• Published 2nd Feb 2014
  • 613 Views, 21 Comments

Bombshells - 007Delta

Fleetfoot flees her high speed life of fame and flying by running off to Ponyville, only for Photo Finish to get in the way. The Wonderbolt must choose if she values her own privacy over her friends. Either way, they will make the magics.

  • ...

Every Soul Has it's Price

I sat, nervously swirling white foam atop my hayseed mocha with my straw. My hooves were quivering slightly; not from the caffeine, but from the suspense. I had no idea if Photo Finish would actually send for me, or if I was just wasting my time drinking coffee. As of right now, it had been full hour, give or take. Now I would find out just how honest Photo Finish truly was. I figured I should allow a few extra minutes to give her time to locate me, but so far there was no sign of her or any of her many assistants. I silently cursed myself multiple times. I was visibly shaking as I waited, and Ponies were beginning to take notice.

I looked like a nervous wreck. I was sweating, drinking cup after cup of coffee, and I would jerk my head to the door every time it opened. The business at this hour was rather slow, and thankfully, there weren't a whole lot of people to witness me in my state.

When finally, I witnessed a poshly dressed, show white stallion walk through the door. He looked around the coffee shop, before resting his eyes upon me, and trotted his way to my table. Immediately, my body relaxed. He wore purple sunglasses similar to Photo Finishes, and as he sat down, he spoke.

"Fleetfoot?" He asked quietly. I nodded my head discreetly. "That's me,". He gave a quick nod, before motioning with his head, for us to head outside. We both stood up simultaneously, before exiting the coffee shop together. I swear, he seemed more like a secret agent than he did an assistant of a fashion photographer.

He led me down a few main streets, before arriving at the front of a quaint looking motel, about 3 stories high. He opened the door for me, allowing me to walk inside, before letting go and quickly retaking the lead. We climbed a short flight of steps to the second floor, and continued down a plain looking hallway. He stopped outside of the one marked, "222".

What he did next both scared the living daylights out of me and made me want to throw up. He put his hoof to his throat, before giving a big heave... And out of his throat shot a silver key, which was attached to a string, fixed around his tongue. It bounced off the wood on the door and swung directly toward me, but just before it made contact with my coat, he caught in his hoof, and unlocked the door with it. As it slowly opened, I could hear a gulping noise, which signaled that he had re swallowed the key.

"What in the sweet name of Celestia was that?!" I blurted out, but he stood there, his expression unchanged. "That was disgusting!"

"Photo Finish is waiting for you inside." Came his neutral response.

I walked inside, keeping a eye on that strange pony, just in case he decided to cough up something else. As I entered, I noticed that the entire room was dimly lit, with hundreds of newspapers from several agencies plastered around like wallpaper. For the most part, it looked like a regular hotel room. There was one bed, a nightstand, and an alarm clock on top. Photo Finish was staring at me, her purple sunglasses off to the side. She had taken one of the tables in the motel room, and arranged it like a desk. There were two stools on either side.

"Take a seat,". She said calmly, motioning to one across from her.

As I sat, I couldn't help but ask. "What is wrong with your assistant out there?"

"I zee you have met Riko. He is very enthusiastic about his job." She gave a dismissive wave. "Zat is besides ze point. I have decided that I vill not expose your photos. However, this will come at great cost to me, therefore, I vill require zat you compensate me for my loss."

My face hardened. "How... How much do you want?" I asked slowly,

"I don't vant money. I have plenty of zat." She took her purple sunglasses and began to clean them on her clothes.

"What do you want then?"

"You zee, as a simple fashion photographer, people don't tend to think of me as much. They see me and say, 'look! A simpleminded fashionista, who gets paid to picture-graph other fashionista!' It's infuriating. I am sick and tired of ze fashion world. It's full of small minded ponies who's only worries are what $5000 dress they are going where zat day." She made a gagging noise. "It zickens me!"

She put her hoof on the table. "Zat is why I have decided to leave zat world. My new goal in life is to make ponies take me zeriously!"

I still didn't follow her logic. "So what do you need those pictures for if all you want is for people to, 'take you zeriously'?"

Photo scoffed at my mockery of her accent. "I need zem because I need news." She stood up on both her hind legs. "I am leaving the fashion world to enter,". She paused for dramatic effect. "the Journalisms!" She threw her hooves into the air, as if she was making a groundbreaking announcement.

At this point, my brain had been fried so thoroughly that the voice inside of my head stopped talking. I had no words to say to this crazy mare. All I could feel was a slight twinge of annoyance.

She continued talking. "By giving high quality news, people vill start to respect the things I say. That is how I plan to achieve my goal. It is foolproof!"

Suddenly, I began to get angry. I was a just mere stepping stone in this mare's quest for respect, and now she was trying to hold my privacy for ransom.

I slammed my hoof into the table. "I don't care about what you plan to do! I don't care! I just want you to hand me those pictures so I can get on my way, and live the rest of my life. In privacy!" I buried my face in my right hoof. "Now how much to you want for the damn pictures!"

Photo Finish merely began laughing. "Those pictures are not significant to me because of their value in money,". She put her glasses on her head. "Zey are valuable because it is breaking news. I don't vant you to compensate me with money, I vant you to go get me some new news."

I was dumbstruck. The only thing I could do at that moment was stare at her. How could this pony have the audacity to ask such a thing? How dare she? I stood up from my seat, my mind already made. "No! I'm not going to violate other pony's privacy just to ensure my own, that's horrible!"

Photo Finish's face was dead serious. "Not just anypony's privacy, I want a provocative story like yours. Something that vill make the people stop, gasp, and drop the paper where they stand"

I looked up from behind my hoof.

"Because of you sudden disappearance, everyone has been keeping a very close eye on the rest of the team. It's all anypony is talking about."

"What, you want me to get some news on them?"

She nodded her head. "Exactly!"

"No. I'm not doing any of this. What makes you think I could go unnoticed? They know what I look like, I'm one of them!"

"Was one of them,". She corrected, pointing to the latest headline on the wall.

I ignored her remark. "I won't be able to just waltz in there and snap a few pictures without being recognized. Besides, why do you think I would betray my team like that?"

She looked directly into my eyes. "You've abandoned them once already,"

I didn't want to speak to her anymore. "Screw you Photo Finish, I'm not going to betray my friends."

"Zen I'm just going to have to publish your pictures."

I stopped. Anger was beginning to cloud my judgement, and as I turned around to the paparazzi, I raised my hoof. "You better give me those pictures, or I swear to Celestia,"

"Vat, are you going to hit me? Please. Don't make anymore headlines for yourself if you want to live in peace."

"One more word, I swear."

From behind me, I heard Rico enter the room. There was a gagging sound, and when I turned around, he was holding a switchblade.

There was a small pause, before Photo spoke up. "No need for zat, Riko, I vill handle zis myself." She turned to me, a serious expression upon her face. "Your choices are this; Go undercover for me, and dig some dirt on ze Wonderbolts, or leave now, and see your story in the paper tomorrow morning. Make your choice."

I looked between Riko and Photo Finish, desperately trying to make a decision. If I walked away now, Spitfire would find me and... I don't even want to think about her reaction. She got physical when she caught me with coffee. If she found out where I had ran off to, her reaction would be legendary. However, if I followed along in Photo's ruse, I will get to keep my new lifestyle. If I succeeded.

I bit my lip, forcing myself to make a decision. My brain told me to walk out. It was the most logical thing to do, but my heart was here in Ponyville. During this last week, I have discovered that I love this little town, and it pained me to think that I might lose it all.

"I need an answer, Fleetfoot!"

I put my head down in shame as I vocalized my next words. "...I'll go undercover"

Photo Finish smiled and threw her hands in the air. "Excellent! Velcome aboard, Fleetfoot!" Suddenly, her face twisted with thought. "No no, I cannot call you Fleetfoot... We need to give you a new name.

"Tradewind Potluck,". I said softly,

"Yes! Zat is perfect! Potluck ze reporter!" She smiled. "I like zat name, it rolls of ze tongue like bowling ball down alley." She jumped from around her desk. "I will consult with you tomorrow, I need some time to figure out a disguise for you... Sneaking you underneath your team mates noses won't be easy..." Suddenly, I began to get nervous. "But I will do it no less! Now go! Gogogo!" She ushered me out of the door, and slammed it as soon as I was in the hallway.

I simply stared at the wall, trying to process the events of the last few minutes. What have I gotten myself into...

My train of thought was interrupted when Photo Finish re-opened her door, before kicking Riko out of her room, who was as confused and startled as I was. She slammed the door, which hit him in his rump slightly, causing a slight yell of pain. He stood up, stretched his legs, before noticing that I was looking at him. He waved at me slightly, but I didn't bother waving back. I didn't like him at all, he was the epitome of creepy. I simply walked away, heading down the steps we had traveled in the first place. I could hear him call a quick, "goodbye," as I disappeared down the steps, but I ignored that as well.

As I stepped outside, I found myself doing the last thing I expected to be doing. On my face, sat a strange and out of place smile. It wasn't one of happiness or joy, but one of disbelief. The kind of smile you find yourself wearing when you're about to do something dangerously stupid. "What the hell have I gotten myself into this time,". I said to no one in particular, before I began chuckling my way down the street. I knew how risky it was, but my brain thought it was funny that I had accepted anyway. As I laughed, I heard a figure galloping up to me. I turned around to see Riko, running with something black in his mouth. (Mind out of the gutter, you.)

As he approached, I recognized it as a bag. It was plain and unmarked, with some sort of box inside it. It looked awfully familiar, and as I pondered these thoughts, I noticed that my left wing felt a bit too light. Then I remembered.

"Hey Tradewind!" He called to me, his voice a bit muffled. "You dropped this!"

He placed the box at my feet, only for me to have a blank stare on my face. How could I be so absentminded? I almost lost $3500 worth of jewelry! Not that I really needed the money anyway, but still.

"Uh, are you alright?"

I snapped out of my thoughts. "Oh, yes! Thank you Riko." I smiled at him sheepishly. He was strange, but at least he was a gentlecolt. As I thanked him, I noticed something. He looked at me intently, like he was recording me with his eyes... Yet I wasn't disturbed by it. The way he looked at me was just... Benign.

"Sorry I had to pull out the knife... I just want to let you know that I wouldn't have used it on you,"

I didn't quite know what to say to this. I just looked around uncomfortably.

There was a long pause between us both. It was as if the sheer awkwardness of the situation was slowing down time, each second becoming hours as we both displayed how socially inept we were.

"I... I guess I'll see you later then," he finally stated shyly,

"Yup," I said quickly, before scooping up the box and trotting off.

"Goodbye," he called to me again,

I hesitated, wondering if I should acknowledge him. After pondering the question, I made a quick decision.

"...See you around,". I called back.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the small wait, I've been pretty busy with life outside of Fimfiction. (I know, it's hard to believe I have one!). Anyway, let me know what you guys think of the story in the comments, I could use some criticisms.

Thank you for reading,
