• Published 3rd Apr 2014
  • 1,299 Views, 30 Comments

Discordant Harmony - Three-Patch-Problem

Discord wasn't always the terrible monster you know and love, he once had a crush on a certain unicorn.

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Prologue: Transitioning

I don't remember what I was doing that day. We had just moved to Ponyville, after my father died in the Everfree forest when we lived in Manehattan where Dad worked as a lumberjack. Ponyville had been around for about thirty-five years. We moved into a small cottage outside the forest, because that was cheapest. It was an old two-story house, with a roof that hung low and blue shutters that always creaked at night, the pipes leaked and the paint that was supposed to be white at some time in the past, was now dirty and peeling. While my mum unpacked the boxes, I explored the trees outside our garden, there was something about plants that made me feel calm and serene. My sense of adventure peaked at the age of ten. Well, and I heard crying, so I ran deeper into the forest to find out where it was coming from. My hoof got caught in a tree limb. I tried to move it out, but it wouldn't budge. I suddenly heard rustling in the bushes several feet away from me.

"Is s-s-someone there?" I asked, scared out of my mind. Why was Mom always right?!

I suddenly smelled pine trees, and there I saw it. Between the bushes two cold yellow eyes stared hungrily at me, my mother had warned me about timberwolves, but I didn't believe her. Pride before a fall, I guess. It snapped it jaws at me, a low growl that matched it's freaky-looking face. Out of all the things in the world, timberwolves scared me most. My father died being eaten by them. I was only five at the time. So I stood there like a deer in headlights.

An odd rain fell from pink clouds, this didn't distract the wolf, it drew closer. The weirdest creature I'd ever seen appeared right in front of me in a flash of light. It had a head of a pony, and a body made of all sorts of appendages. It waved a black wooden sword at the beast, yelling in an odd voice. "What are you doing?" I said.

"Saving your life, pony." He said with a mischievous grin.

I just stood there trying to process things before he transported us. I came from a family of pegasai, I being the only unicorn in six generations, I had only seen magic like this when I went to a magic show in Manehattan. And even the best magician hadn't done this. "Are you okay?" he asked, helping me off the floor. I stared at the castle in front of us. Large, pink clouds flew around in circles above it. "Cat got your tongue?" He said producing an actual tongue, I backed away from the odd creature.

"Gross! Where are we? Who in Equestria are you?" I asked. He caused us to fly into the castle. I almost screamed. It looked like an optical illusion in the books I read, tall hypnotic swirling walls twirled around us as we rose out of the floor. He stopped us from colliding into a swirling wall before producing a couch and dropping us onto the soft purple mass.

He stood and bowed "Discord, Lord of Chaos, your turn." He smirked.

"Silver Quill. Unicorn gardener. How old are you? I'm ten" I had bragged. He made two glasses appear.

"In draconequus age, I'm about eleven. Officially I'm one hundred. Want a drink?" He gestured at the two cups that now sat on a giant cloud table. I blinked in amazement. This was the most interesting thing that had ever happened to me.

"Chocolate milk please." I answered.

"I had a feeling you were going to say that."

And that was that. Our friendship began that day. We became best friends. I would pretend to go play in the forest, and meet him there. It was like that for years. We would play wonderful games of chaotic imagination. And every time, Discord would make me feel like a princess. I had to hide him from my Mom, always giving her an excuse of how I was gardening. In reality, I would spend time with Discord. School was the worst, but I taught Discord some of what I learned, though he would distract me with other things. When I earned my cutie mark, it was all thanks to him. I was carving a statue with my magic, and I earned my cutie mark in sculpting, though I hated sculpting, which made him burst into a fit of laughter.

One day we would be knights swearing loyalty to the king (aka a tree), the next day we would pretend to be lion tamers, anything we wanted to do.

But one day our days of childhood melted away, we had matured. In our early teens, we fell in love. I shared my first kiss with him, my mother wondered why I was giggling so much. We would spend nights in our castle, just staring at the stars. I would fall asleep in his arms, he always left a note for me.

When I was fifteen, I fell out of a tree and hit my head on a rock, it was bleeding so much that I fainted. Discord had this worried expression on his face, he seemed in just as much pain as I was. That day, Discord made me an alicorn, now this was very painful, imagine it, you're growing wings out of your back, you're becoming immortal. It hurts like crap, it's burning, yet freezing. Anyhow, that caused a huge blast of magic and Royal guards investigated the forest and took him to the palace, they brought me to my mother and told her I had been transformed by magical radiation. I loved him, and they took him to the palace. He wrote to me, saying that he was being treated equally by King Terra and Queen Aeterna, and that their daughters were amused by him. I missed him terribly, and his letters one day stopped. That week Terra and Aeterna went to Saddle Arabia, and were killed by a small rebellion. Discord's letters came after six months. It was as if a new pony was writing. He sent me an amulet, shaped like a lollipop. He said the new regents for the Princesses had forced him to stay in the dungeon, that they had called him a freak.

A few weeks later, I had gone to Canterlot on vacation. It was a gift from my mother, I had turned sixteen. A surprise came that week, an unpleasant surprise. It began with pink clouds, I thought he had gotten freedom to do what he wanted, then the roads turned to soap an the grass into butter. My mother slipped on our balcony and fell into the butter and died. I gave up that day.

On my way home, I was careful and avoided the slippery stuff on the road.

Soon news spread that Discord had been transformed into stone. I decided I had nothing to live for. I tried to cut my wrists once, but just as the knife hit my skin, an odd force field would surround my body, as if by magic. I tried again on several occasions, just to see if I was as invincible as I thought I was. Each time would end in failure, the shield protected me.

I decided to not interact with anypony any more. I became a recluse, and only a few would enter my world. I lived in my childhood home outside of Ponyville, I built a greenhouse and grew vegetables there. I couldn't die, I was immortal.

Years later, a cross-eyed mail-mare became my only connection to the outside world. She had disappeared for five years and come back pregnant. Derpy works two jobs in order to take care of little Dinky. I helped her out, let her stay at my place and took care of her during her pregnancy, she made me the godmother of Dinky. I thought I didn't like kids but Dinky was the sweetest thing. I would do anything for that filly. I taught her magic, and how to hold multiple objects without breaking concentration. Every time she got something right, she would giggle happily. She had the cutest laugh. She always made a craft at the end of the day for me. Whether it was a necklace or a macaroni heart, she would always make an extra. I read her fairy tales, and legends like Nightmare Moon, and we finished them in a week. She loved them all.

Every night I would stare up at the sky, and wonder when he would appear. He always loved to make a grand entrance. He had broken my heart, and I loved him still. My parents were gone, forever. So day after day, I would just write and garden. I hoped for him to come and take me away, but then, what would Dinky and Derpy do? They would need somepony to help them, a doctor maybe.

So, I adjusted to my new life, the one Discord had forced me into. I hated and loved him still. That was my life until one morning it would all change.

Author's Note:

So I'm updating all my stories, and I thought I should work on the ones I have here.