slowly closed the door.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. Fluttershy never closed her door at anypony’s face. But she ignored the thought, maybe the pegasus was busy. So with her magic she pulled Daniel from his shirt until he stopped watching the animals and started following her.


Sweet Apple Acres’ trees had already grown leaves, and Daniel couldn’t think about anything more fascinating than that. He wondered how life on Earth would be like if trees could be able to recover all their leaves in just one day. The sight was amazing. While just the day prior everything was white due to the snow, right now green was the color of the farm, and it was an even more reassuring sight for him.

They got closer to the farmhouse. Applejack was carrying a stack of hay from the barn. “Hey Applejack” Twilight said as they got closer. Applejack placed the hay on the floor and waved a hoof in the air.

“’Sup Twah! Daniel! How’s it going?” She asked cheerfully.

Twilight went straight to hug her friend, and after a few seconds, she just looked directly at the farmer’s eyes. “Well, Daniel and I came here to tell you that we’re now a couple” She said with an enthusiastic voice.

“That’s great! But why ya made all th’ way from th’ library to here just t’ tell me that?”

“We didn’t want to call you all to the library just for that, but we didn’t want to wait any longer, that’s why Twilight decided to visit you all one by one so we don’t interfere on your chores” Daniel explained with a warm smile.

Applejack gave them a big smile of her own. “Well ain’t ya really sweet. An’ when all this happened?”

“Yesterday” Twilight answered and Daniel nodded.

“Well now, don’t ya wanna come in an’ eat somethin’? It’s almost lunch time” Applejack said, but Twilight slowly shook her head.

“We really appreciate it AJ, but we’re going to have a date” She still had to giggle a little at that last word. “And we still need to decide where we are going. But thanks for the offer, maybe another day”

Applejack nodded. “Ah don’t wanna slow ya more, ya can count with mah support and love as friend. Ah’ll tell Granny, Big Mac an’ AB ya said hi” She said and took the stack of hay again.

“Thank you, see you later” Daniel said and turned around to leave the farm with Twilight. When they finally got out of the farm, Twilight was humming a melody only she could hear, and Daniel was enjoying her voice all the way. He was really comfortable at her side.

He has had girlfriends before, three to be precise. But they never lasted more than one month. The girls he dated talked way too much, not that he didn’t like it, at least not until they wanted him to talk about the same nonsense. He was happy just listening to them, and he could understand that they wanted to talk about the things they liked. But he really hated when they just ignored him when he tried to talk about things he liked, so he ended his three relationships after a month.

But Twilight was really different. Sure she talked a lot about things she liked such as Starswirl the bearded, science and other stuff she read in books. But she was also a very good listener, and the very few times Daniel wanted to share something with her, she listened and talked about it. Maybe that was one of the reasons he fell in love with her, but it sure wasn’t the only one.

“So, where do you want to go?” Twilight asked and Daniel realized that they were at the library again. “I read that we should try to go to a restaurant”

Daniel crossed his arms and thought about it. “Well, on Sundays I always go to meatception, but-”

“Isn’t that the only restaurant in Ponyville that serves meat?”

“Yeah…” Daniel said. “But we obviously can’t go there, so-”

“Why not?”

Daniel blinked and then raised an eyebrow. “Because I’m not going to eat meat in front of you”

Twilight pondered that for a few moments and then sighed. “I believe that they also have fruit and veggies in their menu”


“We’re dating now, right? I can’t just ignore the fact that you need to eat meat to survive” She gave him a warm smile. “And if I have to be honest, I’ve always been curious on how that kind of food is cooked” Daniel was about to argue but Twilight teleported them both to the entrance of the restaurant.

It was a small red building with a big sign right above the front door that said ‘Meatception. Best fresh flesh fer yer taste’. A green unicorn stallion with short brown mane was in front of the door with a welcoming smile. “You could tell me before you do that” Daniel deadpanned, but Twilight giggled an apology and trotted over the stallion.

“Hello sir” Twilight greeted.

“Princess Twilight!” The stallion bowed at her.

“Calm down, Silk Touch” Daniel said with a big smile. The stallion looked at him, then at Twilight and then at the human again, giving him a confused gaze. “Today I’ll need a table for two and your salads’ menu”

Silk raised an eyebrow to Daniel. “Sure thing, Daniel. Princess. This way.” And then he entered the restaurant.

Twilight couldn’t help but let out a gasp of surprise at the decorations. The walls were dark red with golden patterns and the light was provided by big and impressive golden chandeliers. And she could see some minotaurs in one table and some griffons in another. She didn’t even know there was so many in Ponyville. When they got to their table, Twilight had to jump to get on her chair. Daniel giggled at the sight. “These chairs are not meant for ponies, after all” He said, looking through the room. “But that doesn’t stop some to come here anyways”

Twilight froze and slowly turned her face to where Daniel was looking. In a table placed as far away from every window as possible was a group of five ponies, two mares and three stallions. Twilight narrowed her eyes to improve her sight, and she could see their food. “Are they…”

“Eating meat? Yes” Answered Silk Touch, giving the normal menu to Daniel and the salads’ one to Twilight, who held it in her own magic. “Ponies are not meant to eat it, but since it doesn’t have any negative consequence in our digestive system, some come here from time to time”

Daniel nodded and opened her menu. “I didn’t know it either, but seeing ponies here helped me get used to the company of griffons and minotaurs” He made a little pause and looked at Silk. “I want fried fish and orange juice”

Silk wrote that in a small notebook with a pencil and then looked at Twilight. “Uhmm, I’d like the carrot and broccoli salad and apple juice, please” The waiter wrote that and walked away. Twilight then looked at Daniel. “Ok I have two questions. First, why Silk Touch took our orders?”

“Because it’s his job. Sure he’s at the front door greeting new customers, but he’s a waiter too since this restaurant lacks of employees”

Twilight nodded. “Ok, and my second question is: Why did you order fish?”

Daniel raised an eyebrow. “Because I want fish”

“Don’t give me that” She gave him a stern look and he only sighed in defeat.

“Alright Twilight. I still don’t feel comfortable eating meat in front of you, so I ordered white meat”

“White meat?”

Daniel chuckled a little. “Yeah, it’s how we call the meat that doesn’t look so ‘bloody’” He said, but Twilight was still looking at him with a confused glare. “You’ll understand at its proper time”

Twilight was about to argue, but then Silk came with their food. Her salad had mostly carrots and broccoli, but it also had some spinach and celery. It looked delicious, and then she dared to look at Daniel’s food. It was indeed a fish with blackish spots all over it, a small lettuce, avocado and tomato salad at one side and potato puree at the other side.

It somehow looked tasty, Twilight had to admit. But she decided to focus on her own food. But it was easier said than done. Daniel carefully used a knife to cut the meat. While for some reason she expected blood to pour from the fish, nothing happened, it was just the meat and some little spines that the human had to pull out with his fingers. It was a weird thing to watch him eat animals. Sure she had watched Fluttershy’s bear eat fish from time to time, but she never paid attention to that. And know that she was fully aware of what she was seeing, she had to admit that it wasn’t that bad.

After they finished their food, they ordered some pastries and started to talk.

“I’m sorry” Twilight said moving idly a cherry through her plate with a fork.

Daniel blinked. “What?”

“I’m sorry” She repeated trying to not look at Daniel’s eyes. “I… I’ve been reading every single book I could find about the subject, but…” Tears started to form in her eyes. “I just can’t find… anything…”

Daniel reached her foreleg with his hand and gently wrapped her hoof with his fingers. “What are you talking about?”

Twilight was starting to sob. “I can’t… I can’t find anything…” She looked at his eyes when he started to softly rub his fingers through her hoof. “About your world, Daniel…” And then she started to cry.

“Hey, it’s ok” Daniel said with a tender voice and moved his hand from her hoof to her cheek. “It’s ok Twilight”

“How can you say that? It’s obviously not okay” She said letting his fingers move through her cheek. “I promised you I’ll find a way to make you able to return to your home… But…”

“Twilight, listen to me” Daniel said giving her a warm smile. “I’m not going to lie. Of course I’d like to get back to Earth…” He leaned closer to her carefully trying not to touch anything on the table, gave her a soft kiss. “But now I have a life here. I have a job at the boutique. I have my archery field. I have wonderful friends… And I have you, Twilight”


“I don’t care anymore of the reason why I came here, because you shouldn’t look at the teeth of a given horse” Twilight giggled a little. For a moment Daniel only stroke her cheek, looking her with a faint smile. “I love you and I want to be with you. So…” He moved his mouth a little hesitant. “So… Stop the research…”

Twilight widened her eyes in surprise. “What?”

“Stop the research” He repeated. “If in the future I have the opportunity to go back to Earth I’ll choose to remain in Equestria anyways” He tenderly rubbed his nose with hers. “Because I want to be with you, Twilight. I love you”

She then leaned closer and kissed him. “I love you too, Daniel”