• Published 27th Jan 2014
  • 1,916 Views, 79 Comments

A Scratch on the Cello - TheOriginalThundersky

Vinyl and Octavia come together and face the realities that normal teenage life brings along... Except their life in anything but "normal"

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Chapter 2: Vinyl

Vinyl had no idea what to do. She had just run home like a scaredy colt after kissing her best friend. [Tavi won't mind] She kept thinking, [I mean she admitted that she liked me too]. Vinyl was so busy thinking that she completely forgot her plans for the night. she skipped dinner and forgot to pack her backpack for school tomorrow. Then, she almost missed her concert, she was lucky enough to have set an alarm on her phone to remind her to start. As her phone alarm rang, she dashed over to her alienmare laptop and turned on all the software needed. When she was ready, she set up her livestream. Immediately dozens of viewers joined her stream. This was her passion, none of her friends knew about her secret online career as a DJ.

She started her intro, keeping it short, but she kept stumbling over her words. She kept thinking back to Octavia: How much she smelled like lavender, the way she told her that she liked her, her blush after Vinyl kissed her and of course Vinyl was worried about her reaction tomorrow. Vinyl unconsciously loaded up the Baltimare Symphonic Orchestra medley. The tune started very slowly, with the Tubas and Horns slowly setting a dark mood. Then the Cello sounded. It was like a breeze on a summer day and Vinyl slowly adjusted herself on her seat. As the Violins and Violas joined in, Vinyl was very slowly raising the volume and loading up her other track. As the tension rose in the Orchestra, Vinyl decided to put a little bit of her taste into this mix.

As the Orchestra came to it's climax, Vinyl slowly plummeted the Stream into complete silence. One could almost hear the breath of every single spectator as Vinyl inhaled. Then she let loose all of hell with an abrupt transition to Bucks Pavilion. Vinyl phased out, flipping the appropriate levers and buttons with a click of her mouse. When she had finished her Concert, she wrapped up and looked at the amount of people on the stream. She literally fell of her chair. "350,000 PEOPLE!!" She yelled. How in the world?? The highest she'd been before was 29,000. This had been an insane night. She wished all of her viewers good night and collapsed into her bed.

"Vinyl, get up! First day of school" Vinyl's mother was looking at her.

"Hhhmmmm??" Vinyl only heard the word school and decided it was better to get up before her mother dragged her out.

Once again her mind drifted off and started to think about Octavia again. She got out of her bed and went to pour herself a bowl of Frosted Flanks. [How is she going to react when I see her today?] The more Vinyl thought about Octavia, the more she started to worry about going to school. Finally the moment had arrived and Vinyl nervously walked out the door and towards the school. She made sure she got way out of sight before teleporting. Her parents want her to walk to school, but what was the point in that, teleportation was so much easier. Vinyl's horn shone quickly and all of a sudden, she was next to Octavia, who was packing up to go to school.

"Ummm Vinyl, mind explaining what you're doing in my house?" Asked Octavia startled.

[Shit] Vinyl had forgotten that the spell teleported you to were you wanted to be, not where you needed to be. "Well, I was teleporting to school and thinking about you, so it dropped me here." There was no point in lying to Octavia, she found out about everything anyways.

"Ah, Ok, wait... You were thinking about me??" Octavia finally realized what Vinyl was saying. "Oh never mind, let's just go to school!" They started walking to school together, talking about what kind of teachers they would get, who their classmates would be and then how Lyra and Bonbon would be today.

Vinyl was slowly walking closer and closer to Octavia, trying to keep it subtle. As much as she hated admitting it to herself, she has always had a crush on Octavia and when she kissed Octavia, Vinyl felt as if a weight had been taken off her back and plopped on the ground.

They finally arrived at Shelly's High school for gifted musicians. The sign in the front originally said "Welcome to Shelly's" but the students in the past had erased a few letters and the sing now read "Welcome to hell".

"Well this place looks just glamorous" Vinyl said sarcastically. "Let's just find Lyra and Bonbon so we can get this over with."

"Agreed" Said Octavia. She had also come closer to Vinyl during the walk to school and Vinyl had noticed. [Oh god, Should I hold her hoof while we look for them or should I just tag along like a lost lamb?] Vinyl decided on the first option and took Octavia's hoof in her own. Octavia looked confused at first, then started to look more comfortable with it.

"Alright then Miss Scratch" Octavia said in a teasing tone. "Lead the way"

Finding Lyra and Bonbon was easy, Vinyl just followed the laughing. They were there, leaning against the wall, already looking like they owned the place. Lyra was talking about something and Bonbon couldn't stop laughing. Then Lyra looked over and noticed Vinyl and Octavia. "HEY!! LOVEBIRDS! OVER HERE!" She yelled so loudly half of equestria must have wondered what the hay had caused that earthquake.

"LYRA!!" Vinyl approached her bringing Octavia with her. "How drunk are you? You haven't screamed that loud ever since you discovered that bottle of Tequila in your basement."

"I'm not drunk..." Muttered Lyra, Vinyl was still not convinced. "Anyways, Class starts in 10 minutes and we should probably go see where our first class is." Bonbon interrupted

"We have Math in first, then English. After lunch we have Advanced Sciences and History." Octavia said, reading from her sheet. Vinyl hated math. To her it was just a bunch on useless numbers put in a certain order to confuse poor students like her. [Well we still have 10 minutes and luckily enough the math class is close by] Vinyl though. [I can spend some more time with Octavia.]

This whole time, Vinyl couldn't stop thinking about the warmth and comfort of Octavia's hoof. Vinyl knew that after school, she would take Octavia on a walk and they could talk in private. Now that they were going out... If it was even considered that yet, Vinyl couldn't wait to spend more time with Octavia.

"Hey Tavi?" Vinyl asked. "Do you wanna go for a walk after school or something?"

"OHHH, It's a date!!" Bonbon said excitedly.

"Shut your snout Bon!" Said Octavia "Sure, Vinyl. I think that's a great idea."

[3 minutes before class starts... I'm running out of time with Octavia, I really need to learn a spell that slows down time!] Vinyl's mind just couldn't stop for one second.

"Anyways, I need to go grab my bag, I left it in my locker" Bonbon said

"Ok, I'm heading to class now though. So I'll see you all in the classroom." Lyra said, she kissed Bonbon and walked off to math class.

"Guess we should probably go too." Octavia said sounding nervous.

Once again, Vinyl started thinking too much. [Help her, wish her god luck, hug her... DO SOMETHING] "Hey Tavi! Good luck, don't die of boredom in math class! I'll be right next to you." [Nope! too many things! Just hug her and take her to class]

Vinyl was about to hug Octavia when Octavia almost tackle hugged her! "Thanks for trying to help me feel better Vinyl! I think I'll be alright though! It's just one class." Then she practically dragged Vinyl to math class. "I should be telling you not to die of boredom!"

[This is how it's supposed to be!] Vinyl thought as they walked into their new class together.

"Good morning everypony!" The math teacher was a big, burly stallion with a beard. He seemed friendly enough. As he explained how his class worked: grading, rules, study hour...etc, the students got less and less interested. Vinyl had started fidgeting with her pencil while Bonbon was texting with Lyra. The other students seemed to be doing the same. The only one really paying attention was Octavia. She was furiously taking notes.

"Now for the seating!" Exclaimed the teacher. Suddenly, everypony in the class was listening, hoping the teacher had placed them by their friends. "I've prepared a seating chart based on alphabetical order and if I notice any problems, I will move you" He said in a strict voice. All of the students let out a groan. "HAHAHAHA Gotcha!" The math teacher started to laugh uncontrollably. "This isn't the county jail! Sit wherever you want, but if there are problems, I WILL move you!"

The class let out a cheer and moved to their desired positions. Lyra and Bonbon automatically went to the back and sat together. [I need to sit with Octavia] Vinyl thought. [Or should I not, if she doesn't want to, I don't want to force her to-] Octavia plopped herself down next to Vinyl, ending her train of thought. [Well that settles it!]

"Hey sweetie!" Octavia said. Vinyl couldn't tell if Octavia had said that jokingly or seriously.

"Hey Tavi!" She said, what do you think of the teacher?

"Oh..." Octavia looked at the math teacher, who was starting to open the subject of algebra. "Well you know, It's math class so it's not too exciting of a topic, but I think you'll survive if the teacher stays the way he is now!"

"Good! Wouldn't want to pass out of boredom, especially that I'm with you now. I have to learn some proper manners and start working" She said that final part in a British accent just to make it funnier. Octavia started giggling at that last part! [God! That giggle is so cute! Do it again please...?] Vinyl was trying to stop thinking about Octavia's laugh when the bell rang.

The rest of the day passed relatively quickly, Vinyl and Octavia going to their classes together and trying to embarrass each other when they had the time. Octavia had asked Vinyl why she made her blush all the time and Vinyl laughed for a good minute before muttering "That's what she said" under her breath. This got her a slap on the back of the head and a kiss on the cheek. [These kisses are getting more and more frequent!] Vinyl noticed. [It's almost like Octavia is enjoying them!].

When school was finished, Vinyl took Octavia by the hoof and almost dragged her out of the school. Octavia only managed to yell "SEE YOU TOMORROW" to Lyra and Bonbon, who were happily leaving school ground hoof in hoof.

"Come on Tavi!!" Vinyl whined. "I need to do that science homework and get ready for music tomorrow!"

"That's your hurry? Homework? Wow Vinyl, this is a big step up from last year when homew-" Octavia was interrupted by Vinyl "OK FINE! I also want to go to the forest before heading home."

"There... That wasn't so hard now was it?" Asked Octavia. "Why the forest?"

"Cuz I've got something really cool to show you!" Vinyl said excitedly. [I hope she's going to like it] Vinyl's mind was wandering again.

After a couple of minutes walking in the forest, they came upon a clearing with a little cabin hidden in the trees.

"Welcome to my thinking cabin!" Vinyl announced. "This is where I come after school to work on music theory!" They stepped inside the cabin. It was nice and warm with blankets and beanbags all over the floor. Vinyl's second laptop was set up on a desk in the corner of the cabin, along with a few sheets of music.

"Vinyl, this place is so...cozy!" Octavia said happily while plopping down on a random beanbag. [Yes!! She likes it!] Vinyl was beaming on the inside, and it shone through on the outside when a grin broke through her lips. "You know, this could be just a bit cozier."

"Ho-" Octavia tried to ask before Vinyl tackle hugged her deeper into the bean bag. Both Vinyl and Octavia were laughing and giggling like children before finally snuggling under the cover while laying on a pile of beanbags. [Just one more little push Vinyl!! Kick it up a notch] Vinyl turned over so she was looking at her marefriend right in the eyes. She started moving in for the kiss, but Octavia was faster. Octavia hugged Vinyl and really kissed her, they held it for a couple of seconds before painfully releasing their embrace.

"Now that's a real kiss Vinyl dear." Octavia commented teasingly. Vinyl looked at Octavia with a look of pure love and at that moment, she knew that thanks to Octavia, this year was going to be one of her best!

Author's Note:

OH GOD!!! I'm sorry, I killed myself with the Frosted Flanks!

Oh yeah... Did I mention Lyra was a heavy drinker?

I cut down on the puns a bit at the end a bit, tell me whether or not I should keep the puns in!

Hope you liked chapter 2, the next one will be written in Octavia's Perspective... SEEING THE PATTERN HERE??
comments are greatly loved and appreciated! :)

I'll try to get you guys the next chapter before the end of this week.


(Also a shoutout to all my peeps on Trollestia! :)