• Published 11th Feb 2014
  • 9,533 Views, 320 Comments

Life of a Dragon: Die for Metal - MoshKing

Spike is pushed too far and runs away, and learns of the raw power behind heavy metal.

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Chapter 7: Back In Black

Spike and Blueblood checked out of the hotel the next day. At Spike's request that they get something to eat, they stopped by an old-fashioned diner to get something to eat before they hit the road again. They made their way into the diner to see the usual interior design that you would find inside such a place. The only other occupants were an old couple sitting at a booth close to the exit and an off-duty police officer sitting at the end of the bar. They sat down at a booth as a young waitress with pink fur and a lilac mane came by to take their order. A plain white nametag with the words "SPRING BREEZE" printed in all-caps was pinned to her bright gray blouse right above her breast. They both ordered a plate of eggs and a cup of coffee for each of them. The waitress jotted their orders down on a pad of paper before walking away. She came back a short while later with their orders and left them to their meals.

"So..." Blueblood began as he took a sip of his coffee, "What should we do first?"

Spike looked up from his plate with a mouthful of egg. He quickly swallowed and answered his cousin. "Well, I want to drop by the library and pick up a few things first."

Blueblood looked at him skeptically. "Are you sure that you want to do that?" he asked him.

"I only want to pick up some personal belongings, and we're gone. I don't wanna spend any more time there than necessary."

Blueblood nodded. "Good." He picked up his fork and began devouring his own meal. The silence between the two of them only lasted a few seconds before Spike decided to speak.

"I've been meaning to ask you something; What happened back in Canterlot that got you all pissed off?"

Blueblood froze in place, a forkful of egg halfway to his mouth. He looked up at his cousin before closing his eyes and exhaling. Spike took this as a sign to stop inquiring any further.

"Listen, you don't have to answer if you don't wan--" Spike began.

Blueblood interrupted, "No, it's fine." he set down his fork and rubbed the back of his head. "You know that cellist I was dating?"

Spike answered, "Yeah. Octavia, right?"

"That's the one." Blueblood continued, "Anyway, I decided that since I had been seeing her for a year and a half, that I would ask her to marry me. So I took her to her favorite restaurant in Canterlot and I was going to propose to her during dinner."

"So, wait...she said no?"

"Not actually. I didn't even get the chance to pop the question. We weren't seated for five minutes before she told me that she was leaving me for another mare. Turns out that she was having an affair with that one mare, DJ-PON3 or whatever her name is."

"Vinyl Scratch?"

"I think so." Blueblood picked up his coffee mug and drained it in one gulp. Spike sat there, filled with sympathy for Blueblood. Both of them had been through hell the past couple of days, and he hadn't even known that his cousin was going through something that was almost exactly the same.

"Sorry, man." Spike said.

"It's alright." Blueblood responded. Neither said a word to each other until they had eaten, paid the check, and were back on the road.

Blueblood drove while Spike looked through some lyrics that he had written the night before. Blueblood looked over at Spike. "Have you figured out what we're gonna do member-wise with this band that we're putting together?" he asked him.

"I know someone in Ponyville who'd make a good bassist. It's another reason why I wanted to head back to the library." Spike answered, not taking his eyes off of the papers he held in his hand.

"What about a drummer?"

"I haven't thought that far ahead."

A voice came from the back seat. "Did somebody say they needed a drummer?"

Blueblood and Spike yelled and jumped in surprise as Blueblood's jeep swerved across the road from side to side, nearly driving into the guardrails on either side. When Blueblood regained control of the car, they both turned around to see none other than Cheese Sandwich sitting in the back seat, large smile plastered onto his face.


Blueblood looked over at Cheese and then back to Spike. "Who the fuck is this guy!?" Blueblood yelled. He wanted to know who the fuck this random dude was, how the fuck did Spike know him, and why the FUCK was he in the backseat of his car.

Spike gestured towards Blueblood with his hand, and then at Cheese. "Blueblood, this is Cheese Sandwich. He's a party planner just like Pinkie, except he travels the world." he gestured back to Blueblood. "Cheese, this is Prince Blueblood. He's my cousin--"

"Yeah, okay, I get who he is," Blueblood interrupted, "But can someone please tell me why he's in my fucking car?!"

Cheese continued to smile. "I heard that you guys were staring a band, and I wanted to see if you guys needed a good drummer!" he answered.

Blueblood was puzzled. "Wait, how did you find out that we were staring a band?" he asked. "We haven't told anyone else yet."

Spike answered his cousin's question, "I told you, Blueblood. He's just like Pinkie. That includes whatever weird, reality-bending abilities she has, too."

Blueblood thought about this new piece of information for a few moments. That's just great. Blueblood thought. Another pony breaking the laws of physics. As if Pinkie Pie didn't confuse me enough.

"Ooh, a radio!" Cheese exclaimed. He leaned forward past Spike and Blueblood and began fiddling with the dials on the jeep's radio, zipping past several different stations.

"Hey!" Blueblood said loudly. "Watch what you're doing! I don't want you breaking my shi--" Blueblood stopped speaking altogether as he heard what song was being played on the station that Cheese had picked. The station was playing "Uh! All Night" by KISS.

A large grin spread across Spike's face. "Damn, Cheese! I didn't know you were into this kind of music!" Spike laughed.

Cheese replied, "Dude, what do you think I do when I'm not planning parties?" Cheese's voice dropped about an octave. His hair had straightened out, and he had a devious look on his face.

Spike looked at Cheese's new appearance. "Whoa, man, do you look like this every time you listen to rock n' roll? he asked.

Cheese smiled deviously. "Only when I listen to the good shit, dude."

The trio continued down the road as they listened to the awesomeness being blasted from the radio, singing along with the band.

Being in a band is gonna be fucking awesome. Spike thought.

Later that day...

The trio arrived in Ponyville, much to the surprise of the town's residents. Many had thought that Spike would have been as far away from Ponyville as possible after the events at Celestia's castle. They were even more surprised to see his new appearance. As the three walked through the town and towards the library, Spike was the object of many stares. It wasn't day that the townspeople saw such an odd, yet awesome-looking dragon strolling through the town square.

The three stopped in front of the library, right in front of the door. The sign on the front of the door was flipped to "CLOSED". Spike reached one claw up to knock, only to return his arm back to it's original position by his side. Why the hell am I knocking? he thought, I live here. Or at least I used to live here. He pushed the door open and walked inside, his friends following suit.

The library was a mess. Books were strewn everywhere, from the shelves to the farthest corners of the room. Spike began stepping over the various books that decorated the floor before starting up the stairs.

"Damn. This place is a mess." Blueblood said. He took a cigarette out of the pack he kept in his pocket and lit it.

Spike heard the click of Blueblood's lighter. He didn't even have to turn around to know what his cousin was doing. "Come on, man." he said. He turned towards his cousin. "Don't smoke in here. There's fucking books everywhere. You're bound to accidentally light something on fire."

"Alright, fine." Blueblood groaned as he pitched his cigarette out a nearby window. Spike continued on his way up the stairs and to the bedroom that both he and Twilight shared. As he opened the door, he could hear the sound of snoring emanating from the room. He opened the door completely to find Twilight asleep in her bed, despite the fact that it was now mid-afternoon. The bedroom itself was in much better shape than the rest of the library, with only a few misplaced items found here and there. Spike tiptoed across the room and over to his own bed. The last thing that he needed right now was to wake up Twilight and have to deal with any drama that would result in her awakening.

Spike reached under his own bed and pulled out a medium sized suitcase. He opened it up and began reaching into his dresser, pulling out some clothes, his wallet, and a picture of him and Celestia when he was ten years old. He placed the objects within the suitcase and closed it. As he began to walk towards the door, he felt something heavy hit him on the back of the head. He fell to the ground, the world spinning around him. As he regained his bearings, he got back onto his feet and turned around to see a very angry-looking Twilight with an encyclopedia covered in a purple aura levitating right next to her.

"What are you doing in my home?!" she yelled. "You better get out or I'll--"

She stopped talking and dropped the book she held with her magic as she recognized the supposed intruder. "S-Spike?" Her voice was barely a whisper. "I-Is that you?"

Spike rubbed the back of his head where the first book that she had thrown hit him. "Yeah, it's me. I'm only here to pick up some stuff and then I'll be on my way." He picked his suitcase up off the ground and proceeded towards the bedroom door.

"Wait!" Twilight pleaded. "Spike, please, I need to talk to you."

Spike looked back at her, the rage he felt three days prior beginning to bubble up again. Without thinking, he spoke: "You know what? Fine. Meet me at the exit out of Ponyville in half an hour. And bring the rest of the girls, too. There's a lot more that needs to be said than you think." With that, he turned and walked out the door, leaving Twilight by herself in what was now only her bedroom.

Spike headed down the stairs and out the door, not speaking a word. Blueblood and Cheese Sandwich ran to catch up with the purple-scaled dragon.

"What just happened in there?" Blueblood asked him.

"I'll tell you after we stop by the Apple family's orchard." Spike answered.

Cheese looked confused. "Why are we going there?"

Spike grinned. "Where do you think our bassist is?"

Big Macintosh gazed out over the hilltop as he looked down at the apple orchard. He took in the beautiful sight of the hundreds of apple trees that had been rooted to this land before Ponyville had even existed. He had always taken pride in the fact that the orchard was such an important part of Ponyville's economy and history. Hell, it had been the Apple family that originally settled on the land that Ponyville would be built on. He loved working in the orchard, spending his days bucking the trees to catch the ripe, red fruit that his family was so well known for, because it was one of the few places where he felt at peace. Even then, he was still troubled.

As much as he loved working on the farm, he began to desire a life outside of the usual, day-by-day chores that took up most of his time. Unfortunately, this could never happen, for he was greatly depended upon to help keep the farm running. If Big Mac didn't do his part around the orchard, his family would lose everything.

Big Mac pulled out a cigarette and lit it. He took a drag and puffed it out into the warm summer air, unaware of the three figures approaching him until one of them shouted his name.


The stallion spun around to see Blueblood, Cheese Sandwich, and Spike walking up the hill towards him. Or at least it was Blueblood, Cheese Sandwich, and someone who looked like Spike.

"Spike?" Big Mac questioned with his eyebrow raised. "What happened to ya? And more importantly, why are ya'll here? I heard that you had run off somewhere after you found out that Twilight and Rarity were together." Big Mac hadn't been surprised when he heard about what happened in Canterlot. He had figured that Spike would eventually get fed up with how the girls treated him. As much as he loved his two sisters, he had a tendency to treat Spike like a little brother whenever the two of them were together. Spike was one of the few people in Ponyville that Big Mac felt that he could really talk to, man to man. Spike knew about how suffocated Big Mac felt from being on the farm for most of his life, And Big Mac knew about how neglected Spike felt because the Mane 6 barely paid a lick of attention to him.

"We're here because I need to talk to you." Spike answered. "Is there anyplace where we can talk in private?"

"Sure." Big Mac responded, lifting up one leg and bending it to crush the lit end of his cigarette against the heel of his boot, "We can talk in the barn. Applebloom and her friends are at Sugarcube Corner, and Applejack has been in the orchard almost all day." It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Applejack was trying to distract herself from her guilt.

The four walked into the empty barn, the floorboards creaking beneath them with every step they took. Big Mac closed the doors behind them before they all sat down on a cluster of hay bales.

"So what'd ya'll want to talk about?" Big Mac asked Spike, taking a seat on a bale of hay directly across from the amethyst dragon. Spike's facial expression turned serious.

"Blueblood, Cheese and I are starting a band, and we need a bassist. I already know you play, because I've seen you practicing out in the orchard. I've heard you play, and you put all the other bassists I've heard to shame. What do you say, are you in?"

Big Mac's head was spinning. He had always kept the fact that he played bass guitar a secret. He didn't want anybody else knowing, lest he start hearing criticisms from other musicians on how good he was. Playing bass guitar was a secret passion of his. The feeling of his fingers against the strings and the sound of the low, deep notes emanating from the instrument was bliss to him. Being in a band had always seemed like a fantasy, like something that wouldn't happen in a million years. Yet, here he was now, being offered the chance of a lifetime. He wanted so badly to say yes, but deep down, he knew that he could not.

"I'm sorry, guys," he started, "But I'll have to say no. My family needs me here. If I'm not here, then we'll lose the farm. We're barely making it by as it is."

"Fuck that noise." Blueblood said, startling the other three who sat by him on their own respective hay bales, for he hadn't said a word since they had arrived at the farm. "I can hire somebody to work here in your absence. Give me five minutes, and I can have a guy here working for next to nothing until your family tells him to piss off."

Blueblood's offer rang in Big Mac's ears. How could he possibly say no to that?

"Fuck it." he stated, "I'm in."

A grin stretched across Spike's face. "Welcome to the band, my friend." he said.

Cheese Sandwich smiled devilishly. "That's what I'm fuckin' talking about!" he yelled, pumping one fist into the air. "Let's get this shit started!"

Spike turned to his energetic drummer. "Not yet, Cheese. I still have some unfinished business to take care of with the girls."

Author's Note:

I"m back, bitches! I was SO uninspired for SO long! Turns out that listening to four Black Sabbath albums in a row helps get the creative juices flowing! Wanna find out what happens when Spike tells his former best friends his plans for the future? Wanna know what will happen?
Do you finally wanna know what freakin' songs I'm gonna use for Spike?

Stay tuned for the next chapter of Life of a Dragon: Die for Metal!

Until then,

Live hard and rock on!