• Published 22nd Mar 2014
  • 2,978 Views, 63 Comments

The Shipmaster - Coronet the lesser

Discord only ever wanted to rule the world. Now he is faced with a far more dangerous endevour....shipping! Thanks to his own actions Discord sets off a chain of events that will only lead to two things alot of chaos and romance

  • ...

Calling Nurse Luna.

Twilight awoke once more in a comfy bed in a strange room with the sun spilling slightly through the tall windows. She also had a profound sense of déjà vu. Go figure.

She sat up slowly. There was a strange throbbing coming from her head. With a hesitant hoof she touched a sore which had begun to form under her horn. Twilight wondered briefly that perhaps she should go to the hospital. The amount of cranial trauma was certainly not a good thing for her.

“Oh no,” squeaked Twilight. “Not again.” Twilight let out a most unprincess like groan from her throat. She massaged her temples as she considered the implications of what had previously happened. Despite her injury, the blow had unfortunately done nothing to impair her immaculate memory with all of the cringe worthy details that came with it. Twilight soon felt her hair flair up again. This was certainly not what she had in mind when she was summoned earlier that day. Her mind began to race.

‘Luna interested in me?’ She turned her head left. ‘That’s absurd. I mean I know were friends but I can’t handle a relationship right now.’ Her head jerked violently to the right as she continued to hold her silent conversation with herself. ‘I mean not that she isn’t beautiful but she‘s the wrong princess.’ Twilight’s head shot up in indignation at herself. ‘Wait, no. Bad Twilight. There is nothing wrong with Princess Luna. I mean she is ho-uh very attractive. Just because she isn’t Princess Celestia doesn’t make her any less so. I would be flattered to share a be-…’ Twilight’s mouth opened and closed much like a goldfish. Alarms rang inside Twilight’s head as her libido intertwined dangerously with her imagination. ‘Well, I wouldn’t want it to go that far…uh, well not that I would be opposed to doing…wait, stop. Listen to yourself. I mean it’s Celestia you want. She’s got the better flan-.'Twilight stopped upon the realisation of where her thoughts were leading her. She rounded the room again as if her feelings were paramount to treason. Completely ignoring the implausible of such a concept. Here she was comparing the attractiveness of her fellow princesses like some teenager. Again. ‘Sweet Elements what have I become?’

Twilight supressed her rather raunchy thoughts with difficulty. A more concerning matter was that something was off within her area. She was fully aware that she was in Luna’s room. That much was evident from the still present set of chairs and a table from her earlier tea session and the distinctive gothic look of the chamber. Yet there was a distinctive lack of one aforementioned figure.

“Wait a minute?!” shouted Twilight aloud. She pulled the bed sheets up to her mouth in fear as if the covers would protect her. It was adorable if entirely impractical. “Where is Luna?!”

Fear descended into Twilight as she could not locate her host. Twilight scanned the room with frightful eyes. She didn’t see anything but she didn’t let her guard down. Luna would not have left her alone. Not after what had just had transpired. Anyway it was still day time. Luna wouldn’t have court for another several hours. Twilight looked up to the roof fearing a sneak attack. Thankfully nothing was forthcoming.

Twilight tentatively exited the bed. She placed her hooves on the cool floor. There was a gentle breeze coming from a nearby ajar window. She moved as quietly as she could across the empty room. With a great amount of caution she called out.

“Luna? Are you there?”

She didn’t receive reply. In spite of this, Twilight struggled to keep her heart from racing. For a brief moment, she considered bolting. Twilight shook her head. She needed to talk with Luna. She had to sort this out. It was of the uttermost importance to tell her this was all a big misunderstanding. Luna, being the logical, sane and complete stable pony that Twilight supposed she was, would surely understand.

Besides running never solved anything. It only delayed the inevitable. Twilight was a grown mare now. She had to face her problems like one, even if such a problem was extremely embarrassing for her.


Suddenly Twilight heard a noise. She swiftly turned around. The noise appeared to originate from the closet near the vanity mirror. Twilight took in a sharp breath and trotted forward reluctantly. Moving at almost a snail’s pace she began to make headway to the massive armoire. There was a gust of wind which made Twilight stop in her tracks. It may have been a trick of the light but Twilight swore she saw a shadow move. In the dead silence of the room, Twilight could almost hear the erratic drum of her heartbeat.

“Okay Luna, I’m not kidding around anymore, come out,” said Twilight between heavy breaths.

She was greeted by more silence. She eventually reached the imposing piece of furniture. There was a subtle creak of the door as it opened slightly. Twilight felt sweat crease heavily on her brow. She lifted her shaking hoof to the handle. She slowly began to pull out the door. Her heart was in her mouth. ‘This was all very stereotypical,’ a small part of her mind chipped in. With the tension growing with each second, Twilight finally faced her fears and swung the door fully open and…


Instead, Twilight was greeted by a space filled with an assortment of dresses and silver hoof pieces. Twilight also saw in the corner a few boxes containing several diet books covered in dust. There was a small note written on them with the words ‘To Tia! Happy Birthday!’ Twilight allowed herself a chuckle before deciding to shut the door.

“Well thank goodness for that,” sighed Twilight. With a great weight lifted from her she turned and was met face to face with a grinning Luna.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!”screamed Twilight as she reeled back falling into some of the dresses.

“Ahhhhhh, to you as well Twilight Sparkle,” beamed Luna with a toothy grin. Luna’s magic quickly untangled Twilight and sat her up. Twilight did not ask for help but it was not unwelcome as Luna’s soft magic surrounded her.

“Don’t do that. You scared me!” barked Twilight. She coughed as she cleared some of the dust from her coat. Twilight finally got a good look at Luna. “And what in Tartarus are you wear-…..”

There were few words in the dictionary to which Twilight could use to describe what she saw next. In more simpler terms she was scandalised. Here before her was a princess of Equestria, dressed in the most suggestive nurse uniform that you wouldn’t see outside of dirty magazines that Twilight most certainly did not steal from her brother. Needless to say, it would not have been accepted in any pratical medical institution. But it most definitively highlighted the gracious curves that Luna possessed in all the right places. The white fabric covered tightly across Luna’s body but was low cut enough to underscore a certain rear department and had a low cutting v-shape along the neckline to expose her swan like neck. The little hat on her head with Red Cross was also, admittedly, quite cute.

Had Twilight been in a different situation she may have passed out again but it seemed that her brain was quite content to let her sit there as her head turned different shades of red giving off the impression that she was about to explode. An option which Twilight would have gladly welcomed at this point. As she took in Luna’s appearance all those previously emotional thoughts came back to her tenfold. This situation oddly enough was almost an exact replica of supressed fantasy dream seventy-six. Luna did not miss Twilight’s eyes gliding over her body.

“Oh, so you noticed my outfit, did you?” she chuckled as she gave a playful shake to her rump. Twilight made a sound similar to a dying chicken in response. Luna pulled Twilight forward causing our lavender, coloured protagonist to stumble once more. Twilight felt a hoof touch her forehead. “Oh, someone has a nasty knock.” Luna dropped her hoof and began to circle Twilight like a bird of prey letting her tail trail along Twilight's midsection. Twilight shuddered involuntarily. "Hmm, you shouldn’t be out of bed." Luna quickly faced a stuttering Twilight once more. “Here, let nurse Luna take care of you.”

Twilight was gripped with weightlessness as she felt her hooves be swept out from under her. The unusual tingle of Luna’s magic surrounded her again. Twilight eventually recovered enough to use her vocal cords as her blush died down. Twilight had not thought for one second that she could possibly could use her own magic to counter Luna’s. Perhaps because subconsciously she was actually starting to enjoy being handled so roughly. Twilight really did not want to think much more about the matter and what it said about her character. So, she decided to protest instead.

“P-p-put me down Luna!” squeaked Twilight as she struggled to stop herself from spinning upside down.

“Tsk-tsk, let the professionals handle this my sweet, little star,” giggled Luna as she moved closer to the bed. Twilight would have glared at Luna had her mane not gotten into her muzzle. She swore this mare thought this was all some sort of sick game.

Twilight suddenly had her thoughts derailed as she was launched into the bed sheets and wrapped tightly with the blankets. Luna stalked the edge of the bed before pulling a bag, from seemingly nowhere, out in front of her. Twilight attempted to sit up but found herself forced back down with a firm hoof. Luna leaned down and placed her cool hoof against Twilight’s forehead before cooing in concern. Bringing Twilight’s head close to hers she whispered

“Ooooh, looks like someone has a temperature as well. Why don’t you relax Twilight Sparkle? Nurse Luna will make it all better,” Luna said as she patted Twilight’s head condescendingly. Twilight began to shake violently as her ‘nurse’ used the same hoof to trail down her neck.

“Ahhh, bad touch, bad touch, I need an adult,” she whimpered as she tried in vain to stop her from reacting positively to Luna’s ministrations.

“Silly Twilight, were both adults here. Now I need to gauge your temperature to accurately administer treatment. Now stay right there.” Luna continued to look through her bag. Twilight was distraught as she found her body seemingly paralysed. Twilight decided that perhaps she could give negotiations a try.

“Luna I really….uhhhhhh what was I saying. I mean w-we need to talk. You’re an extremely beau-” Twilight caught her tongue at the last moment by biting down painfully on it. ‘Stupid sexy thoughts!’

“Why thank you my dear, I know quite well.” Luna winked at her. Twilight involuntarily shuddered again. Luna then proceeded to remove quite a large, comcial thermometer from the bag. Luna gave it a satisfied grin before facing it to Twilight. Twilight sputtered. In one of the most sensual tones Twilight ever heard, Luna asked “Now where do you want it the mouth or the-”.

"I’m done," stated Twilight in an even tone. With speed that would even impress Rainbow Dash Twilight managed to not only fling herself from her bed but also manoeuvre herself to the door within several seconds. The chamber doors flew open as Twilight rushed to a hasty retreat from her captor.

“Bedsheets, my one weakness,” cried Luna dramatically as the bedsheets covered her.

“Got to escape, got to escape," repeated Twilight, to nopony in particular as she wheeled down the castle halls. She didn’t even notice as curious ponies looked on at their seemingly distressed princess. “I’m too young for this. I’m…well, I’m twenty-one but the principal still counts.” Twilight flung herself around the corner only to find herself abruptly stopped by somepony, who grunted in return. Twilight fell for the second time within a few minutes. She huffed angrily in response. Twilight was in no mood to be polite to whoever had prevented her escape.

“Hey watch where you’re-”

“Oh, I’m sorry my little p-,Twilight?” said Princess Celestia. The alabaster alicorn highlighted in all her glory by the backdrop of the setting of the evening sun spilling in through the windows. A look of confusion adorned her face as she looked down at her former student. The princess didn’t seem too distressed by the collision, in fact she had barely moved, her concern seemed more placed towards Twilight who still had not gotten off the floor. Twilight on the other hand was not in such a calm sate.

“P-p-p-p-princess?” Twilight wanted to scream at the cruel irony of it all. It had to all be a big, cruel prank. A show for some twisted puppetmaster who was orchestrating all of these events. A twisted being who enjoyed watching her dance and move like an animal performing for a circus.

“Hello to you as well Twilight Sparkle,” said Celestia with a smile. She extended her golden clad hoof to help Twilight up. Twilight took it with the uttermost reluctance, yet relished the brief contact with her crush, even if it only lasted a moment. “I had no idea you had arrived at the castle.”

“I was-I was the thing-the place,” babbled Twilight like an idiot. Twilight was never good at lying. Especially when it came to the princess. Sadly her wits had left her so even an attempt to do so would fail miserably. Luckily or unluckily for Twilight, a familiar face came to her rescue.

“She was just studying with me, dearest sister,” called Luna, who was noticeably lacking her nurse uniform. “I needed her advice on a new constellation I was planning to create and who better than a close friend. I dread to face the astronomers committee all on my own" It shocked Twilight how Luna could shift from one moment of being crazy to a perfectly calm being in the next. Luna took a seated position next to Twilight.

“Oh, that’s wonderful Luna. I’m so glad you two are getting along,” proclaimed Celestia.

“Yes, heh-heh, getting along,” said Luna with a big grin as she pulled Twilight into an uncomfortable hug before realising her slightly. Twilight was now in a seated upright position like Luna. While Luna had parted from the hug she had left a a hoof wrapped around Twilight’s back. To Celestia it looked like a friendly gesture of two friends but what she didn’t see was the fact that this hoof was now moving slowly down Twilight’s body making soft circles as it went.

“Eeep,” chocked out Twilight, Much to her delight, Celestia had not noticed her student’s discomfort as Luna had her engaged in conversation, all the while, Luna’s hoof trailed down to a most sensitive area. Twilight was given a brief respite when Celestia talked to her once more.

"Well, this makes everything much easier. I had plans for a little get together with you Twilight. We haven’t had time to talk in quite some time. It’s only fair that I catch up on the activities of my most faithful student," she laughed as she gave Twilight a faithful nudge. Twilight laughed as best she could even if it came out like she had just been sentenced to death. “A letter can only say so much. Luna said you had planned to stay here for a week?"

“A w-w-week? In the castle? Here?” Twilight’s eyes went wind. ‘I’m dead. This is the afterlife and I’m dead. A meteor came from the sky and destroyed Ponyville. I’m dead and this is my hell. All because I returned that book from the library two weeks late when I was seven.’ Were it not for Luna’s leg Twilight may have collapsed again.

“I find that strange as well. I would have assumed that you would miss your friends in such time, but no matter I’m sure me and Luna can fill in." There was a heart chuckle from the two sisters but a distinct lack of one from Twilight who let out a low whimper. "Besides, this is the perfect opportunity to teach you of your new responsibilities as a princess, Twilight. Why it’ll just be like old times.” Celestia’s eyes were filled with something that Twilight didn’t recognise for a moment. It looked wistful though she couldn’t be sure. By the time she could, Celestia has reverted to her usual neutral stance.

“And at such a convenient time as well sister,” chirped in Luna. “Are the courts not taking a short brake soon?” asked Luna with evident glee in her voice. Twilight felt Luna squeeze her extra tightly. Twilight could have drowned in her despair at this point. It could only have been worse if her mom and dad were here as well. Thankfully the fates had decided that she was suffering enough as it was already.

“I suppose we are lucky in that regard. Well it’s settled then,” said Celestia. "I would be delighted if you two joined me for dinner. I’m sure the chef will come up with something delightful.It's good to have you back Twilight, even if only for a little while." Celestia placed a hoof on Twilight's shoulder before retracting it. She flashed a smile at Twilight one last time and nodded towards Luna before resuming her trot down the hall. Luna smiled as her sister disappeared out of sight.

“Ah hah, did you hear that Twilight? A week to ourselves.” Luna turned towards her companion yet only found air and her leg in its place. Luna twirled her head around “Twilight?” Luna was bewildered briefly though quickly came to a conclusion about the mare’s action. "Oh, it seems that dearest Twilight wishes to partake in a game of the ‘hide of the seek’. I suppose she wishes for me to hunt her out. How risqué! Well, fear not Twilight Sparkle I shall find you promptly!” Luna then sprinted off to entrap her 'consort' once again.

Author's Note:

I'm back. Have a chapter. Huzzah! Sorry if I'm a bit rusty. So forgive so grievous errors.