• Published 9th Jun 2012
  • 18,651 Views, 604 Comments

Tugging at Her Heartstrings - neutralmilk

You are a human in Equestria that lives with your best friend, Lyra. But what happens when you begin to develop more romantic feelings for the musical mare? Will you face rejection and ridicule? Or does Lyra have some secret feelings of her own?

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Chapter 4

“Bon-Bon!” you call into the seemingly empty sweet shop. You look around and walk inside, ignoring the “Closed” sign hanging in the window. “Bon-Bon, I know you’re here! I need your help!”

Just then the cream coloured mare comes trotting out from the back room, a frown imprinted on her face. “This had better be important. If I don’t finish these damn piñatas for tomorrow, I’ll-“

“It’s Lyra!” you interrupt, your heart racing from earlier. The run into Ponyville definitely didn’t help much either.

“Lyra?! What happened? Is she ok? I swear to Celestia if you-“

“I didn’t do anything!” You say defensively, taken aback by Bon-Bon’s uncharacteristic assertiveness.

“Ok, ok. I’m sorry.” Bon-Bon replies, sensing your unease. “I’m sure you know how much she means to me. Now come in and tell me what happened. I’ll help you if I can.” She turns around and trots back into the backroom waving you to follow.

You walk into the room and take a seat, Bon-Bon sitting before you. “Ok, now tell me from the beginning. Don’t spare the details.”

“Lyra and I were at the lake watching the sun set and everything when she just freaked out and left.”

Bon-Bon looks at you, confused. “That is the biggest load of crap I think I’ve ever heard. That is unless someone provoked her.”

“What? No! We were just talking.”

“About…?” Bon-Bon leans in eagerly.

You gulp and feel sweat forming on your brow. “Well… Bon-Bon, I think I’m in love with your marefriend.”

The cream coloured mare looks at you angrily and groans. “Seriously? Not you too! Out of everypony, I expected you to be different.” She rises from her chair and begins to walk away.

“Wait, what?! Other ponies love Lyra too?” You ask, confused.

Bon-Bon stops in her tracks. “What are you…? No! She isn’t my marefriend, you moron!”

You sit, still trying to comprehend what Bon-Bon just told you. Nothing seems to make sense, and yet, everything does. Lyra and Bon-Bon living together for three years and sharing a bedroom, Bon-Bon’s lyre saddlebag clips, their constant quarreling over trivial things…

“But… but…” You stutter, trying desperately to form a coherent question.

“Look, Lyra and I have been friends since college. We live together because it’s a lot cheaper to share an apartment than to get our own places. I used to live with my friend Octavia, but after she got pregnant, I kinda decided to move out.” She explains, almost as if she predicted what you’re feeling.

“But you sleep in the same room…”

Bon-Bon sighs. “That’s because you took Lyra’s old one. She needs to sleep somewhere. And I think you know how uncomfortable that couch is.”

You nod your head, feeling like a total idiot.

“But, that still doesn’t explain why Lyra ran off…” Bon-Bon continues, trotting toward you. “What exactly did you tell her?”

“I… well… I told her she was a great friend…”

Bon-Bon facehoofs. “Are you serious? After everything you decided to not tell her the truth?”

“I thought she was with you!” you shout in defense.

“Ok, ok, calm down.” Bon-Bon says, placing a hoof on your shoulder. “This may come as a surprise to you, being stupid and all, but you Lyra actually has some feelings back for you.”

“R-really?” You perk up almost instantly; however return to your previously brooding demeanor as you remember ruining your chances only short time prior.

“Yeah, for quite a while, actually. You’re the kind of pon- er person that she’s been waiting for. I still have no clue what she sees in you though…” Bon-Bon trails off, a hoof on her chin as if in thought.

“So all this time, Lyra and I were just too caught up in not wanting to be rejected to tell each other the truth? That’s pretty lame, actually.”

“I’d say it’s more stupidity on your part and pride on hers. But take it any way you want.” Bon-Bon smiles at you and pulls you up to your feet. “Now go find her and tell her the truth. I don’t want to come home to any tear stains on my bed.”

You rise off your chair and turn to the door. “Wait… I don’t know where she went. She could be anywhere!” A sense of panic fills your voice.

“Have you tried back at the apartment?” Bon-Bon asks, a smug smile on her face.

“I… Well…” you search your head for a clever response but come up with nothing.

“Seriously, are all humans this stupid?” Bon-Bon taunts as you rise from your seat and head for the door.

“No!” You snap, pausing suddenly as you realize you’ve just burned yourself. “Screw you, Bon-Bon.” In a flash you open the door and sprint back to your apartment, leaving Bon-Bon laughing on the floor of the sweetshop.

“Lyra, I-I should have told you this before. You’ve been amazing to me since I showed up here and, well, I can’t thank you enough. You mean so much to me and every time I see you, I just want to tell you how I really feel. Lyra, I love you.” You say, your heart thumping inside of your chest.

“Dude that’s never gonna work. That’s too melodramatic. Just go in there and tell her how you feel. Just Bam!” You look around and notice a blue stallion standing next to you in the hallway outside your apartment.

“Uh, yeah. Thanks.” You fumble with your key and place it in the lock, your heart still racing.

“No problem, brah.” He replies, walking away from you. “Weirdo.”

“L-Lyra?” you call into the dimly lit apartment, softly. Walking inside, you stumble over Lyra’s saddlebags. If Lyra didn’t know you were at the apartment before, she definitely did now.

“Lyra? Are you here? I just wanna talk to you.” You call again, this time louder. You walk into the living room and then the kitchen, hoping to find Lyra relaxing and happy instead of how she was when she stormed away from you at the lake.

“J-just go away. Go hang out with Berry Punch or somepony if you want a friend.” The musical mare’s voice answers from your nearby bedroom.

You knock on the door softly. “Lyra, I know you’re in there. C’mon out. I need to talk with you.”

“Leave me alone.” She says flatly.

You frown at the closed door and knock again. “You know I’m not gonna stop until you let me in.”

“I said leave me alone!” Lyra shouts back. You hear a loud bang from the bedroom as she undoubtedly throws one of your possessions against the door. “Besides,” she mumbles. “The door’s unlocked.”

You walk into the room, half expecting to find Lyra sobbing into your pillows. She instead sits in her unusual manner at the edge of your bed, her hindhooves kicking in the air.

“What do you want?”

You stand before the beautiful aquamarine mare and smile at her softly. “I just thought we should talk is all.” You take a seat beside her; she shifts over away from you, her eyes fixated on the wall opposite her. The two of you stare at the wall silently for what seems like an hour.

“Maybe I should call the police; tell them there’s an intruder in my room.” You say, breaking the silence.

Lyra laughs lightly. “Shut up. You know this is technically my room.” She punches your arm.

“Yeah, but who are the police gonna believe? Rough and tough Lyra, or little ol’ me?” You flutter your eyelashes at her. Lyra tries unsuccessfully to hide her smile and punches you again.

“Didn’t I tell you to leave me al-“

“Officer Valor here.” You say with the gruffest voice you can mock up. “What seems to be the trouble here, sir?”

Lyra laughs harder.

Oh Officer! There’s a crazed mare in my bedroom! Heeeeeeeeeelp!” Your voice becomes instantly higher, as if you were a damsel in distress.

“S-stop! Hahaha,” Lyra laughs even harder, a hiccup escaping her mouth. She squeaks and swings her hoof back, preparing to punch you again.

Anticipating the strike, you reel yourself back, only to watch Lyra’s hoof to fly past you. Excepting to hit you instead of air, Lyra topples forward and onto your lap, the both of you laughing wildly, tears forming in your eyes.

Time passes and the laughter dies down, but Lyra still lies on your lap. You feel her warmth against your body and smile down at her, looking into her striking golden eyes.

“Lyra…” you begin, wishing this moment could last forever. “Before I came into the apartment, I had this whole thing planned that I wanted to say to you. I really should have told you all of this before. You’ve been so amazing to me since I showed up here and, well, I can’t thank you enough for everyth-“

“Howbout you cut to the chase? This is way too melodramatic for me.” Lyra says, stifling a giggle.

“I love you. I don’t want to be just friends.”

This is it! you tell yourself happily. You’ve put your heart on the line and now she says yes!

Moments pass as you wait for Lyra say something, anything in response. Her smile grows wider as yours decreases in size.


“What?!” You practically throw Lyra off of you as you reel back in shock. She stays on your lap and looks up at you, laughing.

“I’m kidding! Jeez, lighten up.”