• Published 3rd Mar 2014
  • 1,019 Views, 16 Comments

All American Girl: Konsequences - Deverer

All American Girl verse side story. Magic things can happen, whether fantastical or in recent years for Human-Earth: literal. However with the good, comes the grim.

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Karyn choked on every breath her diaphragm was able to pull in, which she was having with trouble given all the pain she was feeling. Karl was to her right, putting her hoof in a hard grip to keep her stable. Emmé she could barely see at the far end of their bed.

It had come so suddenly, and now they were here to try and get her through it.

“Just keep breathing, Karyn!” Emmé ordered. “Get ready to push too!”

“Just hang on there, hon!” Karl supported. She wasn’t able to reply back or even feel appreciation, the pain was too much for her at the moment. Each second it felt like it was getting worst exponentially. Were they even seconds? Or perhaps it was her mind playing tricks—

“Done!” Emmé suddenly declared. Karyn’s eyes broke open at those words, and her storm of thoughts was brought to a meek confusion as she saw Emmé with a swaddling in her arms. The look in her eyes worried her though. “Oh mon Dieu…” she whispered.

“What?” Karyn croaked out. “What’s—”

“Agh!” Karl grunted, releasing his grip on Karyn’s foreleg. His hands went to his head, and he fell over onto the floor. Emmé snapped her attention to him, and went wide eyed as a silver glow filled the room.

A silver glow that she was familiar with.

When the light faded, the room had changed: Emmé’s body was lying still and ventilated on the floor near the far wall, and the walls themselves were painted a new, sickly red color.

Karyn wanted to run, wanted to scream, but her body wasn’t responding and she only watched in fear as Karl crawled up the foot of the bed in his transformed state. He looked right at her with a snarl, hands aglow with spellfire.

As he took agonizing step after agonizing step toward her, his body morphed further: fur sprouting out onto his arms, fangs growing from his mouth, and—

Her vision went red as his hand bored straight through her barrel.

Karyn woke with a jump. She was sweating hard, and she had tossed some of the blankets off her. Holding her head, she sat herself up and began the repeating process of making sure that precious oxygen entered her body as she not so gracefully rolled off the bed. Despite being drained, she forced herself down the stairs and all the way to the bathroom, where she hunched herself over as she felt the urge to empty her stomach.

Karl had left for work a while ago, just like he had been doing for a few months now. So why now of all times? The forehoof on her head went to her belly, and she massaged the now-noticeable bulge she had. These episodes she should be expecting perhaps, but that dream... Faust had assured her that human magic wasn’t an issue with with her kids, not even with DJ’s or that ambassador’s kids.

They were all human in appearance and technical DNA though. But Karyn’s was going to have sixty-two chromosomes instead of forty-six. Humans didn’t have to deal with magical surges at young ages. Then again, if they were born with magic thanks to their pony halves, would they have shown that? Or did they still follow the biological cycle of their bodies?

Of course, if something did go wrong, there was Emmé who was still sticking around. She popped in here and there to do a checkup on Karyn – part of which baffled her still since despite Emmé being here she hadn’t bothered to do research on Alter-Earth. Karyn could only guess she did basic examination and then forwarded it to Faust for clarification.

She sighed as she moved herself out of the bathroom, feeling herself stabilize. She didn’t want to admit it, but she did miss Faust and even Greg. Maybe it was just the safety she would give, but it definitely had been a while since she got to talk to someone who wasn’t Karl. And she was not going to count her previous job before her current freelancing because that was either business or people she almost knocked out on the spot cause they got too personal too quick. There was a reason outside of love that Karl – and perhaps her parents – was the only one who got to talk about that: because they actively avoided doing it and are there to console her.

Like Big Mac was doing, part of her brain reminded her as she crossed into the kitchen. To which she paused. Another person who came to mind was Wavelength. While she and him weren’t close like Karl was to him, at least he had shown decency around her after their first encounter, she realized.

How many people had she burned the bridge with before they even got a chance to see it was there? Then again, most people couldn’t keep their eyes and mouths shut when they saw her. But they really hadn’t gotten a chance lately considering she hadn’t left the house aside from fresh air and helping Karl with grocery shopping – making sure not to be more than twenty feet away.

She groaned as she came to one conclusion: she was going to end up a social outcast with only her husband and future kid to be with. Just what she always wanted - now put into proper words.

“And it took fucking Ponyville of all places to show that to me,” she mumbled. After spending some minutes making herself a breakfast and subsequently having a shower, she moved to the living room, tablet in hoof. Her next project was for an upcoming book, someone with an obvious pen name to cover their real identity wanted her to design a cover and back. Didn’t matter if it was possibly some desperate soul; work was work.

Which was all she was doing, she quickly realized after barely drawing the detail of a spike on a flail she had drawn up for a base. She put her stylus down, keeping the hoof that was holding it braced against the table. Words rang in her head, words that were calling to her like they were a current road to help. The one saying it though made her fur bristle, but they were the only one she could really turn to at the moment.

She stood up, grabbed her bag, put her tablet in it, and she marched herself out the door. Now that she had her car, it would be like a shield to help her keep calm going out; especially with where she was going.

“Hey, Karl! Can you take us for a ride today?!” Surprise called out to him from across the room.

“Can you? Can you?” Bubble added on.

“I told ya, only if Pinkie says it’s okay!” he called back. He groaned as he was checking off his list as he went around the front shelves for inventory. Ever since he got licensed to drive in Equestria, which meant mostly his motorcycle, the twins had never stopped badgering him about giving them a ride on it. The answer was the same: ask Pinkie, Pinkie said not without a helmet, and they didn’t have one, so that would be that. He didn’t dare to flat out say no again after the bawling they threatened to do and possibly make him deaf.

Of course, excitable persistence was another thing to add to their list of ‘things that drove Karl to put his head through a wall’ as they kept going at it which meant a no wouldn’t accomplish anything. Even despite him seeing Pinkie trying to discipline them they still didn’t give up. Certainly didn’t help that Pinkie herself didn’t have that pulled back demeanor of hers when business was going on. Only when talking with him one-on-one apparently.

Looking over his shoulder, he looked to see a couple that was trying to enjoy a sundae – why get one when it was almost winter he wouldn’t know – being visibly annoyed at their shouting and running around. Despite Pinkie suggesting it was other reasons, he could see people not wanting to come back as much as they wanted with them around.

Well except for Big Mac and Cinnamon, who apparently always stopped by before or after Cinnamon’s tutoring. And each time they came in, Cinnamon ran scared in some way the moment she looked at him. That was both annoying and aggravating, but he could tell it was at least pure fear from… being scared as a trait, to put it lightly, as opposed to being scared from him being something not-them.

The door to the kitchen opening brought his attention back to reality as he saw Pinkie walk out with a cake box. “Delivery’s ready!” she chirped. “This goes to a mare named Twist, 258 Fetlock Lane!”

“On it, bossmare,” he replied back, trading her the clipboard for the box. One thing Pinkie had jumped on with his access to a motor vehicle was to open delivery possibilities up to this establishment once again. He wondered why a unicorn couldn’t teleport or a pegasus fly it to the customer, but apparently that just so happened to be not in the skillset currently. Probably explained why he was mostly in the front either working the counter, serving, or the occasional assistant to a baker or cook. Which made him question why make him go through all that baking before, but he couldn’t get a solid understand of what went on in her head.

Untying his apron, he hooked it quickly inside the kitchen. Then grabbing his helmet from a hook near that, he stepped out and into both literal and metaphorical fresh air as he was out of the insanity. Practically jumping down from the porch he got to his bike, he placed and strapped the cake box in the lockbox.

He wasn’t a nature nut like his brother, but he could appreciate the feel of the wind blowing around him at high speed. The only thing special he made sure to get about his bike was to try to find a quiet, non-ear destroying one so he wasn’t a dickhole to everyone.

That and how he found out recently he enjoyed seeing the look on people’s faces here as he rode by around here, whether they were scared of him or the bike it didn’t matter. Just seeing that look was laughable cause it did tell him either they needed to get over themselves or… they thought he was a mons—

No, they just need to get over themselves. Freaking weaklings, he thought. Moving out, he was already seeing some ponies starting to get out of the way. Like the big, scary metal machine was coming to run them over… despite him barely going over twenty. While these old streets were enclosed, it wasn’t like someone wasn’t gonna hear him coming. And he did see taxi carts darting down these same streets.

Shrugging it off, he turned onto his target street and began to scan for the number. It didn’t take him long to find it and park in front. Disengaging his bike and grabbing the cake box, he walked up to the house in question and looked down to the door. He definitely wasn’t going to get in there without getting his pants dirty. At least it had a doorbell – or rather a bell – which he sounded off.

After a moment, he heard a voice call out and then a quick follow up of hoofsteps. As he watched the door open he got to see what he believed to the customer: a mare, so that was one checkmark down. She had curly red hair, off white coat, purple frame glasses over pink eyes, and two pink candy canes crossed over each other for a mark. What he took note of though was the foal she was holding in one hoof. It had a white coat, maybe with a hint of blue, along with two tone mane of light green and light pink.

“Oh, hello there,” the mare spoke in a voice as smooth as silk. “May I help you?”

Karl jumped as he realized he forgot to take his helmet off, which probably didn’t look good for professionalism but all he could settle for now was tapping the side of his helmet to flip up the sun protection layer of his visor as he spoke, “Y-yeah, I have a cake delivery for Twist? From Sugarcube Corner.”

“Oh! I almost forgot about that!” She looked to the foal in her hoof, and then back inside. “Oh, black licorice, this is awkward.” He watched for an odd moment as she kept looking around inside. “Oh I can’t just put her down…”

He took in a breath, this was going to be annoying. “Ya need me to bring it inside?” he asked.

“Can you? Please? I’m sorry but she just went to sleep and she’ll wake up if I put her down.” She stepped back, allowing him room to get in. He suppressed an annoyed groan as he slowly squatted down, starting to shuffle himself humiliatingly inside. Then he stopped briefly as he stormtrooper’d himself on the top of the door frame, thankful he had suddenly decided to not take off his helmet. She gasped at the action but he scooted onwards, managing to go in far enough to stand himself up.

Maybe he should have put the damn cake down but he was already pushing looking like an uncaring jerk-off so he had to salvage what he could. As he stood up fully, he still couldn’t not be bothered how the doors were too low for humans but the ceilings were just fine in these houses. Only guess was pegasi who wanted to fly around indoors, but apparently low doors applied to residential houses only as far he could see.

“Are you alright?” she asked.

“Always wear yaur helmet,” he replied, in an attempt to not show there was an annoyed gritting of teeth behind the helmet’s mouthpiece. Though he relaxed the actions as a chuckle sounded from her. At least he could still make people smile in some way with his words.

“I’m so sorry about that,” she apologized. “Can you just bring it over to the coffee table there? You won’t have to walk through another doorway like that.”

“All part of the job,” he said back, following up with her suggestion.

“Still, you shouldn’t have to be inconvenienced like that.” She shook her head, putting on a new smile. “While we’re here, I’m Twist once again. And I assume Pinkie Pie’s hired you to help at the Corner?”

He was silent for a moment, another pony willing to have a conversation with him? “She did. Name’s Karl.” He started to bend down and reach his hand out, but pulled back as he remembered the foal she was holding.

“Yeah, sorry. But I appreciate the gesture.” She trotted herself to the couch, slipping herself up onto it while bringing the foal into both hooves as she sat down. “Her name’s Sugar Sprinkle if you’re curious.” She turned her head to look directly at her. “Just over three months, and still can’t nap unless I’m holding her. But when I do, not even an Everfree storm could wake her up.” She rocked her back and forth slightly, smiling even more as Sprinkle seemed to smile.

Karl meanwhile continued to look, and for a moment he imagined Karyn or perhaps even him doing that very action. “I… see…” he said, letting his eyes drift downward.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Well….” Not sure if this is gonna be a good idea. “I’m gonna be a father soon myself,” he admitted. “Wife and I moved here recently and we’re prepping for that.”

“Oh my! Congratulations!” she cheered, but Karl wasn’t cheering and she saw this quick. “I know it can be intimidating, but all the struggle is worth it. The love they give back even when they can barely trot or crawl makes it unlike anything else. Personal experience from seeing others’ foals.”

“I’ve heard that, but I’m just worried we’re not ready. Plus there’s the issue of raising them up, and how other people’ll think of it.” He crossed his arms, picking himself up slightly. “Especially given how Pinkie has confirmed my wife and I are the first kind of couple here with her having hooves and I don’t.”

Twist’s head was tilted at his words. “What do you… oh!” Her eyes snapped back open. “Well… I don’t… even if you two are…” She did a faux cough, adjusting her glasses in a quick motion. “You shouldn’t need to worry too much. Ponyville has lots of support you can go to. Even Pinkie Pie herself could help you two.”

“One can hope.” He uncrossed his arms, starting to look back to the door. “Look, I should maybe get back there. Who knows if she needs me at the front or not?”

“Alright, but it was nice talking with you.”

“Thanks for the thawts, have a good one.” With tip of his helmet, he turned to walk to the door.

“I hope you two are recovering well from what happened.”

Karl’s fingers popped and cracked as they quickly balled into fists. His feet threatened to go through the floorboards as they pressed hard into them as they held up his now tense form. Slowly and barely restrained he looked back to Twist, who had a hoof clamped over her mouth. “Excuse me?” was all he said back, but it was enough to make Twist start to visibly shake.

“I-I… I uh….” she stammered.

“What do ya mean… ‘recovering’? I just met ya, how… why are ya suggesting that?” He didn’t move from his position, but each word he said made the distance between them seem closer and her slinking back into her seat was her attempt to widen that gap.

“I-I shouldn’t have said that!” she confessed. “It was wrong, yes! And I don’t want to assume anything!”

“So why did ya assume specifically that though?!” he accused. There’s no fucking way she should know!

“It’s….” she turned her head away from him. “I know it’s not a good answer, but it’s just something I heard! I’m sorry! And I don’t want to make assumptions about you!”

If he wasn’t wearing his helmet now, there’s a good chance he could have scarred her for life with the way he felt his face form. “Does this… ‘assumption,’ include a certain ‘r’ word? One that is utterly horrible?” Her answer was for her to hesitantly give a single nod, before she returned to her cowering stance.

“Rumors are horrible! That one especially! I’m sorry for bringing it up! I don’t know why I did!” she confessed out.

Karl analyzed the situation. Eyes focused entirely on her and his vision was going red. But one part that didn’t go red was the foal in her forelegs. With a barely contained sigh, he shattered his stance and hung himself down as he turned back to the door. “Here’s the thing about rumors,” he said in a lower tone that took so much effort. “Rumors tend to be horrible.” He looked back to her over his shoulder as he added, “In this case though…” He held his finger against his helmet, the sun protection visor sliding down. “The truth is that horrible.” The last thing he saw of her in that moment was her jaw dropping before he left.

Really hope I’m not fucking up again, Karyn repeated again in her head. She had been thinking that the whole way of her trip, which given she was using the road on the outskirts of the town to avoid bumping into anyone spoke to how nervous she was. She didn’t question that it started off as a dirt road and then turned to asphalt at points, and then back to dirt: it was just a gift from above at the moment.

There were a few locations and roads that led off away from Ponyville, but the one she was going to was coming up on her left: Sweet Apple Acres, one of the apparent Crown-approved farms of Equestria… but the only one with an ostensible royal running it. At first glance it didn’t look like much given the stereotypical look at the archway entrance and the barn-like house. As she pulled in though, she started to see more modernization: some harvesting machines straight out of Human-Earth were either parked or going to and fro in the distance, she could see the makings of an automatic irrigation system, and she counted some silos that were built up and around.

What actually surprised her most of all was the machines just outside the front of the main house. There were other cars parked in front, like the one she was driving. She could tell they were driven by ponies given how far the seat was brought forward, but the last thing she expected was to see cars on an Equestriani farm.

As she parked and got out, she looked to the front door. “Just please don’t have another one of them here, one’s bad enough,” she prayed to no one in particular. Maybe somehow Faust could hear her and help them out again. Maybe even Emmé of all people. As much as Karl hated her, Karyn was beginning to think perhaps even if she was being extreme she couldn’t blame her for it. At least unlike Celestia, Emmé was actually doing something about it and taking precautions.

Knocking on the door, she sucked in a breath. This is where she was going to either stand tal— firm, or break down… again. When she heard the hoofsteps coming to the door, she almost picked up her own hooves and ran off. It was too late though as the door swung open, revealing Big Macintosh on the other side.

“Oh! Why hello there, Karyn!” he greeted, smile wide. “What brings yah around here?”

She released that trapped breath, taking in another in order to speak, “I was hoping maybe you could help me out.”

His smile faded at her request, and he stepped off to the side. “Come on in, Ah just finished some paperwork so Ah can talk.”

As she walked in, it felt like walking into a furnace. She was just expecting the Curse to drop his sister on her, why not two or three of them who happened to be visiting? Hell, why not one of the princesses? As she walked into what looked like the dining room though, she noticed the house was surprisingly quiet. Aside from maybe a machine outside there wasn’t any noise apart from their own steps.

She watched him walk past the table, turning back to look to her. “Do yah need ah drink or somethin’?” he asked.

“I’ll be fine,” she declined, which prompted him to stop walking past the table and to sit down one of the stools. Taking one quick look, she added, “I think I’ll just take the floor.”

“Ah can get yah ah pillow fer that,” he offered.

“That I can accept.”

“Then wait here a moment.” He quickly dropped himself off his seat and walked out of the room.

“Dad?” Karyn heard a voice from behind her call out. Though the volume level of it was more like it was trying to call out but couldn’t reach it. “I finished the homework Auntie Twilight gave me… can we send it back? If that’s okay to do right now.” Karyn looked behind her, seeing a brown coated, yellow maned teenaged filly walk into the room. Her eyes were looking to the floor, but as she took a few steps in those eyes went up and landed squarely on Karyn.

Oh Faust… she’s adorable! Karyn’s first thought was. The way that filly’s eyes widened to plate sized levels though brought worry to her.

“Cinnamon, this here is Karyn,” she heard Big Mac say. Turning back around he saw him walking back in, a sitting pillow being carried on his back. “She’s our guest here. And what do we do when we meet guests?” With a quick but fluid motion, he hoofed over the pillow to Karyn and went to comfort Cinnamon.

“W-we g-greet them,” Cinnamon answered, shaking somewhat. “Uh… h-hello,” she squeaked out, trying to lift a hoof to wave but it quickly went to her other to rub it nervously.

Karyn couldn’t help but smile. “Hello to you too.”

“Now Cinny, did yah need something?” Big Mac asked her.

“Uh, y-yes.” She repeated what she called out before, though in a quieter whisper.

“Well we can send it off later. Right now Mrs. O’Donnell here needs mah help.”

“‘O’Donnell’?” Cinnamon suddenly perked up at the name, looking up to Karyn. “You’re married to a human? Do you live together here?”

Karyn herself looked odd at this new behavior. “I am, yes…” she answered.

“Oh, wow! Have you been together for long? What’s a human household like? Is it true that human pronouns in the English lexicon are the same as the old Dominion of Equus speech?” With each question, she took an excited step forward. A moment later she gasped and slunk back into her cowering form from before. “I’m sorry! That was too many questions!”

“No, no. It’s fine. I just didn’t expect them.”

“I… I’m interested in studying Human Earth,” Cinnamon admitted. “But with all my studies, I don’t usually have time to try and find any information.”

Karyn chuckled. “Well to answer: We live together, met about a year ago, a house with taller everything and no straw, and if you mean things like ‘anyone’ or ‘everyone’ I believe it’s the period after Old High Equusan you’re referring to. Though I’m surprised you know about that.”

Cinnamon blushed, to which Big Mac hugged her slightly at the motion. “I’m… kinda smart.”

“Mah little Cinnamon Star’s got a real head on her withers,” he commented. He unwrapped his hoof from her, “Though Ah’m sorry, Cinny, but Karyn here wants help from me.”

“Oh… okay.”

“I can answer questions for her when we’re done,” Karyn offered, which Cinnamon smiled brightly at that.

“Ah don’t see why not,” Big Mac agreed, starting to walk over to the seat he was at before.

“I think I’ll just go back upstairs and read that book Aunt Twilight gave me. If that’s okay with you.” Karyn resisted bristling, there was only one ‘Twilight’ she could be referring to.

“Go right ahead, sweetie,” Big Mac cooed to her. As Cinnamon left the room, he sighed. “Ah tell yah, she’s just like her mother motion fer motion.”

Karyn held off another wince. “Is that so?”

“What’s that sayin’? Ah’d… bet the farm on that?” he giggled, but Karyn remained passive. “But enough o’ that.” He relaxed into a neutral stance. “So what’s troublin’ yah?”

She gave an elongated sigh, sitting down on the pillow he gave her. “I’m… going a bit stir crazy. Ever since… what you helped me with, I refuse to leave the house anymore. And like I told myself this morning: Being alone with someone I love is what I’ve wanted, and it’s driving me nuts.”

He was silent a moment, before he said, “Sounds like yah got ah case of classic loneliness. And maybe yer husband ain’t enough for yah. That may be ah simple answer, but that’s what Ah gather.”

She rested her foreleg on the table, bracing her head into her hoof. “I mean, Karl’s done a lot for me. I can’t imagine where I would be without him. But I guess even if he’s my inferno of joy it’s still not enough.”

“Lemme ask yah somethin’, and forgive me if Ah’m assumin’ too much.” He leaned forward, resting his own foreleg onto the table. “By the sounds of it, y’all want tah just be left well enough alone, right? Well that’s exactly what Crankle Doodle did, and he happened tah live in that same house yer livin’ in.” Karyn felt another wave of heat wash over her, and she tugged at her shirt while she nodded. “Well even though he found tha love of his life, she wasn’t enough for him to be happy round tha clock. Ended up connectin’ with more of the townsponies to not drive him mad.”

“Then I guess history repeats itself,” she muttered.

“Is there anythin’ else that may be a problem though?” he inquired. “Ah can’t imagine just stayin’ at home can be okay fer whatever yer lot in life is.”

She blanched at that, ceasing to lean on her hoof as she leaned forward. “Are you— pardon me but, are you hinting at my… my…”

“Well, there’s a reason Ah’m still on the farm. Mah calling’s to it, and Ah can’t imagin’ being without it. Is there somethin’ ye’re missin’? Not ta go so far, but Ah’ve been told about CMFI—”

“I can’t get CMFIS!” she snapped, banging her hoof on the table which caused him to flinch. CMFIS: Cutie Mark Failure Insanity Syndrome. Caused when a pony can’t perform their talent sufficiently, at least according to Equestriani teaching. “I’m part of the Kimono family, that does not apply to us!” It’s bullshit anyway. It’s basic insanity, not some garbage about cutie marks that Celestia likes to prance around with! she ranted in her head. She was breathing heavily, and her eyes were closed during that rambling she realized. Opening them up, she saw Big Mac looking at her oddly. “Oh… uh…” Great, snap to the husband of one of them. And I just mentioned my heritage. Though he might not actually do anything with that. “I’m sorry, it’s just… my talent and I… sensitive topic. I thought you were going to ask about something else.”

“Ah… see,” he replied.

“And I guess I already know about maybe I should make some friends here.” She dragged her hoof off the table. “But you saw what happened before when I just tried to go out in public.”

“Ah’m still ticked off ahbout that,” he raised his voice. “Ponyville still has quite a few problems here!”

“My husband says there’s a good amount of specism toward him he’s run into,” she added.

“Excuse me?” he asked. It wasn’t a confrontational tone, one of shock to Karyn’s surprise.

“Heck, I heard it myself from after our first meeting. Three idiots saying that ‘a monkey’ wasn’t good enough for me.” She thought he heard him murmur something about ‘tree colts’ at her declaration.

“Ah big part of me doesn’t want tah believe yah,” he started. “But after what started here long, long ago… Ah can’t help but feel what yah say is ah result of that.” Karyn was quiet. It was hard to know anyone who didn’t know about the War of the Elements, and Ponyville was ground zero. What just escaped people was specific details about what happened behind the scenes.

“Forget that, it’s something we’ll just have to deal with,” she interjected into his concerned state.

“Ah guess.” He shook his head, putting on an inkling of a smile. “Why don’t yah tell me about yerself?”

She avoided showing emotion at that. I cannot get involved with him. It’ll lead straight into them coming into our lives.

“E-excuse me?” Both of them turned their heads to see Cinnamon poking her head into the room. “Sorry, I just happened to be walking by to see if I could get a drink. I wasn’t eavesdropping!” She slunk back slightly at that admission.

But by the Emperor's eighth tail, I can’t resist her! “Well I think you would be interested in what I have to say next, if that’s what you were going to ask,” she spoke up. At that, Cinnamon peaked back inside, the wide smile returning to her face.

“One moment!” Cinnamon squeaked out, before disappearing behind the doorway again.

“Just a fair warnin’,” Big Mac whispered. “She’s gonna be askin’ ah lot of questions. Probably not just about humans either.” Before she could ask anything, she saw Cinnamon suddenly pop up onto another stool. She dropped a pencil and a batch of papers onto the table.

“Alright, I think I’m ready!” she cheered. “But… is there anything that’s… not okay to ask?”

Karyn stared straight at her, the reminder of her being an innocent keeping her voice and body even as she said, “I may mention my family, but don’t ask me anything about my talent.”

“Your talent? But why would any—”

“Cinnamon,” Big Mac stated right away, a firmness to his voice. Immediately Cinnamon stopped and froze. Though unlike her cowardness before, she stood firm not unlike a cadet being reprimanded by an officer. This was a child who knew when to listen.

“So… I was born in Equestria, yes. South Cloudsdale to be specific. And I actually got interested in Human-Earth around the time I was out of high school….” Karyn started.

“Anything else in here?” Karl asked to Pinkie, putting away another batch of equipment into the cabinets. The late evening had arrived, so with that it was closing time. Right now though he was glad things were wrapping up, he had to keep himself from exploding since he got back. The rest of the staff had filed out and right now it was just he and Pinkie on closing.

“Looks like cooking equipment-wise, yes,” Pinkie confirmed, locking the back door. “Everything scrubbed?”

“Front should be dry by now. Counters are still wet here.”

“Inventory list?”

“Next to the supply closet.”

“Okay, what’s wrong?”

Karl snapped out of his lull, turning to look at her. “What do ya mean?”

“You’re being robotic. And I’ve noticed it ever since you got back from Twist’s delivery.” She propped herself on a counter to try and better look him in the eye. “Did something happen?”

He groaned, both hands going to his head as the facade dropped. “Yes, but not with the delivery itself. That went fine.”

“So what’s bothering you?”

“‘Bother’ is way too weak of a word to describe how I feel right now.” He looked dead on, hands balling into fists at his side. “Somehow some information about Karyn and I has gotten into town. And I know for a fuc—” he grunted a bit, “I know for sure we didn’t ever mention those exact details to anyone.”

Pinkie looked at him evenly, with a sprinkle of concern. “Are you sure it’s not some rumor? Ponyville’s always had a problem with rumors being spread around.”

“I’m… sure,” he seethed. “Bad enough half this town looks at me and either runs or glares, but now the other half is gonna look at me ‘cause of what they know!”

“I still think you’re overreacting to what Ponyville thinks of you, but just because one pony said something about you doesn’t mean they know you.” She pushed herself off the counter, trotting up to him. “Are you sure she didn’t confuse it for something else? Twist’s a nice pony!”

“Well if she is, then that just confirms that somehow she figured it out and she knows the truth,” he shot back. “She got the details down exactly in just a few words after I forced her to admit it!”

Pinkie tilted her head, eyes narrowing slightly. “Wait, wait! What did you do to her?”

“I just looked at her angrily, is that a crime?” He knelt down to meet her at her level, arms crossed. “Pinkie, how would ya react if someone found out a horrible secret of yaurs through no fault of yaur own?! Not even just something ya’ve kept to yaurself, but how about perhaps ya found out yaur friends didn’t think ya were all that great as they thawt ya were?!”

“I…” her ears fell back. “I could never imagine that happening! And I certainly wouldn’t yell at somepony!”

“And that’s another thing, why not use ‘somebody’? Or ‘someone’?!” he barked, standing back up. “Is it really that hard to use those words? Ya come off like a freakin’ specist when you say them! Cause not everyone in the universe is a pony, myself included!” He began to sweat. “And that half of the town that hates me cause I’m not a pony? They’re gonna look at me funny too! Bad enough to them that I’m not a pony! They think I’m a monster! I’m not a… not a...” He fell against the wall, leaning against it. “I’m not a monster…” he mumbled. “I’m not a monster…” Slowly he began to sink to the floor, keeping his head against it as he kept mumbling to himself. His heart was beating fast, but it felt too subdued for the anger he was just venting.

“Karl?” Pinkie’s voice pierced through him, causing him to jump. “What was that about?”

“Hn?” As his thoughts got reacclimated, he looked over to her. And he began to sweat again as he realized he just yelled at his boss, his landlord, and one of the most influential people on both Earths. “Which one, exactly?” he blurted out. DUMBFUCK! he cursed himself.

“Well… you seem to have more problems than I’m picking up on.” She sat herself down next to him, leaning over like a parent would to their upset child. If said upset child was about twice their height but was proportioned so that when they sat they were eye to eye still. “It normally wouldn’t be my business, but it became that when you snapped at me and… well I am your boss. So what’s going on here?”

Karl looked at her like she had materialized a new set of eyes. “Why... do ya wanna know?” he asked.

“Cause it’s my job to make po— people, laugh and keep them happy. It’s also my job to make sure my employees are doing okay.” She put on a new smile. “And if they’re doing okay we don’t have to have yelling.”

He gave a long sigh, leaning back against the wall. “Are ya sure ya want to hear? Cause this is stuff that everyone will want to throw up at.”

“Listen, I normally don’t bring this up, but I’ve seen a hefty amount of bad things in my life. I think I can take it.” She gave a small shake of her head. “Including some things that would make people vomit at the thought.”

“Well I warned ya.” He sucked in a breath, before giving her the “story” of what happened to himself and Karyn. As much as he wanted to tell the real truth, given that the town already knew they probably wouldn’t even believe the real truth. Who would though? As he expected, Pinkie started to blanch as the specific horror that “happened” to Karyn. “...and so then we just ended up coming here just to get away from there, and also probably make it easier for the foal.” He held off trying to show his disdain for keeping that lie up.

Taking a relaxing breath, he looked back over to Pinkie to await her response. He almost jumped at seeing her physique: Her curly hair had gone straight, almost like it was suddenly combed. What struck him though was how that bright pink about her was somehow tinted gray - well more gray as he’d notice the gray hairs on her in their time together. Was this some kind of magic? It had to be to Karl, there wasn’t another explanation.

He was interrupted as suddenly he seized up at the feeling of being hugged by someone other than Karyn or his parents. Which was a reality as he noticed it was Pinkie doing exactly that. “Why didn’t you say anything?” she whispered to him. There was a chill of worry in her words, with perhaps some shades of anger.

He barely was able to lower his guard as he admitted, “How could I tawlk to ya about something like this?”

“Because we can help! And I’m not some softy who runs under a table when I hear of these bad things!” She released him from her clamping hug, looking him in the eye. “I don’t like to bring this up about me, but like I just said: I’ve seen some bad things. Maybe you’ve heard, maybe you’ve not. My friends and I are Defenders of the Crown, we’ve faced evils that threatened not just the country but the entire world. Between that? Finding very bad people and what they’ve done. I’m always trying to make people laugh because I know everyone has their problems. You don’t have to keep it clamped up.” She cracked a small smile.

He looked away from her, staring forward. “It probably doesn’t matter now, given how they somehow found out.”

“But you still have your pain inside you to deal with. Like what was that about being a monster?”

Karl froze for a second. “Uh….” Well this isn’t a lie... “I… let her down.” He gave a shake of his head as he pushed himself up. “But there’s nothing I can do about it now though.”

“There’s always something you can do! Maybe not with what happened, but keep yourself up so you don’t let yourself sink back into a slump! It’s not good to anyone to keep all that despair inside after all.” She bumped his leg with a hoof as she added, “Like you want a hot chocolate? Even something like that to cheer you up!” He didn’t move as he heard her words, he stood still and stared into space. “Karl… please don’t just let it eat you up.”

I’m not, because that’s not what happened, he reiterated in his head.

“Don’t you have any hobbies? Anything that you like to do?” she asked in succession, a hint of desperation in her voice. “Something!”

“...I like to critique movies….” he finally answered, still not looking at her.

“Good! Tell me more!”

“I… used to be a radio jockey sort of guy. My partner and I on top of tawlking about news together would tawlk about movies.” He laughed a bit as he recalled, “My favorite thing was always ripping apart Disney movies. I made it a shtick of mine, just bringing up one for the sake of tearing them apart piece by piece, screaming at how incompetently made they all are.

“That feeling of looking like a madman losing his shit all over a movie? I reveled in it cause it was a way to vent myself and perhaps give people something to chuckle at. Why is this guy losing it over a movie? Well I’ll tell ya: cause Disney was great at one point, but now they’re nothing but shovelware worse than when they tried to do their direct-to-video movies back in the 90’s. Maybe they could have done something nice if they got the Star Wars licensing. And if anyone thinks that those remakes or that Fantasia sequel count then they and I are gonna have a… disagreement.” He quickly realized he was out of breath and corrected that. Steadying himself, he looked over to Pinkie, almost flinching again as to his shock her colors and mane was back to normal. Fucking magic.

“That’s the kind of smile I like to see!” she stated. “You don’t have to do it all the time, just enough to keep you going!” She turned to walk over to one of the stoves. “You still want that hot chocolate?”

“...Ya know what? Why not?” he answered. Leaning back against the wall, he focused on the calm he was feeling now. Maybe he should catch back up with Wave when he could. He couldn’t imagine where he was now, maybe still with the radio station. Maybe he actually was seeing that woman he mentioned before they left. Most likely not.

“You got a preference for how much mix you like?” Pinkie asked, bringing his attention over to her. He saw her carrying a tin in her hooves.

“Wait, yau’re using instant mix?” he asked.

Pinkie looked at him blankly. “Uh… yeah? That’s how you make it.”

He pried himself from the wall, shaking his head as he walked over to her. “No, no, no, that’s not how ya do it! I mean seriously? Everything around here doesn’t seem that industrial yet ya use that? That’s not real hot chocolate, it’s just hot water with powder in it!” He moved to one of the nearby fridges. “Lemme show ya how it’s done.”

As Pinkie sat there watching, she heard the kitchen door open and saw the twins walk in. “Hey, Mom!” Bubble cheered.

“Hey, hey, hey!” Surprise contributed. “Is it almost time to go home? Is there any cake left… over?” she trailed off as she watched what Karl was doing. “What’s going on?”

“Oh! Karl here is making hot chocolate! But he’s doing it the way he was taught!” she explained.

“It’s the right way!” he shot over to them. “Bring the milk to a simmer with the syrup on the stove!”

“Oooh, I want some!” Bubble said as he started to run over to Karl.

“Me too! Me too!” Surprise said as well, joining him in scampering over.

“Whoa whoa whoa!” Karl yelled out, stretching a hand out to stop them. “Open flame here!”

“They know, don’t worry,” Pinkie assured. “Just do your thing.” Karl nodded, and gave the twins a fleeting glance as they sat to watch him work. Even with school being in session, they still managed to rattle his brain when they got back and were playing upstairs or even in the front room. Halloween, or rather Nightmare Night, was a blessing in that the restaurant was closed and he got to spend time away from them.

...Until they showed up at his door, along with Pinkie and a whole group of foals. Apparently Pinkie led a group of them around the town each year. It almost made him want to dress up and go out right on the spot, but he didn’t exactly want to pretend to be something not him for a while… or ever again. And given the town it might be way too easy to give them a spook.

He shook the thought off as he poured his concoction into mugs, distributing it to his audience. “Cheers,” he declared, grabbing his own. Before he could even sip his, the twins had already starting to chug theirs. Pinkie suppressed a giggle before she tried her own. Good thing it isn’t boiling hot when made this way.

All of them in sync went wide eyed, and looked down to the drinks. “Sweet strawberry shortcakes sending shocking sugary signals skyward!” Pinkie yelled out.

“Like it?” he asked, before casually sipping from his.

YES!” all three yelled out, causing him to jump and it to rocket up onto his face and then downward onto him and then the floor.

“Oops!” Pinkie yelped, running to grab a towel. “Sorry….” He didn’t say anything as he semi-glared at the three of them as he cleaned himself up. “But… I think you should make the hot chocolates from now on!” He still remained silent as he was basically buffing the mess off of him. As he continued to glare at them, the twins lost their smiles pretty quick, and he saw Surprise repeating that same thing with her mane and colors as Pinkie. “Uh… I guess the moment’s ruined. See you tomorrow?” She could only smile awkwardly.

“See ya tomorrow,” he repeated back in a low monotone. Stepping around the three, he went through the door and out of their sight, almost ripping off his apron in the process.

The moment he left, Surprise cried, “He’s… scary!” almost actually crying while she did so.

“Why was he so mean?!” Bubble questioned.

Pinkie quickly hugged the two. “Listen my little gumballs,” she cooed to them. “He can be mean and scary like that, but he hasn’t so far. Not everyp— one likes to play around with bags of sugar or get covered in cake batter.”

“Why though?!” Surprise bawled, hugging Pinkie close. “It’s so fun! How can anypony not like it?!”

“Not everyone likes to get messy, Suppy.” She mussed up Surprise’s mane slightly. “And not everyone likes the same jokes.”

“Does he hate us now?” Surprise whispered, pulling back slightly.

“Oh, no! No!” she reassured. “Just… try to be more careful, okay? Like perhaps stop asking him about his motorcycle?”

“But… it looks so fun!” Bubble protested.

“Maybe it is, but… it’s time to stop, okay?” She looked at both of them sternly. “Do you want him to do that again?”

“No!” both answered quickly.

“Then you need to stop then.” She gave them another hug, before releasing them. “Now… ready to go back home and see your dad again? I think maybe he’s got a gift for that A you both got on your last math test!”

Both of them perked up back immediately, Surprise’s mane poofing back to normal.

“Is it true that horses and ponies on Human-Earth are comparable to our ancestors?” Cinnamon asked.

“Well firstly those ponies that aren’t sapient are referred to as ‘dwarf horses’ now,” Karyn answered. “And I don’t think they’ve gotten to the point where the makeup of the ponies of old can be compared to what’s on Human-Earth yet.” She drank from the lemonade now in front of her, and watched as Cinnamon wrote away on her paper before adding it to the now sizable pile.

Big Mac was more serious than he let on when Cinnamon would have questions. It felt like she was now the professor in college, especially given how long time had stretched on. So much so that Big Mac had given them the pitcher of lemonade sitting on the table and left to attend to other things on the farm.

She glanced out the window, seeing the that the sun had almost disappeared just clued her in to how much time had passed. But she didn’t mind, on the contrary she was reveling in it. Seeing the smile on Cinnamon’s face as she was taking it all in was worth it, that filly could open up despite looking like she was afraid of her own shadow from what Karyn had glanced from before.

“Okay, okay… um….” Cinnamon mumbled, tapping her pencil on the table. “Oh… so many things….”

“Well, dear… it’s not like I’m gonna be gone forever,” Karyn pointed out.

“I know… but I don’t get the chance to learn this often! And I wanna learn as much as I can!” She laid her pencil down to look to Karyn directly. “My aunt Twilight tutors me, but even though she knows a good amount she doesn’t teach me about this!”

Karyn hid her shudder with a shrug of her shoulder… wither. “Well… why though? Does she not know enough for a lesson?”

Cinnamon’s excitement was drained, her intriguing eyes dulling. “Well… I sort of never ask… cause I don’t wanna upset her for wanting to change her lesson plan.”

“What’s your lesson plan like?”

“Magical Theory, Equestriani History, Alter-Earth World History, Calculus, Magical Science, Non-Magical Physics….” Cinnamon sounded off.

Karyn only stared. “Sounds like you’re in college,” she commented.

“Not exactly. I’m tutored because current Equestriani grade schools are… sort of… too easy?” She moved her mane over her eyes.

“Too easy?” Karyn repeated back.

“Sorry! I don’t mean to imply I’m better just because I’m smart at so young!” Cinnamon ducked her head slightly under the table.

“Why would you…” Karyn started but then trailed off. ...be embarrassed by something you’re good at…. She downed the rest of her current drink. “I know the feeling,” she admitted.

“Wha? You?” Cinnamon raised herself up slightly, looking out of her mane with one eye.

“People… mistake me for Princess Luna a lot, and I don’t like it. It makes me… not want to go outside.” At least that’s the kid-friendly version. “But you know how I deal with it? I try to remember what makes me happy about it, and more recently others.”


“Well in terms of looks, I can’t deny I sort of like the idea of being on top of pony beauty standards.” Reminds me that a lot of them will never look as good as me at least. “Plus given my high metabolism with it, it allows me to be really lenient on what I eat in terms of my health. And with my husband—” she caught herself, “it… makes it easier to hug him and keep him close.” Don’t need to ruin an innocence like this any time soon. Though... Karl's been a lot more active lately... quite a bit. She suppressed a blush at the thought.

“Well… if you put it like that….” Cinnamon sat herself back up fully. “I guess being smart can be used to help others… by knowing what’s troubling them. Not only that but I can help contribute to the academic world perhaps.”

“You do contribute a lot already, Cinny,” Big Mac’s voice sounded. Both of them turned to see him trotting in. “You two certainly look like ye’re enjoying yerselves.”

“Oh yes! Mrs. Karyn has told me a lot!” Cinnamon stated.

“Well Ah’m glad ye’re liking it, but dinner is gonna be ready soon, and Ah don’t know if Karyn here wants to stay around. Yer aunt and uncle are about done workin’ out there. They’re just gathering up their daily harvest with one o’ them machines.”

“Oh… probably not,” Karyn admitted, perhaps a bit too quick. “My husband will probably get worried if he sees me not home. Not just for me, but he’ll probably want to be with me to relax the day off.”

“Is it because he’s around my cousins a lot?” Cinnamon blurted out.

“Cinny!” Mac chided.

“But it’s true! They don’t stop! And I know I keep running scared at seeing him – and I’m sorry about that – but I don’t know how he does it!” Karyn was at a loss for words. This was a side she never expected from her. But before long she quickly shrank back into the filly she was seeing before. “Oh my… I… oh my.”

“Cinnamon,” Big Mac started. “Perhaps maybe it is a good time to stop and wash up.”

“Oh… okay.” She looked back to Karyn, giving a meek smile. “Thank you so much, and have a good night!”

“My pleasure, you too,” Karyn said back, watching Cinnamon gather her stuff before she half-walked, half-flew out of the room.

“Ah hope she didn’t take too much of yer time,” Big Mac said to her.

“Oh, no! I liked it a lot!” She stood herself up from her pillow, starting to stretch her legs. “I just didn’t expect the more college-like questions.”

“Well she’ll do that if yah put her in the right mood. ‘Course like yah just saw, she has… some wrong moods.” His smile dropped slightly as he asked, “Now she didn’t ask anything too personal, did she?”

“None at all. And before you ask: nothing too… mature. Only case was my near slip at the end there.”

“Well she’s more mature than she thinks she is. Plus she ends up figuring that stuff out on her own… fer better or worse. Like she just recently got interested in humanity again after getting over some horror movie she found out about a couple years ago.” He moved on from that as he asked, “So are yah feeling better?”

“Much, maybe I just did need to talk to someone else.” She picked up her bag, putting it on. “I’ll be heading out now. Thanks for your time.”

“Come back if yah need somepony tah talk to. If not me, Cinnamon would love it since Ah might be out there in the field.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Karl kept a constant scowl the whole time he was riding home. He could still feel the mess on his face and on his clothes, and that anger that was constant boiling in him almost blew out in that moment. Of course he couldn’t let that happen, because it was the twins right in front of him.

That and his boss was too, and she happened to be one of the most important people in the country. Probably shouldn’t do it in front of her either.

He huffed as he turned onto the path to the house, the sight of which starting to cool him down. As he got to the garage though, he saw one important piece missing.

“What… the… fuck…” he breathed out as he pulled in and dismounted. What force compelled Karyn to actually leave the house? Did the town call on them or something? The mayor or police force? Walking to the front door, he pulled out his phone and began assault it to get it to call Karyn’s phone.

“I wouldn’t worry about her, she’s just visiting her new friend.” Karl almost broke his phone in half as he heard that voice. Looking over to it, he saw Emmé leaning against a nearby tree. “That red stallion guy you both know, Big Mac or whatever? Yeah she’s with him and she’s laughing it up.”

Karl shoved his phone back in his pocket, stomping his way over to her. “Have ya been spying on us?” he accused. “I thawght ya were just fucking here to make sure nothing fucking happens to us.”

“I am,” she said back. “When I saw she wasn’t home, I tracked her down and saw she was over there. Made sure she wasn’t getting in trouble, and she wasn’t.”

“Well why the fuck are ya checking up on us like we’re dogs in a yard?!” He got nearly in her face, but she stood her ground as she craned her head upward to look at him through his visor. “We go outside. Oh, so fucking worrying!” He practically slammed the side of his helmet and his visor flew up completely, showing his scowl in plain view. “You may be this big, powerful witch—”

“Sorceress,” she corrected.

“What-the-fucking-EVER!” He slammed his fist against the tree, the trunk shaking from the impact. Karl briefly glanced to that for a moment, Karyn said they only looked like rubber... he noted, before turned his glare back to Emmé. “But my fucking point here is that ya aren’t our fucking slave owner!”

Emmé crossed her arms, her face staying even. “Pardon me if I’m trying to make sure the people involved in an incident of human magic are okay.”

“Okay? Or perhaps making sure they don’t blab their mouth?” He pulled his fist away and pounded it against the tree again. “Ya know, we have an entire world of magic users: maybe ya should let them know of how fucking dangerous it is so maybe they can help with it?!”

“Yeah, let’s just tell this world the one thing they have over humanity isn’t actually so.” She looked away as she added, “I’m sure the world leaders here will love the idea that humans blow them out of the water on a magic front alongside the tech front. How about we just let humanity have their magic back and blow themselves and both realities up?”

“Ya know what I fucking mean. How long do ya think people won’t find out? Especially with Alter-Earth here!” he pointed out.

“As long as we can,” she said as she looked back to him. “And why do you want people to know?”

“Cause maybe after all that, I’d like magic experts to maybe help me instead of pretending that everything’s okay!” He pulled his fist away, keeping it balled as he dropped his arms to his sides. “And after lying so much already, I just want actual help instead of yaur fucking attention!” He shook his head, looking away from her. “Doesn’t fucking matter now. The people here already know about the lie and—” his scowl turned into shock, and then quickly back as he brought it back to her.

Emmé quirked an eyebrow. “What?”

“It was fucking… YOU!” he yelled, jabbing a finger almost right onto her face. “Don’t fucking lie to me! Ya’re the only fucking person who would tell the entire fucking town! Or who would have the chance! I bet ya did it just in case we said something!”

Emmé stared back at him, her eyes only squinting slightly. “Fine, it was me. But why are you—” she stopped and backed up as he got in her face. Not that she was intimidated by him, but more so because she was surprised he would do that considering who she was.

“What is your fucking problem, ass-bitch?!” he growled to her. “How the fuck Faust is friends with ya… the biggest unsolved mystery of history!”

“Leave her out of this,” she growled back. “Are you forgetting we’re doing this for her sake too?”

“Like she needs to even be mentioned!” He turned away from her, dragging his feet and putting distance between the two. He briefly looked at his hand that he had used to bludgeon the tree. He expected it to be scuffed or something considering he was hitting that tree pretty hard, but it looked clean and he barely felt any kind of pain. Was that because....?

He began to tremble a bit.

“Are you actually being serious right now?!” she shouted over to him. “After being maimed, ripped apart, going through a pain I could tell through your screaming alone that I wouldn’t wish on anyone: you actually want to reveal that magic that did it to you? The magic that if you did make public knowledge could cause a lot more people to go through something like you did?! I’m here in case something bad does happen, not to support you while you crack people’s grasp on reality in half!”

Karl’s hands slammed against his helmet. “I know it’s… and it…” He ceased forming words, almost not even to squeeze out any noise as his throat tightened and tightened. In a flash, he ripped his helmet off, throwing it to the ground. Snarling through his teeth like a leak having its plug remove, he dropped to his knees and threw his head backward. “FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!” he screamed to the sky.

Emmé could only watch him, a frown on her face. As the air cleared of his echo, she looked away. Eyes closed, she felt a heated wind blow over it. It was a familiar one when it came to these rare occurrences, and it never felt any less pleasant.

She forced her eyes back open, making her way over to him. “Look… Karl,” she said, her tone dropped. “Believe me, or not, I don’t want to be doing this also. If I could I would just let you two go, just with your honor to keep things about Faust and I to yourselves. I’m not going to repeat myself about the whole danger aspect, but I just want to emphasize what can happen if all this is revealed in the wrong way.

“Do you know what’s happened to some people who just found out about Faust or myself? Just us? Some went crazy, and others killed themselves cause they couldn’t handle it.” She gave a slight shake of her head before continuing. “Cases like you two and even Faust’s husband are the rare exception. I’m not trying to come off like I’m always over your shoulder, and if there was some way to go on with our lives then I would take it.

“But this is just too delicate. Even if you guys did keep this to yourselves, just the idea of a place like this finding out… it’s going to cause a chain reaction that people aren’t ready for yet.” She slowly made her way over to him, with him looking slightly over his shoulder to look at her. “At the very least, can you at least accept that I’m only trying to make it so that reveal is as painless as possible?”

He turned his enough to look at her with both eyes. He wasn’t displaying aggression like before, but the look on his face certainly wasn’t accepting of her words. “Maybe,” he answered, before turning away from her. “Just… leave me alone.”

A snap of fingers and a flash behind him told Karl that she was gone. At least he hoped that it was what happened as he leaned forward and planted both hands on the ground, a ground that looked so appealing to lay down on and try and calm down.

The sound of a car brought him slightly out of his slump, and he creaked his head up to see Karyn driving up to him. Instead of parking in their garage though, she stopped short and almost jumped out. As she close the distance quickly between them, he managed to bring himself up as much as he could before he grabbed her in a hug.

As she listened to him relay what happened both with Emmé, and then what he had learned: they both held each other close for that night.

Author's Note:

Fun fact - a lot of this stuff I'm winging at when it comes to timeline events or what would be canon to the universe. I am trying to write it canon to the universe though as much as I can even if I'm essentially creating new stuff without prior inquiries (at least this time around).

Extra special thanks to Shinzakura this time around for his support during his own troubled times.