• Published 23rd Mar 2012
  • 9,036 Views, 696 Comments

The Parliament of Dreams - Wheller

In a world where no one gets cutie marks anymore, what happens when a young unicorn gets one?

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Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Kelso lay awake in her bed, her mind full of questions; the mysterious unicorn mare that had come to her earlier with the offer of a job had really struck her as odd. Who was she? Why did she want her to investigate this?

Kelso had the FutureTec issue MIP pulled up and she looked through the credentials. Whoever her client was, she had been thorough. This kind of electronic forgery was perfect. 'Ana Kelso, Junior Systems Analyst’; Kelso had been surprised to discover that the image that had appeared on her Police Identification was the same one entered into the MIP.

How had her client gotten access to her police record though? Kelso didn’t know but she did know this: whoever she was? She was very well connected.

After spending several hours thinking about it, Kelso had an idea how the information had come to her client. She rose from her bed, getting dressed in her waistcoat and dawning her matching black fedora and headed down from her flat out towards her car. It was time to take a drive.

Sleep was hard to come by for Viola Auditore; she spent many of her nights roaming the streets of Ponyville on hoof. She had never quite gotten over her falling out with Kelso. What had happened between the two of them wasn't something she would ever be able to forget.

When she did sleep, Viola Auditore’s dreams were all the same. The same reoccurring nightmare of her lying completely helpless in that hospital bed, with Kelso lowering the pillow towards her.

She'd wanted to change, and she'd done her best to do so. She was in charge of Serious and Organised Crime, and she started cracking down on the other detectives under her for taking bribes. She'd gathered the entire department up and explained to them that someone from the Independent Police Complaints Commission had caught wind of their activities and were in the process of investigating them. While it had been a complete lie, they all had believed it; the detectives under her began to act like honest coppers, if only to stave off a prison sentence.

It was temporary at best, someone was going to find out that the IPCC wasn't investigating them, and would probably assume that the investigation had finished and they'd not found the evidence they were looking for, and then they would resume their activates. That was her fault too, she had taught the detectives under her to be like that.

She passed by a dark alleyway and stopped. 'Hey!' a hushed voice said to her.

DCI Auditore turned around, only to have her face bashed in by someone's hoof. She clattered to the ground and lost consciousness.

Viola Auditore awoke to the feeling of cold water being dumped on her head. Her eyes snapped open and she let out a gasp for breath. She was lying in a dark alleyway, her head ached, and her eyes had difficulty focusing, she looked up and discovered that a familiar figure was standing over her.

'Kelso?' she asked.

'Hello Guv', Kelso said, before smashing her in the face with her hoof. 'Who is the pink unicorn?'

DCI Auditore clutched her face in pain; she felt blood dripping out of her nose. 'Kelso... what the hell?!' she cried out.

'What's the matter Guv? You don't like this? Well that's too bad, maybe you should lay down a little excessive force on me huh? Add police brutality to your corruption, huh?' Kelso asked sarcastically, delivering a swift kick to DCI Auditore's stomach. 'Who's the pink unicorn?'

'What pink unicorn?!' DCI Auditore cried out.

'Don't play games we me Viola', Kelso said with a huff. 'The one that came down to my office with my police file? Asking me to look into something for her? How else would she have gotten it, someone had to give it to her!'

That was technically not true, her client had not had Kelso's file, but she had to have access to it, how else would she have gotten that picture? Maybe she was stretching the truth, but it didn't matter. All that did was getting the information she needed, and if she happened to be able to get it by beating up someone as corrupt as DCI Auditore? Then that was all the better.

'Kelso... I don't know a pink unicorn! I didn't give them your file!' DCI Auditore said plainly.

'Don't lie to me!' Kelso snapped at her, delivering another kick to her stomach.

DCI Auditore cried out in pain, her eyes began to water and she doubled over, trying to shield herself from further assault. 'What do you want from me Kelso?! Do you want to beat me until I make a false confession? You want me to tell you what you want to hear? Okay fine, I did, happy? There's your confession, for all the good it'll do you!'

Kelso looked down at DCI Auditore and raised an eyebrow. 'If not you... then who did?' she asked.

'How the hell would I know Kelso? Maybe you should ask your pink unicorn where they got your file?' DCI Auditore said as she struggled to get to her hooves.

'Maybe I will...' Kelso said quietly, before spinning around and delivering another kick to DCI Auditore's stomach. 'That one's for the corruption', she added plainly.

DCI Auditore got back to her knees and started coughing up blood. 'You're lucky I don't arrest you for assault!' she cried out, her threat emptier then a nephite church on Tuesday morning.

'I'd like to see you try!' Kelso said with a huff as she turned to leave, she started trotting back towards the street when DCI Auditore got to her hooves and stumbled after her.

'The only reason I don't is because I deserve every kick', she said with a wheeze. 'Kelso... what are you investigating? Maybe I can help?'

'Piss off', Kelso said as she rounded the corner of the alleyway and headed back into the street, disappearing into the night.

Sparky looked out of the screen as the Leninov came into view of Tartarus, while the Leninov's rotating section had no windows, cameras attached to the windows of the ship's zero centre compartment allowed for the red gas giant to fill the entire view screen, Sparky watched the planet as if she was in a hypnotic trance, she watched as the giant dark spots in the planet's red background swirled, they were the perfect storms in the perfect environment. The storms in the dark spots were said to have lasted at least a thousand years, when they were first identified, possibly even longer.

They were almost there, so close to learning the truth. Sparky looked back down at her cutie mark, it was still there on her flank, but it had almost become a fact of life, with seemingly no rhyme or reason for it. She did know that her life would be incredibly different without it having appeared. She might have still been worried about what the stallions in that bar in Canton were thinking about her in that dress that Shortfuse had given her. Shortfuse did mention that that dress had made her arse look great.

The idea of her wearing it again, and this time with Dizzy in the room popped into her head. Sparky couldn't help but giggle. Oh it would be so cruel to the nephite missionary to wear that in her presence, the poor filly would probably orgasm on the spot.

Sparky's face began to turn red from embarrassment, Dizzy was still her friend, and that wasn't a proper thought to have about her. She shook it from her head and went back to watching the planet.

'Sparky?' said a voice from behind her.

Sparky jumped in surprise, she turned around to see that Dizzy was standing a few metres back from her.

'I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to startle you!' Dizzy said with a frown.

Sparky merely smiled and waved it off as if it was no big deal. 'Sorry, I'd just got caught up looking outside... Tartarus is beautiful!' Sparky said with a bright smile.

'Eh, I've seen better', Dizzy said with a wink.

'Oh stop, you're terrible!' Sparky said rolling her eyes and winking at her in return, Dizzy approached Sparky and stood next to her as they looked at the view towards the Gas Giant.

'How was your sleep in hibernation?' Dizzy asked.

'I didn't notice a thing. It was like I blinked and it was over', Sparky said. 'How about you?'

'I don't think mine worked right. I'm pretty sure I had a dream', Dizzy said with a shrug. 'I've always been really good at recalling dreams'.

'What did you dream about? Having a chat with God?' Sparky asked with a smirk.

'Nah, I haven't had that dream since I was seven', Dizzy said with a shrug. 'I dreamed that we were back at home, in New Maneaan, and I was introducing you to my parents'.

'How did it go?' Sparky asked.

'I don't know, I didn't get that far', Dizzy said with a frown.

'It's something you're worried about?' Sparky asked.

Dizzy nodded her head. 'I'm responsible to God, and it's his opinion of me that matters the most, but my parents are still my parents, they matter too, if they hate me because of my life choices, that's going to cause problems'.

Sparky placed a hoof on Dizzy's shoulder and gave her a smile. 'Don't worry, you're still you, and you're a great person. If they don't accept you, then they're stupid'.

Dizzy looked up at Sparky and smiled. 'Thanks Sparky', she said and turned her head back towards the view screen. 'Hey! I think I see Discovery One!'