• Published 21st Jan 2014
  • 3,202 Views, 65 Comments

Face the Unexpected - Hakuno

Daniel appears in Equestria out of nowhere. He must learn how to live in that weird world and forget everything about Earth.

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9. Face the Illness

The next morning, Twilight woke up in the dark. Her eyes were closed and wouldn’t ever obey her to open in the slightest. Her blanket felt heavy, way heavier than she remembered. She knew she was sweating, and she needed to take out the blanket to let the air ventilate her body, but her legs wouldn’t respond to her demands. She felt weak, and no matter how much she tried, that weakness didn’t allow her to lift the blanket.

She sighed in defeat, and noticed that her breathe was heavy and hot, she could feel the warmth in her nose as she let out a slow pant. She could feel how her cheeks were painfully pressing against her skull and how every muscle sore for no reason. “Uh…” With another attempt, this time casting all the will within her being, she finally could open her eyes so slowly that it felt as if an eternity had passed. And she could feel a weird tiredness in them as her sclera burned in dried tears. It took her a full minute to adapt her sight to the dark room. Everything seemed to be normal, yet at the same time really far from her.

A knock in her door was enough to make her realize how awfully her head ached. She could hear an eternal echo inside her ears. “Breakfast’s served, Twilight!” Spike’s enthusiastic voice did nothing but ring in her skull, and she felt her brain pulsate with the same rhythm as her heart. She opened her mouth to reply, but couldn’t find her voice. Her lips and throat as dry as a desert. “Twilight?” Spike opened the door and Twilight swore that the opening noise had never been that loud.

She could hear the dragon’s small claws step on the floor as he got closer and every single nail on them making a little, almost invisible mark on the wood. “Are you alright?” This time, Twilight thanked the heavens, his voice was made in a whisper.

Twilight could feel Spike right in front of her. She wondered when she closed her eyes again, but she forced them to open and she could see her assistant with a concerned look in his eyes. “I’m… sick…” She finally said with a slow and tiring gasp between words, followed by a hot and even slower pant. “Water… Please…” She could feel how her own voice echoed inside her head even in whisper volume.

But Spike wasn’t there anymore. He might had gone the moment she said her first word in the day. He came back almost instantly holding ever so carefully a silver plate with a big crystal jar and a glass. He placed them on Twilight’s night table, and she couldn’t help but slowly lick her lips when she saw the little dragon fill the glass with some water. “Come on, roll on your back” Spike said and patiently waited for the alicorn to face the ceiling. When she did so, he carefully slid one claw under her head and as if he was manipulating porcelain, he slowly lifted it a little. With his other claw he put the edge of the glass on Twilight’s mouth and slowly inclined it, allowing her to take small but demanded sips of the elixir of life.

She quickly drank all the glass and Spike knew that it was enough for her, so he slowly let her head rest again in the pillow. Twilight muttered something to thank him, but it was too low that he barely heard her. He put the glass again on the plate and then faced to Twilight, whose chest slowly went up and down, and her breath was so heavy it could be heard from the other side of the room. “I’m going for a doctor” He said with a soft whisper just loud enough so Twilight could hear him, but not too much so it wouldn’t be painful for her. “If you need something, I’ll tell Daniel to keep an eye on you” And then he was gone.

Being sick was uncommon for Twilight. Her immune system was so effective that every virus died ipso facto when touched any of her cells. But when one passed through her defenses, may Celestia show mercy on her. Twilight’s mind was blank, unable to process any thought, for a single attempt to do so only increased the headache.

Days like that seemed to pass both slower and faster than any other day. Her notion of time was so damaged that five minutes could easily have been an hour for her, as five hours just a second. It was so frustrating being unable to do anything, to think anything. She was forced to lay on her bed, just staring at the ceiling and waiting for the next day to come, as she knew she would feel better.

“So, even the princesses can get sick” Daniel’s voice startled her. She didn’t hear him enter the room. But even if the tone in his voice tried to sound sarcastic, it was so soft and tender that somehow made her feel better. She only could turn her head and give him a faint smile. He was sitting in a small chair he most likely brought from the kitchen. Her mouth was always open to allow her to breathe since her panting was too hot for her nostrils. “Dear heavens, you got it really bad…” He said with genuine concern in his voice. He instinctively put the back of his hand on the princess’ forehead trying to measure her temperature. Her fur was soaked in sweat, but it still irradiated heat through his hand.

Daniel didn’t know much about pony health, but Spike had told him a few things before going to find a doctor. He felt a warm breeze touching his arm, it was Twilight’s breathing, and he realized that she was staring at him with tired eyes and a really small smile. He then noticed that he was frowning of concentration, so he quickly removed his hand. He took a handkerchief from a stack he brought and placed on the night table and cleaned his hand.

“So, Spike told me to talk to you and don’t let you sleep unless the doctor says otherwise” He said scratching idly his cheek with a finger. “Which is a little weird to me, humans need to sleep a lot in order to get better” He then looked down at her. If it wasn’t for the constant sound of her panting, he would have feared that she stopped moving at all. “But I suppose there has to be a good reason, right?”

Twilight moved her head a little, which Daniel interpreted as a nod. “Right…” He forcefully sighed. “This is going to be hard. I don’t mind talking all day, but without feedback I feel like an idiot” He took a moment to think of what he just said. “I’m not blaming you, of course, it’s just me, ok?” He shook his hands as if it would help his statement have more weight. He then moved one hand to the back of his head, scratching it a little. “I mean, I know that you’re sick, like, really sick. So it would be stupid from me to blame you for something that’s not your fault”

Daniel looked at Twilight’s eyes. She was just listening at him, calmly. For a moment, the only thing that could be heard in the room was her breathing. “You know” He said, trying his best to keep talking. “Spike rushed outside to get you a doctor, so he could only tell me the important” He folded his hands on his lap. “So when he comes back I will ask him why I have to keep you awake”

He seemed really concerned about it. And Twilight was trying to tell him that it wasn’t an important thing. That it all started when she was a filly. Every time she got sick, she always asked her big brother to stay with her and talk to her, just because it was how she could keep her mind busy without suffering headaches. And when Shining Armor went to live in Canterlot Castle’s headquarters, she asked Spike to do the same thing. And so the little dragon grew knowing that when she was sick, he would always be by her side talking to her.

But she couldn’t. She wasn’t exactly unable to talk, but she wouldn’t be able to say more than a word every four seconds, and even that would make her feel more tired. Besides, she didn’t want him to stop talking. His voice was calming, even if he wasn’t whispering anymore, the level of his voice was low enough to not be a problem. The tone of his voice wasn’t very deep, but it was manly nonetheless. And she liked it.

She liked how he was struggling to keep talking. She liked how his eyes were moving through the room, trying to find something, anything he could use as a topic. She liked how he was talking only stopping to take a quick breath, even if he wasn’t much of a talkative guy. She liked how he was doing all that for her, and just for her.

His sole presence in the room made her feel way better. She barely noticed the tiredness of her eyes and the weakness of her body. “And then, Jasper hit me with the damn chair. Can you believe it? Of course I wouldn’t just stand there while that son of a-“ Twilight kept listening to him, at this moment she wasn’t processing what he was saying. She was just enjoying his voice and his presence.

But as much as she liked to be like this, just she and he, it had to end. Her door opened as Spike walked inside. “Here she is, please try not to talk too loud” Behind the little dragon, a yellowish brown coated unicorn stallion with brown mane and wearing a lab coat and a stethoscope stepped inside. The doctor closed distance to Twilight and smiled at her.

“Good morning, Princess Twilight. If you don’t remember me, I’m Doctor Stable” He said, and even trying to follow Spike’s recommendations, his voice was still too loud. Twilight narrowed her eyes and grinded her teeth for the sudden wave of pain in her head. “S-Sorry…” The unicorn said in a very much lower volume.


Doctor Stable checked on Twilight, it only took him a few minutes. “Well, she has a cold with fever” He finally said after using his stethoscope to hear the alicorn’s breathing with it. “It’s not a bad one though. She only needs rest and drink a lot of liquids. A few juicy fruits may help as well”

“That’s it?” Daniel asked with an obviously surprised tone. “No medicine?” The doctor shook his head a little hesitant. “You just told us the obvious. Why are you even here anyways?” Doctor Stable wasn’t used to this kind of reactions. His work at the hospital consisted in setting broken bones and make sure his patients had a full recovery. The only reason he accepted to come and see the princess was because he was the first doctor Spike saw, and he did have knowledge about common illnesses. “I don’t think you pretend to get paid for this, do you?” Daniel said standing up of the chair and looking down at the stallion. He was well aware of the effect his height had on ponies when he stared at them that way.

Doctor Stable stepped backwards with shivering hooves. He couldn’t hide the fact that the human did scare him. “Daniel…” Twilight’s voice was so low that her breathing was louder, but it was enough to make the human and the unicorn look at her. She was frowning, and Daniel didn’t need more to understand her.

He turned to face the doctor with a completely new expression in his face. While just moments ago he had been angry and seemed that he was going to kick the doctor in any moment, now he was just serious and his gaze was forced with professionalism. “Please forgive my outburst, Doctor” Daniel said and started to walk out of Twilight’s room. “You are just doing your job. Please do follow me so we can talk about the bill”

Hesitant, the unicorn followed him. And it seemed that the human really changed his attitude, for he kindly asked him how much money it was due to pay. And when Doctor Stable told him the amount, Daniel took the bits from his pocket and gave them to the unicorn and told him to leave.

By the moment Daniel returned to Twilight’s room, she was already asleep. Spike was standing at one side of the bed. “Last time she got sick was four years ago, we were still living in Canterlot” The dragon said with a sad look in his eyes. “She got pretty bad… She…” Spike was holding back the tears, sobbing. It was the first time Daniel saw him that way, and it was heartbreaking. Spike’s expression showed that he was truly terrified. “…The doctors had no idea why she was so sick like that… She…” Spike then looked at the human, his tears finally running down his cheeks. “She almost died...” He said with a whisper.

And in that moment, Daniel realized how mature Spike was. He didn’t freak out when he learned that Twilight was sick. He took his time to bring her some water before rushing to find a doctor for her, and even so, he found time enough to ask the human to keep an eye on her. The dragon was a baby, but he knew how to act under pressure. And Daniel had to admire him for that.

“But… Can’t unicorns just use their magic to heal her? I heard somewhere something about healing spells…” Daniel said, but Spike only shook his head.

“Healing spells only alleviate pain, they don’t cure a pony”

They were silent for a full minute. Spike had a claw on Twilight’s bed and his sobbing was just a bit louder than he pony’s breathing. Daniel then wondered what kind of relationship they had. Twilight always said that Spike was her number one assistant, and the dragon always seconded her. But right now, they seemed to be closer. As a little kid and his big sister.

Daniel walked to Spike and kneeled on the floor putting a hand on the dragon’s shoulder. “Hey, go get some rest yourself” He said in his most comprehensive tone. “I already changed the library’s sign to ‘closed’. Don’t worry, I’ll be here” Spike looked at him. At this distance, and thanks to the dragon’s big eyes, Daniel could see all the emotions that Spike had at the moment. But it was mostly fear. Fear that Twilight could get worse. Fear that he could lose her. Fear that she, the pony to who he looked at as a motherly figure, could die sooner than she should. “Don’t worry, Spike. If anything happens, you’ll be the first to know”

After a few seconds, Spike nodded. And giving a last glance in Twilight’s direction, he walked away. Spike shared room with Twilight, but right now he had to be somewhere else. He wouldn’t like the alicorn to wake up and see him crying. A few moments passed and Daniel sat again in the chair to the other side of the bed, watching the sleeping pony laying on it.

Twilight looked so… fragile, Daniel thought. Ponies had told him that she pretty much was the most powerful pony in Equestria, and only the other Princesses would be able to match her. Yet there she was, breathing heavily and forcefully, with her face red because of the fever. “You know, Twilight” He said with a warm smile. “You’re very lucky. Spike really loves you and cares for you” The alicorn smiled, as if she was able to hear him.

“I… love you… too…” She said with obvious difficulty, slowly rolling to one side, facing the human as her smile grew wider. “… Daniel…”


Spike had been trying to reorganize the library to no avail. Nor it was due, nor did he know how Twilight would do it this time. But he just needed to keep his mind busy. Doctor Stable had said that she was ok. He said that she would get better. But he kept feeling a pressure in his chest. He just couldn’t stop feeling useless, hopeless and afraid of the future.

The breakfast long forgotten in the kitchen. Spike cleaned up and washed the dishes. He wasn’t hungry, or at least he didn’t know if he was. The gemstones that once had been shiny and tasty, now were mere colorful rocks in his claws. He could see a faint reflection of his face on the biggest jewel. His eyes had small bags and were a little red for the crying.

Spike sighed. He had to be strong for Twilight. He knew that the moment she woke up, she would need to eat something, and he had to be there to convince her that even if she wasn’t hungry, she needed to eat at least an apple. His own stomach growled a little, but he ignored it. The only thing in his mind was Twilight, and how she was so sick that was unable to leave her bed.

And a small flashback crossed his mind just for a second, but it was enough to make the dragon remember once again what happened four years ago. He remembered a lavender unicorn lying in a hospital bed connected to all sort of fancy machines. He remembered how the doctors were talking with mom and dad. He remembered the look in their eyes: Sadness, anger, despair. They had been shouting their throats off to the doctors, not caring that other ponies were looking at them, not caring that the doctors were as lost as them. They had been crying until their eyes dried and they had been yelling until their voices gave up.

He remembered Shinning Armor, sitting in a chair of the waiting room beside him. The unicorn had been staring at the void, with tears flowing through his face and barely able to breathe. And the last thing he could remember was the princess herself going to visit Twilight every day. Celestia was the wisest pony in all of Equestria, and she had lived worse experiences in all her long life. But even if she hid it well enough, Spike could see the look in her eyes that feared for the fate of her faithful student.

Spike shook his head. He had to be strong, for mom and dad, for Shining, for Celestia, and for Twilight above all. So he forced the gemstones into his mouth and slowly ate them. He didn’t want his stomach growling in front of Twilight. That only would worry her, and the last thing he wanted her to do, was to concern about anything else than her own recovery.

When he finally finished his own breakfast, he looked at the wall clock in the kitchen. It was noon already, but Spike’s emotions made him feel that it was late afternoon. He just sat in the chair looking at the table. Thinking on a thousand things, but on anything in particular at the same time. He sighed again. If he didn’t calm himself, he wouldn’t be able to see Twilight any time soon.

There was a knock on the front door, and it was enough to make him jump a little. Daniel had told him that he turned the sign to ‘closed’. He knew that nopony ever bothered when the library was closed. Unless… “Twilight? Are ya home, sugarcube?” It was Applejack. Of course, Spike thought, one of the few ponies that would know that something was wrong. He walked to the door and opened it.

“Hi AJ, what’s up?” He greeted, trying to hide all his concerns and pulling his most energetic voice. Applejack raised an eyebrow, she didn’t have to say a word when her inquisitive gaze was laid upon ponies –or dragons-. Spike sighed in defeat, but made his way out the library, making the farmer walk backwards for a few feet. “Twilight’s sick.” He said.

Applejack noticed the weird tone on Spike’s voice. “Is it bad?” She asked, and the dragon shook his head.

“No, it’s just a cold with fever” He answered, and noticed how he ended that phrase, the small gasp he did at the end. Applejack noticed it too, and Spike knew that he had to tell her everything. “That’s what the doctor said, but she can barely move” He leaned closer to Applejack. “Please don’t tell the others, or if you have to, tell them not to come here until she’s better” His eyes looked around as if he was trying to make sure nopony was hearing them. “She’s got a pretty bad headache”

Applejack nodded in understanding. “Ya don’t have t’ say no more, Spike” She said and gave him a faint smile. “Jus’ call us when she’s better ‘k?” Spike nodded and she walked away. It was good to know that Applejack was, at most times, the most mature of all the girls. She knew that Spike was really preoccupied for Twilight and decided not to bother him.

Spike entered the library once again, and decided that it was time to see how Twilight was doing. He first went to the kitchen and took the biggest, juiciest and shiniest apple he found and managed to soundlessly make his way to the room. He carefully opened and closed the door, and he noticed something unusual.

Daniel was still there, sitting comically in the rather small chair for his size. But he had a leg crossed on the other, and his arms rested on it with the elbows, so he could hold his head with both hands folded on each other and covering his mouth. His gaze seemed lost, telling Spike that the human was deeply thinking on something. Spike purposely made a little sound with his claw to draw Daniel’s attention without startling him.

“Oh, hey Spike” The human said, slowly standing up. “Good thing you’re here, I need to do… something” Daniel walked past Spike. “I believe she’s getting better, and she’d like to see you when she wakes up” And with that, Daniel made his way out of the room. Spike thought that it was really weird, but he was more concerned for Twilight that decided to ignore it and sit in the chair and wait for her to open her eyes.


It was a sunny day, and everypony was happily doing their daily chores. Daniel saw them waving at him greeting, but he ignored them all and went straight to his archery field. He forgot his stuff in his bedroom, so he just stood there with both hands hidden in his coat’s pockets, looking at the target in the other side of the field.

He was trying with all his will to think on something, anything, but just one thing occupied his mind at the moment. Twilight had said that she loved him. But she was sleeping, so it was easy to think that maybe two dreams crossed and she just answered to them both at the same time, right? She could’ve been dreaming that somepony made her drink love poison and that’s why she said that, right? Right?!

Daniel sighed. But did it matter? Was he really wondering why she said something that most likely wasn’t true? Or was he just searching for a logical reason to say that she just said random words? He looked at the sky and saw a pegasus soaring through the sky. How funny it was that he got used to that! Magical talking ponies? If two months ago someone had told him that he would end in a world like this, he most likely would have laughed in their face.

But he wasn’t laughing. This world was real, and he was living there. He was getting used to it. He even considered some ponies as his friends. Rainbow Dash had a really big self esteem, but at the end her friends were more important than anything else. Applejack was a really nice pony, and her accent somehow made him feel comfortable. Fluttershy was a difficult pony to talk to, but as weeks passed he found a way to have good conversations with her. Pinkie Pie was the craziest mare in Equestria, or at least that’s how many ponies saw her. To Daniel, she was rather interesting. Rarity at first freaked him out, but she had been a really nice boss and a good pony to talk to. Even if he started with the wrong foot with Spike, now they were really good friends. And Twilight…

“Twilight…” He said in a whisper. Twilight had been really nice, supportive and comprehensive with him. She even gave him a place to sleep at night, food to eat, and really funny moments when one of her experiments blew up in her face and made her mane look all messy with black spots on it.

The day prior Rarity had told him that he had a crush on Twilight. But how could that even be possible? She was a… horse… “A horse?” No, they were ponies. Twilight was a pony, an alicorn for that matter. And she was really… cute? No, that word didn’t seem right. Adorable? Pretty? Smart? He sighed. He knew which adjective was more proper to define Twilight: Beautiful.

And that beautiful mare had said that she loved him. At this moment, he didn’t care if she just said it for stupid reasons, if she was hallucinating or if she was just telling a lie. Those words made him feel his heart speed up its pace. It didn’t matter why Twilight said that, it made him feel happy.

He looked back at the target again and let out a forced sigh. “What is wrong with me?”