• Published 24th Mar 2012
  • 14,063 Views, 163 Comments

The Sparkle In My Eye - HIDEMYPAST

Twilight and Dash take a walk on Hearts And Hooves day, and play a game of 'Pairing'.

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The Sparkle In My Eye

The Sparkle In My Eye

Hi everypony! This is my first shipfic, and my very first idea that was dragged up in the early hours of the morning (5 am, to be exact.), that was then scribbled down to be ressurected in the morning.
Now, this will follow the same vein of 'Haiku' and 'Alliteration', but instead this is a TwiDash ship. This is loosely based on the song 'Perfect Two'. Can't remember the artist. XP
Anyway, you didn't come here to read the Author's Notes, did ya? On with the show!

Thud, Thud, Thud. A hoof pounded the door irritably.
''Wuzzat?'' A drowsy voice could be heard from behind the door.
''C'mon, Twilight! It's two in the afternoon!'
''Wuh..Oh, hay! Sorry Dash, I'll be two seconds...Hey,why am I on the couch?''
Through the door, Dash heard a muted bang - Probably Twilight. A small breeze sent a chill through her fur, rustling her mane gently. She tapped the door again, the warmth from her flight fading.
''Could you..y'know, let me in first?''
A short silence.
''Oh, right. Yeah. Sorry.''
Twilight opened the door, smiling. She looked a little flustered. Rainbow Dash couldn't blame her - she'd be embarrassed if she'd slept in for Hearts And Hooves day, only to be awakened by the pony she was sharing it with!
Dash stepped inside, and Twilight rushed upstairs to brush her mane. A few minutes later she returned, looking considerably neater. She was holding something, but quickly hid it when she caught Dash looking at it.
Dash frowned, but decided it was just Twilight being Twilight...No, that phrase only worked for Pinkie.
Twilight prodded Dash gently. ''Shall we get going?''
''Sure! Skywatcher's Hill, right?''
''Uh-huh. It's a two hour walk.''
Dash spread her wings, and lifted into the sky. ''Right! See you there!''
''Rainbow Dash! Get back here!'' Twilight's horn flared, and the cyan pegasus froze.
''Hey! What gives?''
Twilight rolled her eyes. ''This is our walk. For Hearts and Hooves day, remember?''
Dash laughed sheepishly. ''Hehe..right.''
Twilight released her magic, and Dash felt herself falling. She quickly righted herself, and landed beside Twilight.
The two ponies began to walk slowly, enjoying the scenery. Dash decided to strike up some conversation.
''What was up with you, anyway? Were you at a rave last night?'' Dash grinned. ''Or just studying? I don't know any pony who hits the books harder than you do.''
Twilight laughed. ''Actually, I was writing an essay and ended up falling asleep on the sofa. It was about Dragon scales, and how they withstand weather. Did you know they can survive blizzards, without even catching a cold? It's all very inter-''
She cut off, probably because she had a cyan hoof in her mouth. Twilight blinked, then blushed again. Dash smiled and took it away.
''I did it again, didn't I?''
Dash nodded, smirking. ''Honestly, Twilight. You're like a waterfall when it comes to information - and you're just as beautiful.''
Twilight blushed deeply, but her eyes lit up. ''I know! To pass the time, let's play the Pairing Game!''
Dash raised her eyebrows. ''The...pairing game?''
Twilight looked at Dash in shock, as though she'd just asked who Princess Celestia was.
''You've never played the paring game?''
Dash shook her head. ''Nope. I've played Snap, though - are they the same?''
Twilight blinked, but then her smile reappeared. ''Nope! All you have to do is...'' She paused, thinking. ''Hm..It's kinda hard to explain. It's basically me saying something like... You're the colours in my life, and you'd say something like-''
Dash cut her off. ''You're the Sparkle in my eye?''
Twilight blushed again, and nodded. ''That's it! Though I'd suggest they make a little more sense. We just carry on until the other runs out of ideas.''
Dash bit her lip, a little uncertain. ''Seems simple enough. It's kinda..nerdy though.'' Too late, she realized the potential offence that sentance held.
To Dash's surprise. Twilight laughed. ''I knew you'd say that! Please, just give it a go.''
Dash rolled her eyes, but she was smiling. ''Fine. You go first.''
''Okay then. You're the light in my dark!''
''You're the magic in my heart!''
''Hm.. You're the blue in my sky.''
Dash gave her a puzzled look. ''What?'' She shook her head. ''I thought they had to make sense?''
''...It does?''
Dash gave Twilight her best 'We are not amused'' look.
Twilight sighed. ''Just go with it.''
''Okay then... You're the wind in my wings.''
''You're the.. Rainbow in my sky!''
''Cheat! You already said something to do with sky!''
''Well, yes, but technichally that doesn't count.''
Dash gave a defeated groan. ''I give up! You're way too good at this, Twilight - and that's coming from Equestria's number one pegasus!''
Twilight smiled, secretly thrilled at beating her marefriend at something. ''Well, we're here now anyway.''
Dash looked around and almost gasped in shock. ''Wow, already? Time flies, I guess.''
True enough, the two ponies had reached Skywatcher's Hill. Slowly, they made their way to the peak - and Twilight felt her breath catching. She'd been here multiple times, mainly to stargaze, but the view never ceased to amaze her. The houses of Ponyville were significantly smaller, and they almost seemed to glow in the sunlight. Even the Everfree forest looked serene. Twilight never knew how
Beside her, a gasp of shock confirmed she wasn't the only one feeling like this.
''It's....beautiful. In all my years of flying, I've never seen a sight as amazing as this.''
Twilight turned to respond, but as she did she noticed Dash's attention was focused on her.
Dash smiled. ''The view isn't bad, either.''
Blushing deeply, Twilight was suddenly reminded of her plan. She nudged Dash. ''You're the apple to my pie.''
Dash blushed lightly and smiled. ''A different version, eh? Well...''You're the sun to my light.''.
Twilight nodded. ''You're the straw to my berry.''
Dash giggled. ''You're the....Hmm, you're the cup to my cake.''
Twilight grinned, and grabbed the black box from her nullspace. Opening it, she dropped her voice to a gentle whisper.
''You're the one I want to marry.''
The lightning-bolt necklace glinted in the fading sunlight, and the cyan pegasus' face seemed to go through a spectrum of emotions.
Twilight bit her lip. Was she going to...say...no...? Twilight began to panick. Would she make a fool of herself, would Dash reject her? Their relationship would fall apart!---
Happiness lit the cyan pegasus' face. Twilight felt a rush of relief, then suddenly she realized...
''YES! Oh Celestia, yes! I will marry you!''
The two ponies embraced each other happily.
Celestia's ear flicked. Someone had just said her name. Her horn flared, and an image of two ponies hugging appeared before her. She rewinded a bit, and watched Twilight's proposal unfold.
Smiling, she summoned a quill and paper.
''Spike, I'm back!''
Spike ran to the main room just in time to see Twilight close the door.
''Oh hey Twilight! This came for you earlier - I didn't open it, but the seal is Princess Celestia's.''
Twilight levitated the scroll, and opened it.

Dear Twilight Sparkle.

I have recently recieved news of your proposal, and I wish to give you a bit of advice.
Whatever you do, do not let Pinkie Pie plan it.
Recently, I hired her to plan my nephew's wedding.
They never actually got to say their vows.

Your mentor, Princess Celestia.

Twilight sighed. She had a point.
Spike, who had been reading the letter beside her, looked at her with confusion.
Suddenly, a loud voiced boomed from outside. A familiar voice.
Spike blinked, and fainted.


AN: (Again)
Mother of Celestia, this was fun to write.
I really hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did writing it. Now, this may seem as though I'm pawning off the other two stories..But to be honest, I really hope this has established itself as 'it's own story'.
This would probably never have been written if my internet connection hadn't drowned and died. Hopefully it'll be up soon though!
To be honest, this was more of a dailogue/shipping practice than an actual write. Also, I couldn't find a way to fit this into the fic, but Spike never actually knew they were dating, and was out watching the CMC when Rainbow went to Twi's house.
Well, there's nothing more to be said, so..