• Published 8th Feb 2014
  • 1,503 Views, 6 Comments

Distorted World - FluttershyLover55

When Twilight goes missing, it sets in motion a series of events that could destroy all of Equestria! Spike is left alone, until he is taken in by Fluttershy. All is not as it seems in this Distorted World...

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Chapter Eighteen:A Grand Finale, Part Two

Distorted World
Chapter 18-A Grand Finale, Part Two

The train ride was largely uneventful, as they chatted about anything that came to mind. Soon enough, they had arrived at the castle. The throne room was directly in front of them, with the pegasus guards on each side of the mahogany double doors that served as the entrance. Spears in hoof, they stared unblinkingly ahead, focused on something no one else could see, with their steely gaze.

"State your name and business." The pegasus on the left spoke, as he had been trained to. That exact phrase had left his lips, more times than he could count. It was almost, the only thing he ever said, besides when on break.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends. The Princess asked to see us?" The statement was said in such a way, that it was practically a question.

The next line was said almost as often, so without a thought it was uttered. "You may proceed."

"Thank you, sirs." Twilight bowed, as the guards held the doors open for her friends. They stepped through, into the grand space beyond.

The 'Princess of the Sun' was sitting on her throne, but she approached the group, as they entered the room. The shoes she always wore clicked on the marble, as she strode up to them. "It's so nice to see you, my faithful student. And, of course, your friends, as well." She said, as Twilight hugged her mentor. "Although, I wish it was under better circumstances."

"I know! Every time we see you, it's because the world is ending, or something! We never get to chill, or have a party!" Rainbow pointed out, lacking in tact, as usual. This was seriously, cutting into her training to be a Wonderbolt.

"Rainbow, don't be rude!" Twilight scolded. That just simply, wasn't how you spoke to royalty. "I'm sorry, Princess."

Princess Celestia bore an amused expression, not angered in the slightest by her comment. "It's quite all right, my student. She is correct, after all, and I'm afraid, that this time is no different."

"What do you mean? What's going on?" Twilight asked, sighing in frustration. She shouldn't have even hoped, for a friendly chat.

Princess Celestia scanned the room, before answering. "Unfortunately, Discord is back."

"What!" Five out of seven of those present exclaimed, in near unison.

Spike sighed, his suspicions proven correct. "I should have known that it wasn't over, because that fight was too easy. I don't know how to stop him, without appearing suspicious. Still, I will do what I have to do, to stop him for good. Even if I (gulp) have to sacrifice myself, in the process." Spike swore, mentally.

"However, something has been bothering me. I…you should see it for yourselves." She motioned Twilight over to a window that overlooked the Canterlot garden and hedge maze, where the stone stature prison of Discord sat. "You see, if he has escaped, then why is the statue still there?"

Twilight couldn't come up with an answer. She was just as stumped, as the princess beside her.

Fluttershy hesitated, but quietly, started to tell them what the answer was. "Um, I think I know the answer."

"You DO?" Twilight shouted, in disbelief.

The shy pegasus was slightly uncomfortable with all of them staring at her, but Spike nodded, encouraging her to continue. "The statue is still there because, the Discord that escaped, is from an alternate dimension, with a bad future."

From what Spike and Fluttershy had been able to piece together, thanks to what the draconequs told them, he had went into hiding, after narrowly escaping his stony fate. He lured Fluttershy into a portal that lead to the future, knowing that without all of the 'Elements' in one place, The Princesses would be powerless to stop him from taking their power for himself, and destroying the once bright future.

His revenge was to be enacted once he could get all of the 'Elements' under his control, their minds broken beyond repair, by the despair he had instilled in them. Although they weren't aware of everything, the truth was, that his plan hadn't gone as expected. He sent Spike back home after their battle, resetting the world, for an unknown reason. That alternate future wasn't destroyed when he left it, however, it split off from the main timeline, becoming an alternate dimension. Thanks to that, he still retained the powers he had stolen, even though the world was restored to the state it was in, before his take over.

Princess Celestia had sensed Discord's magic power, but she didn't understand how it was possible, since he was supposedly sealed away. "How do you know this, Fluttershy?" She questioned, becoming a little suspicious of her.

Only a certain few knew about the existence of other dimensions, since it was a guarded secret among the unicorns that could perform the interdimensional spell. Only a unicorn, with a high level of magical power could travel between dimensions.

Fluttershy scuffed her hoof along the floor, unwilling to say more, under Celestia's intense gaze. The dragon at her side, answered on her behalf.

"She knows, because she was there. We BOTH were." Everypony present gasped in surprise, at this revelation. The timid pegasus shot him an appreciative look, for speaking up when she didn't have the courage to. "Uh, we'll explain later, because right now, we need to stop Discord from taking over the world. He has the powers of both Princesses from his world, so we need to be careful." Spike informed, and Celestia nodded.

"As we all know, the 'Elements of Harmony' are needed to capture Discord. What you didn't know, is that there is a secret seventh 'Element', that is the most powerful of all. To discover it, a connection must be established between its bearer, and one of you. We need this to work, so that we can completely destroy Discord."

"But, how will we know who the seventh 'Element' is?" Twilight wondered.

"A spark will ignite within the heart of its bearer, similar to when you discovered the 'Element of Magic' with your friendship. You'll know when it's time, but this is a different sort of relationship, that involves more, than simply being friends."

Princess Celestia was only able to utter those words, before the castle began shaking, in the midst of an earthquake.