• Published 8th Feb 2014
  • 1,503 Views, 6 Comments

Distorted World - FluttershyLover55

When Twilight goes missing, it sets in motion a series of events that could destroy all of Equestria! Spike is left alone, until he is taken in by Fluttershy. All is not as it seems in this Distorted World...

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Chapter Sixteen:Spike The Knight, Part Two

Distorted World
Chapter 16-Spike The Knight, Part Two

Discord and Spike appeared on the rooftop terrace of the castle. The sun was beginning to set on the horizon, and it would be gone in an hour or so.

"Fair warning Spike, this is an all-out, no holds barred fight. That means that anything goes in this battle. I certainly hope, you last longer than the others who have gone up against me." Discord sighed.

"What happened to the others?" Spike wondered, not sure that he wanted to know the answer.

"What do you THINK, happened to them?" Discord answered, since it was obvious to both of them.

Spike gulped, a little scared, but he steeled himself. Any warrior knew that you couldn't afford to let emotions get in the way. You couldn't let anything break your concentration in the middle of a battle. He pushed all thoughts out of his mind, and only focused on the defeat of Discord.

The dragon charged towards him, fist forward, putting all his force into the punch. Discord simply caught his fist, and threw Spike away from him. The draconequs was blocking any attempt to attack him, so Spike stopped to rest, panting from exertion.

"You know, if this is all you've got, this is a waste of time." Discord yawned, clearly bored from the encounter. "I think, I might go terrorize your marefriend, instead." As he expected, the words had an effect on the dragon. He intended, to make him lose concentration.

"Don't you dare, touch her! If you touch a hair on her head, I'll…"

"You'll what? Stare me to death? There's nothing you, or anypony else, can do to stop me. Face it Spike. This journey of yours, was a lost cause from the start."

"I'll kill you!" Spike screamed, charging once more, at Discord.

Instead of blocking it, his fist caught on fire, and punched Spike in the face. This launched the baby dragon in the opposite direction, flying into the air, and smacking down onto the roof's surface. Spike was left lying on the roof, cut and burned badly. He had one last chance to stop him, so he used his secret weapon. Despite the pain it caused him to move, he reached into his pack, and pulled out a sword. The hilt was made from dragon scales and the blade was made from bone, with scales also covering the blade. Dragon scales were the sharpest thing known to ponies and dragons alike. This was the legendary 'Dragon's Bane', only to be wielded by the 'Chosen One' of the dragons.

Discord was drinking water from a random glass he had materialized, but he spit it out everywhere, when he noticed what the near-dead dragon was holding. He regained his composure, though, trying to hide his fear. "Ha! Is that the 'Dragon's Bane'? I don't know how you came to possess it, but you know only the chosen dragon can unlock its true power." Discord informed.

The most wondrous thing happened next, as the cuts and burns disappeared and Spike stood back up, fully healed.

"Who's the 'Chosen One'?" Spike asked, smirking at Discord's terrified expression. "Take a wild guess."

"You, it's you. But, how could…"

"How could someone like me, be the 'Chosen One'? I don't know either, but it doesn't matter, because I'm gonna take you down, either way. There's no harmony left for you, so this time, you won't be coming back."

The sword shimmered in the fading light, and Spike transformed. The scales on his body lengthened, becoming sharper, and he grew taller by a few inches, putting him at the height of an adult pony. His scales acted like body armor now, so he was ready. Discord fired a few beams of energy at him, but the sword had a mind of its own, moving to block every strike. With supreme accuracy, he thrust the sword into Discord's chest while he was unbalanced, and withdrew it. His body fell to the ground and Spike changed back to normal, except that he was still the size of a pony.

As Discord lay there, he told Spike to come closer. Spike did so, and bent down towards the dying draconequs. "Are you sure this is real? What if I'm just, a figment of your imagination?" He whispered into his ear, cryptically.

Before Spike could say anything in response, his rapidly fading foe, did something he would have never seen coming. Discord touched a finger to the dragon's head, and he began to lose consciousness. Discord disappeared, and Spike heard hoofsteps coming his way.

The last thing he saw was Fluttershy standing over him with Twilight, asking if he was all right, then everything went black.