• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 2,520 Views, 54 Comments

Gods of War - chaos2012

Princess Eclipse must face against the Ancient gods that ruled the world before her time.

  • ...

The Wolf's Hunt

As Eclipse and Twilight passed through the main gate of the city, Eclipse slowed to a stop before turning back around. She stared out through the now-dark night towards the great distance in the land. For some reason, she continued to feel a strange aura floating through the air as if foreboding a great warning to her heart. While she didn't want to believe it was a true threat, she couldn't ignore the possible danger she feared of.

Taking a deep breath, Eclipse turned to the pair of guards standing by the gate. "Please send word through to the rest of the battalions in the city. Double the patrols and watch posts for the night."

"Yes, your highness." Both answered with a nod.

Twilight watched in confusion as the pair of guards trotted past her into the city. Looking up to Eclipse, she trotted up to her and put a hoof to her shoulder. "Princess, what's the matter? Ever since we ended our training you have been acting like something is coming."

"We know Twilight. It's just..." Eclipse sighed while walking into the city. "While in the field, we suddenly felt an odd power appear out of nowhere."

"A power? What do you mean?" Twilight questioned.

"We aren't sure. It was something unlike we have felt before. And it was a dark magic."

Twilight looked up in worry to her former mentor as they walked towards the main castle. "I didn't ever sense any form of magic like that."

"Perhaps it's simply because your magical reserve isn't near as large as ours. We have more power than you, and that isn't anything you should worry about for yourself."

"Well, alright." Twilight said as she trotted along. "But shouldn't you be gathering all the guards then?"

"Now that word is being spread, all will be more cautious tonight."

"Cautious?" Twilight raised her eyebrow, "You didn't tell them any of that."

"We didn't want to Twilight. That would only insight panic from within the ranks. We want them to stay alert for the chance that something is coming." Eclipse gave a small shrug. "Perhaps we are just worrying over nothing. It was far beyond the borders of our land, and it may not even be what we felt."

“That's understandable, Princess." Twilight said with a smile. "Better safe than sorry like you always told me."

Eclipse chuckled at that. "Thank you for understanding. It's just makes us feel better to at least have some preparations in case this-


A loud explosion behind the two of them cut off their conversation. Eclipse and Twilight spun around and saw one of the small stores engulfed in bright flames.

"What happened!?" Twilight exclaimed.

Not even responding, Eclipse encircled the fire in a barrier to keep it from spreading. She then summoned a large collection of water and dropped it into the shield, quickly putting out the rest of the fire. Sighing in relief, she made the water disappear and deactivated the shield. "At least that is done. Who caused this!?" She yelled out in anger.

Not even a second later several guards came sprinting around the corner of the street. "Princess Eclipse, we heard the blast. What's the matter?" The lead one asked.

"We aren't sure. The fire just suddenly started, yet there was no pony near us when it happened."

"Hmm? Whoever said it was a pony?"

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Both princesses and the guards fell silent to the mysterious male voice from behind. They looked up to the top of the tall building to their right and saw the owner of the voice standing there. "Who... Who's that?" One of the guards stuttered in fear.

Staring down at them was what appeared at first to be a large Diamond Dog, but it was unlike one at the same time. His height was around seven feet, making him around Eclipses size. Muscles lined his arms and body enough to even show through his fur. Instead of a normal dogs head, it was longer like that of a wolf. His body was covered in deep blue fur along with a strip of dark black down his back. His bright yellow eyes beamed down in eagerness as he stepped towards the ledge beneath him.

"I must say, you all have made a lot of changes to your homes since I was her last time. Looks good." The strange wolf said with a smirk. "Too bad though. Volvack isn't a fan of anything pretty. He may want to do some remodeling by the time he gets here."

Eclipse glared up at him to the threat made. "Who are you and why have you attacked our city?"

The wolf raised an eyebrow to her demand. "Huh? Who are you to ask me anything? And you're pretty strange looking. Never seen a unicorn with Pegasi wings before." He gave a questioning look at the extra set of wings on her back. "I should say four wings actually."

Leaping off the structure, the wolf came down and landed on the street between the alicorns and the group of guards. The moment he touched, a small gust of air rushed out past the ponies, sending a shiver down all their spines.

'What is this feeling?' Twilight whispered to herself, 'There is such a powerful aura coming from him, yet he only jumped down? What kind of power is this?'

While she felt the same thing, Eclipse kept her face stern as she stepped forward towards him. "We ask you once already, and we will say it again. Who are you?"

The wolf stood back up and glared at the alicorn. "What's it to you about who I am? My business is with the leader here."

"We are the leader here."

The wolf widened his eyes in surprise at the realization he heard. "Wait, you? You are the ruler here? The strongest one in the city?"

"Yes, and as the princess, your name and reason here has been ordered to be given."

Several seconds of silence sat over the street as everypony sat on edge to what could happen. Then, the wolf cast a massive grin before bursting out in laughter.

"Oh my gosh! This is it!? Hahaha! This is the pony that took you out, Discord? Wow, now I really must be going crazy!"

Eclipse furrowed her brow in confusion to his statement. "Discord? What is your connection to him?"

As he began to slow down his laughing, the wolf scratched the bottom of his chin and grinned. "Well, I came all the way here to see the one who killed my brother."

Eclipse eyes shot open in disbelief and horror to those words. It felt like her jaw fell down to the ground beneath her, her lungs unable to breathe in utter shock. Twilight was also wide eyed in fear and confusion. "B-brother!? But Discord... He didn't... He doesn't..."

"Yeah, he was a prick, wasn't he?" The wolf sighed as he rubbed his head. "Never took the time to even mention me to anypony. Meh, kind of expected that since he didn't think the spell would wear off."

"What are you talking about? How are you related to Discord? He never had family." Eclipse said

"Is that what he told you, or is that what you just assumed about him?" The wolf said with a smirk. "And since you asked me for my name, I might as well give it. I am Malgoth, the god of Destruction."

Eclipse felt her heart speed up steadily to the title he gave himself. "God of destruction? For what reason do you give yourself that name?"

"How many damn questions do you plan on asking me now?" Malgoth growled her direction, cracking his knuckles as he walked towards her. "How about you just shut up so we can get down to business."

Seeing the way his bright eyes stared at her, Eclipse felt a crawl run up her spine. It was a sensation to which she had felt before, but only when it was in front of the spirit Discord.


As Malgoth came closer to the two alicorns, he suddenly stopped and looked back to the group of guards still staring at him. His mouth turned up to a sinister grin in excitement. "I think it would be better to get them out of our way then."

"Out of our way for what ex-

Before Eclipse could finish her sentence, Malgoth burst off the ground towards the guards with his claws extended. "Wait no!" She pleaded, but her words fell to deaf ears.

Malgoth laughed as his claws ripped through the first two guards like they weren't even there. Blood sprayed out over the other guards, making them scream out in fear before Malgoth’s claws reached out and gripped the remaining two by their heads and threw them through the building behind them. The entire wall collapsed as their bodies crashed into the brick side, leaving only a small chuckle from the wolf.

"Huh, blood's a little messier than I remember..." Malgoth said with a smirk, "I'll have to make sure in wash out my fur later."

Twilight felt her blood run cold at the sight before her; ponies right before her had trails blood running out of the deep gashes over their body. Even their eyes stayed open in death, showing the fear that ran in their hearts in the final moments they lived. "Why did you-... You just killed them." She stuttered out.

"Yeah, thought it would be better to get them out of the way. It would be annoying to let them interfere." Malgoth said.

Eclipse stared down to the dead guards on the street. Her heart felt weak at the act, but more out of guilt. She sat there while this cold creature killed them, and she didn't even attempt to stop it from happening. She let her subjects die while she did nothing.

Baring her teeth, Eclipse stomped towards the dark wolf as her horn glowed bright. "You will pay for what you did to them. We won't let you touch one more pony here.

"Well, why don't you walk over and stop me then?" Malgoth coaxed her by spreading his arms to his sides and exposing his chest. "I'll give you one free shot."

Eclipse narrowed her eyes in hatred as she prepared to shoot him straight through his heart. Before she could however, Twilight jumped in her way and charged her own horn. "Twilight no!"

Ignoring her mentor, Twilight released a large ball of magic directly at Malgoths body. The glowing sphere was near striking its target when Malgoth grinned and swatted the ball away with his claws.

Both eclipse and Twilight's eyes widened in shock. "What? He redirected the blast..." Twilight gasped, "that's only possible with..."

"Magic?" Malgoth finished for her, "yeah, I forgot to mention that. Oh and about me sitting for a free shot? I lied." He smiled as he clenched his right fist, becoming surrounded by a bright blue aura. "My turn now."

Slamming his fist into the street, Canterlot was rocked by a massive earthquake bursting out from beneath him. Eclipse panicked as a large fissure began splitting the ground in all directions, shattering walls of the nearby buildings before they collapsed down. Then even the ground beneath her and Twilight started to give out.

"Twilight, get up now!" Eclipse yelled out.

Unfurling their wings, both alicorns flew up into the air to escape the crumbling ground. Looking back down, they stared in horror as the fissures grew out and swallowed four buildings and damaged several others. "What kind of power is this?" Twilight said in disbelief to the sight beneath her.

"We don't know Twilight..." Eclipse muttered, "It feels like-" her eyes shot open at the sight she saw past her student. "Twilight look out!"

Flipping around, Twilight yelped in fright as Malgoth came flying through the air right towards her. Reacting on instinct she cast out a shield around herself. Malgoth simply laughed as he brought a fist forward and slammed into the shield, sending both it and Twilight inside careening through the sky.

"Twilight!" Eclipse screamed out. She turned back and glared in hatred at Malgoth, who now was actually standing in place in mid air. "How dare you lay a single claw on her!"

"I told you I wanted them out of the way. If I am going to fight you, I don't want any distractions now." Malgoth responded eagerly.

"What reason do you want to fight us so badly? Do you hold a grudge for Discord’s death?"

Malgoth tilted his head to the side in annoyance. "I hated that bastard Discord. He was always so lazy and laid back ever since the beginning. Yet despite that, he always had so much power to use. And now you killed him, I think it would be good to really see what you are made of!"

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Bursting through the air, Malgoth lashed right at her throat. Eclipse quickly pulled her head back out of reach and conjured her sword. Quickly rushing forward, she brought her blade down, only to have Malgoth weave to the side. She began slashing back and forth at him, growing frustrated as he continued to evade her attempts.

"Not bad, you're pretty quick there..." Malgoth commented while jumping back through the air. His claws became enshrouded in bright pulsing blue magic. "It's still pretty bad though."

Malgoth began slashing the air in front of him with both his paws, creating dozens of magical streams to rush out towards Eclipse. Grunting, she began blocking the incoming attacks with her blade, swinging up and down to deflect them away. After a few seconds the attacks stopped and gave her a moment to breathe. When she looked up however, she noticed Malgoth was gone. Her eyes shot back and forth trying to find him, but she was blindsided by a strong punch into her face sending her down into the roof of a tall store.

"Damn it!" Eclipse cursed as she crawled back up from the ground. Looking up, her eyes widened as Malgoth came barreling down towards her. She jumped off the roof just as he slashed into the top, completely cleaving the side of the building off. Eclipse took several breaths to calm her nerves. "He's much stronger than looks. What is he?"

Standing up, Malgoth shook his claws and frowned at her. "Hey, are you even trying? Don't make this disappointing for me."

Eclipse glared and charged her magic up in her horn. She gathered it up and released a pair of golden arrows through the sky down at him. Malgoth raised his brow at the sight. "Another try I see... This is ridiculous."

Putting his claws together, Malgoth gathered up a sphere of purple aura between them and grunted. "You are beginning to piss me off."

He reeled his arm back before throwing his attack right at hers, spinning through the air like a top. His ball then collided with the first attack, redirecting it to the right before ricocheting to the second and knocking that out of line as well. Eclipse gasped as the swirling ball raced up in the air right at her. "How did... What!?" She stuttered out in shock.

Eclipse raised her sword up in front of her face and slashed the magic down the center. The two halves raced past each side of her before exploding in the sky behind her. She stared down at the wolf standing casually on the roof beneath her, making her question the reality of this situation. "What kind of creature is he? How can he perform magic like this?"

As if answering her, Malgoth popped his neck and scratched his cheek. "You look surprised. Discord may have been strong, very strong in fact. One thing he lacked however... Control."

Kicking off, he rushed through the sky up towards the princess, who in turn shot a bolt of magic down at him. Malgoth claws sliced upwards and cut through her magic, allowing him an easy path to his target. Eclipse glared and brought her sword up above her head and swung down at him, but just before she struck him, he teleported out of sight.

Eclipse's mouth fell open in shock. "He... He has that form of magic as well? But how can he- gah!"

Malgoth’s hind leg slamming into her stomach cut off her words. Eclipse barely had time to look to her right and see her assailant when his fist landed directly onto her cheek and sent her careening through the air and into the side of another building. The blue wolf spit to the side in anger as the building collapsed on top of the pony beneath him. "This isn't real, is it? How could somepony as pathetic as you even be the one to kill one of my older brothers?"

He clenched his claws in fury at the mere thought of everything. "I may have hated you Discord, but I knew how strong you were. I bet you never even used your full power against her. You were probably even asleep when she came and killed you, right?"

"How dare you do that to her!"

Malgoth turned his head around to see Twilight racing right at him. He sighed in annoyance at another disappointing challenger coming his way. "You want to try this crap too?"

"You want to fight? Then fight me!" Twilight yelled as she summoned her sword to her side. She screamed out in anger, swinging her blade right at his head as he jumped back through the air. "You wanted something, so come at me now!"

Seeing the determination in her eyes only made Malgoth smirk. He effortlessly dipped back and forth around her swings, almost allowing her to actually hit him. He could tell she was filled with hate, clouding her mind and only making her hack without true aim. "I'll admit you have some heart in you, but you are pretty young, right?"

Twilight only responded by grunting and swinging faster, wanting him to pay for what he did. She brought her sword to her side and swung it at his head, but was stopped by his left paw catching it in his grip. Her eyes widened in surprise and tried to pull the blade away, only to have him pull the blade closer to his face.

"I mean look at this..." Malgoth glanced to the purple sword, noting the swirling, transparent aura, "you can't even create a strong weapon for use."

Before she could even see him move, Twilight was blinded by a strong punch right into her cheek. She felt her head rocked backwards like a snapping whip, feeling herself thrown backwards until his claws gripped the back of her neck holding her in place. Twilight tried to squirm out of his grasp, but was yanked forward and slammed into his knee. She screamed out in pain as he pulled back and kneed her again, forcing her to cough up a mouthful of blood.

Malgoth snickered before lifting her up to his face level, using one of his claws to wipe off a bit of blood from her mouth. "But I am feeling a bit generous, so I'll show you some lessons in magic."

Throwing her through the air, Malgoth watched in enjoyment as Twilight struggled to regain her balance before flying steady once again. She coughed hard several times, having trouble breathing with the sharp pain in her chest. 'Shoot, felt like he broke some ribs there.' She mumbled to herself.

Malgoth look down to the dissipating sword in his claws, a small smirk across his mouth in eagerness to end this pathetic excuse for a battle. He clenched his right claws tightly, then before long his entire arm became engulfed in pulsing red aura. The dark magic shifted down his limb until it focused down into his paw and formed into a long halberd.

Twilight mouth fell open slightly at the weapon he held. The handle and the made on top was so condensed she could not see through it at all, the same as Eclipse's. It was just like he said: Magic of perfect control. That was when she realized her predicament now.

There was no way she could even hope to beat him.

"Good enough demonstration? Because I'm done now." Malgoth spun his weapon in his paw before gripping it with both. "Now you will die as well!"

He rushed through the air straight towards Twilight, the mare too frightened to even move out of the way. She shivered in fear as the large wolf brought his halberd above his head and swung down. She closed her eyes and cried out knowing it was her end and-


Twilight's eyes shot open at the loud clash of magic in front of her, looking in awe at the golden sword stifling Malgoth's weapon. She turned her head to see Eclipse hovering to her side, only a few small scratches on her fur.

"P-princess..." Twilight stuttered out.

Eclipse didn't look down to the mare next to her, all her focus on the beast in front of her. "Twilight, get back now. We will handle this one."

Nodding, Twilight dropped down from the sky towards the ground. Already waiting below was a platoon of forty guards in the street watching her descend towards them. She landed down on the ground and they quickly ran up toward her.

"Princess Twilight, are you alright!?" One of them in front asked.

"I'm fine, thank you." She answered, only to stumble slightly and raise murmurs among the guards. Grunting to herself, Twilight sat down and shut her eyes as she began focusing her magic. Her horn cast out a small silver bubble encircling her body, swirling around herself like a whirlpool. Almost immediately, the stinging pain in her chest began to fade away as her bones started to realign.

Even with her eyes closed, Twilight cast a large smile to herself. While she had been training hard in combative magic over the last few months, healing magic was where her true talent was. 'Maybe I'm not meant to be a fighter like them.' She said to herself.

One of the guards trotted up to Twilight's side and coughed to get her attention. "Princess, we can have all soldiers in the city ready to engage the enemy by-

"No, none of you are to fight with him. He's too powerful for that." Twilight opened her eyes and looked up to Eclipse. "We have to let her handle this."

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Above the city, Malgoth eyed the glowing sphere around the young mare below. He could even tell how the bones he broke were healing already. "Hm, that's quite a good spell. Quite better than her fighting I'll say. I'll have to remember that." He then looked over towards the large white alicorn in front of him, bringing a smirk to his face. "So you got back up already without hardly a mark. A little tougher than I thought."

Eclipse didn't respond to him, but only raised her sword up to her side. Malgoth sneered at the stern look she gave him. "What's that look for? Just a moment ago you were acting all shocked. What's the change in heart!?"

Kicking off through the air, Malgoth yelled out and swung his halberd at her, only to have her sword swiftly rise and block it without effort. He was now the one to lose his smirk. "Huh?"

"It seems after these last few months we forgot just how much power it did take to fight Discord even at his regular level." Eclipse said as she pushed the opposing weapon back several more inches, "You seem to have reminded us of that!"

Shoving him back, Eclipse charged forward and began slashing her blade at her foe. Malgoth quickly swung his weapon head back at her again, clashing against hers midway. They both then exchanging a flurry of quick slashes and stabs, perfectly countering the other at the moment. Malgoth hit her weapon up through the air and exposed her chest, giving him a small window of opportunity.

He charged his right paw up and tried shooting her with a blast, but Eclipse’s left rear wing swooped down and hit his arm to the side. His magic shot off harmlessly into the sky away from the city, making him growl in anger. "So you think you can-

Eclipse’s forehead smashing into his mouth cut off any words coming out and made room for the leaking blood. Malgoth stumbled back a few feet before catching his balance, spitting out the foul liquid. "You bitch..." He growled in anger, "Fighting dirty, I see?"

"Dirty? Or are you simply upset you can't touch me now?" Eclipse taunted him.

Malgoths eye twitched in irritation at that. "We'll see that when you're at my feet dead!"

The two rushed at each other again, their magical clashing in bright flashes in the sky. Malgoth suddenly teleported out of sight leaving Eclipse alone. Glancing back and forth, she looked up in surprise as Malgoth came down through the sky right at her. Before he could strike her, she teleported in a blur as well.

"Damn it!" Malgoth yelled as he noticed Eclipse reappearing on the roof beneath him. "It's like she is not the same pony as before. Seems she is actually fighting now."

Eclipse deactivated her sword and charged up a ball of magic on her horn. Instead of shooting up into the air, the sphere began spinning rapidly on the tip, releasing dozens of bullet like blasts up at Malgoth. Grunting, Malgoth spun his halberd in front of him as shield, ricocheting all the small attacks throughout the sky. As soon as he had the opening, he burst towards the ground right at the alicorn.

Waiting for him to get closer, Eclipse pointed her horn up and cast out a bolt of lightning at Malgoth. The wolf chucked his weapon through the air and cut straight into the incoming lightning like nothing and shot down at Eclipse. The princess quickly jumped back out of the way as the halberd pierced the roof before the entire building collapsed into rubble. Only moments later, Malgoth jumped down onto the street and leaped at Eclipse with his claws extended.

"You think you can beat me!?" Malgoth yelled out as his paws charged up bright blue orbs of magic. "Discord was a fool to have ever have lost to you!"

Roaring out in fury, Malgoth slammed both fists into the ground shooting the magic downward. The city was suddenly rocked by a giant earthquake splitting the ground in all directions. Eclipse stumbled slightly and lifted her body off the street. Before she could fly back to engage him, she watched in horror as seven buildings immediately broke apart and fell down in pieces. "No! There are innocent ponies in some of these buildings! Leave them out of this battle!"

"There are no limits in a fight. Get used to it!" Malgoth roared at the alicorn while summoning his halberd again.

Eclipse's eyes narrowed in anger at the incoming wolf, her own magic forming two long swords. She burst off the ground straight at him. "You will pay for that!

The two combatants slashed out again, their strikes sending out small shockwaves with each clash. Malgoth rammed his shoulder forward knocking Eclipse back, quickly followed by his halberd swinging up and slashing across her cheek. Eclipse winced out in pain but didn't let that distract her as she spun her one blade like a buzz saw and throwing it at his neck.

Malgoth grimaced as he braced his weapon up and slammed into the incoming sword. The still spinning blade grinded against his handle, the blinding sparks shooting up into his face. Glaring through the bright light, he shoved forward and knocked the weapon through the air. When he looked back, he was shocked when Eclipse was already gone. "What the... Where'd she go?"

"Behind you."

Before he could even spin around, Malgoth screamed out in pain as her sword cut deep into his back. Stumbling forward, he deactivated his magic and fell to his right knee, breathing hard from the stinging pain running through him. He turned his head around and glared at Eclipse, the mare standing there calmly with her bloody sword in front of her.

"You... You think this is enough to stop me?" Malgoth growled through his pants, "I won't be defeated so easily like Discord was."

"You don't understand, do you?" Eclipse asked him while she slowly trotted his direction. " you can't defeat us. Even Discord put up a better fight than you did."

Malgoths body froze to the words that just came from her mouth. His breathing stopped completely, blood seeming to run cold in his veins. His pupils contracted into small slits, locked onto the pony in his sight. "A better fight? A better fight! You won't be saying that when I-

Eclipse suddenly blurred out from in front of him, confused by where she went. "Are you running away from me now and-

Malgoth fell silent by the bright blade slashing down his chest, spraying blood out like a fountain. His eyes shot open in utter shock, seeing Eclipse right in front of him. Her own emerald eyes stared into his, filled with an eerily cold gaze that would frighten most warriors of armor.

The god of destruction fell to his back, gasping out in agony to the deep wound from his left shoulder down to his stomach. His claws reached to cover the gash, trying to stifle any blood from falling out. He coughed several times as he looked up to the alicorn, staring down at him with no remorse.

"I gave Discord several attempts at peace when he tried to turn against us. Every time he refused and kept fighting, leaving us no choice but to fight." Eclipse sternly said. "You however showed me the bloodlust in your heart when you murdered our guards. We won't be making the same mistake we did with your brother.

Baring his teeth, Malgoth forced himself up to his hind legs, only to stumble and catch himself with his left arm. Blood leaked out of his mouth while he tried to breathe. "You bitch... You... You were holding back the whole time earlier weren't you?"

"At first we were shocked by the power you had, realizing we couldn't just use our standard magic. We will admit your skills were more focused than Discord’s.... But you were not as strong as him.

"Shut up!" Malgoth yelled out at her, digging his claws into the street beneath him. "I am sick of hearing that shit! Discord didn't deserve the power he had! He had no control of it and-

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Malgoth’s mouth froze that moment, leaving an eerie calm in the air. Eclipse tilted her head in confusion to his change, but before she could do anything, he spoke again.

"You saw him release his true power, didn't you?"

Eclipse felt her body suddenly shiver at the memory in her mind. She could still see Discord when he turned into that grotesque monster. A mindless beast of no order or control that only wanted to kill. A creature that had no true purpose and no real goal but annihilation. A perfect representation of what he was.


Seeing her reaction gave Malgoth the answer he was looking for, bringing a large grin to his face, he forced himself to his feet once again and chuckled.

"You have really surprised me... Eclipse." Malgoth paused to spit out a mouthful of blood. "To have been able to hold your own against Discord when he released his power. But... Something tells me you truly didn't defeat him, did you?"

Eclipse began sweating in fear, realizing there was something she wasn't understanding. She tried to hide the answer she didn't want to give, but Malgoth could read every small gesture she was unknowingly giving off.

"I feel... You fought Discord with his full power unleashed. By the way you were exchanging blows with me, I can sense you have more also. You must have released all your power as well, but I can tell just by fighting you it wasn't enough. Discord was one of the strongest of us, and-

"US!?" Eclipse eyes doubled in size to that word, "There... There's more of you?"

Malgoth laughed at her reaction. "Yes there are. We are the great deities created before the scrolls of time even recorded history. Forged through darkness and sorcery, we were born through the combined forces that resided in conflicts. We each represent a figment of battle. We are... The gods of war."

The beating of Eclipses heart was so fast it seemed to flow into one pulse. While it was going so fast however, her blood felt like ice running through her veins. 'This can't be true.... Nothing in history said anything about this...'she said to herself, 'He's destruction, and Discord was chaos. What... What are the others!?'

Malgoth only found amusement to her terrified expressions a he clenched his left claws together. "As I said, Discord was strong, but even in his great power, he lacked control. While I however, do."

Leaning forward, his clenched paw reached down towards the ground. "Now, you will see the difference in what-

A golden arm suddenly came from the side and grabbed his paw before it touched the ground. Eclipse gasped out in shock from the sudden appearance of another out of nowhere. "What!? Who... Who's that!?" She stuttered out.

Malgoths jaw began shaking slightly from the sight of the familiar golden scales covering the clawed limb. His eyes shifted up and looked towards the dragon clutching his arm. "What are... What are you doing here?"

The dragon Volvack stared blankly down to the bleeding wolf in front of him, eyeing the wounds down his front. "You seem to have had some trouble here, Malgoth. She stronger than you thought?"

Malgoth snarled up at the insult. "I have this under control. How about you let go of me and-

"There's no need to release your power..." Volvack slowly turned his eyes towards the alicorn at his front. "I will take care of this now."

Author's Note:

Volvack has arrived, and says release isn't necessary. What is the extent of his power?

And for all of you, a near perfect representation of Malgoth

Comments ( 15 )

It's good, I like the music you put into the chapters.

Loved the music for this story! Epic! Now I wonder...if Volvack interrupted, just how strong is HE?:derpyderp1:

I'm loving this story! I've got an adrenaline rush from picturing the fierce battles! :pinkiehappy:

Okay, that's about what I imagined him to look like.

Malgoth is pretty terrifying...

Nice idea and way to shamelessly steal the 'God of War Idea'. :moustache: I would advise you take the time to check that you're using the proper spelling and tense. Other then that good.:scootangel:


Darn, with the music, every phrase gives me chills. a very thrilling story, both this and the older one, can't wait for the next update.

Um if I may say that for a future sequel... have Eclipse fight an evil version of herself if you can?

I look forward to the next chapter :)

Been ages since the last chapter was uploaded... Is there any hope for this story?

5862798 I have a lot of this story planned, the battles and everything... It's just I don't have much time to write

And... Not really into mlp as much anymore

5864703 Well... Is there any way that we can help to fix those problems?

"There's no need to release your power..." Volvack slowly turned his eyes towards the alicorn at his front. "I will take care of this now."

Uh-oh...Eclipse is in for one hay of a battle now:twilightoops:!

This story is omega dead.

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