• Published 27th Jan 2014
  • 1,916 Views, 79 Comments

A Scratch on the Cello - TheOriginalThundersky

Vinyl and Octavia come together and face the realities that normal teenage life brings along... Except their life in anything but "normal"

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Chapter 3: Octavia

Octavia was walking home after her time with Vinyl in the cabin had been interrupted by the oncoming darkness of a disappearing sun. She had been very disappointed as she had to plant one last kiss on Vinyl's lips before they went back home. Buck you Celestia! She thought as she said goodbye. Why couldn't you just keep the sun up a bit longer!. As she walked home, she used her mind to recap what had just happened. There was a lot of cuddling and hugging and hoof-holding with the occasional kiss, but Octavia's favorite part was when Vinyl had looked at her after their first kiss. Her eyes had looked like a pair of fresh polished rubies and had conveyed so much love it was impossible to even try to imagine what she was thinking. Octavia though she looked like a total idiot after that kiss, especially because her brain was face-hoofing her from the inside saying: That was very stupid Octavia, do it again.

Octavia was so lost in space, she almost ran into a lamppost. Great Octavia! Make an even bigger fool of yourself. She managed to get home in one piece which was a surprise, but an even bigger surprise was laying on her couch when she entered the living room.

"Lyra! What in the name of Celestia are you doing on my couch?" Octavia asked in a dangerous voice.

"Oh hai there sugar, how was Vinyl?" Lyra's voice was slurred and Octavia realized that Lyra was not herself. "As for what I'm doing on your couch? I have absobuckalutely no idea! Ask me again in the morning!"

Oh great! She's drunk! I should have guessed! "How many times have I told you not to drink on a school night?" Octavia said in a motherly tone, checking how drunk she was.

"Quit the sarcasm Tavi! Its not funny" Lyra said in a quiet tone before falling off the couch. Good, at least she's not too drunk. She can still tell the difference between sarcasm and seriousness.

Octavia helped Lyra back on the couch and told her to rest up before tomorrow. Well this is going to be an interesting night. Octavia thought. Lyra only got drunk when something was about to happen, it was a bit like magic. You never knew what a drunk Lyra would do. Octavia was heading for her bed after telling her parents that Lyra was on the couch when she heard her get up and move towards the front door. Octavia decided to investigate. She put on her North Fillies jacket and went outside, following Lyra as she wandered through the streets. The black jacket provided her with a bit of camouflage in the night. Lyra was heading towards the shopping street. That wasn't good, it was where the gangs hung out. Lyra passed the multiple MareDonalds, Burger Wings and Sub-Hays before finally ending up next to a vegetable mareket.

Lyra had stopped and was looking at a group of teenage colts with a murderous smile. Octavia got behind cover in fear of being seen. Come on Lyra! Don't do anything stupid. Of course Octavia knew that that a drunk Lyra would be doing the most stupid thing she could, and she was right.

"Hello boys!" She said smiling like a psychopath. "You wouldn't happen to know a certain mare called Bonbon now would you?

The gang looked at her confused. Then their leader stood up. He was a very big and muscular stallion. "Yeah we know Bon, why?"

"Its seems you tried to lay your hooves on her a couple of days ago." Lyra's smile was growing wider.

"Yeah, so why are you here?" The big one asked.

My god! This one is dumber than he looks! Octavia thought as Lyra got really close to the group's leader and simply said "I'm her Marefriend motherbucker!"

Hell broke loose and after a minute of intense fighting, all 6 colts were on the floor and unconscious while Lyra dusted herself off and wiped the blood off her hooves.

"You buckers better not touch her again" She told the 6 unconscious bodies. "Because next time, I'll down an extra cup of wine and you'll see how much mercy I give to idiots like you"

Lyra started walking back the way she came as if nothing had ever happened. I should probably head home if I don't want to blow my cover. Octavia thought before galloping in front of Lyra and back into her house.

Octavia jumped into her bed and thought of what had just happened. then she told herself that if those guys had even lain a hoof on Vinyl, they would be a lot more than just unconscious. Octavia didn't take kindly to people harassing Vinyl, especially now. The last thing she thought of as she dozed off to the land of Princess Luna was the cadavers of anypony who got near Vinyl.

Octavia woke up to the annoying sound of her alarm clock. Goddamit, I really need to destroy that thing someday. She got out of bed and trotted to the bathroom. Her mane was a complete mess, as usual, so she decided to take a quick shower and then go check on Lyra. She turned on the shower, letting the warm water flow over her, untangling her mane and washing off all the dirt that had accumulated yesterday. After her insanely relaxing shower, she trotted downstairs to find a very hung over Lyra.

"Well good morning there you drunkard! Get ready for school, I'm leaving in 20 minutes" Octavia told Lyra as she headed towards the kitchen to pour herself a bowl of Braeburn's Raisin Bran, her favorite cereal.

"Ummbleahhrgggg" Was Lyra's only response.

Once Octavia was ready for school and Lyra had taken some Iboprhoofens for her headache, they headed outside. Lyra explained what had happened the night before.

"Well I was kind of partying with Bon and a whole bunch of random ponies when I saw the time and decided it was time to go home. Bon wanted to walk back with me to make sure I was gonna be alright, but I said no because I knew she wanted to keep partying. So I was walking home after a beer or two... Well more like eleven or twelve, and I felt dizzy. The closest house was yours, so I came in and lay on your couch until you got back like 6 minutes later." Lyra had summarized her whole night into a paragraph of utter confusion.

"Yeaahhhhhh, I'm just gonna pretend I understood what you just said." Octavia said, rolling her eyes. "Shouldn't you go grab your school stuff and tell Bon that you're alright. She must be worried sick."

"Oh, Yeah that would be a good idea, see you later at school" Lyra said, suddenly realizing how worried Bonbon must be. She teleported off, which left Octavia to walk on her own. That was something she usually did everyday, but now it felt as if something was missing. That something teleported right into her and accidently tackled her to the ground.

"Goddamit Vinyl, could you at least watch where you teleport?!" Octavia yelled at Vinyl, who was now smiling very brightly in her face.

"Well good morning to you too Octavia" She responded, softly kissing her. "I missed you too"

How can she stay so calm all the time! Ugh. Octavia thought as she pushed Vinyl off her, got up and dusted herself off. "Come on, Vinyl. Let's get to school before you cause a world threatening disaster" Octavia said jokingly, then she hugged Vinyl and together they headed for school.

They finally arrived at school, met up with Lyra and Bonbon, went to class, fell asleep, and woke up just in time for the bell to ring. Looking at the weariness on everypony's face told Octavia that she and Lyra were not the only ones to have gone to bed quite late. The only one who looked decently awake was Vinyl, but you could never really tell with her. She was quite good at hiding certain things.

When lunchtime finally came around. The four friends sat down at a table in the court yard and ate their tulip sandwiches. Vinyl had brought some oatmeal chip cookies and they all shared a boxful. Then they told each other what they had done yesterday evening. Lyra told Bonbon what she had done, which got her a hoof in the face and a hug immediately following it. Then Lyra turned to Octavia and told her that she knew she had been there all along. Octavia wasn't surprised. Then it was Bonbon's turn. She told Lyra how the rest of the party had gone and how many ponies passed out. Finally, it was Vinyl's turn. "Oh, I just like studied up on my Music Theory and then went to bed."

Octavia could tell that was a lie. First of all, Vinyl never studied and second of all, music class wasn't until tomorrow, so there was no point in studying for a class you haven't even started yet. So Octavia looked questioningly over at Vinyl. Vinyl knew there was no point in lying even more, so she gave Octavia an "I'll tell you later" look before finishing her last bite of sandwich.

The bell rang and all four friends stood up and headed for their next class; Ethics and Religious Culture, aka. the most boring class in the universe. For an hour and a half, Octavia took notes about why it wasn't polite to eat with your hooves, Lyra thought about going back home and listening to music, Bonbon thought about going back to her parent's candy shop and working there for the rest of the day, while Vinyl thought about how she was going to tell Octavia that she was an online DJ that had an average of 410'000 views every concert and that her popularity was growing at an alarming rate. The class finally finished with the teacher stating what homework had to be done for the next class.

The final class whizzed by like a blur, Octavia had started arguing with her own brain again. I hope that what Vinyl has to say is nothing bad She thought. Oh Come on Octy, she didn't tell anypony about it and you're hoping for good news? Her brain said mockingly. I never said good news. I said "It's nothing bad." Octavia was getting mad at her own brain now. Why are you always so optimistic? Her brain asked her. You're gonna need to think negatively someday! The battle just kept going on inside Octavia for the whole entire class.

The final bell of the day rang and one could almost hear the sigh of 200 students having survived another day of school. This time, It was Octavia who took Vinyl by the hoof and started dragging her off school grounds.

Once they were out of the school Octavia asked Vinyl what the whole dodging Lyra and Bonbon thing was about.

"Here, It's better I show you what that's all about, then maybe you can do tonight's set with me!" Vinyl sounded exited, like a filly about to show something really cool to their parents.

So Vinyl and Octavia walked side by side, on their way to Vinyl's house, talking and laughing and enjoying their day in general.

Author's Note:

So yeahh! I just wanted to show another part of Lyra there.

PLEASE CORRECT MY ERRORS AT THE END! I was writing this at 1:30AM and was too tired to go over and proof read!

So I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. Next one is confirmed.

Also, I would like to add another character, so if you have any ideas or suggestions. post them in the comments.

Love you all to pieces