• Published 11th Feb 2014
  • 9,533 Views, 320 Comments

Life of a Dragon: Die for Metal - MoshKing

Spike is pushed too far and runs away, and learns of the raw power behind heavy metal.

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Chapter 1: Betrayal

"Wake up, Spike!"

Spike groaned at the sound of Twilight's voice, and tried to go back to sleep and return to his dream. Even if it had only been about the previous night's events.

"Leave me alone, Twilight. I'm trying to sleep."he mumbled to her. Turning away from her, he began to fall back asleep until something pushed him off the king sized bed and onto the exquisitely designed carpet below, landing right on his face.

"You've been sleeping since we got here this morning. It's time for dinner." she informed him. Spike lifted himself to his feet, using the bed for support. "I've been sleeping since we got here because you woke me up at 5:00 this morning to quadruple-check everything that was supposed to be taken care of." he shot back at her. Twilight ignored his comment and left the room, not bothering to close the door behind her.

Spike took a minute to look around the enormous guest room that he would be staying in while they were in Canterlot. The wallpaper, carpet, curtains, bed sheets,and pillows were all the same shade of deep purple. An armistice stood across from the bathroom door, right next to the doorway that led to the balcony. There was a fully stocked mini bar that sat next to a large bookshelf full of many different kinds of reading material. A large, 32-inch plasma screen TV was mounted on the wall across from the bed, and with it a DVD-player and a PlayStation 4. Spike always slept here whenever he came by to visit. Celestia had the room decorated specially for him two years ago. It was his home away from home. Spike took a minute longer to admire what his mother had done for him before walking out the door, making sure to close it behind him, and proceeding down the castle corridors to the dining hall.

Spike looked at the various suits of armor that were placed against the wall. They had always given him the creeps when he was younger. He had always felt like something was peering back at him through those empty helmets, and was waiting until the right moment to attack him. Spike felt a smile creep on his face as he remembered one time when he had accidentally knocked one of them over when he had been up in the middle of the night to go get some water. It scared him so bad that he had run back to his and Twilight's bedroom and hid under the covers until dawn. As he reminisced about his early childhood, he bumped into something large and heavy. It took him a second to realize that he had reached the entrance to the dining hall and walked right into the door wihtout even trying to open it. Thank Luna no one was around to see that. he thought, before opening up the doors to be met with the sight of his friends and the Princesses seated at the large dining table, which was already adorned with a number of exquisite looking platters of food that Spike never had unless he was either eating at a fancy restaurant or here at his mother's home.

"Hello, Spike." Celestia greeted him. A smile immediately grew on Spike's face at the sight of his mother. He took a seat at the table between Twilight and Celestia. He noticed the empty seat across from him and wondered who could possibly be missing when the doors opened once more to reveal Prince Blueblood, Celestia's nephew and Spike's cousin. His usual snobbish attitude was nowhere to be seen.

"Sorry I'm late." he said, and took a seat next to Princess Luna. He looked disheveled, his usually well-kept hair was a complete mess. The tuxedo that he usually wore was missing the jacket and the bow tie was untied and hung around his neck. the others took notice of this as he stared down at his plate, not saying a word to anybody.

Princess Luna turned to Blueblood."So how'd it go?" she asked him. The others, with the exception of Princess Celestia, were confused as to what she could be asking about.

"I don't want to talk about it, Aunt Luna." Blueblood deadpanned.

Luna looked at him questioningly. She asked him again, "What happened? didn't she say yes?"

Blueblood continued to look down at the table."I said I don't wanna talk about it" he replied, his voice growing more agitated.

"So she said no?"

Blueblood suddenly snapped. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK HAPPENED!!!!!????" he yelled at her before he stood up, gave a curt nod to the other occupants of the table, and stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut as he exited. Everyine was stunned by the events that had just transpired.

Celestia sighed. "Oh dear." she sad, "It didn't go well" she said forlornly. Twilight spoke up, "What didn't go well?" she asked. Celestia answered her, "I'll tell you another time. But for now, let's eat."

The eight of them ate in silence and proceeded to their own separate rooms at the end of the meal. Except for Celestia, who went to go check on her nephew. Later that night, Spike sat on his bed, watching an episode of some sitcom that he didn't even normally watch. He didn't care though, the situation with Blueblood at dinner had reminded Spike of his own situation with Rarity.

He had been in love with her ever since he first met her. And ever since then, he had been trying to prove himself as worthy of her affection. He had always been afraid that she would reject him because he's a dragon and she's a pony, but he still hadn't given up hope yet. Between how Twilight and her friends treated him and his situation with Rarity, he felt like he was going to have an aneurysm from all the stress.

You know what? Spike thought, I can't keep doing this. I need to talk about this to Twilight now. He turned off his TV, and left to go find Twilight. He figured that she would be in her room, so that was the first place that he looked for her. When he approached her door, he hesitated for a second, and then knocked. "Twilight?" he called, "You in there?" There was no reply, bu Spike wasn't surprised, because the doors were enchanted to be sound proof. He knocked again, and still no reply. He opened the door, and what he found shattered his mind as well as his heart.

Twilight and Rarity were on her bed, making out, completely nude.(A/N: No there isn't going to be any smut you sickos. Perhaps I should've given this a Mature tag instead of Teen)

Author's Note:

Why are Twilight and Rarity having sex?
How will Spike react?
What the f**k is going on with Blueblood?
And when am I finally going to insert some godammed heavy metal in this story?

You'll find out in the next chapter of Life of a Dragon: Die for Metal. Until then,

Live hard and rock on!