• Published 2nd Feb 2014
  • 11,127 Views, 392 Comments

Of Blood, Skulls, and Friendship - The Harvester

When the universe seemed bent on screwing around with you, the only thing you can do is show the universe the middle finger and push on! Even if that means pushing on in a whole new body.

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Chapter Two: The Superior Predator

Fluttershy was scared. First a meteor nearly turns her into a daisy pancake and now a massive bipedal alien was throwing a fit right before her. Of course, her eyes was closed shut and her hooves were over her ears when she heard the rather colorful use of words the alien was using. The very small part of her mind that wasn't gripped with terror wondered how did the alien know Equestrian.

She moved her hooves from her ears to hear if it was done.


She moved her hooves back to cover her ears. Nope, not done yet.

The animal loving pony felt the ground shake beneath her as the alien continued it's fit before it suddenly stop. Before she could wonder what happened, she felt a massive claw-like appendage wrap around her entire body and lift her into the air. Fluttershy opened her eyes and was greeted with a pair of glowing retina-less eyes that struck fear into her heart. She remembered a saying that the eyes were a window into a pony's soul but in these eyes, she saw nothing but anger and hatred. A being that knew no mercy and no remorse. A monster unlike anything she ever seen.

"Yo-Your co-coming wi-with me-me."

Fluttershy did what came naturally to her. She let out a goat like sound and fainted.

I grumbled to myself as I tore through the forest with insulting ease. The trees were little more than annoyances as I'm now strong enough to rip them from the ground and toss them like toys. Something that I did multiple times when I was raging. I kept a firm grip on the pony in my hand who was now unconscious.

I scowled in anger and irritation and said to myself, "Of course the Universe would send me to a place I hate. I'm just lucky I know a bit about this world."

I rattled my head trying to remember what Alex told me about this show. If I remembered correctly then the main characters was six ponies that wielded something called 'Elements of whatever' and used the magic of friendship to defeat their foes. So this means that I'm trapped in a world that probably solved all their problems through hugs and kisses and all that crap.

"Out of all the places I fall into, it had to be the place where ponies rule. Why the hell I couldn't have fallen into Warhammer?" An image of me facing down dozens of Space Marines filled my head...only to be quickly replaced with me meeting the real Skulltaker. I gave a mental shudder at what the herald would do to me. "On second thought, I'm mostly okay on this world."

I looked at the pony in my grip and sighed. "As much as I hate this place, I'm going to need information." I had no idea how well this pony will answer my questions but as long as she did, I didn't care. Knowledge is power and all that shit but first I needed to find someplace nice and secluded. That way if this pony woke up and screamed, no one would be around to hear her.

"Whoa." Was the first word that left Rainbow Dash's when she and her friends arrived at the site of the meteor's landing. The crater was blacken from the impact and a good number of trees were torn from their roots. Twilight got closer to the crater and noticed something was off.

"I don't see anything in the crater," That alone made her worried. Did another gotten their hooves on it or did something come out? 'No that's impossible,' Twilight thought. 'Life on other planets is theoretically possible but for an alien to arrive like a meteor is completely-'

"Hey girls look, tracks!" Pinkie yelled, getting their attention and found themselves staring in awe at what they saw. The pink party pony was standing in a massive claw print that went deep in the ground.

Twilight and the others looked around the area and saw that the claw prints were all over the place, as if whatever came out of the meteor decided to stomp around. The alicorn gulped in fear.

'Okay maybe it isn't completely impossible.'

Applejack looked at the claw prints and saw that they were heading in one direction. "Well everypony, looks like we're going in that direction."

"This is awesome! We're going to meet a real alien!" Rainbow Dash cheered, flying above her friends and punching the air in front of her. "Do you think they have giant green heads or do they hover off the ground with their mind powers."

"I hope they know what parties are so that way I could throw them a welcome-to-our-planet party!" Pinkie said, holding a banner with said words she pulled from nowhere. Her fear long forgotten at the possibility of meeting a new being. The duo ran ahead, following the tracks like how bloodhounds would follow a trail in their eagerness to meet the alien.

Rarity, Applejack, and Twilight followed behind them at a slower pace. "Honestly those two have such active imaginations. Those tracks are obviously from one of Everfree's animals." The white mare said as they kept the duo in sight.

"Well actually Rarity, those tracks are too big and too deep to be any animal from Everfree except maybe a hydra," Twilight remembered all the books she read about Everfree and the countless animals that lived in it. "And even if it was, we should be able to see it."

Rarity rolled her eyes. Princess or not, Twilight would always be the same. "But still darling, don't you think that it's a bit unlikely for an alien of all things to just come crashing down to our planet. What next, a manticore will come crashing from the sky?"

She waved her hoof at the sky to prove her point... and out of nowhere a manticore came crashing down in front of the group, nearly hitting Pinkie and Dash. The five mares looked in shock and surprise as the manticore looked around in what appeared to be fear for a second before running right past them, ignoring the group completely.

'Stupid cat-bat thing!' I thought after my encounter with some odd crossbreed of a bat, lion, and a scorpion that tried to attack me. Of course, my first reaction was fear but that quickly died down due to how small it was compare to me. It barely came up to my knees and even then it didn't look that scary with that cartoony look it had. It attempted to pounce me but I caught it by the throat with my free hand and just tossed it over my shoulder like it was a piece of trash. Still I was amazed at how strong I am now as the thing flew off like Team Rocket from Pokemon

"Note to say, know my new strength," I said to myself as I lighten my grip on the pony. I fully intend to let her go after I got what I needed but first I had to find some place to stay. My wandering led me to a small clearing with a nice big cave nearby and I quickly moved to it.

Suddenly something jumped out, making me stop in my tracks.

It's head was one of a goat with three short horns pointing forward with a downright demonic look to it(I wasn't one to talk though), and a long powerful snake for a tail hissing at me from it's behind. I could see that it's front legs ended in long fingers and talons while it's back legs were hooves. It's height reached my chest and it's body rippled with muscles. Unlike the bat-cat, this thing looked like something out of God of War. The look in it's eyes showed that it was a ruthless predator and willing to kill any who enter it's territory.

I felt fear overcome my mind for a second before something else washed it away. I felt an urge to battle it, to prove who was the better fighter, to show that I wasn't going to back down.

But above all, I felt an absolute need to take it's skull.

I smiled the best I could without lips and lightly toss the pony into a bush. I flexed my hands and snarled at the thing. I was no stranger to fighting and I was eager to test out my new body in a battle. It responded with something between a goat's bleat and a lion's growl. The forest was silence for a moment as we stared each other down.

Then we lunged at each other with intent to slaughter.

"Come on girls, the tracks are getting fresher," Twilight said as she led the group, this time to make sure nothing surprises them. The tracks they been following were getting fresher the longer they followed it meaning that the alien was nearby. After a while, they began to hear sounds of fighting.

"What in tarnation?" Applejack said as she pushed through a bush and entered the edge of a clearing... and the five mares' jaws dropped at what greeted them.

One was obviously a Chimera, a dangerous predator from Discord's reign when he decided to open the gates of Tartarus just to see what was inside. Fortunately even he wasn't crazy enough to leave them open and quickly closed them but not before several creatures, such as Chimeras, Dragon-Bats, and others, escaped. A Chimera had the best abilities of a lion, goat, and snake along with a dangerous intelligence and a strong resistance to magic, making them very difficult to defeat. They're known to destroy entire towns by themselves but haven't been seen in a while due to their reclining numbers. The other creature, however, was completely unknown to even Twilight.

It stood 10 feet tall, dwarfing everypony in the clearing with red skin and rippling muscles underneath. Long powerful looking limbs that either ended with huge sharp claws or big claw-like appendages. It wore black armor on parts of it's body along with a long flowing cape that put fear into their hearts. Across the cape, hundreds of skulls were kept in place with thick wires going in and out of their eye sockets. Not a single one looked even remotely like anything they seen. It had an elongated skull with a face that displayed only hatred and anger. But what kept their attention was it's eyes.

Yellow, retina-less, glowing eyes that made them think that this creature had no soul. That it's only purpose in life was to kill anything that dare stand against it.

The Chimera pounced as the creature ran forward and the two met in between. Just before the Chimera impacted it's chest, the creature quickly grabbed it by the front legs, spun around and threw it into a nearby tree, cracking the truck. The Chimera shook off the impact and charged at the creature, horns that were sharp enough and strong enough to pierce dragon scales lowered to impale it. The red creature made a surprising move by not moving out of the way but rather kicking it with one of it's claws when the Chimera got close enough. The move made it flip over and land on it's back, revealing a lion's face on it's chest. The red creature quickly pressed it's advantage and stomped down on it but the Chimera managed to roll out of the way. The group of five watched in shock as the ground where the claw hit utterly shattered from the force behind it, feeling the earth that flew from it even from the edge of the clearing. The Chimera's tail wrapped around the creature's body before biting down on it's neck, only for it to recoil in pain, fangs failing to piercing the skin and instead broke upon contact.

Somehow, among the roars of the two battling behemoths, a light groan was heard by Twilight. She followed the source and let out a quiet gasp. Slightly hidden in a bush, Fluttershy laid unconscious not 10 feet away from the battle.

"Girls look," Twilight whispered, pointing a hoof at Fluttershy making them look and gasp as well. "What's Fluttershy doing here?"

"She must have ran into one of those two brutes," Rarity said, voice filled with worry and concern. "We have to help her before she gets hurt!"

Twilight nodded her head and used her magic to gently lift the pegasus. She couldn't risk a teleport because the flash might attract the attention of the two so she had to settled to bringing Fluttershy here with her telekinesis. Slowly but surely, she brought Fluttershy closer to them, doing her best to keep her out of the two battling monsters line of sight.

The five mares felt their hearts go into their throats when the red creature stomped backward, stepping over Fluttershy as the Chimera followed. It was now on it's hind legs and swinging at it's opponent, the lion's face roaring in anger. Somehow she remained unconscious unaware that she was nearly stepped on. Dash held herself back from saving her friend herself. A Chimera is something that even she knew that you shouldn't mess with, not to mention the even bigger red creature it was battling. Still she whispered for her friend to hurry up before Fluttershy gets hurt.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the unconscious mare was brought to the safety of her friends and Applejack quickly checked her for injuries.

"She's fine but we need to get out of here before-" Another roar cut her off and their attention was drawn back to the battle. The Chimera and the creature was in a test of strength, claws gripping each other as they pushed into a stalemate. The snake wrapped around one of the creature's legs, trying to throw it off balance. The creature's face had anger, rage and frustration on it but there was one emotion that stood above all those. Determination.

Suddenly it's free leg snapped up and the knee slammed into the Chimera's chest, right below the lion's head. Said head's eyes widen and a waterfall of blood came from it's maw as it's ribs were shattered beyond healing. The creature then brought it's head forward and rammed it into the goat's head. The head collapsed in on itself from the sheer power behind the headbutt while it's horns broke the Chimera's own like glass against metal. The body of the Chimera fell backwards, the snake still hissing in anger. At least until the creature grabbed and torn it right off it's body.

Blood dripping from it's body, the creature reared it's head back and-


The ground shook from it's roar of victory and the five ponies shivered in fear at the monster, not one of them making a sound.

"Uh w-what happened? W-where am I?" A soft voice broke the silence and Fluttershy slowly regained consciousness, shaking her head in confusion. She looked at her friends surrounding her. "Girls? What are you doing here? What happen..." She trailed off as she gazed at the massive monster that grabbed her from before and the mangled corpse that laid near it. Fluttershy looked at the creature, blood rolling off of it's skin and a snake hanging limp in it's grasp.

She immediately returned back to unconsciousness.

The creature move toward them, faster than it's size should allow, and Twilight quickly cast a spell, a bright flash enveloping them right as the creature lunge at them.

Ponyville. Spike

"And done!" Spike said to himself as he put back the last book into it's rightful place on the shelf. Twilight asked him to organize the books when she saw how many was out of place and Spike agreed to do so, on the condition that she gets him some gems from the Royal Vault. He didn't like to take advantage of her royal status but when he tried one of those gems last week, he knew he just had to have more.

Suddenly a bright flash blinded him for a second and a very familiar group of ponies appeared in the middle of the library. He saw that they were all shaking in fear and their eyes were wide with the exception of Fluttershy who was unconscious.

"Twilight? Are you all okay? What happened?"

His voice snapped Twilight out of her trance and she looked at the baby dragon. "Spike get ready to take a letter, I have to tell Celestia and Luna about some...thing in Everfree,"

Then everypony, and dragon, heard a loud roar echo through the library and throughout Ponyville. The mares shivered, Fluttershy included, while Spike was cowed by the sound. As a dragon, he knew when a superior creature was venting their anger but never before had the young dragon heard a roar sounding so...bloodthirsty.

"Fuck me with spiked bat," I grumbled after roaring my frustration and anger, staring at the spot where those six ponies were. I wasn't too worried about one pony knowing about me since others would probably write her off as crazy but six? My plans about staying hidden just shot itself in the head and fell backwards out the window.

I turned my attention to the mangled corpse and shook my head. During the entire fight, my mind was plagued with bloody thoughts making it difficult to focus. Only now that the thing was dead that my head was clear. I gazed down at the body and winced. I was no stranger to death but I can honestly say that this was the first time I've seen something so bloody.

Dropping the snake, I began to move deeper into the forest. Those ponies already knew where I am and like hell I was going to sit here like some stereotype villain from TV and wait for them. Despite the fight, I didn't feel even remotely tired but instead I felt...stronger, more powerful.

I shook my head and trek forward into the darkness. At the very back of my mind I heard something so faint that I could barely make it out. It sounded familiar, as if I knew it my whole life. At best, I could make out three words.

"Kill. Maim. Burn. Kill. Maim. Burn

Author's Note:

When I first posted this story, I did so thinking that it would take a while for it to be known. A few days later, Of Blood, Skulls, and Friendship not only have over 300 likes but also featured on the main page! You guys are totally awesome!

I would also like to address something else, the editor. I'm well aware of all the mistakes now that you guys pointed them out and I would like to have an editor to assist me with them. Only I have one problem, I have no idea on how to give said editor my chapters to edit.
I'm no tech wiz and it took me a while to learn how to turn on this damn thing(who puts the on button on the back?!) so if anyone is willing to be my editor, I'm only looking for someone who's experienced, patient, and willing to walk me through the steps on sending them the chapters. Just message me if your interested. Until then, I'll do my best to edit out my mistakes. Expect the first chapter to be fixed of grammar mistakes when I get the time.

Finally a shoutout to two authors, uberdeathninja and Jimmy the Grape. The former who started this whole thing and the latter a fellow author who is writing a similar story with the same basic idea. I felt the need to mention Jimmy's story since it left me in tears the whole time I was reading it.