• Published 3rd Feb 2014
  • 1,542 Views, 56 Comments

The Forgotten Library - Ponyess

The library had been long forgotten. A hospital built on top of it, on purpose or not. In the library, there is this one special book, it had been enchanted. If you read the text, you are forever changed. This is what happens to the girl.

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Leaving: 10


I sat in the chair, enjoying myself. I knew I could go back here every day, and any day I so please. Now I just enjoyed the moment.

Lifting a hoof up, examining it, I was enjoying to just look at it. The smooth shiny surface, looking as if it had been made out of a hard plastic, or rubber, which I knew couldn't be the case, or, could it. I place my hands on the smooth surface, slowly, gently stroking it, only to experience just how smooth it felt under my fingers, just to realize how sensitive it is for such a hard looking surface. While stroking it, it felt almost as if it had been wet, but when I was trying to kick the table, I noticed it was quite sturdy, and didn't feel a thing.

Thankfully the table did not take any hint of my action, I would have hated to see such a precious table being destroyed, just because I'm curious and try to examine myself.

Moving my attention back from the table and to my right hoof, only now the soul, rather than the horny surface up front. It feels soft and elastic to the touch, even when the colour, the hue and highlights are all the same. Whatever made it so hard and durable on the front, and so soft and elastic underneath. I guess there is a point to the magic I had invoked upon myself. I just don't know what it is, or how it works, but I still do enjoy it all the same.

I had sat down and enjoyed the chair for several minutes, as I examined my hooves. I guess it had been just a bit more enjoyable than I had initially expected, but I started out doing it, because I'm curious. I guess it did explain a few things, but didn't make me any less confused about any of it in the first place. Not so much because I really was confused in the first place.

As I finished examining my hooves, I rose to stand up, then slowly started to walk around the room. Looking around, poking at anything and everything that I could put a hand on. Curiosity getting the better of me, and for now, there is nothing I could do about it. Besides, why bother.

From what I could tell, these chairs are feeling as if they had been made out of the finest leather, but who am I to say. Yet, it feels right, considering what I had seen in the room.

Since I had seen her tail, then my own, there was little to no point spending more of my precious time exploring my tail at this time, it could wait. I had seen both hers and my hooves, just as I had explored mine, as well as I had any need for at this point, no point in more of the same. I do however have an entire room to explore. A room in which I am currently sitting, aside from the rest of the books, laying just outside the door, waiting.

I rose to my hooves, slowly walking along the room, only to stop, right where I had been sitting. The chair and table was curious, even if it isn't the most important things in the room to examine.

Then it hit me, I had seen all there is to see in the room, short of the contents of the book, from which I had been reading.

As grand as the furniture looks, I have seen all there is to see. I have sat in a chair, why spend more time, doing that once more and all over. There was nothing more to learn from it, for all I could see. I can look at the wood, but since I have no experience and no frame of reference, it wouldn't tell me anything. Nothing worth the effort. With that, I started up, walking to the pulpet, once more.

I open the cover of the book, looking at the inside. Seeing the paper, the colours, the indents giving shadows and shadings. Reading the text, even if it told me next to nothing. Only now I knew why. It is all in Equestrian, ancient Equestrian at that. No wonder I could barely make out anything. I kept reading the text, more out of curiosity, tasting the words. Maybe it did give me something later. If I sample enough, maybe I would learn and understand. I did it more for the fun than any actual hope to learn enough from the few hours I had remaining to me here today.

I flipped the page, looking at the image with the Pony and Human on it. I did not read the text once more. Imagining there was nothing more to learn from it. I had already read it once, why read it again? What I need is a dictionary, if I truly desire to know what it tried to say.

I read the other text. Nothing happened. It apparently told me something. What ever text isn't associated with an image is mere inanimate information. Only the images does hold spells. What ever they had to offer.

From the assumption, I refused to read or pronounce the text under any image. I can still safely read the text in the book, aside from what was associated to an image. Just as I can safely look at any one image, without any consequence. No change will occur, no spell will be released, unless I read the text under the images. That would be self-contained spells. It is at least what I assumed, I did not test the theory.

The first spell had changed me and my sister into this form, a half by half equine, while still keeping the other half of who we are.

I scrutinized the second image, finally realizing who was in the image. That is Luna and her other form as Nightmare Night, though there is a third form of her in a more resent time, where she was hailing from. The spell invoked her form and person in the flesh, from what I could figure. My sister Riku had invoked the Princess. Maybe I should tell her, if Luna had not already explained it? I left it at that, for now.

I just flipped a page, only to find more text to read. It told me nothing. There is also an image to see. The image gave me an idea as to what the third spell would be, but I refuse to read it. I don't want to test my theory at this point.

I closed the book, quietly, before I walked away from the pulpet, leaving it behind and turning my back on it. There is something I had to tell my sister, but I couldn't let on at this time. I have no right to allow others to know. It isn't anything I had been told or something I had read. I just had the feeling. With that, I left it at that.

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Author's Note:

I have started to stack up a few chapters to be there in time for next publication date.

There are a few details that feels as if they are due to be revealed.

Just a matter of if they are what you had expected or if they will make sense, when they do come into the light of day.