• Published 19th Feb 2014
  • 1,562 Views, 67 Comments

The Mailmare and the Watchmaker - Kaf_Kraked_Poni

How far will Ditzy go to keep one stallion happy? She'll do just about anything to make her new friend, Time Turner, feel welcomed. Even lie to him.

  • ...

To Whom it May Concern

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, and you didn’t open the envelope?” Rainbow Dash asked, nearly choking on her drink.

“No! I… I mean, it wasn’t mine… I didn’t…”

“Let me stop you right there,” Rainbow said, holding her hoof up. “You had the opportunity of a lifetime and didn’t take it, because you were worried about what he might think of you?”

“Gosh, Rainbow,” Ditzy said. “You make it sound like you could do this without any issues at all.”

“Yeah, if I didn’t know the stallion, which I don’t,” Rainbow replied. She chuckled a little and took a sip of her drink. Lowering her glass slightly, she peered at Ditzy. A small grin cracked across her face. “This proves that you like him…”


“Bwahahahahaha!” Rainbow Dash laughed, and then coughed suddenly, as her cider invaded her lungs. She swiveled in her chair, spurting out half-laughs, half-coughs as Ditzy burned a violent red.

“I already told you, he has a girlfriend!”

“Or… maybe he doesn’t anymore,” she wheezed.

“What are you sa—”

“Who’d you say that letter was from? Maybelieve?”

“May Flower,” Ditzy corrected.

“Whatever,” Rainbow sighed. “There’s a chance that May Flower has sent a break-up message to her handsome stallion.”

“You’re being antagonistic,” Ditzy growled. “Stop being antagonistic!”

“I’m being optimistic!” Rainbow shouted, slamming her drink down. “Didn’t you say that he was having girl problems with this mare?”

“So, what? Pounce on him the moment his girlfriend conveniently dumps him?”

“Well, when you say it like that—”

“No, Rainbow,” Ditzy affirmed. “Unlike you, I have morals.”

“I have morals,” Rainbow replied quickly. “It’s just a matter of me followin’ them is all.”

“Fine, then, I follow my morals,” Ditzy retorted, gripping her drink. She brought it close to her lips but stopped as a flash of white appeared in the corner of her eye.

“You follow your morals, huh? Then what’s this doing here?”

“Where did you—”

“Stickin’ out of your mailbag… It’s funny, this is the first time you’ve brought it with you after work,” Rainbow replied, straightening out the envelope. “You don’t mind if I…”

“I swear, on Celestia’s mane, if you open that letter…” Ditzy Doo started, furrowing her brow.

“First off, don’t do that, because you can’t pull off a pissed face with those eyes… Second, what are you going to do? Hit me? I’ve taken swats from adult dragons.”

“I won’t hit you,” Ditzy said through clenched teeth. “But I promise you, you won’t like it.”

“Relax, Derpy,” Rainbow chuckled. “I’m not that much of a—”

“Oof! Pardon me,” a drunken patron said, bumping into Rainbow Dash’s stool.

“Watch where you’re going, you drunk!” Rainbow shouted, shoving the stallion away. The pony stumbled, grabbing for the closest thing he could find. He latched onto Rainbow’s hoof, but she broke away, violently jerking her forearm back. When she pulled away, the letter, still in hoof, tore in two, splitting both the envelope and the contents inside.

“Rainbow!” Ditzy screamed, grabbing for the paper.

“What?! He’s fine!” she replied, waving her hoof at the stumbling stallion.

“Not that! Time Turner’s letter! You ripped it!”

“I what?”

“You ripped his letter, you idiot!” Ditzy grabbed for Rainbow’s chest, but Rainbow leaned back and slapped the other mare’s hooves away.

“Hey, don’t yell at me!”

“You’re always calling me a clutz or a derp, but you’re the stupid jerk that ripped Time Turner’s letter!”

“Chill out, Ditzy! Geez, I’m sorry!”

The two mares went at each other for a little bit, but the bartender split them apart with his magic. He sat them each a stool apart and placed another drink in front of them.

“Cool it, or I’ll have you both thrown out,” he said. “And don’t litter in my bar,” he finished, pointing out the torn paper on the floor. Ditzy leaned down to scoop up the fragments and glared at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow paid her no mind, sipping from her mug as if the whole altercation never even happened.

“So, what’s it say?” she asked then, still refraining from looking at Ditzy. “Might as well, seeing that it’s open.”

Ditzy sighed, setting the two halves on the counter and pushing them towards Rainbow Dash. She took her mug and emptied the glass, setting it down lightly and clearing her throat.

“I’m not going to read it.”

Rainbow scoffed, but grabbed the paper and pieced the halves together. She murmured to herself as she skimmed through its contents, chuckling a little here and there. Ditzy sulked in her stool, sliding her glass back and forth across the counter. She looked through the empty glass and saw her own reflection staring back at her with the same forlorn look that she could imagine Time Turner would have.

“Well, the good news is that you can still flirt with him,” Rainbow said, sliding the letter down to Ditzy. She quickly looked up and eyed the paper. Although a bit hesitant, her hooves grabbed for the sheets and her eyes began to scan the page. “She’s got pretty neat mawwriting,” Rainbow commented, “assuming she ain’t a unicorn.”

Time Turner,

If you are reading this, then it is obvious that I have chosen my answer. My only regret is that you should have to find out through this measly letter. You know I do not like to pour out my feelings in a splatter of fountained ink, but given the circumstances…

Look, I’ll be frank. It was never going to work. We couldn’t have lived the lives we wanted, not with the circumstances presented to us. You obviously had to concentrate on your work, and I needed to separate myself from your bad habits.

Our moment in the sun, our little heated soire, our midnight fling… I fear that was all that was. This moment of respite has cleared my mind and has revealed to me that our feelings, while they may have been genuine for you, they were not the same for me. For this, I am deeply sorry.

I do not wish to hurt you. I do not want to forget you, but sadly, I do not love you. I thank you, Time Turner, and I hope and wish for you the best.


Lady May Flower

“This is…”

“Kinda sucks, doesn’t it?” Rainbow finished for Ditzy. “Honestly, I feel sorry for the guy. It seems like she really liked him from how delicate she wrote it.”

“What do I do?” Ditzy asked, holding her head in her hooves.

“What do you mean, ‘What do you do?’ It’s not supposed to be any of your business,” Rainbow replied.

“I mean the letter!” Ditzy cried. “Time Turner was supposed to get this today. It says in the first line that if he reads this, then that means they’re done… but he hasn’t read it yet!”

“And you can’t really tell him because—”

“Because then he’ll know I’ve gone through his mail! It would break his trust with me if he found out, and May Flower’s words would break his heart,” Ditzy finished. “Oh! This is such a mess!” Ditzy ruffled her mane and brought her head down onto the counter hard. “Oh, what do I do? What do I do? I just don’t know.”

“Ditzy, relax,” Rainbow Dash said, placing a hoof on her shoulder. “Look, all we gotta do is make it look like the letter got roughed up in the delivery process, and then play it off like we don’t know a thing, yeah?”

“How can you just play this off like nothing’s happened?” Ditzy asked in a half-sob.

“Might be the booze, might be the fact that I don’t really care for the guy, but whatever it is, it doesn’t really matter. All we can do is move forward from this point,” Rainbow replied. Ditzy growled at her. Rainbow growled back. “Look, I’m trying to help you now!”

“I wouldn’t need help if you just minded your own business and let me vent like a normal friend!”

“Minded my own—? You kinda made it my business when you came in here flaunting that letter around and asking for advice!” The bartender cleared his throat, and both mares sidled away from each other slightly. Rainbow coughed. “Sorry, if that’s what you want to hear. I didn’t mean to actually open it… It kind of just happened.”

“I know,” Ditzy said. “I was the dummy who brought it with me. I don’t even know why, I guess I just forgot to take the bag off when I rushed out.”

“Sounds like something you would do.” Rainbow asked for another glass and looked at her friend. She released a long sigh and stroked her mane back. “Still want my help?”

“I don’t know,” Ditzy replied. She rested her head on the counter again and began tracing a circle with her hoof.

“You should just tell him, then, if you want to do the right thing,” Rainbow said, taking a drink. “If you really feel like it’s going to put a wall between you two, then go ahead and tell him.”

“Yeah… maybe that’s… Hey wait! We’re not even together like that! Stop suggesting things!”

“Oh come one, give me the benefit of the doubt this time!” Rainbow groaned. “Quit acting like a dork and just do what you feel is right.”

“What I feel…” Ditzy repeated. “I feel a little tired, to be honest.”


“Okay… You can do this, Ditzy,” she said to herself as she fluttered outside of Time Turner’s shop. “It’s no big deal. You’re going to look him straight in the eye, and you’re going to tell him… Like Rainbow Dash said, don’t deviate!” She nodded to herself for a moment before quickly resigning to a furious head shake. “Aah! This is so frustrating!” she cried, pulling on her face.

“Frustrating?” Time Turner asked from behind. Ditzy nearly dropped her entire mail bag.

“T-time Turner?!”

“Hello, Ditzy Doo,” Time Turner said with a smile. “It’s good to see you again… My, you look a little exhausted… are you all right?”

“Oh, erm… I’m fine,” Ditzy said, clearing her throat. Time Turner cocked his head at her.

“Funny, the sun isn’t that bright today, and yet you’re sweating profusely… Are you sure you’re all right? Perhaps you just need a drink?” Ditzy nodded her head real fast and feigned a smile. Time Turner chuckled and walked up to the door of his shop. He fished for his keys in his satchel and began unlocking the door.

“Sorry I’m a little late,” he said then, as Ditzy was silently trying to figure out how to explain the situation to him. “I was just taking a little scenic detour on my way to the shop. I revisited the path we took to the park last night and I actually bought a muffin from Sugarcube Corner for breakfast.”

“O-oh… Th-th-that’s nice,” Ditzy said, not really paying attention.

“Yes, I was hoping to familiarize myself with the rest of the town. It would be nice to give May Flower a tour if she should ever come over.”

“Huh? What?”

“Oh, well, I recently sent a letter to May Flower, I believe you were the one who delivered it actually, just a few days ago,” Time Turner began. “I had asked her, should she come to a decision, that she visit me in Ponyville.”

“That would be… nice,” Ditzy gulped, shifting her hind legs slightly. He opened the shop and allowed her inside, setting his keys on the counter and running the ceiling fan in the lobby. He entered the back of the shop through the small door in the counter and began humming to himself as he prepared for the day.

“I take it you have something to deliver to me, otherwise I’d rather not keep you from your route,” he said suddenly, drawing Ditzy out of her fidgeting daze. She bit her bottom lip and let out a small cry of affirmation.

“J-just a few letters, is all…” she replied, taking a deep breath afterwards.

“Ah, any word on what we discussed earlier?”

“Oh, you mean about… your letter… Umm, a-actually…”

“Ditzy? Are you all right? Your mind seems to be elsewhere at the moment.”

Ditzy straightened up her stance and shook her head. She straightened her mane and fixed her hat, forcing another smile on her face.

“I-it’s nothing, I’m just… hungry right now. I think I have the shakes.” she chuckled.

“Hmm, you should get that checked, perhaps it’s a condition that runs in your family?”

“Maybe,” she replied. She quickly dug her hoof in her mailbag and pulled out a few letters. “Th-this is what I have for you today, Time Turner.”

“Oh, thank you,” he replied, taking the letters and humming to himself. He set them down on the counter and spread them out, one by one. As he was sorting, Ditzy stood there, still fidgeting a little, but unable to draw her eyes away from the papers. Her heart thumped as he got closer and closer to the last envelope in the pile.

“You know, I mentioned you in that letter I sent to her.” He said, moving away before unveiling the final envelope.

“Y-you did?” was all Ditzy could say.

“Yes. I assure you, it was only minimal in exposition, and I think it’ll be wonderful to hear what she thinks. Honestly, I hope she’s not jealous,” he said with a small chuckle.

Ditzy did the same, scolding herself for even still being present. Her urge to take off and just fly was as powerful as her conviction to remain put. She must’ve been trying hard to refrain from bolting, because Time Turner held another concerned expression on his face as he looked at her.

“Okay, I’m no doctor, but now I’m certain you have something ailing you,” he said, trotting over to her. She backed away.

“N-no! I’m fine, really! I’m just… well, you see…”

“You… have something to tell me? What is it, Ditzy? You can tell me, I won’t run my mouth to anyone if it’s secrecy you want.” A sharp pain hit her in the chest, and she could feel her knees beginning to buckle. Sweat dripped off of her head like a cascading waterfall as a billion thoughts ran through her head.

What if he finds out? How will I explain this to him? Why can’t I do this?

She inhaled sharply, startling the stallion. He allowed her some space and she chuckled nervously.

“I... well… I found your missing letter last night, Time Turner,” she managed to finally say.

“Y-you did?” he said suddenly, his mane almost rising as high as his voice fluctuation. “Where is it? Did you give it to me?” Ditzy nodded and motioned with her muzzle to the last few white slips of paper on the counter. Time Turner hurried over to the counter and removed the one on top to retrieve a lightly colored envelope, sealed with a golden crest over the melted wax.

“This…” he began, as he picked the envelope up, “this is it. Thank you, Ditzy!” he cried, tearing into it immediately.

“Yeah, you’re welcome…” she said, looking at the floor. Her heart started to beat in her ears again and the shakes returned. Time Turner read the note, his eyes opened wide and his mouth parted to show his grinning teeth. However, as he read on, his face drooped some, and his eyes relaxed. His shoulders fell as well, and he placed the note face down after finishing it.

“That’s odd,” he said then, shifting his eyes about. “It’s very unlike Mayflower to send me a letter of this nature. Nothing here sounds like anything she would actually say,” he said, looking at Ditzy now. The mare froze, swallowing a lump in her throat.

“W-what does it say?” she asked, tilting her head.

“Well, I guess without delving too far into details, she’s informed me that she’s yet to make a decision…” Time Turner sat on the ground, his head and ears down. “I’m sorry for burdening you with my personal information,” he said, shaking his head. “It’s just… this is very unlike Mayflower.”

“Oh, well… I-I don’t know what to say—”

“No, but I do,” he quickly said, leaping for a scrap of paper. “I’m sorry, my dear, but if I could just get you to leave for a moment.”

“What are you doing?” Ditzy asked, her mind now going multiple places at once.

“I’m replying, what does it look like?” he said. “I’ll need you to deliver this to her, posthaste, seeing as how this letter is already delayed by the postmark.”

“No, this isn’t how it’s supposed to go…” she whined quietly. “He’s not supposed to write back!”

“Are you still here, Ditzy?” Time Turner’s voice rang sharp in her ears.

“L-leaving right now!” she cried, turning for the door.

“Just a moment,” he said, bolting over to her. “Make sure this gets delivered as soon as possible, do you understand, Ditzy?” She nodded. He sighed, scrunching his nose and letting out a small grunt. “I-I’m sorry, but… Just… just deliver and-and-and bring me… Yes,” he stammered out.

“Okay, I got it, Time Turner,” Ditzy said, nodding faster and backing away. She opened the door and spread her wings, ready to pounce into the air.

“Wait!” he called out from inside the building. Ditzy aborted her take-off and peered inside.


“I know I needn’t say this, but please, Ditzy… keep that confidential. It would mean the world to me if you didn’t see what was on that page.” He gave a smile, or, as best a smile as his contorted face would allow, and waved.

“Alright, Time Turner,” Ditzy called back. She lifted into the sky and flew away, hyperventilating a little before finally regulating her flight. She waited until his little shop vanished behind her and gave a final sigh, using this time to catch her breath. As she soared through the sky, she assaulted herself with a hoof, smacking her forehead repeatedly.

“STUPID! STUPID!” she cried out, a deep pit eating at her gut and heart. Time Turner’s words echoed in her head over and over again, and she couldn’t help but feel worse as they began to set in. The silence of flight ate at her just as much as her regret, giving her more time to think about what she had done. If she got caught, it was over. They were done.

She flew the remainder of her route, delivering her packages and mail in a silent stupor. Those that managed to even greet Ditzy as she did her job were outright ignored, left to wonder at the skewed countenance their local mailmare held. The remainder of the day, she just mumbled to herself, taking the time between deliveries to stare at the letter Time Turner had given her before she departed.

“You’re a fool, Ditzy Doo,” she told herself as she perched atop a cloud in the sky. She fished in her bag and brought out a torn sheet of paper, along with the newly penned letter Time Turner handed to her. She sighed heavily, and with a shaky hoof and a dry mouth, opened the letter. “One more time,” she told herself, already regretting the mistake she was making again. “Just one more letter as Mayflower, I’ll just write what she originally wanted to say!”

She picked up the letter Time Turner had hastily scrawled and skimmed it. A look of shock washed over her face then, and she lowered the sheet slowly, scrunching her face up. “Or not.”

Comments ( 21 )

What did he write Ditzy? WHAT DID HE WRITE?:flutterrage:

“Well, I guess without delving too far into details, she’s informed me that she’s yet to make a decision…”

I have never facehoofed so hard :facehoof:

I've already thought of at least 10 ways out of this

“Okay, I’m no doctor..."

I :rainbowlaugh:'d

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't Derpy. Don't become this possessive mare. Have standards and morals. Please!!! Good chapter by the way.

Thank you, I try very hard :pinkiehappy:

I'm so sorry!
I just had to act on the feeling before it went away

She chuckled a little and took a sip of her drink, slyly peering at Ditzy with her raised glass.

I get what you are trying to say, but this is how it comes across:

The two mares went at each other for a little bit

This is, to me at least, a rather important scene that you just kinda skipped over. I mean, that's really all you have to say about this? They "went at it"?

and saw her own reflection, staring back at her with

*remove the comma
Really don't need the comma there, and it just kind of slows down the story without cause.

“Might be the booze, might be the fact that I don’t really care for the guy, but whatever it is, it doesn’t really matter. All we can do is move forward from this point,” Rainbow replied. Ditzy growled at her. Rainbow growled back. “Look, I’m trying to help you now!”

Look at this paragraph: it's all about Rainbow, then suddenly, Ditzy. The underlined segment has nothing to do with the surrounding words, so it should be its own paragraph (essentially, it's as though she is speaking here).

This happens rather frequently at certain points of the story.

“I wouldn’t need help if you just minded your own business and let me vent like a normal friend!”

“Minded my own—? You kinda made it my business when you came in here flaunting that letter around and asking for advice!” The bartender cleared his throat, and both mares sidled away from each other slightly. Rainbow coughed. “Sorry, if that’s what you want to hear. I didn’t mean to actually open it… It kind of just happened.”

Several things here.
One, the underlined portion should be its own paragraph.
Two, sidled isn't quite the correct word choice in this context. I do believe they are sitting, and sidle means "to walk timidly or unobtrusively. . ."
Three, it would have been better if you would have shown them getting closer to each other, that way the bartender's line and whatever word you chose to replace "sidle" make a bit more of an impact. You could even have them go muzzle to muzzle or something.

I don’t even know why, I guess I just forgot to take the bag off when I rushed out.”

“Hmm, you should get that checked, perhaps it’s a condition that runs in your family?”

Comma splice. Kill it with fire.

Rainbow asked for another glass

Perhaps "nodded for another glass" would be better in this context. Or "motioned for."

she said to herself as she fluttered outside

She nodded to herself for a moment

This is only needed if the character speaking is near other people. If said character isn't, it's really quite redundant, since she's the only one there. Think about it; why are you specifying the target of the action twice?

Time Turner cocked his head at her.

Erm . . . That's kind of an odd phrasing. "Angled his head at her" . . . so he's, like, staring at the floor while he gives her a view of the top of his head?

Ditzy nodded her head real fast

Really? You think I'm gonna let you slide this by me? You have another thing coming, mister. :trollestia:
Seriously though, this is one of the worst adjectives you can possibly use (technically, it's not even a proper adjective; "really" would be correct, but just as poor a word choice).

“Funny, the sun isn’t that bright today, and yet you’re sweating profusely… Are you sure you’re all right? Perhaps you just need a drink?” Ditzy nodded her head real fast and feigned a smile. Time Turner chuckled and walked up to the door of his shop. He fished for his keys in his satchel and began unlocking the door.

Another example of two paragraphs that are smashed together. Also, "began unlocking" is weak when compared to "unlocked." And since unlocking a door really doesn't take all that long of a time, I'd use the latter.

he said then

This really isn't necessary. Cut it.

I revisited the path we took to the park last night and I actually bought a muffin from Sugarcube Corner for breakfast.”

Need a comma in there.

Ditzy said, not really paying attention.

A bit telly. I'd do something about it.

“Oh, well, I recently sent a letter to May Flower, I believe you were the one who delivered it actually, just a few days ago,”

The underlined portion cannot be set off by commas. You need unspaced em dashes on either side of the segment in place of the commas.

“I-it’s nothing, I’m just… hungry right now. I think I have the shakes.” she chuckled.

That period needs to be a comma.

“You know, I mentioned you in that letter I sent to her.” He said, moving away

Period needs to be a comma, and the "h" needs to be lowercase.

She must’ve been trying hard to refrain from bolting, because Time Turner held another concerned expression on his face as he looked at her.

. . . I don't think I would even try to fix this line. I'd just cut it and rewrite it from scratch. The narrator, whose word is law, suddenly says "must have," which doesn't make any sense at all—on top of the fact that we've been reading about how she's been fidgeting for the past couple of paragraphs. And again, "trying hard" is really a terrible word choice.

he said, looking at Ditzy now.

Again, really an unnecessary word here. He looks at her when we read the sentence, so saying it again is redundant.

Those that managed to

"who" People are well, people, not objects.


Nice to see another chapter for this thing. I was beginning to lose hope. :fluttershbad:
Aside from the mechanical errors I pointed out—or might have forgotten to include—good chapter.

Damn. It feels good to write again. As you can see, however, I'm more than a bit rusty.

Not going to lie, I am disappointed that I let these errors slip through. But the fact that I actually care is a good feeling as well. Cheers.

I can't say I've seen a one-legged love triangle before. Color me intrigued.

hmm.... is it just me or did he see straight through what Derpy tried there? I hope the next chapter comes out soon. I want to see how this unfolds^^

Well, I will definately be tracking this.

Thumb and added to my recommendation group.

Thank you for your input and your support!

“Okay, I’m no doctor, but now I’m certain you have something ailing you,”

Oh, you little tease!

Me: :raritydespair: no more chapters :fluttercry:

5468956 but you did great :D

It'll come, I won'r promise anything, but I will get this story done.


Oh, Thank you. It's been so long though, I can't recall if I added it or if someone else did XD

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