• Published 2nd Feb 2014
  • 386 Views, 0 Comments

Capsule: Be Born Dead - DarklightArk

"I'm almost alone" What would you do if you awake, outside your time, in a different body for the glory of a dead ruler?

  • ...

Or Not At All

Blood. I hate walking these halls, there's just too much of the damn shit here. When I enter the new room I stop and smile. The room is the same silver as the rest of the facility, with the scarlet paint splashed haphazardly on the hundreds of stainless steel tables and the iron reinforced concrete floor, it is on the four metal walls and some even got on the domed ceiling eighty feet above my head.

"Stupid foals" My voice rings out echoing across the room, down the open doors and to the halls outside.

I run my hoof across the blood splattered table nearest me, bringing the elixir of life to my lips, my tongue dancing over the iron flavor.


I turn to my left and walk out the damn room. I have a better more interesting place to be. The capsule bay, beautiful.

My experiments look so wonderful hanging in their glowing green capsules of metal and glass, the runes, enchantments and curses ring in a cacophony as the monsters hang in there suspended. Never to know they would have had a loving family or a future.

"Hehe, foals so easy to manipulate, their pitiful little lives will only bring the Queen eternal glory!" My laughter rings out in the room.

I walk up to one in the middle of the room, by one of the walls.

"Three, Zero, Zero. Hello my lovely, my pretty? Want to serve your goddess? You first have to live" I trail my hoof down the capsule's side the screech not affecting the little filly in the liquid. "Live and force her rule my disgusting slave."

I slowly walk behind it to the next, and the next and the next. Pegasus, Gaian, Unicorn, Changling, Gryphon, repeat. All the way to number Three, Nine, Nine. One hundred fillies, colts, nymphs and chicks per row.

"And ten rows in all, one thousand sacrifices for you my Queen" My whispered voice hissed.

I walk away only for one last look back. "Be born dead, or don't be born at all" the door hissed shut behind me, not to be opened for one thousand, ten years more years. How prophetic of me.


My eyes. Why are they so heavy? I can't feel my hooves. Hooves? No I can't feel anything. I can't smell, do I have no senses? Wrong. That was wrong, I can hear, that gurgling sound is driving me crazy, I need to get away. Need to get away. To get away. Get away.


Sight! My eyes blazed open with my scream, the sound of shattered glass and rushing liquid fills my ears.

I kneel on the floor, the broken capsule behind me, gasping for breath. It’s like I don't know how to breathe! My mane is in front of my face, sopping wet and dripping with the green fluid. I stand on my hooves, hands grasping the sharp glass edge of my capsule. I look up wires hanging from the broken area, everything rust colored, the capsules around me glowing yellow or green. Some not glowing at all. A plank hung from the top reading two-two-two, Angel of Revenge.

The orange and dull yellow lights above swung loosely from what used to be fixtures the ceiling nothing but metal grating.

I had to get away, pain ripping through my hand. I look and see a large gash bleeding red before my arm pulsed and it stopped. Licking the red liquid from my palm gave me a taste of iron, it was so good! But unimportant, as I no longer had a cut, not even a small scar.

I looked around heading to the nearest green capsule knowing that since I came from a green one other survivors must be here too.

Success, number three-eight-four was alive. It looked like me except with claws instead of fingers and feathered wings; she was also obviously a girl. With a beak, did I have a beak?

My hand moves to my face, touching my muzzle, feeling. No I didn't have one, she must be something else, a half sibling? Yes that must be it. I pull back a fist and smash the glass doing nothing but hurting it.

"Gah! What else, what did I do to get out?"

I felt something rising in me, burning, flaming, crushing. I want only to destroy that glass that separates me from my sister.

"Nothing will keep my family apart!"

My chest burns, I grip it before roaring, flinging my arms wide. A red sphere bursts from me destroying everything around me for ten meters.


My sister is on the ground breathing heavy, obviously hurt. My eyes widen as she seems to have one of those pulses I felt earlier and all her wounds close.

I rush to her side trying to waken her.

"Wake up, please wake up!" I say like a mantra as I shake her gently.

"St... It...”

I hold her close to me, her ear next to my beating heart.

"Where... Where am I?"

The girl asks as she opens her eyes. "Wha... What are you?"

I shake my head. "I don't know to either question, I don't know what you are either Three Eight Four.

"Three Eight Four?"

"That’s what was on your capsule before I destroyed it; I'm Two Two Two, Angel of Revenge.

She struggles to stand so I help her, my body complaining as ice seems to glide down my back. Glancing behind me I see some yellow fluid squirting from another capsule, a huddled shape inside.

With a shutter I start forward, going for the lower numbers.

"Where are we going?" Three Eight Four asks as we walk.

"The smaller the number the closer to getting out of here we are, I think."

"Oh. Hey look another green capsule!"

To our left at the front of the column was another one, a possible survivor.

"Let's go."

"One, Oh, Three. Let's get you out my sister."

The girl I was helping shrugs my arm away from her and looks me in the eye.

"Let me get her out" She says before raising a claw which started to glow red. Placing the claw against the glass a hissing could be heard and smoke seen from where the claw was pressed. In moments though the liquid started to yellow from where she was cutting.

"Hurry! The yellow will kill her!"

"I know, I'm trying! Don't you dare die on me!"

The yellow only spread faster as she pressed her claw harder.

"No, no, no, NO!"

The filly inside snapped her eyes open, crystal blue eyes looked out at us.

"Stand aside" I commanded, this yellow liquid was about to take a sibling away from my, like it had hundreds of my other sibling. "NOT THIS TIME!"

I smashed my fist against the glass while the girl beside me did the same.

It shattered.

The girl was flushed out along with the fluid, coughing and spluttering.

"Get her out of that stuff!" Three Eight Four yelled as she grabs under our sister's arms. I do that same with her legs and we collapse a way aways.

"Th-thank you" One Oh Three says shivering. The two of us wrap ourselves around her trying to worm her up. She has no fur or feathers, a crooked horn and insectile wings. Her arms and legs have holes in them and she also has two large fangs.

"No, thank you One Oh Three. Without you or Three Eight Four I would be alone."

"And thank you" Three Eight Four says as she curls up tighter against our sister. "If you didn't get me out, all of us would be dead."

I shake my head and tightened my arms around my sisters, three lost creatures alone in our little world.


"Let's find a way out" I say as we all stand up. Our dark sister had stopped shivering and it was time to leave.

"There!" The feathered one says pointing to a closed door, sealed against us.

"Then let us go."

The door was nothing special, a wheel was locked in place keeping it closed. With one swip of Our feathered sister's red claws cut through the lock letting the door open smoothly.

Through the door we walk, the hallway looking the same as the room we had exited.

"The hallway splits up ahead, which way do you think we should go?" I say as we approach the intersection.

Both sisters point right, the smell of blood coming from the left must bother them.

We continue till we reach a tiny office, only a small looping rune one the metal desk was of any interest.

My hand glanced by it, making it glow. Part of the wall infront of us changed into the face of an old pony, grey on grey with blind blue eyes.

"Hello my little experaments, the greatest warriors in the world, the anthros. It seems only a Changling, Gryphon and Gaian survived, no matter. Name yourselves whatever you like! And while you think of that I'll tell you a little about you. You see all of you have five abilities that make you special, shift a form of teleportation, fury a destructive blast, you heal with pulse and you can take all the Chemos you like without dying! And as for the last one its unique for each of you. Infact lets get you out of here so you can spread the Queen's glory across the realm!"

A bright flash invelopes us, depositing us in a forest, five wooden cases land beside us and the old ponies voice continues.

"Remember, yellow for lightning, red for streanghth and speed, purple for telekanesis and blue for control over metal. they only work for five minutes at a time."

Then the voice went silient. We look at each other, perplexed at our situation.

"What do you want to be called?"

Author's Note:

Alright noval started becouse of a dream I had is a go, the first chapter is the worst gore wise and it is up to you my readers to name our little family of anthros in a non anthro world.

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