• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 2,523 Views, 54 Comments

Gods of War - chaos2012

Princess Eclipse must face against the Ancient gods that ruled the world before her time.

  • ...

Peace Will Fade

The warm sun hung high above the small open field. Deep in the distance was the large castle of Canterlot, the golden spires sparkling in the sunlight. While it seemed like it was to be a calm and beautiful day, that was about to change for the two combatants that faced each other.

One of them was a young purple alicorn with a deep purple and pink striped mane. The other was a pink alicorn with a bright multicolored mane, and was slightly taller than the first. They both were princesses of Equestria and both knew each other for a long time. In truth, they were very close with one another and in fact, they were in laws with each other.

There names were Twilight Sparkle and Mi Amore Cadenza.

This was the third time that Cadance had come from the Crystal Empire this month back to the southern region of Equestria. While most would think seeing their family would be smiling, this wasn't one of those times however. Cadance was returning once again not for any political reason, but for another fight with Twilight.

Their eyes glared at the other as the wind gently blew through their coats, emitting a small chill to the pair of them. Twilight glanced behind herself at the castle in the distance, assured that they were far enough away from it. Turning back forward, her eyes narrowed as she took several steps forward.

"You think you are going to beat me this time Cadance?" Twilight sternly asked.

Cadance chuckled and smugly grinned as she opened her wings. "I think we both know who is the stronger one between us, Twilight."

Frowning, Twilight scraped her hoof through the dirt as her horn began to glow. "Don't forget about how much stronger I’ve become. You may regret that when this is over."

"Hmm, why that’s some good advice to give your opponent. Letting her be more cautious, that’s so nice of you." Cadance grinned as she also charged her magic up. "But if you recall, who is the older and more talent-”

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A bright blast of magic past Cadance's face cut her off as she quickly ducked under it. Glaring back to Twilight, her horn sparkled as she conjured a large mace from her aura. At the same time, the young alicorn summoned her curved sword she had developed recently. "Let's see who is better now!" Twilight snapped as she charged her sister in law.

Bringing her hammer above her head, Cadance brought it down as Twilight came in, but wasn't fast enough as the younger alicorn jumped to the side as it crashed down. Twilight sprinted forward and swung her sword towards her opponent, only for Cadance to block it with her hammers hilt. Shoving back, they both jumped away for only a moment before bursting forth and colliding again.

Both engaged in a mix of clashes, their magic sparking off every time they hit the other. Twilight grunted as she brought her sword down again, her faster swipes countered by Cadance's slower but stronger swings. When she did have an opening, twilight jumped back and attempted to shoot a magic blast past the hilt, only to have Cadance teleport out of the way.

Flipping her head back back and forth, Twilight tried to look for her foe to reappear, her horn sparkling in preparation. The sudden shadow over her head caught her attention, rolling to her left just as the large mace crashed into the dirt where she stood. Standing back up, twilight shot off a volley of blasts at Cadance, the pink alicorn spinning her weapon in her grasp and reflecting the incoming attacks. As the last blast came in, Cadance took her mace and hit it back at Twillight.

Bringing her sword forward, Twilight cut through the incoming blast and charged through at Cadance once again, only to have her hoof suddenly pulled into the ground beneath her. "What the!?" Twilight yelled as she pulled against the unseen force. Before she could however, she screamed as a large green vine ripped up from the ground and pulled her into the air.

Attempting to thrash her way out, Twilight grunted and slashed through the part holding her leg, only for another arm of the vine to shoot out and constrict her front hooves. "What is this!?"

"Magic infused roots." Cadance answered as she flapped her wings, laughing as she watched Twilight struggle her way through the plant. "And what I can see is that you look a little flustered in there."

Baring her teeth, Twilight shot a beam out and cut through the long vine binding her hooves together. As she broke free, she began hacking through the mass of giant roots rushing through the air at her. While she was holding them off for a few moments, eventually they were too much to handle and teleported out of the way. As she came into view into again, she was caught off guard as Cadance was waiting for her and swinging her large weapon forward.

Panicking, Twilight tried to raise her sword up to defend herself, but Cadance had already swung her weapon down low and swept her legs out from under her. Screaming out as she flipped over herself, Twilight slammed onto the dirt as her magic faulted. Before she could crawl back up, Cadance's hoof pinned her down on her back and put her mace to her throat.

Grinning at her accomplishment, Cadance made Twilight lay flat on her back so she had to look up at her in defeat. "So Twilight, it seems you aren't strong enough to stop me. You have just allowed Canterlot to fall in your rule. Do you have any last words?"

Twilight sat silent as she looked up to her opponent. She still couldn't believe she had just been defeated. Her powers were not enough to stop the threat that was now heading towards the capital. Not only that, she had been taken in down in such a short amount of time that she had left no time for the citizens to prepare themselves. She had failed.

Glaring up to Cadance, she sighed and laid her head back. "That was cheap to use that plant spell on me."

The arrogant grin fell off of Cadance's face and was replaced by a cheeky smile. "Why? The rule said we had to win our duel, and didn't say how we won it." Jumping off of Twilight, Cadance through her mace up into the air as it vaporized into dust. She began hopping up and down as she cheered on her victory.

"Woohoo! Got it again! Cadance three, Twilight zero!"

Rolling her eyes, Twilight crawled back up to her hooves and shook her coat to clean off the gathered dust. "You got lucky this duel with that spell. You could have-”

"Oh, lucky?" Cadance put her hoof to her chin and smirked. "Hmm, well what about those other two duels that we had?"
Twilight stuck her tongue at her sister in law, uptight about still not being able to win. "Why can't I get my power up more? How come you can still beat me?"

"Perhaps because she has had more time with her power, Twilight."

Both Twilight and Cadance turned to the strange yet familiar voice from above. They looked up to see a third alicorn drop down and land on the ground in front of them, yet this pony was unlike any other. Her body was taller than either of them and was a bleach white color. On her sides sat two sets of blue tipped wings that gently folded together. Her long colorful mane floated in the air as it danced with a mix of greens and deep blue hues. And her bright emerald eyes sparkled in the sunlight as she smiled to the two ponies.

Cadance smiled at the newcomer. "Hello Aunt Eclipse."

Eclipse was perhaps one of the greatest stories in the history of Equestria. While She in fact was born from two ponies, she was never actually 'born' as one would say. She was the combination of two separate alicorns that fused together with powerful magic. And these two ponies were Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. The two original sister rulers of Equestria .

Back when they were separate, they did battle against the powerful spirit of chaos, Discord. After he had betrayed the trust of Twilight and her friends to return to his old ways in life, the two princesses had to do battle against him to stop him. As they tried however, they were no match for his power. They only had one option to succeed.

They had to fuse together with the power of the Earrings of Solaris.

The ancient and powerful artifacts were from before even their time, and allowed them to combine into one body that blended perfectly between the two. Even their voices blended into one. Magnifying their power into extraordinary lengths, a great battle took place between the two combatants until Eclipse barely gained victory over the now deceased Discord. The only drawbacks to the earrings is the risk of too much power for the body to handle, in which Eclipse experienced painfully. The other is that the fusion is irreversible, never allowing the two to be separate again.

But the sisters knew that risk, and accepted it along with recovering completely as well.

Now, it has been three months since that fateful day in which the new princess of Equestria was born. Within that time, Eclipse had realized the risk in not being ready to defend one’s self without outside items like the Elements of Harmony to help. And so, she requested that both Twilight and Cadance began training in combative magic training. While hesitant at first, the two accepted the proposition and began the next day.

And now, Eclipse could see the results. "We must say, you two have improved quite a bit since we have started. Your speed, power, and control have all vastly changed from the first day this began." She happily told them.

Twilight smiled and nodded for the compliment. "Thank you, princess. I've been trying to work on my conjuring lately since that is my hardest part right now."

"Yes, and we saw that, since that alone is a great feat. Conjuration is one style of magic that can take up to a year normally to learn those levels, and yet you both did it in a little over two months. And to you Cadance..." Eclipse turned to look at her niece. "... That was a very clever move you used with the roots back there. We honestly did not see that coming."

Hearing that made Twilight's smile flip upside down. Glancing up to her side, she grunted when she saw that huge giddy smile on Cadance's face. "Yeah... I didn't see it coming either. When did you have the time for that?"

Giggling, Cadance levitated a nearby rock up to demonstrate her spell. "Well, when I was above you and smashed my mace into the ground..." She then shot the rock down into the grass, a small wave of magic rushing down beneath it and into the ground. "... I sent out a magical pulse into the dirt and found any roots underneath me."

A moment later, a small root sprung up from the grass and grew a few inches up. Cadance lifted up the end with her hoof as she grinned. "Now, I have this to use. All I did earlier was infuse it with a growing spell as well."

Eclipse raised an eyebrow in amazement to the technique her niece used. "That was very smart of you Cadance, taking a simple item around her and using it to great advantages. Things like that work great for distractions or or restraints."

"Yeah, I guess they do work well." Twilight mumbled under her breath.

Chuckling, Eclipse took a deep breath in admiration to the peaceful day. She turned towards the castle in the distance, also noting the evening chill approaching soon. "Perhaps it is time to return now. Your training is done for the day. Cadance, would you care to join us for dinner?

Cadance smiled but waved her hoof in front. "Thank you, but I have to decline for tonight. I have to return and help Shining Armor finish the final preparations for the Crystal Gala tonight. I am actually lucky I was able to make time so could come today for this."

"Wait, you have to leave now?" Twilight gave a disappointed frown at hearing her sister in law had to leave. "But you just got here at noon."

"I know, it's just we've been planning this gala for a while now and we want it to be flawless. This is the first big ball that the Crystal Empire is having since its return."

"There is no need to explain yourself, Cadance." Eclipse calmly stated. "If you were pushing to make time for your training, you don't have to come if you want."

"I know. It's just..." A small blush grew across Cadance's face as she thought about it. "It's just I kind of do enjoy this. All this training and duels, it's unlike my old magic training. I thinks it's... Fun."

The smile fell off Eclipses face at hearing that. She sighed as she trotted up to the link alicorn and lifted her chin with her wing. "This training isn't being done for fun, Cadance. The point is so that you learn to defend yourself in the case something threatens your life. And we hope that the fighting itself isn't what you like. We hope that you never have to experience a true fight like what we did."

Cadance lowered her eyes down to the ground and flattened her ears. "Sorry. I didn't mean to say it like that."

Giggling, Eclipse playfully tapped her with her wing and walked over to give her a warm hug. "Do not trouble yourself with it, Cadance. We know you really didn't mean it in a bad way. Now don't waste anymore time, you have a gala to prepare."
Smiling, Cadance flapped her wings and took off into the air. "If you two have the time, you should come to the Gala tonight."

"If we can, we will come." Eclipse responded from below.

"Bye Cadance! Say hi to Shiny for me!" Twilight shouted as well.

Waving goodbye, Cadance turned and flew north to her home. Seeing her vanish in clouds made Twilight chuckle. "It's funny how lately she likes to fly here instead of taking the train. It's like she wants to add endurance to her training as well."

"Yes, I've noticed that as well." Eclipse glanced up into the sky and noticed the time of day it was. "We should be heading back soon. It won't be long for us before he must raise the moon."

Nodding, Twilight trotted up next to the fused alicorn as they made their way back home. After a few moments, they both smiled at each other as Eclipse draped two of her wings over Twilight. "We are proud of you also, Twilight. You have come much further than we thought you would have already."

“Oh, thanks." Twilight blushed at the compliment. "I mean, I'm just practicing like you thought was the best to do."

“No, it's not just that. You have pushed yourself further and harder than we had actually anticipated. In truth, you are already as strong as we were before our new life."

Twilight froze in place as the words sunk into her mind. Her legs shook beneath her, almost giving out if it weren't for her locked knees. "Wh-what? Did you just..."

Eclipse turned around and sat down in front of the stunned mare. "We aren't making anything up, Twilight. You are already almost as strong as we were back when we were Celestia and Luna."

"Eclipse, I know you are trying to be nice, but don't insult your older selves by saying that I am as strong as that."

"The only way of insulting us is that after a thousand years that we hadn't become stronger than what we were. You have just started your training and yet we can see that you will surpass us within a year of continuing your practice alongside Cadance." Eclipse lifted Twilights chin up so that she looked up to her eyes. "And we can't be more proud of you for that."

The two of them stayed silent for several minutes, simply staring at the other in happiness. Eclipse had a pony that had grown from a student to a princess, and Twilight had a wonderful teacher that would always be there to help her. There was one thing that was always on Twilight's mind for a long time though. "Eclipse, can I ask you something?"

"Hmm?" Eclipse stood back up to her hooves. "What is it?"

Twilight rubbed the back of her head, unsure how would be the best way to ask her question. "Well.. Back when you fought Discord and used your full power, your body couldn't handle the stress and began shutting down on you."

Shutting her eyes, Eclipse took in a deep as those painful memories began coming back to her. She could almost feel the scorching sensation she experienced when her heart nearly burst inside of her chest. "Yes, we recall feeling that. What is it that you were trying to ask?"

“Well, I was concerned about the fact of magic exhaustion. I've gotten tired and some headaches from pushing too hard, but I never got past that. Won't training like this make it worse because we are growing stronger and our magic is increasing as well?"

"That is a good question Twilight. We know you are concerned for that, but do not worry. By honing your magic through this training, your body is already adjusting to the levels of magic you are using, allowing you longer and greater use."

"But what about you? You don't have the same amount of magic Cadance and I have. You have much more."

“Yes, and we have been working on that as well." Eclipse’s horn began to glow its light emerald tone as she conjured her long sword, the blade pulsing with golden aura. "Our magic reserve is magnified compared to what it was before. Through meditation and practice, the backlash of use on our has been lowered from what it was before. However..."

Sighing, Eclipse dissolved her weapon into the air as she turned back to Twilight. "To use our full power will still have consequences like before."

"But how do you stay so calm if that were to happen?"

"Twilight, if you worry about things like that all the time, you won't be able to focus on what is truly important when-

Before she could finish, Eclipse’s eyes shot open as a cold chill suddenly ran up her spine. She flipped her body around and looked off into the distance, searching for the odd sensation she suddenly sensed. 'What was that? That was a powerful magical surge that just happened.' She said to herself.

Tilting her head, Twilight walked over to Eclipse’s side and nudged her with her wing. "Is something wrong?

Eclipse ignored the feeling on her side, knowing Twilight was unable to sense the power she felt. Her skin was shaking from her nerves, fear coming into her heart. "There is something out there. We can feel it."

Turning the same direction her mentor was, Twilight tried to look for what she was talking about. To her though, all she could see was a beautiful sunset over the green hills in the distance. "What are you talking about? I don't-

"It's beyond the line of sight." Eclipse quickly answered. It was something she had never sensed before in her life. Whatever this odd magic was, it was far beyond the borders of their land.

And it was very powerful.


Hundreds of miles away from Canterlot, the grassy plains faded away as sand began to overtake the ground. The air became dry and hot, inhospitable for any plant life to grow. The large desert was plain and stripped of any other form and structure. All except for the massive red mountain rising above the sand.

The strange, glasslike rock wasn't created from any natural occurrence. Made from a combination of dark magic and sorcery in the ancient times before order existed in the world. With its making, order and peace fell upon the land after the Great War of freedom. For two thousand years this mountain sat here, keeping Equestria blind to what truly happened all that time ago. But that was about to change from the large split up the center of the structure.

From the moment Discord died, the entire strength of the mountain had begun weakening, it's strength fading everyday. Massive cracks laid across the entire surface, spreading out into a spider web like pattern. Several large pieces had already fallen off the side of it to reveal what seemed to be a dark, hollow interior. From deep within the mountain, a strange scraping sound began echoing out to the air.

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The next instant, a massive beam of yellow magic burst out from the mountainside, obliterating the top half of rock into thousands of pieces of gravel. The large cloud of smoke enshrouded what was left of the strange mountain along with the strange, bipedal figure now standing on the top.

"Hoorah! Feels good to breathe out here again!" The mysterious creature ecstatically yelled out into the wasteland. "It's about time that spell has worn off on us!"

Leaning forward, the freed being reached through the dust cloud, revealing his clawed hand and dark blue fur covered arm. He lowered his claws and scraped along the rock surface beneath him, emitting a trail of sparks in its wake. "I have been waiting for two millennium just to feel the wind blow against my fur. And I tell you, it feels great."

From inside the cloud, a second form rose up, this one in the shape of a tall and slender dragon. "It appears the land hasn't really changed in the time since we were out last." His voice said in a calm yet excited tone. "I think we should check out what has changed back at the Equestrian capital."

"I was already planning that ahead of you." The first figure answered eagerly, "I want to see who it was that killed Discord."

The second figure turned to the first to what he heard. "Perhaps you forgot your orders that were given by-

"Do you really think he will care if I go and solve this problem for us?" The first angrily responded, "I don't need his permission to go into the world that was once ours."

"Don't be foolish and go try to prove you are stronger than this being. While it is mostly certain we are, to simply go and fight this new creature is stupid to say the least."

"Don't try and tell me what I can or can't kill, Volvack. If you ever want to give your opinion on something, write it down." With his last words, the first figure leapt through the smoke and out into the fading light of the sky. In a flash of light, he teleported and vanished out of sight.

Stepping through the smoke, the dragon Volvack popped his neck before looking back to the sun setting on the horizon. Standing seven feet tall, his golden scales shimmered against the sunlight, radiating out like an uncovered stone. His head had a short and narrow snout leading up to his bright blue eyes. Down his back sat a large pair of brown wings tucked in to his slim yet very muscular body.

"Looks like he doesn't like to listen as usual." Volvack sighed before leaping off the top of the mountain and crashing down on the ground below. Looking back up, he saw two more figures behind the cloud of smoke. "So, what is your first order then?"

From the dissipating cloud, a long white limb reached down and grasped onto the rock. The moment the claw tipped hand touched down, a wave of ice spread out from the palm, encasing the surface in the freezing sheet. A serpent like tail flicked its way out as well, curling around a small stone and lifting it up towards the owners hidden face.

"While you may not agree with him, I don't think the first thing that we do is to simply wait and figure out who this mysterious pony is." The cold, female voice said as her tail crushed the rock in her grasp, "I for one am going north to my old kingdom. I sure hope that they kept my throne clean for me."

The air began to swirl as the mysterious serpent laughed before she teleported out of the mountain and onto her destination, leaving the final figure standing in the nearly dissipated cloud. Volvack let out a sigh as he cracked his knuckles. "Seems like both of them are in quite a rush to get what they want."

The dark figure turned around and walked back towards the darkness of the mountain interior. "And why wouldn't they be? They want what was taken from us."

Volvack raised his eyebrow in curiosity. "Are you not coming out? I thought you were the most ready for this day."

"There are things I must prepare still. While you can do what you wish now, I have to wait before I move on to the next step."

"And what is that step perhaps?"

The dark figure turned around in the shadows, his green eyes glowing through the darkness. "To show these creatures who are the real forces of power to live. To make them remember the gods that rule them."

Watching him disappear into the mountain interior, Volvack grunted before turning back towards the direction of Canterlot. The corners of his mouth slowly turned up into a grin as he fully realized his freedom he had now. "Perhaps it would be good to enjoy it as well."

Spreading his wings to their full ten foot width, Volvack burst off the ground and into the sky, shooting through the clouds for the first time in two millennia. He sat idle for several moments to enjoy the feeling of the wind blow past him before making his way towards Equestria.

"So Discord, you had the bright idea of tricking all of us and locking us away so you could have your life to yourself. Then you go and get yourself killed, allowing that spell to wear off." Volvack then began pondering what he was going to see when he finally met the one who did it, the one able to defeat the draconequus. "While I may have held resentment towards you, I knew your true strength and the power it possessed."

A toothy smile spread across his muzzle. "Time to see who sent you to the grave, little brother."

Author's Note:

Here it is. The long awaited sequel to my story We Fight as One.

Hope you all enjoy