• Published 3rd Apr 2014
  • 1,297 Views, 30 Comments

Discordant Harmony - Three-Patch-Problem

Discord wasn't always the terrible monster you know and love, he once had a crush on a certain unicorn.

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One: A Most Discordant Return

Discord sat in his stone prison doing what he usually did, plotting his revenge on the ponies who put him there in the first place.

While most ponies thought when he was "transformed", he was stone completely, though in reality it was a shell, a magic proof shell, but a shell none the less. He had shrunk himself and created a miniature kingdom. He would create masterpieces of wonder and chaos, but what was the point if nopony was around to appreciate his genius? He created a few friends for himself, but usually they would get boring and he would destroy them, there were only a select few that remained. He hated this stone prison that kept him from bringing his beautiful mayhem on Equestria, but tonight he had a plan. He only had to wait for those pesky guards to leave. He had awaited this evening since he discovered he could escape on the eve of the Summer Sun Celebration.

His memory was erased of everything except the two mares who had done this to him. He had tried to use a memory spell, but nothing worked. It was horrible, all his memories, every warm childhood recollection, gone in an instant. He hoped to return his memories by returning to the Everfree forest, home of his childhood castle. Celestia came by the first night after his capture and told him a summary of his life, excluding a part of a friend. After his chaotic reign of course. He would have his revenge. Or at least live comfortably, away from the princesses.

Originally when he'd found out he could escape, he had wanted to escape and cause chaos instantly, but he stopped himself last minute. Celestia deserved better, especially after what she'd done to him. He knew what had happened over the years, thanks to gossiping gardeners. Dear old Tia had sent her sister to the moon, which in a thousand years, she had escaped and was transformed back into her original kind form by these six mares who now controlled the Elements of Harmony.

"What a pity." Discord mumbled to himself. He had sat in his stone head, awaiting the perfect moment to make his escape.

After discovering the Elements were now wielded by the six, he considered the problems that could occur with his attempt. They could use those wretched weapons of peace against him. He had thought many a night over this. He had finally decided on a plan, a brilliant plan. He would kidnap a mare, a mare from their hometown, and threaten harm, those puny ponies would bend to his will. He would keep the mare as insurance. He didn't know what he'd do with the mare, maybe put a love spell on her and turn her into a puppet. He didn't know.

"I'll cross that bridge when I get to it." He said with a grunt.

Finally the hour was right. He snapped his fingers and disappeared out of the shell and into a cave. He had decided to stay in the Smoky Mountains. He decided to start in Ponyville, appropriate, the home of that meddlesome unicorn. He snapped his fingers and transported to the City Hall. He caused the sun to go up with a wave of his hand. He made his signature cotton candy clouds appear, he caused them to multiply completely block out any and all light. He turned the roads into flowing brown rivers of chocolate milk, and the fountain to spray soft peppermint bark. He turned the grass into mashed potatoes and the houses into stacked cards.

He watched with glee as the ponies ran in panicked herds, frightened by the ruin of their town. Discord cackled with glee, it was good to be back!


I ran outside as the wet cards of what used to be my house crashed to the ground. My greenhouse was still in good shape, thank goodness. I ran inside, my Venus Flytrap was trying to drink the chocolate milk that leaked through the clear glass roof. This place was going insane!

"Audrey Two! No!" I pulled the plant away from the chocolate that was now gushing through the roof in a waterfall. My plants would die in this weather. I thought about what I could do and an idea popped into my brain. The Castle! I thought, slowly gathering supplies in my saddlebag with magic. It was pouring outside in hard drops, or were those chocolate orbs? I strapped Audrey Two to my back after my saddlebag and slowly made my way to the back of the greenhouse.

I decided to carry what I could of my plants and carry them to the old abandoned castle in the Everfree. Discord and I had gone there so many times, he hadn't destroyed it. I would be safe there. Derpy and Dinky had gone with Derpy's friend The Doctor, to apparently go on vacation or something like that. I hoped they were okay.

I feared the forest, but luckily the timberwolves were currently trapped in the large patches of gum. I might have laughed had my home had not been destroyed. The path kept alternating between soapy and dirt, it was hard to concentrate on keeping my plants in my magic hold. I slid, and stopped, I soon solved the pattern to the mess. If one thing frustrated me, it was if something didn't have a pattern. And yet my romantic interest was the Lord of Chaos. Seriously, though, I could figure it out. I slipped around until I finally spotted my old fort. I trotted as fast as I could towards the play place of my youth.

When I reached the old castle, I felt as if my emotions had simultaneously smacked me in the face. I felt a mixture of nostalgia and sadness and anger. The clouds were gone and the castle had sunk in a pool of chocolate milk. This piece of my childhood, destroyed of the wonder it held for me. I felt like crying, but I knew that would do nothing except dehydrate myself. Upon hearing the rabid howls of the timberwolves, Crap, they escaped. I thought as I quickly ran inside and using magic, slammed the door shut. I stayed in the main hall, the arches were moldy and the place smelled like mildew and cheese puffs. Though there was a few dry places on the floor. I pulled out a blanket and sat down, leaving my plants a few feet away from me, right where I could see them

Finally I was getting organized.

I searched in my saddlebag to ration my food, which turned out to be a few sandwiches and bag of crackers. I considered what was happening and how to handle this, I could just stay here and take care of my plants, but how could they survive without water, how could I survive without water. Overwhelmed with the current events, I fell asleep.

WhenI woke up to find everything was... Fine. Bizarrely, not a single thing was wrong. The rain was still pounding on the roof, so not a thing had changed. The plants were fine, until I saw one moving away.

"Hey get back here!" I yelled stupidly, plants, much to my dismay, couldn't talk. Then again, they weren't supposed to scoot away either. I chased after the mysterious tomato plant as it's vines grew over the sides and it went from scooting to a full sprint.

I groaned and finally caught up with it, grabbing it's thin green vine. To my surprise and annoyance, it grew longer and wrapped around my front leg, curling around it in a tight spring. Another vine sprung out as I struggled with the first one, this was the weirdest plant I'd ever seen. I was wrapped on my two front legs, I pushed myself back, trying to escape the small but tough vines that were turning quickly into branches. Another two slid up my legs and four grabbed at my torso, completely covering it. I think I'd seen a movie like this the month before, but I couldn't think clearly with vines covering my every inch. I let out a scream, it had made it's way to my neck, choking me, I looked around desperately, trying to find someone to come to my aid, cursing myself in my head for choosing a secluded area, the only things around for the next fifty miles were timberwolves. My face was scratched by a sharp thorn and I felt blood run down my cheek followed by salty tears. The last thing I saw was the last thing I expected to see. Him. With his yellow and red eyes, looming over me.

"Discord?!" I gasped before everything went pitch black.

"So how do you do that?" The young filly asked.

The draconequus smirked at his best friend. He summoned a stack of couch-less cushions.

"What?" He asked.

"The magic!" She said, falling from her perch on the stack of cushions. Discord quickly forced the stack under the filly just before she hit the floor.

"It's something I was born with." He answered. "Why, do you want to learn?" He asked.

The unicorn gasped. "That'd be awesome!"

Discord summoned some targets. Silver Quill shot energy bolts, shooting everywhere but the intended targets.

She frowned and sighed. Discord transported directly by her side. He placed a arm around her, causing the filly to blush.

"W-What are you doing?" She asked, he stared at her with those entrancing eyes.

"Concentrate on the targets." He said. She focused her attention away from the warm lion paw around her torso.

"Now take a deep breath." Silver sucked in as much air as her lungs would allow.

"And release." She exhaled.

"Now shoot." He whispered into her ear. She blushed and felt herself feel tingly all over.

And then she hit the target.

Discord transported himself and the vine covered pony immediately to his palace.

He'd forgotten about the vine trap in the playhouse ruins, originally put there to prevent intruders, he'd placed it several centuries ago, but over the years it had evidently grown a mind of it's own.

"Alright let the pony go, Seymour." He ordered the self-aware plant, pointing a claw at the chocolate floor. The bulb shook from side to side.

Discord produced a small bottle of weed killer out of thin air, it released the pony instantly. Discord made the weed killer evaporate before examining his prize.

It was a mare, tall and thin, her softly curled mane was black, with pale blue and maroon highlights, long and flowing, with bangs that hung over her forehead and covered a bit of her eyes, her fur was periwinkle, most bizarre though, were her eyes, though they were closed Discord had seen her struggle, she had no irises, only dark purple pupils. She was an Alicorn, though Discord fixed that quickly by removing her horn. Her cutiemark was an obsidian rock carved into a flower.

"How odd." Discord chuckled.

Now that he knew what she looked like and that she was immortal, Discord had to figure out what to do with her for the time being. He could lock her in a cage, tie her up in the air, transform her into an animal, he could do anything. Though the possibilities were endless, he decided on placing her in a cage. She would be secure there, she couldn't escape and he'd be free to prepare for those pesky elements. She looked so peaceful, this one would be fun, ponies were always good for a laugh, especially reclusive ones. She'd be easy to crack, though for some reason, she seemed familiar, Discord didn't know why, but he decided to put it off and go prepare some things for the next events.

He decided to prepare an invitation and snapped his fingers. It would be burped out by that dragoness secretary that always stayed by Celestia's student's side. Discord made a floating quill and scroll appear.

"Hmm. What should it say?" He paced in the air. "I've got it!" He exclaimed, startling the quill into leaking a few drops of in onto the floor. "Write this." He began to dictate a short letter to the Elements inviting them for tea. "Classy, yet mischievous. Perfect." He said after sending the note. Next, on his list for preparations was to make a way to transport the stallions without hurting the or making them too suspicious, lest they find out his plans before he revealed them. Hopefully Tia's little angels wouldn't be too stupid to figure this one out.

With the castle floating thirty feet in the air, the stallions would need a way to get up, he summoned nearby stones and flattened them into huge round pancake-shaped discs. He carved each element onto the stone, so that they would definitely know it was for them. He created a sign out of a duck on a stick and attached them to the north wall of the castle. He sighed at the sight of his work, this would be so much fun. He disappeared back inside and made a cloud hammock appear. He slid into the soft plushness of the cloud. He soon fell asleep, dreaming of his wonderful plan succeeding.

Blissfully unaware, how this simple mare would change him for the better.

Author's Note:

I hope y'all enjoy this, because I've worked my flank off writing this.
Though it's very fun to write, I really enjoy writing Silver Quill's POV parts.
More editing, this was easier because I had this saved on Notepad. I'm not using Male Mane Six, I found it hard to do.
Sorry it took me so long to publish, editing is my least favorite thing to do, and I have to write the other chapters, so I hope you enjoy! Patience shall be rewarded.