• Published 19th Feb 2014
  • 1,561 Views, 67 Comments

The Mailmare and the Watchmaker - Kaf_Kraked_Poni

How far will Ditzy go to keep one stallion happy? She'll do just about anything to make her new friend, Time Turner, feel welcomed. Even lie to him.

  • ...

Time Off

“I brought you a letter!” The bubbly voice carried in from the open window next to the shop door. Ditzy fluttered outside the opening and held a stamped envelope in her hoof. Time Turner, who had just finished tinkering with some small gears, looked up. His eyes bulged out at the flying mare through the magnified lenses of his copper-toned goggles.

“Ah, Ditzy Doo. A pleasure, as always,” he said, lifting the eye-wear over his head. He blinked a few times to readjust his vision.

“No, put them back on!” Ditzy pleaded suddenly. Time Turner removed a hoof from his face and raised a brow.

“Excuse me?”

“Put your glasses back on,” Ditzy chuckled. “You looked like a bug or something!” She laughed and handed him his mail. He retrieved it with a chuckle of his own and shook his head.

“Well, thank you again. Good day, Ditzy.” He placed the envelope on a nearby stand and returned to his work bench.

“What are you working on?” she asked, hanging on the windowsill now. Time Turner replaced his goggles and removed a pocket watch from the small box on his table.

“A customer asked that I fix his beloved family heirloom,” he replied without looking up. “I’m examining the parts and making sure that I have enough spares for a complete repair, if needed.” He looked up now and raised his hoof. “That reminds me, I actually have some mail to be sent out.”

“Whoa,” Ditzy exclaimed. “It’s only been a week since you set up and you’ve got orders for parts or something?”

“Haha, no, not so. My clientele isn’t that rigorous as of yet,” he responded. Time Turner removed his goggles again and trotted over to a large cabinet in the back of the workshop. He had done a rather decent job of stitching up the place after moving in. No longer did cobwebs hang from the ceiling, and the smell of old horseshoe was replaced with a nice lemon fragrance, reminding Ditzy of her favorite snack.

“I didn’t know you had so many clocks and watches, Time Turner,” she said, admiring all of the ticking variants hanging along the walls.

“Well, considering they were all stuffed in a box until just recently, I wouldn’t expect you to,” he replied, unlocking the cabinet. “But that actually pertains to my package in question.”

“Cool, I get to deliver a package to somepony?” Ditzy asked, entering through the window of the shop. She fluttered over to the space behind Time Turner’s counter.

“Oi!” he shouted, causing her to flinch.


“I have a door, you know? Also, this section is for employees only,” he explained, pursing his lips.

“Ah… oh, I’m sorry, Time Turner,” Ditzy sighed.

“I’m merely fooling, Ms. Doo,” he said with a chuckle. “I was actually hoping you would come in and save me the trouble of walking out at the moment.”

“What’s wrong with walking? It’s a beautiful day outside!” she said, twirling about in midair.

“It is rather pleasant, isn’t it?” he observed, peeking out the window. “However, I am really busy, as this is but one of the many commissions I was given upon opening my shop.” He handed her the parcel, and she took it and stuffed it in her mail tote.

“Make any new friends yet?”

“Not as of late,” he replied, making his way back to the work bench. “Won’t you be late for your other deliveries if you remain here and talk with me?”

“Nah,” Ditzy said, holding up her wristwatch. “Since you fixed my watch, I’ve been ahead on all of my deliveries!”

“Well, I suppose that’s something,” Time Turner said, removing a few tools from a chest.

“Yeah it’s something,” Ditzy shouted, fluttering in front of him now. He dropped his micro screwdriver as she positioned herself at the front of the store. “Anyway, thanks again. I’ll make sure to get this package to where you need it, tooth… erm, toost… toot…”

“Tout Suite?” the stallion finished.

“Yeah, tootsie wheat!” Ditzy squeaked. Time Turner shook his head again. “What is it that I’m mailing?” she asked him.

“Did you need to know?” he returned quite suddenly.

“Well, it’s just a department policy. I’d have you fill out the paperwork and subject this to screening, but I trust you!”

“That’s… rather interesting,” Time Turner said. “Very well then, I can promise you all that is is a simple memento to a friend, back home. She requested I mail it to her.”

“Ooh, a her eh? Who’s that, Timey?” Ditzy teased.

“We’re on a nickname basis now, is that it? Okay then, Derpy. She’s actually my lover,” he replied.

“Derpy?” she mused, rubbing her chin. “Hey, it’s because of my eyes, huh?” Time Turner widened his own eyes.

“A rather straight-to-the-point accusation, however accurate.”

“Ha, well you’re lucky it sounds like a cute name,” she said.

“Actually, I would find it rather offensive, and I’m sort of regretting calling you that now.”

“Don’t worry about it, I don’t mind,” Ditzy said, making her way back towards the window. “Why would you move away from your lover?”

“I know I regarded you as frank,” Time Turner began, looking oddly at her, “but I would go as far to say that asking such a thing is borderline nosy.”

“Well, if I had a stallion friend that was my lover, I don’t think I would move away from him,” she argued.

“You know… I am still on the clock,” Time Turner interjected.

“Was that a joke?” Ditzy giggled.

“No,” he chuckled. “I figure, you are working as well, and now might not be the time for fraternizing, hmm?”

“Oh, I get it. I’m bothering you…”

“I’d rather not have thought of it like that, but... I’m sorry, Ditzy, but I really am busy and do wish to get back to my work,” he said.

“That’s okay. I think I’m out of time too,” she replied. She exited through the window, and turned around in a blush. “My bad,” she apologized.

“It’s quite alright,” Time Turner responded. “Just… make sure the window is open when you do that.”

“Hey,” she said again, stopping him in his tracks.

“Yes? What is it, Ms. Doo?”

“After work, me and my friend, Rainbow Dash, usually hang out at the Cider Slider. It’s a neat place. I figured I could show you around town and maybe we can meet up there with her?”

“Where is this coming from all of a sudden?” he asked, strapping his goggles on again.

“It’s been a whole week and you still don’t know anypony here,” she replied, raising a brow.

“That’s not true. Why, today I had the pleasure of acquainting myself with that lovely mare in the town square, with the shop stand,” he retorted.

“What was her name?”

“Appleseed or something of that sort…”

“I just don’t want you to be lonely here is all,” Ditzy said then, removing Time Turner from his thoughts.

“Alone? I’m not really alone. I’ve sent and received a few messages from May Flower, and I see you almost everyday.”

“May Flower? Is she your girlfriend?”

“Right then, that’s enough,” Time Turner chuckled, slipping his goggles over his face. “I’ll be busy now. Carry on, Ms. Doo. I thank you for the invitation, but I’ve got to have this done by Wednesday. Good day.”

“Okay…” Ditzy said, hovering in the same spot for a little while. “My offer still stands. If you want to see the town, and maybe get to know more than the mailmare and the apple clerk. Come by the Cider Slider.”

“Thank you, I will keep that in mind,” Time Turner said, removing a piece from the pocket watch. Although she remained outside the building, he refused to acknowledge her anymore. He was now removing pieces left and right and mumbling incoherent words to himself.

Ditzy shuffled off, flying low to the ground, deep in thought. She nearly finished her route, remaining silent along the way, except to those who had readily greeted her on her trip. The smile would fade, however, as she thought back to the earth pony sitting alone in his little shop.

“I guess I struck a nerve,” she said, stopping at a cottage to deliver some mail. “My bad.”

“May Flower? Sounds prissy if you ask me,” Rainbow Dash commented, finishing a gulp of apple cider in her mug. She placed the cup on the oaken tabletop, laying down another bit for the waiter to fill up her container. “Time Turner sounds pretty stuck up too.”

“He’s actually really nice,” Ditzy replied, poking her banana-nut muffin. The sound of billiards in the background distracted her for a second. It reminded her of a ticking clock. “It just seems like he’s a little… edgy.”

“I would be too, especially if I called Applejack Appleseed,” Rainbow chuckled. “Wait till I tell her…”

“I want him to feel welcomed here. He was really kind to me, and is the only pony that really associates with me—”

“Ahem!” Rainbow Dash coughed, leaning over the bar and glaring at the mare next to her.

“On the job,” Ditzy finished, taking a sip of her drink. Rainbow did the same, releasing a satisfied sigh afterwards. The fans overhead hummed subtly, only audible whenever the soft jazz in the background switched tracks.

“Did ya invite him here? It’s not a bad place to get to know some ponies.”

“I mentioned it,” the gray mare replied. “He didn’t seem too excited.”

“Heh, he probably drinks stuff like unsweetened tea, and eats biscuits all day.”

“Why are you being mean?” Ditzy asked, shoving her friend a little.

“I’m not!” Rainbow protested. “I’m just teasing you about your crush is all.”

“He’s not my crush,” Ditzy replied. She scrunched her muzzle up at Rainbow’s accusation. All Rainbow did in return was grin slyly, and sip out the top of her glass.

“Then why are you so worried about him?” she chuckled. “If anything, he’ll get bored holed up in his little shop and start meeting some ponies before you know it. Give it some time.”

“Besides… he has May Flower, remember?”

“Oh, so you’re going back to that, huh? It’s so fancy… it’d be like a name you’d give a hot air balloon!” Rainbow laughed. “Excuse me, sir, would you fancy a ride on my dirigible? I like to call her, May Flower!”

“She doesn’t sail too badly, to tell the truth,” Time Turner said from behind the mare. Rainbow Dash slipped off of her stool and fell on the floor, garnering a few chuckles from around the room. “So sorry, allow me to give you a lift,” the stallion said, holding his hoof out.

“I got it, just back up,” Rainbow Dash said, picking herself off of the floor.

“Time Turner, you decided to come!” Ditzy cheered.

“Yes, well… I finished that commission earlier than I expected, and rather than sit at home sipping tea and nibbling on biscuits, I decided to see what common ponyfolk do in their spare time.”

“Har har, you’ve got a sense of humor,” Rainbow Dash said, fixing her bar stool. “You gonna seat yourself, or what?”

“If you don’t mind, Ms. Dash,” Time Turner said, taking the stool next to Ditzy. “I would like a glass of water though, a lemon on the side as well.” The bartender stared at the stallion for a moment and shuffled off to complete the request.

“Water? Does he know where he’s at?”

“Rainbow Dash, stop!” Ditzy protested, swinging around to face the other pegasus.

“I can see why you associate with somepony like Ms. Dash here, Ditzy,” Time Turner remarked. “She’s a great listener.”

“Time Turner, that's—”

“Are you trying to start something?” Rainbow interrupted. Ditzy shrunk in her stool. “I don’t have a problem pounding you up, buddy.”

“I’m not wanting to start anything, Ms. Dash. I am merely associating with you, as per custom in this village,” the stallion replied.

“You know, I’d like to mess your teeth up… but given where you’re from, I might not have to!” Rainbow Dash slammed her hoof on the bar.

“Goodness, can’t a stallion order a drink without being subjected to the stereotypes of his ethnicity? I suppose it’s to be expected from your sort, however.” The bartender returned with a tall glass of water and a sliced lemon on a saucer.

“Hope it ain’t too yankee for ya,” he said, trotting away. Time Turner turned to Ditzy and pointed a hoof at the bartender’s back.

“Time Turner,” she said, furrowing her brow, “why did you come here? Did you really take me up on my offer, or are you trying to do something else?”

“All I’m trying to do is get a drink,” he replied, picking up his glass. He squeezed a lemon slice in the cup and dropped the husk inside. “After which I will gladly depart back home.”

“Hey, you started things,” Rainbow Dash growled, bringing her cup up to her mouth. She took several large gulps and sat the mug down. “I was just playing around.”

“Do make it more apparent next time, as I tend to take things rather seriously outside of my comfort zone,” Time Turner said.

Ditzy sat silent, shifting her eyes back and forth between Rainbow Dash and Time Turner. Each one had taken to studying a different object within the establishment, quietly enjoying their beverages. She took a bite of her muffin and sipped some cider, sighing and leaning on the bar.

“She was from Manehattan, by the way,” Time Turner suddenly said. Both mares looked in his direction. “Loved apples. Still does, I bet. About as yankee as one could get.” He finished his water and placed a few bits on the table. Stepping off of his bar stool, he looked towards Ditzy and smiled. “Thank you for inviting me.” He leaned over and gave a small smile to Rainbow Dash. “Thank you for bearing with me.”

“I might have to get used to it,” she replied, spinning some coins on the tabletop. Time Turner nodded.

“You might have to,” he affirmed. He gave Ditzy one final farewell gesture, and left.

“Yeah, he seems nice,” Rainbow muttered from her raised mug. Ditzy Doo sighed, sliding her drink between her hooves.