• Published 22nd Mar 2014
  • 2,978 Views, 63 Comments

The Shipmaster - Coronet the lesser

Discord only ever wanted to rule the world. Now he is faced with a far more dangerous endevour....shipping! Thanks to his own actions Discord sets off a chain of events that will only lead to two things alot of chaos and romance

  • ...

How Twilight learned how to hate tomato salad.

Twilight Sparkle found dinner uncomfortable to say the least. Between an unusually giddy Celestia and the consistently leering face of Luna (who, of course, had insisted she join them for dinner) made for a most perilous situation for the young alicorn. On one foot of the table, which was standard size because Celestia had wanted to be closer than on the regular dining table sitting in the grand hall, Twilight had her teacher. The Princess, ever serene with her most perfect smile that made Twilight melt in her seat. On the other end of the table, Twilight had Luna with lidded eyes ever aimed at Twilight. She didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. In truth, she felt like doing both.

After Twilight had fled from Luna’s pursuit, she hid inside the only place she knew would be safe, the broom closet. Needless to say, despite living in a magical land of demons and magic it was still quite surprising to one of the various cleaners to find a princess in the foetal position stroking her tail saying that ‘It would all be okay.’ Twilight decided to give him three months leave with pay on the spot. She didn’t know if she had the authority to really authorise such a move nor did she really care. There were more pressing concerns on her mind.

Twilight then found herself in the horribly precarious position of deciding whether to attend dinner, where her crush would be present or risk blowing her cover and being captured by Luna. This time in the terms of ‘capture’ Twilight would have much preferred that it would be the precursor to some bizarre return of Nightmare Moon rather than what probably Luna actually had in mind. ‘Then again what if it is?’ Twilight has thought. ‘I mean Nightmare Moon was the embodiment of Luna’s darker side why not her sexual side?’ Twilight envisaged it all before she could control herself. Her thoughts betraying her yet again.

‘The chamber was dark, the brightness of the moon spilling through the window. Towering above her was shining mistress of the night, Nightmare Moon. Her lips curled into a cruel sneer. Her laugh emanated like the sound of ringing bells, sharp but graceful at the same time. She leaned her head down towards Twilight, her eyes wandering slowly over her, like how a cat would examine a mouse. The midnight alicorn lets her lips part, a long tongue slid out tantalizingly moving back and forth over them. Twilight pleaded, her eyes wide, cheeks flushed, embarrassed by the stark black outfit she had to wear. Her fronthoofs bound, her legs spread before Nightmare-

“NO!” Twilight stood. Her breath ragged. “Gods no.” Twilight huffed as she sank back into her chair. Only then did Twilight realise that she was not alone but rather was surrounded by three ponies at a table. Twilight flushed deeply. Ahead of her was Celestia, who currently was looking up from her soup bowl, her spoon suspended in mid-air. Luna was to her immediate right looking at Twilight through one curious eye. Her mane was surprisingly well groomed to one side of her head. She had been so worked up she had groomed herself and had even ordered food and yet she barely remembered. ‘I just had a sexual fantasy while attending dinner! What have I become? she thought, shaking, the mere thought of it bringing it back in full force. Twilight shook her head again. ‘Come on Twilight, focus, stupid sexy Nightmare and her stupid cute butt.’ Twilight turned her head to the third pony who she hadn’t addressed yet. It only then occurred to Twilight that she had just shouted at the young serving maid who was holding out a bowl with salad in it. Her eyes downcast as if she were about to cry as she fumbled with words.

“I-If, the p-princess, does not like the tomato salad, I-I suppose the chef can p-prepare something else.”

“No, no, no,” said Twilight apologetically as she shook furiously. “I’m sorry I was…” Nightmare winked in her mind flashing her tongue at Twilight. “Thinking. Yeah, let’s go with that. That choice will be fine.”

“No Princess,” replied the maid solemnly. “It’s not good enough.”

“What?” Twilight gave her a lopsided smile. “I love tomato salad.”

“Princess I know when you are trying to comfort me. It’s alright I understand,” the maid said dismissively, letting out a disappointing sight. She turned to leave, salad in tow.

“No. I really do love the salad,” said Twilight sincerely gently prompting the maid back to her. She put on her most reassuring smile, the maid was entirely non-pulsed.

“No.” the maid rocked her head back and forth in a repeating movement. “I’ll just go out and destroy this,” she said defiantly.

“No.That’s unnecessary. Now would you please give it to me!” whispered Twilight forcefully, her strained smile never leaving her face. She awkwardly glanced between Celestia and the other servants who had stopped their actions to see what exactly was going on. The maid pulled away with disgust.

“No, I won’t ruin your evening with this thing. I’ll go,” she answered equally as forceful.

“Give it to me!” shouted Twilight, forgetting all pretence.

“No!” sobbed the maid in reply as she bolted towards the exit to the kitchens disappearing behind the swinging doors. Twilight wasn’t sure which upset her more. The fact that she bothered the poor mare or the fact that said mare took away her dinner.

“I love SALAD!” screamed Twilight in frustration. Twilight only realised that perhaps that was not called for as everypony looked at her like she had three heads. Twilight sank into her seat in embarrassment and looked down at her empty plate.There was a rumble of laughter that came from her right. Luna had her eyes closed and was nodding her head.

“You are most amusing Twilight, with you and your tossed salad.”

Twilight almost choked on her tongue. A gasping gurgle sound emanated from her throat. Twilight prayed silently that it had been unintentional. It still did little to prevent a massive swell of heat rising in her cheeks as she choked violently, wheezing as she struggled to stay in her seat. She flayed her hooves around like a drowning pony. ‘She couldn’t have meant that she is probably ignorant is all.’ Luna only seemed to take even more amusement from her reaction. ‘Nope, definitely intentional.’

“Something wrong Twilight?” asked Celestia innocently clearing having not overheard Luna.The staff cleared away the starters.

“Y-No,” she responded firmly. “N-no, I’m fine,” she coughed again. She hacked again. “Water! I need water.” She coughed as she pointed her hoof at one of the staff. One of the servants nodded fervently before scurrying off again. A moment later, he reappeared with crystal clear water, Twilight took the glass and gulped it down thankfully, before sighing. She tried regaining her composure by avoiding direct eye contact with Luna’s. “I suppose I should order again,” she said defeated.

“Some of the new staff tend to be a bit stubborn,” interjected Celestia.

“Stubborn?” Twilight batted an eyebrow at her former mentor. Twilight outstretched her hoof on the bare plate before her. “She took my dinner away.” Twilight’s stomach rumbled in agreement.
You did say no she replied with one of her cheeky smiles. Twilight frowned deeply. Celestia let out a small laugh and offered Twilight an apologetic smile.

“You have my apologies.” Twilight cursed as Celestia’s smile cut through her defences. Her teacher had always found ways to make it impossible to be mad at her. “I’m sure she’ll be reprimanded later.” Still Celestia’s gentle laugh indicated that she wasn’t too concerned. “Though I hope it is not too harsh, you weren’t exactly fixated on dinner.”

“Wh-how?” asked Twilight incredulous, for a moment, her fear of being exposed coming to a head.

“Twilight, not to slight but you are a bit of an open book to me.” Celestia smiled gently. ‘I sincerely hope not,’’ thought Twilight sweating slightly from her brow. “You were having one of your thinking moments.” Celestia waved a hoof lazily. “You always scrunch up your muzzle when you do so.” Celestia attempted to mimic what she was explaining but even then, it seemed far more graceful on her flawless face. Twilight bit her cheek.

“Tis most adorable,” agreed Luna.

“No, it’s not,” whined Twilight putting her hooves over her head, forgetting temporarily that Celestia may or may not know about her crush, Twilight almost welcomed the embarrassment. Twilight groaned in frustration. ‘Why me? I never did anything wrong? Hundreds of ponies running after an old toy flashed before her. ‘Smartypants doesn’t count. Why does the universe hate me? The two sisters laughed louder.

“Yes it is,” said Celestia beaming amusement tugging on the corner of her cheeks. She relaxed her smile as she cocked an inquisitive eyebrow. “Now what troubles you, my most faithful student?” Twilight’s heart fluttered at the mention of her former title. It’s not that, it only applies when she says it thought Twilight as she wriggled under Celestia’s gaze. Luna looked on, her playful smirk never leaving her lips. ‘Or maybe her,’ said a small voice. Twilight’s eyes bulged.

‘Enough of that’.

“Must be something drastic to give you a fright,” continued Celestia as Twilight was not forthcoming with her answer. Her eyebrow rising ever higher, her head leaned over the table, inquisitive and searching. ‘You can’t lie to her.’ Twilight shook. Yet, this was something she had to do. Twilight would not ruin all they had for a stupid crush. ‘Liiiiiar,’ sang a voice in her head. It almost sounded like Discord. ‘This all seems like something he would do,’ pondered Twilight briefly before letting it rest. It was a ridiculous thing to think she assured herself.

“Nothing,” she answered evenly. Twilight could see Celestia’s jaw move, as her eyes pierced straight through Twilight. She bit down hard on her cheek. She did all she could not to shake. She had to come up with something. Celestia was about to speak, to call out her bluff before Twilight interjected.

“Just thinking about Spike,” she blurted out suddenly. Celestia cocked her head slightly, Twilight gulped. “I-I’m feeling just a tiny intsy bit guilty about it all to be honest.” She inhaled sharply as she settled more into the lie. “A week is a long time to leave him in the care of my friends is all. Maybe I should send a letter.”

‘Congratulations Twilight that was the worst lie ever. Celestia’s prized student indeed.’ Twilight clicked her tongue against the top of her roof, unwilling to meet Celestia’s gaze. The sun monarch continued her penetrating look, eyebrow still raised. For a moment, she almost looked like she was going to call out Twilight but it passed. Celestia’s neutral face faded into a kind smile, a smile Twilight had seen a hundred times before. ‘I fell in love because of that smile,’ she thought bitterly.

“The suddenness of your arrival, I suppose, would entail worry,” Celestia replied. “Spike is still quite young, I forget that sometimes, he and you are very similar in many ways.” Celestia nodded. “He is far more mature than you may think, much like yourself at that age.” Celestia did not stop smiling, but the look in her eyes indicated that she did not exactly believe her. Twilight returned a strained smile, it was a respite but no doubt the princess would bring up at a later time. ‘Great, just great. Maybe there will be a monster attack in the meantime. Please, just let there be some eldritch abomination attack Equestria this week, please.’ Twilight’s silently prayed.

“It would have been nice to see little Spike again,” said Luna.

“I agree. I’m afraid I do not see him enough considering my role in his upbringing. The court has a tendency to do such things.” Luna and Celestia shared an understanding look. “Nonetheless, I’m delighted to have you here Twilight with Luna.” Celestia’s smile seemed to brighten before speaking. “In fact, you are just in time.”

“In time for what?” asked Twilight cautiously. Celestia’s smirk turned bold.

“The students at the school for gifted students are preparing a live experiment on the Transfiguration tomorrow.” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “I have been invited to attend and I thought that perhaps you would like to accompany me?”

Twilight coughed heavily. It was an excellent distraction to the sudden hammering in her chest and the blush that crept up her cheeks. ‘Did she just ask me out?’ Images of candlelit dinners and nights beneath the stars swept painted her mind but were quickly dusted away to a far off corner of Twilight’s mind. Twilight tipped over her water in real life. She let out an ‘eep’ as she righted the glass. ‘Damn it not like that! We’re just seeing a bunch of students do science is all!’ Twilight pictured Celestia in a tight-fitting lab coat, glasses resting on the edge of her muzzle a come hither look plaster on her face as she operated the bunsen burner. ‘What is wrong with me?’

Twilight had then just noticed the somewhat pained look Celestia was giving her. It wasn’t apparent to the many of those around her but to Twilight, who spent half her life by the princess’s side it was obvious. The subtle drop of the eyes, the way her mane slowed in its movement, the ever so slight twitch at the end of her mouth. Twilight felt like she had just slapped her. ‘Wow great job, slick. You upset her. Tartarus here we come. Some crush you turned out to be.

“If you do not wish to attend then I-”

“NO!” she answered far too loudly then she had meant. It sounded better in her mind. “I-mean, yes I would love to attend…with you,” she added. ‘Smooth Twilight’. Twilight wondered if she could survive a fall from the cliff face of the Canterlot.

“Well, excellent,” responded Celestia conspicuously ignoring Twilight’s outburst again. ‘She is either too nice to say something or I am the luckiest mare in the world to be getting away with this.’ “I’m sure it will be most educational and nostalgic for you in kind. Some of your old professors can never get enough of you.” Twilight’s ears sprung up at that. “Clovehoof still maintains he called your ascension from the first day he saw you. ‘Never doubted her for a second Princess,’ he says.”

“Funny because all I remember was getting A- from him one semester,” grumbled Twilight.

“I also remember a certain student who tore down his office doors demanding an explanation,” said Celestia with a sense of teasing. “Through three wards and five failsafe’s.”

“Just that once it was an A-,” moaned Twilight. There was a fleeting moment of silence before they both laughed.

“Oh Twilight, I have missed you. In truth, such events are usually quite droll, it would be nice to have some pleasant company for a change.” Celestia let out a chiming laugh.

“I missed this too, Princess,” said Twilight. Celestia’s smile seemed to sparkle as Twilight spoke. Twilight felt her heart hammer in her chest, she’d do anything to see that smile like that again. For a fleeting moment, Twilight had begun to relax in the presence of her former mentor, unfortunately for her, Luna was still present.

“Ah, but sister do not wear down dear Twilight,” exclaimed Luna. “After all she and I have much to-” Twilight felt a leg brush against hers. “-discuss.” Twilight had underestimated how long Luna’s legs were. The feel of the hoof against her leg was warm, a nice kind of warm, it did little to stop Twilight from freezing up. “Our research is most important.” Luna’s smile curled upward, mischief glittering in her cyan eyes. “And who but the great Twilight Sparkle to aid me, my best friend.”

Twilight did not like the emphasis on best friend nor how Luna’s leg had moved perilously upward. A slick of sweat formed on the crease of Twilight’s brow. ‘What is she doing?! Twilight glanced down to find that the leg was not in fact a dream. ‘This isn’t happening!’ The leg move again. ‘It is!’ Twilight screamed internally, her outside features betrayed nothing. She was as still as stone.

“Oh, Luna don’t be such a stick in the mud,” said Celestia completely oblivious to Twilight’s suffering. “I’m sure Twilight is equally capable of handling the both of us.”

‘I’m going to die here.’

“Oh, we’ll have to see about that,” whispered Luna huskily. Her leg creeped ever forward until it-

“Right, time for bed!” shouted Twilight as she stood up suddenly. Luna’s leg fell and she sported a confused frown.

“It’s seven o’clock,” said Celestia incredulously.

“A-ah, but I’m exhausted,” Twilight said between nervous laughs. “Big day tomorrow and all.” Twilight faked a yawn. “Look at that, haha.”

“You said you were hungry just a minute ago,” interjected Luna, still frowning. Twilight paled at that.

“Em-I w-well, I’ll room service l-later,” stuttered Twilight feebly. Celestia frowned deeply in reply.

“Twilight if I said anything…I was only teasing. I meant you no discomfort.”

“Ah I know I know yes, um, ah!” Twilight looked towards the door unwilling to meet her eyes with Celestia’s or Luna’s. “I'm sorry I have to go. I can’t be…here.” Twilight looked upward gulping. “I mean I have to go to bed earlier riser here. I ugh.” Twilight fled.

Twilight sprinted from the dining hall, passing the massive oaken door moving blindly into the hallway. Down said hall was another pony. A pegasus guard of orange colouration and a messy blue mane. He was smiling to himself as he trotted along carrying a bouquet of expensive roses beneath his wing.

“Okay Flash here’s your time to shine! Just ask her you, idiot.” Flash bulked as he saw a purple blur move at pace down the hall. The distinctive stripe told him it was her. “Oh, sweet Celestia here she comes.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Twilight kept repeating, trying desperately to keep herself from breaking down on the spot. She never raised her head, so she did not see herself on course to hit the guard. Flash put on his best smile.

“Hey, we should stop bumping into each other.” Twilight was having none of it. She didn’t even care who it was anymore. Probably no one important.

“Go away.” Twilight shoved passed him continuing towards her room. Flash fell backward dropping his roses. He hit a passing servant carrying a platter of hot gravy. The liquid spilled covering Flash’s head.

“Ahh, it burns.”

“I should go to her. I’ve obviously flustered her somehow,” said Celestia downtrodden.

“Oh, sister let me go to her, she’s just a bit flustered is all.”

“I pressed her too hard on accompanying me. Sometimes I forget how fragile she can be around me. Always trying to impress.” Celestia allowed herself a smile. “It’s cute you know how she gets like that, but I feel I may have overstepped myself.” The smile faded.

“Sister,” sighed Luna softly. “She is young…like us once, unsure of ourselves. She still reveres you in a way.”

“I wish she didn’t,” Celestia whispered sharply.


“I-nothing.” Celestia looked down at her plate. She pushed it aside, shaking her head. After another moment she stood, neutrality adorning her features. “I’ve lost my appetite. I have much to attend to.” She glanced at Luna from her uncovered side of her face.

“Sister?” questioned Luna.

“Make sure…she’s okay. I need-no-” Celestia stopped as if to say something, but as quickly as she did she moved off again not looking at Luna. “Goodnight, see you on the morrow.” Celestia exited as soon as Twilight leaving Luna alone with a dismayed kitchen staff and their hot food.

“Oh, don’t worry dear sister,” Luna snickered to herself. “I will take good care of beloved Twilight.” Luna let out a sinister laugh as she plucked an apple from one of the server’s trays. She chomped a bit out of it. “For when she sleeps, she will dream as she has never dreamed before haha.” Luna continued her maniacal laughter down the hall. That left the incredibly uncomfortable kitchen staff with standing with dinner to serve to absolutely no one.

Author's Note:

I've been wanting to revive this story for ages now. So here I go. I'm a bit shaky as to where I'm headed but them's the bricks.

Hope I didn't make too may mistakes.