• Published 3rd Feb 2014
  • 1,536 Views, 56 Comments

The Forgotten Library - Ponyess

The library had been long forgotten. A hospital built on top of it, on purpose or not. In the library, there is this one special book, it had been enchanted. If you read the text, you are forever changed. This is what happens to the girl.

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Girls Hospital: 1


I had been admitted to the hospital. Apparently it was an exclusive Girls' Hospital. Maybe I shouldn't complain, the Doctor who's seeing me is quite nice, as are the nurses. Of course the Doctor was a girl, even if she had grown up, since then.

At this point, I'm here for observation. They claim they need to see how I recovered. If I was to have any complications. Even though they claimed my surgery had gone according to plan.

To be on observation for a week is incredibly boring, for a girl like me. I had nothing to do. They wanted to observe me at all times, day and night, apparently. At least my sister had been allowed to entertain me during the visiting hours. I had been allowed to read, what they had in the official hospital library, that is.

I had managed to cope with them, for this entire first week, just by reading, and my sister. Sadly there wasn't much else I could do, by their admittion, that is. They had even sorted out what they considered the more exciting, and otherwise emotional books. Now I was on the last leg of my patience. I need something, something new.

In the end, I decided on slipping out of the room, just to do something differently. Just a slow paced walk, to see what was outside of my door, it should keep me sane for another day?

Naturally, in a hospital, everyone wear a uniform, patients, nurses, doctors, the physicians, and the Surgeons. We're all dressed in uniforms. With that, you're easily identifiable. I have a tag on the right side of my right chest, with my name and picture on it. They even bothered putting my status in there. They missed nothing. A slight glance, and you know exactly who you had before you?

I felt as if I had been a prisoner, for all it is worth. No wonder I'm bored out of my skull? I just couldn't take another instant of this.

Every type of uniform came in a different colour. The surgeon is green, that's an old tradition. I could even see the reasoning behind it. The doctor is white. Nurses are yellow. I'm apparently blue?

Since we're all girls, there can be no differentiation between sexes or genders. Personal, Patients and visitors alike, we're all girls. Just the same, there is no differentiation in age either, even if I'm a little girl, age nine, the doctors are in their thirties, and some patients and visitors may be as old as ninety?

Topping my problems off, the walls are a clinical white, on the florescent side of it. The lights are bright. There seems to be nothing to see. Not even a potted plant in my room. The window doesn't have much of the view either.

As a patient, my bed is blue, identifying it as me? Maybe this is the one bright spot, since it is a clear blue. Electric blue, to the point.

As I slipped out of my room, I noticed the hall is lined with doors to the right and left. The wall is still white, it is starting to get to me, and stick in my eyes. I had to get away from it all. I just couldn't take this.

There is a wooden rail along the walls, just three feet up the wall. Nothing else to see. I chose the right, more arbitrary than anything. Just a chance, as if there is any difference?

Thankfully, I made it to Ellie, the waitress, otherwise known as an elevator.