• Published 24th Mar 2012
  • 14,063 Views, 163 Comments

The Sparkle In My Eye - HIDEMYPAST

Twilight and Dash take a walk on Hearts And Hooves day, and play a game of 'Pairing'.

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Coping With The Pinks (Side Story)

Coping With The Pinks.

AN: Hiya guys! A silly little.. I guess, side story here. We'll start directly off from where the original left off. Now, this doesn't contain the wedding, but do not fear! I SHALL be writing about the wedding!
I'd just like to thank everypony for commenting, tracking and favouriting! This means so much to me, it's unbelievable! I'd also like to thank that awesome pony who offered to go over my story - brohoof, dude!
Sunny out!

Twilight spun around to face her fallen assistant. Letting out a sigh of relief that her apprentice had only fainted, she levitated the letter over to her 'scroll shelf'. Turning back to Spike, she noticed his eyelids fluttering open. He gave a small whimper, and slowly pulled himself to his feet. Shaking his head, he brought himself around to face Twilight.
His voice was shaky, sounding sad and almost fearful. She could see the flickers of hurt in his eyes, and knew she had some explaining to do. She opened her mouth, but Spike hadn't finished.
''Rainbow Dash.''
Twilight could only nod. The green dragon turned away from her, the ridges along his spine flattened. Twilight opened her mouth, willing herself to come up with the right words - or her bond with her assistand, her best friend, could be broken forever.
''Spike, I..''
Her assistant spun around, grinning from ear to ear.
''I knew it! I knew it! Oh, congratulations Twilight!'' He yelled, rushing up to her with open arms. The two hugged, and as they broke apart Twilight gave him a curious prod.
''Why the sad act?''
Spike grinned. ''You lied to me - revenge was due.'' But his tone was light-hearted, and Twilight joined him when he burst into fits of laughter.
Pinkie Pie did what Pinkie Pie did. I couldn't say exactly what she was doing, because when she's off-screen, she could be doing anything. Throwing a party, babysitting the Cakes' foals, exploring Equestria, thinking (and most likely playing) with portals...
The list goes on.
But then, as she came on-screen...
She heard a shout. Rainbow Dash...getting...Married?!
Pinkie felt excitement bubble up inside of her. A single thought filled her mind.
I will plan this party. I have to plan this party.
Then the moment passed, and Pinkie was Pinkie again. She bounced happily towards Ponyville Town Center.
To where our story truly begins.
Rainbow Dash came to a stop beside the fountain, her mouth still open from her shout. Her wings seemed super-charged, her senses on high alert. She lifted into the air and zipped around Ponyville again, this time slower as the adrenaline died off. She came to a halt, and Dash became aware of the pony below her.
''Rainbow Dash?''
Pinkie Pie seemed to bellow directly into her ear, causing Dash to veer in shock. She wobbled around uneasily in the air for a few moments, before making an ungraceful landing and collapsing on the ground. She lay there for a few moments, her ears and head still ringing from the aftermath, before the party pony pulled her to her feet.
Shaking her head, Dash finally managed to regain her senses and collect her thoughts. Looking around, her attention focused on the grinning pony, who was mid sentence.
''---Off-screen, but then the author brought me on-screen, and I suddenly felt like I NEEDEDto throw your wedding party! So I bounced all the way over here, and I saw you! But when I shouted at you, you didn't hear me, so I decided to pull out the BIG GUNS! Then you fell, and here we are!''
Dash face-hoofed.
''Right, okay. Well, I think we'll have to consult Twilight on this.''
Pinkie's eyes widened, and her smile faded slightly. ''Oh, nonononoNO! We are NOT going to Twilight's house!''
Dash gave her a curious look. ''Why..?''
Pinkie gave her a look identical to the one Twilight had given her earlier. ''Because, if we do, the story will be super duper short, and it won't be good at all!''
Dash just sighed. ''Right. Well, we're still going to Twilight's.''
The instant the words left her mouth, Pinkie deflated.
The poofiness left her hair, and she seemed to sag.
''But..But..I want to plan the weeddiiiinngg!'' She started to bawl loudly, obviously upset. Dash blinked, surprised. This was weird, even for Pinkie's standards. Carefully, she patted her friend's back.
''Hey, Pinks, cheer up. You can plan the wedding...But we really do need to go to Twilight's...''
The pony in front of her continued crying, and Dash accepted defeat.
''Fine. We won't go to Twilight's house.''
In what seemed to be the space of a second, Pinkie Pie re-inflated, shot to her hooves and pulled Dash to her favourite shop. Dash blinked, decided it was better for her sanity to pretend that never happened, and glanced up at the sign above them
Explosive Nights Out - For all your partying needs!
Dash frowned. ''Uh, Pinkie, I really don't think this is that kind of party...Pinkie?''
But her friend had dissapeared into the shop, and was now looking through the many party decorations.
Sighing, Dash followed her.
Twilight's breath came in short bursts as she galloped as fast as she could towards the inevitable destination of her friend and fiance. She'd seen the pink and blue blur. The look on both their faces. Dash looked utterly confused and defeated, and Pinkie's face was pure exhilaration.
As her destination came into view, she started to slow. She halted just outside the door, panting hard. She took a moment to prepare herself, and stepped inside.
Pinkie turned.
Twilight nodded.
Pinkie yelled. She ran.
Twilight yelled. She chased.
Dash blinked. She had an involuntary nap on the shop floor.*
*She fainted.
''Stop this Pinkie! You cannot possibly think to win this fight!'' Twilight attempted to reason with her friend one last time.
Pinkie, however, had a different idea. She lifted a hoof to point at her opponent. ''Never! I shall plan your wedding - and it will be glorious!''
The two stared each other down. Twilight's horn flared, ready to release her magic. Pinkie's party cannon was primed.
In the distance, a single bird chirped.
Pinkie and Twilight simultaneously released their fire.
Rainbow Dash threw herself between the attacks, smoke flooding the clearing.
The pegasi fell to the floor limp.
Twilight galloped over to her fiance, Pinkie right behind her. They gathered around Rainbow, both fearing the worse. They waited, the smoke slowly fading. Twilight quickly cast a wind summoning spell, desperate to see if her lover was okay.
The smoke dispersed completely, revealing....
''Uuugh....Hey, guys..Why am I on the floor? ....Why...am I...p-p-p...''
Pinkie couldn't hold it in any longer. She burst out laughing, falling backwards. ''I guess we can call you..hehe..Candyfloss Dash!''
Twilight looked down at her now pink marefriend, and she too began to laugh.
Dash groaned inwardly, but she managed a smile. ''I think we should head home.''
The two other ponies nodded, and together they made their way to Twilight's library.
Twilight sighed in relief. Finally, the planning was done! A month and a half of late nights with Pinkie and Dash, making their special day special, complete. Twilight had to admit, Pinkie was a good planner. The two had agreed to work together after they both thought they'd killed Dash.. Twilight smiled at the memory, and decided to hit the hay.
As she settled into bed, she used her magic to cross off another day on her calander.
Only two months left..


AN; I AM SO SORRY. This is REALLY bad isn't it?
*le sigh*
Oh well.
Hope you enjoyed.
Sunny Out.