• Published 9th Jun 2012
  • 18,651 Views, 604 Comments

Tugging at Her Heartstrings - neutralmilk

You are a human in Equestria that lives with your best friend, Lyra. But what happens when you begin to develop more romantic feelings for the musical mare? Will you face rejection and ridicule? Or does Lyra have some secret feelings of her own?

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Tugging at Her Heartstrings 2 - Chapter 9

Tugging at Her Heartstrings 2 - Chapter 9

Wait, what?

Did you just hear that correctly? Were all of your fears and apprehensions just… poofed out of existence with a single sentence? Had Roseluck truly read your mind and perfectly calculated what needed to be said to keep the façade up in perpetuity?

“We’re going on a date tonight.”

Those were her exact words – the ones that flowed from her lips smooth and sweet as honey. Go ahead and check it again, I’ll wait right here. You satisfied? Well, you should be! She, entirely unaided, calmed the storm with no prompt, concern, or thought.

You cannot help but breathe a massive sigh, as if you had been running a marathon in molasses and not sitting in a comfortable (albeit tacky) seat for the past twenty minutes. Roseluck still wore her towel askew, but it was the bright blush on her face that matched the hue of her mane flawlessly that stood out. There was no attempt to hide it, she bore it almost proudly.

Meanwhile on Colgate’s face sat a bemused, if somewhat shocked look. It was as if her best friend had just said the most patently ridiculous thing she’d heard in her entire life. Her near sapphire eyes flicker back and forth between you and her roommate. It takes a full minute before she finally manages a brief, “Huh,” followed by a contemplating silence.

You sink into your seat, feeling deflated. Yeah, I guess that makes sense, you find yourself thinking. The lie only matters if someone is willing to believe it. Who cares if we have the same story if it’s so beyond the pale that…

“…congrats…” a voice squeaks suddenly.

The sound perks your and Rose’s ears – though hers in a more literal sense. Twice in the past two-odd minutes you found yourself startled into disbelief by what you had heard.

Roseluck, who was undoubtedly more surprised than you, spoke. “I-I’m sorry, Colgate, I don’t think I heard y-”

“I said congratulations!” Colgate’s voice is startingly loud considering her cool yet fierce presence earlier, although she does not sound discontent. “Congratulations on your date!” On her light-blue face you can make out some pink forming on her cheeks. She bows her head in a humorous attempt to hide herself despite the stairs to her loft bedroom – a real escape – standing no more than five feet behind her.

Though shocked for a second, Roseluck’s face grows a wide smile, and she rushes her roommate, throwing her front legs around her neck in an embrace. “Aww, Minty! Seriously, thank you! I’m so happy you understand!”

“Don’t call me that!” the suddenly even more embarrassed mare whines. Colgate tries to escape the hug by flailing but fails. You watch her body go limp in a last-ditch effort to break free, to which Roseluck responds by letting her fall into a pile on the floor.

The cream-coloured mare laughs loudly. “Alright, I’m sorry I embarrassed you in front of my hot date.” She playfully throws you a wink and turns towards her bedroom door. “I’m just gonna finish freshening up and we’ll let you be, I promise! But, when I’m back tonight we’ll talk, just us mares.” At that your co-conspirator kneels and offers Colgate another quick hug before darting to the bedroom.

In an instant, it was you and Colgate once more – though the air was noticeably different. Gone was the abject discomfort – the fear of being caught in a lie, or considered some strange villain, or whatever Colgate thought you may be upon her entry into the living room. Suddenly, your presence was vindicated, and the mare that still lay on the floor before you (hiding her still noticeably red face) was the one in an awkward position.

Part of you wanted to avoid any more interaction, wait for Roseluck and go on your way. But something about her earnestness wore away at you. Slowly you stand from your seat and take the few steps towards her side. “Hey,” you start, rubbing the back of your head with a hand. “You doing alright?”

“Mm mmph mm mmmm mmm mmph…” Was about all you could make out with her voice muffled by the floor and her forelegs.

Sighing, you kneel by her side. “What did you say?”

Her voice is quiet. “Yes. I like laying on my living room floor.”

Her response sends you falling onto your butt, and you cannot help but laugh from the seriousness of her tone. Colgate was nothing to be afraid of – especially now that she had been so utterly embarrassed by her friend. You reach out a hand to her, a mischievous smile on your face.

“Can I help you up… Minty?”

She groans at the nickname and burrows her head deeper under her forelegs. “I HATE THAT NAME!” You start to enjoy this newfound power you have over the defeated mare; the very one that just a few minutes prior had struck you with complete and utter terror. Suddenly a light-blue hoof juts out at you, seemingly accepting your offer for aid. You humbly take it and pull her up from the floor.

Once on four legs she continues her tormented repudiation of her nickname. “You could be Princess Luna for all I care – I HATE ‘Minty’! I mean, what’s so minty about the colour blue?!” Colgate starts to pace around the room, seemingly ignoring your presence. “I-I mean what about all the green ponies out there for Celestia’s sake? Like Bittersweet, or – or Clover, or all those greenish ponies like Lyr…”

She pauses – though not fast enough to stop you from finishing the name yourself. “Lyra…”

Despite your best efforts to hide it, you’re wearing a pained look upon your face. Colgate lets out a sigh and chooses the nearest chair. “Hey, sorry to bring her up. I guess I should have been a bit more careful since, well…” It was clear she was searching for the words, but without the background story of you and Lyra, there wouldn’t been anymore to follow.

You force a smile and return to your previous seat, nearly across from the cornflower mare. “Hey, it’s ok. I mean, like, it isn’t, I guess? But you didn’t mean anything by it. Besides, I’m here with Rose, remember?”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Her voice is somber, and she is staring at the floor. “Hey, listen… Can you please do me a favor?” Suddenly, with a flip of her mane her head is up, and her eyes are locked directly onto yours. The cool beauty of them had you absolutely transfixed – you dare not even attempt to look away.

“Uh, yeah,” you manage. You’re taken aback by the sincere nature of her voice. “What d’ya need?”

It takes her a minute to think of the words; her gaze slips from yours and she turns her attention to Rose’s closed bedroom door. From beyond some slight sounds of rustling could be heard as well as an occasional sound of approval. Rose appeared to be finishing up. Finally, her eyes return to their original position and you’re locked all over again.

“I-I know you don’t owe me anything, I mean you don’t even really know me! And I was…” her voice trails off as she finds the right words. “I was pretty defensive when we first met…” You nod your head in agreement instinctively, but immediately hope she hasn’t noticed. It doesn’t seem to give the unicorn any pause. “Just… can you please take care of Rose tonight?”

A pain stabs at your heart as a wave of guilt passes over you. Here Colgate is standing before you, genuinely pleading for the benefit of her friend. But she didn’t know anything about the reality of your upcoming “date.” You wish more than anything that you could just unveil the plot here and now; calm the discomfort welling inside of the mare, but you cannot. For the sake of everything you had to continue as planned. Especially now that Roseluck went out on a limb and played up to Colgate. You must keep a straight face and keep. It. Real.

You realize that you hadn’t yet lessened the mare’s concerns, instead keeping her waiting on edge for your response. It takes some effort, but you hazard a small smile. “Listen, I know this whole thing is kind of… weird. And it may be hard to take my word for it, but I promise I’m not that much of an asshole.” You raise your hand solemnly. “I swear upon my hands that I will be respectful to Roseluck. If I don’t,” you wriggle your fingers wildly, trying to lighten the mood. “May I lose these dexterous puppies!” Colgate seems to sigh with relief.

On the plus side, you think, grasping for anything that can assuage your guilt-ridden conscience, this will all be over soon. And after tonight, I’m sure Rose will tell her everything. I mean, once we’re done with this what’s the point in keeping the lie up to everyone?

“Thanks.” She says, seemingly reassured. “I know it sounds kind of cheesy, but she’s been looking forward to something like for this for a while now. I-I don’t know what happened between you and Lyra and… well, I don’t really think I need to know.” Once again, her gaze meets yours. “But, whatever happened between you two, please don’t let it get in the way tonight. Rose talks about you so much and she – well I guess me too – she never thought this day would come. Rose really likes you. And I’m so happy you finally saw that. I’m sure she is too.”

Your smile falters, finally dropping from your face entirely . R-Rose really likes me? But… Our date is…


Author's Note:

Another week, another chapter. Would've made this one much longer but I couldn't find a good stopping point except for here. Working on chapter 10 now. Still NO idea how I'm going to write the ending I have planned. Should be coming soon though. Imagine that! I actually finish a series for a change!

Until Tugging at Her Heartstrings 3.

Just kidding.
