• Published 24th Apr 2014
  • 5,109 Views, 97 Comments

The Orange Apple and the Bookworm - Some Person

A rollercoaster of emotions happen to Applejack and Twilight.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Twilight quickly entered her home and shut the door behind her, allowing herself one huff. "This is really happening," she murmured. "If I'm going to do this, I'd better prepare for it." She looked around the library for a moment. "Spike?" she called out. "Are you home?"

"You rang?" he replied, peeking his head out from the second story.

"Okay, good. I need you to do me a favor and gather all the books we've got on dating advice, please."

Spike stared deadpan. "I'm sorry, I'm pretty sure I misheard you. What was that?"

"All the books on dating advice, and the sooner the better."

Spike continued to stare until he put on a wry grin. "Are you going on a date?"

Twilight stood straight and her ears folded back as she felt her cheeks warming up. "Me?! D-d-don't be silly! I need them for..." she frantically looked around the room. "A story. That's what."

Spike raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yes, really. I happen to enjoy writing stories from time to time; you should know that!"

Both Spike and Twilight continued to stare at each other. "Gimme a minute," Spike slowly backed away. His footsteps could be heard making their way towards and down the stairs. He then walked towards the bookroom across from the den and closed the door behind him. Twilight tapped her hooves on the floor and started to reflect on her time recently spent with Applejack. First she thought of her smile, and began smiling herself. Then she drifted towards the feeling of their hooves intertwined at the theater, and the way Applejack confessed her deep feelings at the diner.

How did I not notice any of this about her? she wondered as she pressed her hooves against her cheeks. Next she started to remember the firm yet caring touch of those hooves on her back, and slight tickle she felt as Applejack's hoof brushed along her cheek. Her cheeks burned, which made her shake her head, hooves covering her face. I mean... it's not like I didn't enjoy the time I spent with her. But does that mean I have feelings for her? How do I know this isn't just a strong friendship and not romance? Finally, she recalled the one quote that left her hair standing on end.

"Twilight... would you mind if... ah... k-k-kissed you?"

With a furious blush, she raced toward her kitchen and drank several glasses of water. Once finished, she walked back towards her den and pressed her right forehoof to her forehead. Let's take this easy, Twilight. she told herself. Come next week, this will all be figured out. She's been the only one making the moves so far, so I've got to step up my game. The door to the book room opened, and Spike walked in. Twilight smiled, but her expression slowly degraded as she saw one lone book in his claws. "Is that the only book we have?"

"Uh... yeah, and this is it." Spike looked at the book cover once more. "But I really don't think this will help you, Twilight. It looks pretty bad."

"Oh, come now, Spike. Haven't I told you that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover?"

"I think we can make an exception here."

"Spike, please. Can I just see the book?"

A moment passed as Spike looked at the book cover once more, then back to Twilight. "Alright..." He held the book out and allowed Twilight to lift it into the air.

"Thank you, now what's so..." She paused as she took her time to examine the cover. On it was a mare in dim lighting looking towards the camera, her eyes half lidded, mane messily styled, and makeup sloppily administered. In bold letters in front of her was the title, 'How to be the Ultimate Ladykiller: A Self-Help Guide to Pulling Out of the Friendzone'. She looked back at Spike, who was staring expectantly back at her. "It... could be more than it seems," Twilight reasoned. She walked up the stairs and towards her bed, where she sat herself down and opened the front cover, looking at the table of contents.

"Let's start with... first dates." She flipped the pages towards the chapter and started reading a bullet-point list of tips. "Telling a mare her haunches are hella fine is a definite must for first time daters." Twilight found herself stuck, staring at that first point. You can't be serious. She started to skim the rest of the list and several pages afterwards, herself growing a grimace with every passing second.

She paused and rested her face in her hoof as she shook her head. One more idiotic idea, and that’s it. Twilight turned the page and the chapter title read ‘Why She Owes You a Date’ She quickly shut the book and stomped downstairs, dumping it in the first trashcan she saw.

"So..." Spike began, one eyebrow raised.

"I read the inside, and that's what counts." She walked towards the front door.

"Where are you off to?"

"I'm going to talk to Rarity. She'd have better ideas than a book like that."

"Can you tell her I said hi?"

"Will do. I'll be back later."


Twilight stood outside Rarity's boutique and knocked on the door three times. She waited outside, looking around, until the entrance opened.

"Why hello, Twilight," Rarity greeted. "What brings you here?"

"Oh, I needed to ask you a few questions. Is this a bad time?"

"I can make time, dear. Do come in." Rarity led her friend inside, where two lounge-chairs were placed within. They both took a seat. "Now then, what's on your mind?"

Twilight took a deep breath. "I need some advice from you."

"It seems quite a few ponies need my advice these days. What kind do you need?"

"...D-dating advice."

Rarity covered her mouth with her hoof as her eyes went wide. "My, my, Twilight. You've got yourself a date?"

Twilight shakily nodded. "It... kinda started so suddenly."

"Regardless, details! What is he like?"

"He's, uh..." Twilight began rubbing her hooves. "He's... a hard working pony. He has to help manage a business while taking care of his family duties. I've been friends with him for a while now, but he suddenly asked me out one day. I don't really know if he's the right kind of pony for me, but so far we've gone on two dates. They turned out well, but I'm still unsure of how things should proceed between us."

Rarity smiled. "He sounds like quite a catch."

"I've actually seen a new side to him since we started going out. This whole thing has been a whirlwind of events to me, but all in all, I really haven't minded it."

"That almost sounds..." Rarity trailed off, looking away and placing a hoof on her lips.

Twilight adjusted her position. "Is something wrong, Rarity?"

"What were your two dates, so far?"

"Well, we went to the movies and watched Les Miserables, and then he showed me some tricks he can do with a lasso."

"Is that so," Rarity replied, turning around and walking a small distance away.

"Is everything okay?"

Rarity turned back to her friend and waved her hoof. "Oh, I was... going to say that he sounds like a total dreamboat. And... as much as I'd love to continue talking about this, I'm afraid I just remembered a rather large order I need to get completed, and it could take me a while, so I must get started right away."

"Can I visit you sometime another time? I'm going on another date with him next week, and could use your help."

"Next week? Oh, I'm sorry, dear. I'll be very busy until then. Won't be able to do much then."

"Oh, I see," Twilight replied as her ears drooped. "Is there anypony else you know of who could help me?"

Rarity rubbed her hooves together and looked away. Then she clapped her hooves once and replied, "Yes, actually. I know of the perfect pony to give you advice!"


Twilight sat at a booth within Stableys and drank some of her water. She glanced up at the clock, which read three-o-clock. "I hope she shows up soon," she muttered to herself. Right on cue, she heard hoofsteps approaching from behind. She turned around to see her friend standing there.

"Hey, Twilight," Rainbow Dash greeted.

"Hello, Rainbow Dash. How are you?"

"Doing good. Just got off of work." Rainbow sat in the empty seat across from Twilight. "So what's up? You need me for something?"

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "I thought Rarity filled you in."

"No, she just told me you needed some kinda help."

"Well... okay then. The truth is..." Twilight paused and looked around the restaurant, then leaned forward and whispered, "I need dating advice."

Rainbow's eyes grew wide and she leaned back in her seat. "No kidding?" she replied. Twilight shook her head in response. "That's kinda weird though."

"What's so weird about that?"

"Oh, no. Not the whole 'you dating' thing. Just... Rarity's all about love talk and all that. And I'm... y'know... not. Why would she want me to talk to you about it?"

"I don't know, but you're the pony she suggested."

Rainbow rested her head in her hooves. "I can always try, I guess. Tell me more about this pony you're dating."

Twilight rested her hooves in her lap. "What exactly do you need to know?"

"Oh, just basic things. Y'know: Are they clingy, or are they a loner? Are they quiet, or are they loud? Is it a mare or is it a stallion? The basic info."

"I unders--" Twilight straightened herself out. "Wait... did you say mare?"

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "...Yes?"

"Have you... dated mares?"

"...Yes? Why is this a surprise to you?" Twilight and Rainbow stared at each other for a while. Then Rainbow put a hoof to her chin. "Wait... Did I not tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"I'm bisexual, Twilight."

Twilight Sparkle found herself staring another moment at her friend before shaking her stupor. "Oh! Well... That's sure something."

Rainbow leaned back again. "Could've sworn I told you already. Maybe it just slipped my mind. Anyway, enough about me. Are you dating a mare, or a stallion?"

Twilight looked at the table for a moment.

'Ah've heard stories of gay ponies who'd thought their folks would approve, only to be kicked to the curb the same night they confess.’

This is Rainbow Dash. She wouldn't think of me like that.

'If ah got kicked out, ah... Ah wouldn't have anythin'.'

But... this isn't just about me.

"You, uh... You there, Twilight?" Rainbow asked, waving a hoof in front of her friend's face.

"It's a stallion," Twilight replied immediately.

"A stallion, huh? That's a whole other ball park sometimes, you know?"

"Actually, I... don't."

"Right... that's why you're here." Rainbow tapped her hoof on the table. "Stallions aren't too bad, if you ask me. So what's this dude's name?"

Twilight froze as she quickly looked around the restaurant, until she set her sights on the clock once more. "His name is... Clockwork. That's it."

"Sounds new; what's he like?"

Now Twilight began leaving vague descriptions of her true interest, all of which Rainbow listened to, attentively. She then proceeded to give details as to how she ended up in this situation in the first place.

Afterwards, Rainbow nodded. "He sounds pretty cool, Twilight. Almost like somepony I dated a while back, but this guy sounds a lot better." She rested her head on her hooves. "Y'know... It sounds like you want this date as much as this Clockwork guy does."

Twilight slightly slumped as her cheeks reddened. "Well... I mean..." She slowly started to ease up and sat herself up straight. "Maybe I... do want this. I just... I feel like he's so invested in this, that I should show that I care too. He's been making all the moves, and I've just been frozen solid about them. I don't want him to misinterpret anything, so if you could help me, then..."

Rainbow looked towards the ceiling. "Well... if your big date is next week, we could always stage some practice dates or something."

"Practice dates?"

"Like a test run. Just see how you'd do in a date and things like that."

"Ponies do that?"

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "I just figure what's the harm? Besides, you wanna know if he's actually interested in you, or if he's just looking to score, right?"

"What do you mean by score?" Twilight asked.

"Y'know... score."

Twilight shook her head.

"A home run?"

She gave the same response.

Rainbow's shoulders sagged and her head dipped forward. "You are so innocent, you know that?" Twilight kept staring, so Rainbow sat straight up again. "You know; If he likes you, or if he just wants sex."

Twilight's eye twitched and she felt heat rise to her cheeks. She then started to laugh uncomfortably loud. "Oh, duh! What else could that have meant? Of course you're talking about sex." Her laughter continued, but slowly declined as she noticed the many ponies staring in her direction. She bowed her head and started to fiddle her hooves.

"Smooth," Rainbow commented as she tried to stifle a laugh. "Really though, do you wanna practice first?"

Twilight leaned back and tapped her hooves together. "A few lessons wouldn't hurt."

"Okay then, how does tomorrow afternoon sound? We'll get you in romantic shape in no time!"

"Sounds fine to me. Thanks again, Rainbow."

"No problem. Now can we get a waiter or something? I'm starving!"


The sun had started setting when Applejack knocked on the door to Rarity's Boutique. She faintly heard her friend state, "I'm sorry, sir or madam, but Carousel Boutique is closed for the night. Please come back tomorrow morning, when we open."

"Can you make an exception for a friend?" Applejack replied.

"Applejack? Oh, give me a minute, dear!" The front door opened. "How are you, dear? What brings you here at this hour?"

"Can ah talk to you inside for a minute? It's kinda important."

"Oooh, is this another juicy update on your love life?"

"Not really, ah've just been thinkin' ‘bout somethin' is all."

Rarity stood aside and allowed Applejack inside, closing the door behind her.

"Now ah don't got much time," Applejack started, not even leaving the entryway, "but ah have a favor to ask you."

"Go on."

"What ah'm about to ask can never reach anypony else's ears."

Rarity nodded.

"And ah mean never."

"Yes, I understand, Applejack. Now what is the matter?"

Applejack held in a deep breath before slowly letting it out. "Can you help show me how to put on makeup?"

Over the next few seconds, Rarity's eyes started twitching, and her lips curled into a distorted smile. She quickly turned around and patted her face a few times. She then turned back around and asked, "Why this sudden interest in makeup, dear?"

"If you don't wanna do it, you don't have to."

Rarity walked towards Applejack, now being uncomfortably close. "Applejack, every fiber of my being wants nothing more right now than to give you the most amazing makeover of your life. However, given your track record, I'm just curious as to what brought this on."

Applejack scratched the back of her neck. "Okay, so earlier today, my date visited, and ah showed 'em lasso tricks. Thing is, we had to cut the date short because of an apple order that needed to get started on right away. We did make plans for next week though. We're goin' to Canterlot to see a Starswirl the Bearded exhibit."

Rarity put a hoof to her chin. "Yes, that does sound like something worthwhile."

"Well... ah feel like this date is gonna make or break my chance with 'em. Ah can't afford to mess this up."

Rarity sat down. "If your concern is looking good, then why not wear your outfit from the Gala?"

"Ah can't just toss that on! Besides, ah don't think ah even got it fixed after the Gala fiasco."

Rarity gasped.

"Don't you start," Applejack replied with narrow eyes. "Look, just... this is really important to me, Rarity! Can you please help me?"

Rarity slowly grinned. "Absolutely! When I'm through with you, you'll be drop-dead gorgeous!"

"Thank you so much, Rarity. So when do we start?"

"Why not tomorrow evening?"


“Yes, I must prepare for the days ahead, as we’re going to be quite busy. Is that alright?”

"Well then, sure. Works for me."


Twilight was on her bed, re-reading a copy of the Farmer's Almanac. She glanced up at her clock and groaned. That was when she heard a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" she called out as she descended down her stairs.

She opened the door to see Rainbow Dash, who greeted her with, "Yo, Twilight."

"Hello, Rainbow. A little late, I see."

“Sorry about that,” Twilight stepped to the right and ushered her friend inside.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash," Spike addressed as he entered the room. "What brings you here?"

"Oh, just gonna help Twilight with pra-"

Twilight then began coughing loudly. "Sorry, I think a little something got caught in my throat."

Rainbow stared at Twilight for a moment, and raised an eyebrow. After her friend shook her head, she nodded and answered, "We're just gonna… hang out and… stuff."

Spike tilted his head. "That’s it?"

"Yep, that’s it."

"Oh... okay."

"Well then," Twilight began. "We'll be in the study downstairs. Please see to it that we're not disturbed, Spike."

Both ponies headed through the door leading below the first floor. At the bottom of the stairs was a room filled with books, several sets of laboratory equipment, two chalkboards, and a bed.

Twilight closed the door behind her. "Alright, alright. So you're the teacher here. How are we going to do this?"

Rainbow sat next to the bed. "Just like we talked about, I'm gonna drill you on how most dates go. Sometimes you'll be the dude, and sometimes I'll be the dude. We'll play these situations out and see how you take them. Make sense?"

"Sort of. I'll probably pick up on it as we go."

Rainbow looked at the bed again, then grinned as she set herself on top of it. "And you know," she began, as she lay on her side and dragged a hoof along the covers, her eyes half-lidded, "it's a good thing you've got a bed here, if you catch my drift."

Twilight tilted her head. "Well, I sometimes get caught up studying for so long that I--" She suddenly took several steps back and scrunched her lips. "Woah woah woah! That is not what we agreed to!"

Rainbow started laughing and rolled around the covers. "I'm just messing with you, Twilight. Don't worry!"

"I... I see." Twilight cleared her throat and wiped her forehead.

"Alright. You ready?


"Now then, Applejack," Rarity began as she arranged countless items of makeup around her friend as they both sat in front of the bathroom mirror. "Over the course of this week, I will teach you every necessary makeup combination to win over your beau. You will find some applications questionable, and some downright foolhardy, but you simply must trust what I tell you to do. Are we clear?"

"Clear as water," Applejack replied, looking over countless, unidentifiable containers.

"Good. Then let's begin." Rarity lifted a tube of mascara and unscrewed the top portion. She brought the rod towards Applejack's right eye. "Close that eye for me, darling."

Once Applejack did as she was told, Rarity applied a quick stroke to her eyelashes. She then quickly shuffled her hooves and giggled in total euphoria.

"Are you gonna do that every time you put somethin' on me?" Applejack asked.

"Nope, that was the only time."



"Don't you think hitting a guy down there would do more harm than good?"

"Twilight. If it's a dude who isn’t respecting you as a mare, nowhere is off limits."

"But you only asked for the time!"

"You'll find out that a lot of dudes need to know the time, trust me."


"But Applejack, lip gloss is one of the biggest hits this season!"

"It looks weird, and ah don't want none of it gettin' on my food."

"Fine... but to compensate, we shall give you a light shade of eyeshadow."



4 Days Remaining

"Okay, Twilight. Gimme your most flattering line."

"Right now?"

"Yeah. I told you enough about them. Wow me."

"Um... are you the... latest Encyclopedia Brittanica? Because I'd love to check you out."

"...You know, why don't we go over pick up lines again? Let's go a little more in depth this time."


"Applejack, no!"


"You can't rub off your eyeshadow like that!"

"But my eye itches."

"Under no circumstances can you rub those eyes, dear. You'll smear it all over yourself.

"Makeup is the worst."


2 Days Remaining

"You've really never had one?"

"It... it's not like I go kissing on a daily basis or anything."

"Well, it's something you just get after a while. Kinda hard to describe. The only other option besides describing it is... well... showing you."

"...You know what, let's try describing anyway. I can do words."


"This shade of foundation looks marvelous on you, dear!"

"Ah don't even see it."

"That's the point. It hides imperfections."

"Ah thought the point of makeup was to see it, not... not see it."

"Makeup has many different purposes, Applejack."


1 Day Remaining

"Okay, so let's face the facts," Rainbow began as she paced around the study. "Your smooth talk game is... Well... it needs work. You tend to forget what should be common-sense aspects of dating, and you still get really nervous when anypony mentions boning."

Twilight started to squirm in her seat.

"But, all things said, you've made some pretty good progress this week."


"Yeah, you're not as much as a wreck as you were before."

Twilight looked to the floor. "I don't get it." Rainbow looked at her, an eyebrow raised. "Why did these sort of dates feel so different from when I first went out with him?"

"Different how?"

"With these dates, I have a lot of things I need to remember. It's almost like there's a game we have to both abide by. It was sort of like that when he and I were first going out, but eventually it just felt so... normal."

Rainbow walked closer. "And what makes you say that?"

Twilight put a hoof to her chin. "It's like... the both of us were still doing things that regular friends would do. It still felt like we were still good friends, but... something more?"

Rainbow started to smile. "Y'know, I think you're gonna do just fine, Twilight."

"Thanks, Rainbow," she replied as she sighed happily. "You've been a great help."

"Don't even worry. Just don't try to half-ass things with this guy. If he isn't getting what you're saying, then tell him so."

"I know, Rainbow. You made that quite clear."

Rainbow walked up the stairs. "I'll go on ahead and let myself out. I wanna eat before it gets too late." When she reached the top, she called out, "And if he gives you trouble for turning him down, lemme know so I can beat some sense into the jerk!"

"I don't think that'll be necessary, Rainbow Dash," Twilight stated back. When her mentor had exited the room, she then paced around. Tomorrow's the day. She paused and confidently blew air through her nostrils. I can do this!


"How is it coming along, dear?" Rarity called into the bathroom.

"Just fine, if you could gimme a minute," Applejack replied. She stared at her reflection, focusing on the smears of powder on her cheeks, the repulsive shade of green above her eyes, and the unnatural way her eyelashes stood out. Just remember why you're doing this. She shook her head and turned towards the door. "Ah'm comin' out," she declared before opening the door. Reluctantly, she looked at Rarity, who was staring silently at her, mouth agape. "'Kay look, ah know it ain't great, and ah can try this again. Ah just wanted to-"

"Applejack, dear..." Rarity interrupted. You look stunning."

For a moment, Applejack stared back. Then a smile started to creep in from the corners of her mouth and she looked away. "You mean that?"

"Why, yes! When we first began this, it was quite evident that you needed instruction. Now, however, you look absolutely spectacular!"

"Ah... guess ah do look a little better."

"You absolutely do. And now I think you're ready." Rarity turned around and used her magic to lift a green leather pouch towards Applejack. "I've taken the liberty of supplying you with more of what you're wearing now," she informed her. "Feel free to keep it as long as you wish."

Applejack looked at the gift, then looked back up to Rarity. "Are you sure 'bout this? Ah mean, you don't have to give me this if you don't want to."

"It'll be fine, dear. All for the cause," Rarity replied with a wave of her hoof. "Anyways, I hope that you two have a fantastic time together!”

"Thank you so much, Rarity," the farmpony replied as she placed the bag underneath her hat. "Ah honestly dunno what ah would'a done without you."

"No need to thank me, dear. I had quite a bit of fun with this. Now I'm afraid that we must cut this day short. I have an order to finish by tomorrow morning."

Applejack had then moved to wash the makeup off her face, then began heading to the door.

"One more thing," Rarity stated. "I'm sure you don't need me saying this, but if this stallion tries anything untoward, give him the old one, two for me."

"Ah'll keep that in mind," Applejack replied with a chuckle.

"Good luck, dear!" Rarity cried out.

Applejack walked out of the Boutique and began heading for the farm. Good luck, huh? she looked to the sky. I might need more than that tomorrow, but... She huffed once, looking to the sky. I might need a little bit of your help, if you can offer it. She then started the chuckle. Oh, what am I saying? For better or for worse, I can make do with what I get!


"Thanks for agreeing to this last minute," Twilight said to Fluttershy, who had Spike at her side.

"Oh, it's no problem! I don't mind having a guest for the night." She turned to Spike. "And you have everything you need?"

"Yep!" he replied, motioning to his backpack. "Everything from my toothbrush to my blanket."

"Good to hear," Twilight stated. "Now I'll be around to pick you up at nine in the morning, so try not to stay up too late, okay?"

"I'll make sure he goes to bed at a reasonable hour," Fluttershy replied. "Now, let's get out of your mane," she stated as she turned to leave.

Spike looked to Twilight. "So why not just let me stay home alone? You've done it before during these big appointments."

"Yes, but this is one time I'd prefer you stay at another pony's house for the night. I don't have much time to discuss this with you, Spike, so please go along with Fluttershy now, okay?"

"Alright..." Spike turned around and walked away. "See you tomorrow, Twilight," he added with a wave.

Twilight returned the gesture before closing the door and resting her forehead on it. She sighed as she stared at the floor. "You've been practicing all week for this moment. There's no telling what's going to happen, but I hope we'll still remain friends after this." She paused and took a moment to look at her clock, which read 3:45. "I still have fifteen minutes. Might as well practice a little more."

She walked into the middle of the den. "Well, hello, Applejack. You look absolutely beautiful today." she paused before moving to her bookshelf. "Beautiful might be too strong a word for this date... maybe..." She pulled open a thesaurus and looked through before finding her desired word. "Charming? That could work. She moved back to the center of the room. "Why hello there, Applejack. You look absolutely charming today." She put a hoof to her chin. "Wait... I need to sound more enthusiastic." She cleared her throat. "Why hello Applejack! You look absolutely charming today!" She slowly sat on her haunches and rubbed her forehead. "That just sounded really awkward..."

Before she could think of anything else, there was a knock at her door. She froze before turning to the clock, which now read 3:50. She's early... Guess it's time to get in the zone. She walked towards the door and took a deep breath. "Here goes," she muttered as she pulled it open. "Why hello, App-" she froze as she numbly took in the sight before her.

Applejack stood in her doorway, her hair neatly combed to the right in an elongated curl, and braided in the back. Her tail was braided in the same fashion. She stood there, smiling with a gentle blush on her cheeks, green eyeshadow that didn't overpower her coat, and darkened eyelashes, which she batted a couple times. "Howdy," she greeted.

All thought left Twilight until she shook her head. "Hel-He-um... uh... h-hi. Hi! Applejack."

"Too stunned to speak?" Applejack remarked as she tilted her head to the side.

"N-n-no! It's fine. I'm fine! Please, come inside!" Twilight insisted as she stepped aside, pointing her foreleg to her den. As Applejack walked inside, she quickly added, "Feel free to take a seat, I'll be right back!" and briskly walked into her kitchen. She immediately went to her cupboard, grabbed the nearest cup, filled it to the brim with water, and began drinking it, trails of water dripping off the sides of her face.

She pulled the cup away and put a hoof to her chest. This isn't good! How am I going to last like this? Is this... because of her? She looked towards the entrance to the kitchen before walking towards it. That couldn't be it... right? She creeped towards the edge of the opening and peeked her head out. She immediately caught Applejack's attention, who just smiled and waved before Twilight jerked her head out of sight.

She leaned against the wall and sunk until she sat on the floor, pressing a hoof to her burning cheek. I'm not ready for this! Not at all! She's taken this so much more seriously than me. She covered her face with her hooves. I can't back out of this now, but... what do I do? What can I do?


She quickly pulled away her hooves and looked up to see Applejack standing before her.

"Are you okay?"

Twilight quickly stood back onto her hooves and smiled. "Yes, I'm fine. I just... I needed a minute."

Applejack tilted her head. "You sure?"

"Really, I'm fine. W-would you like something to drink? Water, maybe? Actually, I... think I only have water."

"It's okay," Applejack replied with a chuckle. "Ah had a quick lunch before ah left."

"Oh, okay then." Twilight looked around for a moment. "So, um... that makeup looks nice on you!"

Applejack smiled as the blush on her cheeks grew. "Why, thank you."

"What, um... what brought it on?"

"Well, ah figured it's a date... and ah wanted to look my best for it. Also, we are goin' to Canterlot. So ah figured it would be appropriate."

"Did anypony give you weird looks for it?"

"Well... Big Macintosh saw me on the way out. It looked like he was 'bout to say somethin', so ah told him ah've seen him doin' worse. He shut his mouth right quick after that."

Twilight giggled. "Nothing like blackmail to keep somepony quiet, huh?"

"Heh, yeah..."

After both mares found themselves staring at one another for a minute, Applejack rubbed the back of her neck. "So, uh... should we get goin'?"

Twilight snapped herself into reality. "Oh, y-yes! Let's!" She started walking towards the door, Applejack following close behind.

“Hang on, how exactly are we gettin’ to Canterlot?”

“Oh, right! I had to pull a couple strings, but-” A thud was heard outside the door. Twilight opened it slightly and peered outside. “Perfect timing!” she stated as she opened the door completely. Waiting outside was a small chariot with two pegasi waiting at the front. Applejack’s jaw dropped as she turned to Twilight. “Is it… too much?”

“No…” Applejack replied as she shook her head, “It’s perfect!”

“Great!” She could feel her hooves shaking, but witnessing Applejack’s delight slowly allowed her to smile and felt her jitters slowly subside. She extended her hoof outward. "After you, Applejack."

"Why thank you, darlin'." she replied as she nodded curtly and walked outside.

Here we go... Twilight thought as she closed her front door.