• Published 23rd Mar 2012
  • 9,036 Views, 696 Comments

The Parliament of Dreams - Wheller

In a world where no one gets cutie marks anymore, what happens when a young unicorn gets one?

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Chapter 17

Chapter 17

DC Hopely and Sparky headed up to the dining area to join the others for dinner. Sparky kept silent for the duration for the walk, the things that DC Hopely had said during their talk worried her greatly. DC Hopely was her friend, she may not have known her very well, but they were still friends, and she wanted to die. How was Sparky even supposed to feel about that? That was the problem, she didn't know. She looked up at DC Hopely, and could tell that she was deeply troubled, just by her body language. Sparky would have to discuss this with the others later, after DC Hopely had gone to bed.

They entered the dining area, and discovered it packed full. All three hundred passengers were now here, waiting to be served dinner. The two mares looked around for their friends. If they were in here, they did not see them. They did, however, spot in the far back corner of the room someone that they did know. Señora Amarilla de la Manzana, and Juan Carlos, were seated by themselves at a lone table. Sparky and DC Hopely glanced at each other for a moment, and shrugged, before heading over.

'Hello', Sparky said as they approached. 'Mind if we sit?'

Señora looked up at them as they approached, giving them a small frown. Juan Carlos instinctively rose from his seat; Señora interrupted him, raising a hoof. 'Eso será suficiente, Juan Carlos', she said, calling the gryphon off.

Juan Carlos turned to her, looking for a moment, and then sitting back down. 'Sí Señora', he said.

'If you wish to sit, I suppose you may', Señora said. 'There appears to be nowhere else open'.

'Muchas gracias, Señora', DC Hopely said with a nod.

Señora looked at DC Hopely in surprise. 'De nada', she said as Sparky and DC Hopely sat down. 'You speak hispaña?'

DC Hopely nodded. 'Hispaña, cheval, schäferhund... cossack. Could probably pick up more if I had the need to'.

'Rather impressive, I don't believe I have met anyone with such an affinity for languages', Señora said. 'Miss...?'

'DC Hopely', DC Hopely said. 'That's Sparky, though I think the two of you have already met'.

'Señora Amarilla de la Manzana', Señora said. 'That is Juan Carlos', she said, gesturing to the gryphon.

'Pleasure', Sparky said, giving the gryphon a smile. He did not respond, instead, giving her a blank, uncomfortable stare, the thought occurred to her that it was possible that the gryphon did not understand her. Señora had always spoken to him in her native tongue. Sparky turned back towards Señora. 'Does he speak Wallish?' Sparky asked.

'Juan Carlos? No, he does not', Señora said. 'The language of the Equestrian Republic and the United Kingdom of Welara is completely alien to him... he cannot speak it, as to how much of it he understands? I cannot say'.

About this time, a cheval server came around with a salad for each of them. Sparky looked up at him and watched as he approached. Cheval were a race of pegasi, native to the Cheval Fifth Republic. In the past, the easiest way to tell the difference between equestrian pegasi and the cheval was by a cutie mark. Equestrians had them, cheval did not. Now it was not quite so simple. Cheval were overall larger than equestrian pegasi by about twenty per cent. The server was expertly carrying several plates on his outstretched wings. The server placed the plates down in front of the four of them. He bowed politely and departed from the table to bring more salads to others.

Sparky lifted up a fork with her telekinesis and speared a few pieces of lettuce; she opened her mouth and allowed it to enter. She closed her mouth around it and pulled the fork out and began to chew on it.

DC Hopely looked at the fork before her, prodding at it with her hoof trying to figure out how to pick it up. 'How the hell are we supposed to use one of these things!?' she cried out.

'If you figure it out, you are a smarter mare than I', Señora said, opening her mouth. Juan Carlos picked up her fork, spearing pieces of lettuce and guiding it into his mistress's mouth.

'Screw it', DC Hopely said, before face planting into the bowl and eating her salad in a way that was clearly inappropriate for the setting they were in.

Sparky couldn't help but smirk as she watched DC Hopely eat. Sometimes, it paid to be a unicorn.

Dinner consisted of the salad of course, followed by a tomato bisqué soup, which was eaten in similar ways to the salad, Juan Carlos spoon fed the soup to his mistress, and Sparky used her telekinesis, DC Hopely became frustrated with the silverware again, and drank directly from the bowl. Obviously, her table etiquette wasn't proper for the situation, and she garnered a number of dirty looks from the passengers seated at nearby tables.

'What are you looking at?!' DC Hopely cried out at one of them. 'How else am I supposed to eat?'

Said passenger said nothing, and went back to eating their meal.

Desert, consisted of a cherry cheesecake. Of which DC Hopely became very frustrated at due to the fact that it was another dish that required silverware. As the four of them returned to their cabin area after eating, DC Hopely continued to grumble and complain under her breath.

'Relax Hopely, it's not that big of a deal', Sparky said, patting her friend on the shoulder.

'Says the unicorn', DC Hopely grumbled. 'I don't get it! How do the cheval, the schäferhund, or even the hispaña get by using those things?!'

'I use Juan Carlos', Señora said with a shrug. 'And he is only too happy to do so... ¿No es así?, Juan Carlos?', she asked.

'Sí Señora', Juan Carlos said, blindly agreeing to what his mistress said, regardless of the fact that he did not understand the language in which they all were speaking.

As they rounded the last corner to their section of the ship, Señora stopped in her tracks. Juan Carlos stopped as well; he turned around to face her, wondering what was going on.

'Sparky?' Señora asked. 'May I speak to you for a moment? In private?'

'Yes, of course', Sparky said turning around.

Juan Carlos stared in confusion as to what was going on. Señora turned to him and waved him off. 'Está bien, Juan Carlos', she said.

'Sí Señora', the gryphon said as he walked off with DC Hopely back towards their cabins.

'What did you want to talk about, Señora?' Sparky asked when the two were finally alone.

'Your motivations', Señora said. 'You have been trying to get friendly since we met, why?'

Sparky blinked for a few seconds, processing the question, it was rather ironic, but it also happened to be true, Sparky, the introvert that she was, had been attempting to befriend the wellborn mare. 'I could tell that you don't have a lot of friends, that has to get lonely... is there really such a problem with me wanting to be your friend?'

'Yes', Señora said sharply. 'I had friends once... they're all dead now, one died in an accident, another worked herself to death, two others withered away, and another... one day just disappeared off the planet. Friendships are temporary, and they always go in the end, leaving you alone, so yes. There is a problem'.

Sparky frowned. 'You can't honestly believe that, what about Juan Carlos? Isn't he your friend?'

'He is my servant', Señora said, avoiding the question.

'You still talk to him about things, don't you?' Sparky said in response. 'Or I suppose, talk at him, I've never heard him say more than two words, even when you talk to him in hispaña, but let's face it Señora, you can't try to claim that you go through life by yourself, because you don't'.

Señora opened her mouth to respond, but she shut it again just as quickly, she looked towards the floor in despair. Sparky smiled at her and placed a hoof on her shoulder. 'Hey, it's all right, you don't need to be alone, let me be your friend'.

'You will just leave too...' Señora said quietly.

'It may come to that... but it has to be better to be happy for a little while then to be miserable all the time, right?' Sparky said.

Señora looked up at Sparky, offering her a shrug. 'I... I don't know'.

'Come on, I'm sure there's a pleasant person in there underneath all the bitterness', Sparky said with a smile. 'So come on, there's no need to be alone'.

Señora's frown began to fade, and a small smile began to replace it. 'All right', she said.

Sparky wrapped her forelegs around the hispaña mare for a tight hug. 'You won't be alone any more Señora, I promise'.

'You may call me Amarilla', Amarilla said with a smile.

'Nice to finally meet you, Amarilla', Sparky said. The two mares turned and headed back towards the cabins. 'Um... Amarilla? I have a confession to make'.

'What is it?' Amarilla asked, looking at her new friend with worry.

'When me and my friends booked passage on this ship? The company didn't make a mistake...'