• Published 24th Feb 2014
  • 1,218 Views, 34 Comments

Courage Will Pull Us Through - Cloudy Serrano

Discord has finally figured it out. He now has the ability to defeat the Alicorns once and for all. But will it all go as he originally planned, or will it all be prevented by a certain apprentice?

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Chapter 4: Things Aren't Always What They Seem

~Chapter 4~

"I think she's coming to."

"Yeah, I saw her eyes twitch right now! She should totally be awake soon."

"Thanks again, Chimecho. I don't know what we would've done without you!"

"Oh, don't worry about it, little ones. Sometimes a little wish can go a long way, and it always works best when you believe it will. And it does seem as though she is waking up, so I think we should all take a couple steps back. We don't want to startle her too much."

"Okay, Chimecho!" Several beings chorused in unison.

Using the voices as a guide, I managed to pull myself from the foggy depths of unconsciousness. Blinking rapidly, I dispelled the film that had taken residence in my eyes. Opening my eyes fully, I looked straight ahead to see the back of a cave. Turning my head to the right, my eyesight was greeted with a large, floating blue wind chime. To the left of said floating wind chime were three of the animals from earlier, all showing off their pointed teeth.

"AHHHHHH!" I shrieked, scrambling to my hooves.

Backing up to the end of the cave, I looked at the beasts in front of me, along with what appeared to be a floating wind chime. Realizing I still had my magic, my horn lit up, and I cast the spell to teleport me to the front of the cave. But as my horn stopped emitting light, I came to the dark conclusion that, because I had been unconscious for so long, my magic wasn't strong enough yet for me to cast something as complicated as teleporting.

"P-Please...." I whispered, droplets of moisture beginning to tug at the corners of my eyes. "Just please, leave me alone. I don't want to be hurt. Please...." As I stood there, backed up against the wall, something came to me. Something came to my mind, something that had never even crossed my mind before. I, Twilight Sparkle, was going to die, and no amount of friendship could save me now.

"Uh, are you okay? I mean, I guess we could let you stay in here, but I don't know why you'd want to be alone." The red, multi-tailed fox said, a confused look covering its face.

Wait a minute. Did- did that red fox just talk? "Y-You can talk?" I sputtered out.

"Well duh, of course we can talk! What, never seen another Pokemon before or something?" The blue alligator said, smirking at me.

"So, you're not going to eat me?" I asked, unbelieving of this new addition.

The red fox looking at me curiously. "Why would we eat you? I mean, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't taste all that good anyways. In fact, I think you'd be hard-pressed to find someone willing to eat you."

Oh, dear Celestia, have I been stupid. Back in the woods, when I heard the voices, I thought it was ponies, but in reality it was just them! And then my first time waking up, I woke up to their laughter, and right now I woke up to their voices again. In fact, I heard them talking to me, right before I ran away, and it never even clicked.

"Oh thank Celestia, you're not going to hurt me!" I exclaimed, smiling mirthfully. "I was so worried that you would, that I never even thought to consider that you wouldn't."

I saw the large floating wind chime's mouth move. "What would make you think these young ones would hurt you?"

Wait, why is the wind chime talking? Well, the animals can talk, so why not the wind chime as well? Celestia, this was becoming weirder and weirder by the second. "Well, obviously you're all predators," I answered the wind chime, "and so I simply assumed that you all would attack me."

"I'm not really sure I know what you're talking about," the brown cat said. "What's a predator?"

"What do you mean, 'What's a predator?'" The cat looked on expectantly. "You mean to tell me, that you have no idea what a predator is?" I asked, looking incredulously at it. I was answered with a confused look from it, and from the others as well. Oh dear Celestia, they had to be joking. There was no way they didn't know what a predator was.

Before any further comments could be made, I heard a quiet woosh come from outside.

"Hey guys, I'm back! I managed to find Mew messing around with some stones in his home." A voice called from the thick blanket of trees.

And from the lines of trees, the small grey fox from earlier appeared along with what appeared to be some sort of floating pink cat-like creature. Two triangular ears stuck out from the top of its head, and large blue eyes were stuck in the middle of its wide face. Short, stubby forelegs hung down from its chest, and three small claw-like appendages pushed their way through the end of each paw. Its hind legs also hung limply down, and were easily thrice the size of its forelegs. A long, thin tail ending in a rounded tip protruded from the back.

"Uhh..." I was speechless. The mouse, the fox, the dog, the lizard; Celestia, even the floating wind chime I could deal with. But this, this pink thing, combined with all the others, I just could not handle.

Falling to the dirt floor, I groaned out while rubbing my head with my hooves. "Oh dear Celestia, I really wish I had learned that headache spell."

What I assumed to be the floating wind chime said, "Come on then little ones, let's leave Mew to do his work. We don't want to bother him now, do we?"

A chorus of “Okays” later, I was in a room alone with whom I assumed to be the pink floating cat thing.

Why was all this happening to me? Discord magicked me away from Equestria, off to Celestia knows where, just so he could start playing around with time! Not to mention the fact that all of these… these things were everywhere, all of whom looked just like predators, yet still claimed they weren’t. Now, I have to deal with them, all while I try to figure out a way to get around playing Discord’s game. But, at the very least, four of them had just left, and I was only left with two others. It may not have been ideal conditions, but at least it was something.

As I lay there rubbing my temples, I felt something nudging my side. Removing one of my hooves to look, I saw the pink floating thing poking me with its foreleg.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?" It asked, sounding curious and worried. Before I could answer, its paws glowed yellow, and I felt my headache dissipate.

"There you go! Now you should be all set to go!" The pink thing said, sounding happy.

Realizing that my headache had been taken away, I looked at the creature oddly. "D-Did you do that?" I inquired as I got to my hooves.

"Do what?" It responded, staring at me with wide, unblinking eyes.

"Take my headache away. I mean, were you the one that took it away?" I questioned quietly, unsure of his response.

"Well of course I did! I mean, why wouldn't I fix you?"

Looking up at the floating creature, my gaze turned towards its face. A small mouth was stuck right at the base of its face, near where its chin should have been.

“W-what are you?” I tentatively asked, not sure of this creature. It didn’t seem violent, or threatening in anyway. In fact, it gave off a feeling of…I don’t know how to describe it. Safety is perhaps the closest thing to it.

Opening its mouth, it answered me in a tone of such happiness that only a foal could hope to match it. “Easy! I’m a Mew!”

“A Mew?” I asked, perturbed. Dear Celestia, this was getting odder and odder by the second.

“Yup! I may be rare, but I’m not that rare! In fact, I- hey, wait a minute! Have you never heard of a Mew before?" It asked, cocking its head to the side a bit.

"No! In fact, I've never seen anything like any of you before!" I exclaimed, my headache beginning to return with a vengeance. "I don't even know how I got here! All I know is that Discord somehow sent me here, and now I'm stuck in this place, and have no idea how to get back!"

"Oh wow, you must have dealt with a lot. And you know, it's no wonder you don't know what a Mew is, now that I think about it. I guess it would be pointless then to ask what kind of Pokemon you are then, right?"

"I think I've heard the others use that term before, but I really have no idea what it means." I answered, confused at the word. Pokemon? What in Equestria could that possibly mean?

"Well, a Pokemon is like a broad thing that's used to describe a lot of different kinds of beings. Kind of like having a flower and a tree. Both are completely different, but you call them both plants. Same thing with Pokemon. You can have two completely different ones in the same room, and they can both be considered Pokemon. Now do you get what I mean by Pokemon?"

I thought about it for a moment, then answered. "So then a Pokemon would be like... Like when you're referring to two different ponies. Both are ponies, but one is an Earth Pony, and the other is a Pegasus. But no matter what, both are still ponies." I said, fairly certain I had gotten the gist of it.

"Exactly! Well, I mean, I hope you're right. I don't know what some of those words mean, but it sure does sound like you are though, and that's good enough for me!" It finished, a glint in its eyes.

"Alright, now that that's out of the way, could you please tell me where we are?" I asked the floating creature.

When he laughed, it seemed as if his entire body shook at once, causing him to resemble a young foal who had just discovered the joys of a game of peek-a-boo. "Well, that's easy! You're in the Tree of Beginning, my home!"

"Okay, but I was kind of hoping you could give me something a bit more.... Useful than that?" I questioned hopefully.

"Well, so that I can answer your questions the best, I think we should go to a better place than this musty old cave." It said in a joyful tone. "So come on, let's walk and talk!" Realizing that I really had no other choice but to follow this creature if I wanted any chance at getting back to Equestria, I walked after him. Equestria needed me, the element of Magic, and I needed it, now more than ever before. And on this note, I exited the cave, following a floating pink thing known as "Mew".

Exiting the cave, I could have sworn I heard what sounded like it muttering, "I've always wanted to say that!" Deciding it best to keep quiet, however, I allowed it to lead me away, away from the cave, away from the forest, and into a world of unknown.

Author's Note:

Ehh, I didn't particularly like this chapter. Too much dialogue, not enough doing. Also, they stayed in a cave the entire time. Not too much to work with, but then again, I am the author, so I do it to myself. Also, I don't think I mentioned it yet, but if you spot an error, please report said error in the comments. My editor/proofreader/non-banana eating slave Moldy and I don't always catch everything. Finally, next chapter will be longer, I swear!