• Published 3rd Mar 2014
  • 1,019 Views, 16 Comments

All American Girl: Konsequences - Deverer

All American Girl verse side story. Magic things can happen, whether fantastical or in recent years for Human-Earth: literal. However with the good, comes the grim.

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Karl sat outside, looking over the clearing of their backyard and taking advantage of their recently installed mini patio. The sun had yet to rise over the trees, but the cool early spring air helped to calm him. Another day, another set of trials... something like that. Right now he figured this little slump was probably just due to some kind of midlife crisis deal. Though that didn’t exactly make sense since he had yet to hit his prime years. Then again if you looked at him he still looked in his mid-twenties and not just hitting over his thirties – with another year on top of that just a couple months ago. Probably a side effect of why he had to live here.

Drink in hand, he leaned back and took in a long ingestion of that holy sugar fizz he loved so much. Every time he did this it somewhat of reminded him he would have been in worse health since his habits hadn’t changed. Only thing new he really did over these past years was take walks in the forest.

That and being a father… so those walks included that part too.

Letting out a breath, he let his eyes focus on the air. It had been rough at the start, even with things like Emmé and the bigots in town, that wasn’t enough of a drive to prepare him for some things.

Karl’s eyes felt like they wanted to explode. It seemed that life wanted to deal him stereotypes as this was probably the tenth time Kane had started a crying fit in the middle of the night. Right now he was down in the living room with the month-year-old in his arms, and this seemed to be a case where Kane just had to let it all out. So far none of his usual methods worked.

As he felt Kane throwing his little forelegs around, like there was an invisible fly he was trying to swat, he sighed and continued to cast his tired eyes down at him. “I’m here, boy…” he whispered again. “I’m gonna be here for ya and… I think we both wanna goto bed…” He tried patting his back again, but the crying continued. Grumbling, Karl almost let his eyes drift away, but the glow of a cobalt blue brought him some attention.

Kane’s horn was glowing in the color, and Karl was silent as during another of his little swats directed it right to him. The little ball of magic quickly filled Karl’s vision as it flew right to his face.

“OOF!” Karl grunted, being knocked back against the couch. Kane was still held tight in one arm, but the other immediately went to his forehead. It felt like someone sucker punched him, though maybe the more appropriate feeling was like someone shot him with a beanbag gun - a real soft one cause he noticed he barely actually felt pain from it.. As he got his nerves together, the sound of crying he found was absent. Looking down, he saw Kane was yawning like a sudden wave of exhaustion had hit him. Still massaging the blow to his head, Karl watched him start to drift off back to sleep.

The sound of a teleport snapped Karl to attention immediately. He saw her out of the corner of his eye, but he kept his head down. “I felt something,” Emmé said. “What happened?”

“Just a tiny hit of magic from him,” Karl answered.

“What happened?” Emmé repeated.

“Ya have eyeballs and ya got yaur magic, and ya can’t see nothing happened?” Karl gave her a quick glance as he said, “Ya said it yaurself his magic was fine. So get out of here already. Ya can see nothing’s broken.” There was a moment of silence, followed by the snap of Emmé’s fingers and the pop of her blinking away.

Karl pushed himself to his feet, slowly making his way back upstairs. Despite the rough spot he still felt, he ignored it in favor of the other feeling on him. She was right about one thing though: that definitely did not feel like his own magic from before. And if she couldn’t see that everything was fine already from that… well he would gladly relive that moment of pure euphoria from before.

The sound of the back door opening got Karl’s attention. Looking to see Karyn trotting out, they both smiled to each other before Karyn sat down next to him. Right away she leaned over for a quick peck on his cheek, before following up with one to the lips which he gladly held for a moment.

“Morning, hon,” she greeted. “Work soon?” she asked.

“In a bit,” he answered back. “Any plans?”

“Just the usual,” she said. “Though I think maybe I want to try and spend some time out with Kane. Can’t keep him cooped up here, and playing with the twins isn’t enough.”

“Ya sure? When I’m not in the same room with ‘em, seems like they’ve only gotten even more hyper and play-happy.”

“Well he loves being with them yeah, but he needs some peers. He isn’t talking much with anyone else at class.”

“Like his parents, huh?” Karl quipped.

“Hey, I used to talk with others before I got my mark, so I think maybe it’s from his father’s side” she said back, poking him with a hoof. “Still, it would be nice if Cinnamon was still around…” she trailed off, remembering the filly.

“Thanks fer takin’ the time to talk,” Big Mac said to Karyn, taking a sip of some juice.

“It’s no problem. Feels weird you coming here instead of the other way around,” Karyn said back. She looked over to the middle of the room, seeing Cinnamon playing with a toddler Kane and his blocks. Both had grown a bit, Cinnamon on the cusp of starting to become a mare and Kane sort of resembling a colt instead of an infant. What was also the same too was both wearing clothes.

“Well as soon as I got word of what Ah wanted to ask yah ahbout, Ah felt the urge to do it right away.” He shifted himself in his seat, leaning his forelegs forward. “Now Ah know this is gonna seem weird, but Ah’d like to ask yah about yer college experience.”

Karyn went from smiling to frowning quickly. “Excuse me?”

“Well… how was it goin’ through it? The people, the environment?” When Karyn kept staring, he added, “It has to do with Cinnamon. Her learnin’ is going… too good. To the point where a human college is where she’s being recommended fer. Ah wanted to ask yah cause yah actually have went through it.”

Taking a moment to comprehend his words, she replied, “I have, yeah. But this seems a bit out of nowhere.”

Big Mac sighed, leaning back in his seat slightly. “Ah realize that, but Ah want what’s best fer my daughter. And even though Ah personally don’t want to be away from her, it’s still maybe the best fer her future ‘cause it’s just perhaps the best thing in her situation. And those specific words are important, ‘cause there’s a filly out there who Ah hurt before ‘cause Ah didn’t see that earlier. So Ah guess this is me tryin’ to make up fer that.”

Karyn blinked, what he said getting to her. Is he talking about DJ? He has to be, he was one of those who was against her, she thought. “Why do you need me though? Sounds like you’re already leaning toward it.”

“Almost. But the issue is everything around it aside from the learning part.” He looked over to the kids. “Cinny’s afraid of the community part of it. Ain’t that right?”

Cinnamon however didn’t respond. Instead she was laying on her barrel, trying to talk with Kane. “‘Cinnamon.’ Can you say it?” Kane meanwhile was more interested in finding out what his forehoof tasted like. “Cmon… how about a smile, huh? Huh?”

“Kon… nahwa,” he gurgled out. He looked to Cinnamon, staring blankly.

Karyn chuckled. “She channels a bit of the twins whenever she’s with him.”

“Cinnamon?” Big Mac tried again.

“Here, let me.” Karyn’s horn glowed, and she gently lifted Kane off the floor over to her.

Cinnamon immediately snapped out of her trance. “Huh? But why—”

“Cinny, do yah remember why we’re here?” Big Mac asked. Cinnamon’s wings snapped out quickly, a blush appearing as well.

“Oh… oh right!” She picked herself off the floor and quickly made her way over to one of the empty chairs. “Um… so what— oh right! College! Human college! Sounds amazing! Except the part about having to move away! And also being around so many others at a time that I might have to talk with! That sounds terrifying!”

Karyn smiled, also giving Kane a small hug. “I was exactly in your position. The idea of human college or university? Being able to choose what I want to learn? I wanted it so much.” And that detail about choice still held true. Apparently Equestriani Universities still didn’t allow much choice in education. “But you know what else I saw though? The chance to start fresh.

“Sure, I was scared too given the people I may run into. And having to be on my own? I had enough problems trying to get through the last of grade school. However the first day I got there I knew it’s what I needed. Slowly I eased my way into the community, and a good chunk of us being new to it all helped a lot.” Karyn decided that the part of being a pony and one with a certain uniqueness didn’t need to be mentioned. The former was sort of dying down anyway at places like that.

“But what about… well, that I’m a pony?” Cinnamon asked. Karyn was silent for a moment, so much for not bringing that up. “I mean I gotta learn to walk on two legs, and won’t I get bullied too?”

Karyn held Kane close, the toddler leaning against her in a sudden half-sleep. “It’s true that I did… get attention because of what I am. Especially because… well…” Cmon… you can talk to them about it, not just Karl, she told herself. “Well soon I was standing over all the humans instead of the other way around. I was called all sorts of things, hounded for a bunch of jerks’ attention, and on some occasions tried to get physical reactions. I mean that ‘community’ part I kinda went away from over time.

“But through all that,” she said, seeing Cinnamon starting to go wide eyed in fear. “I stuck by who I was. They’re just bullies and losers who have nothing better to do than put others down because they aren’t great themselves. It’s going to be hard, but if you learn to push it away, you’re going to have a great time learning. Not just learning in class, but about the world around you, and just how others may react. Then there are the friends you can make, and the other fun things you can discover. I didn’t do that last part much, but there was definitely many chances.”

Cinnamon stared blankly, one hoof tracing across the table back and forth. “It sounds… incredible. Scary, but it sounds like some great stuff.”

“You never know what amazing things you’ll end up with.” Karyn looked down to her lap. “Right, Kane?”

He looked up, renewed excitement on his face as he smiled wide. “Konah...wa!” he babbled out.

Cinnamon giggled, her eyes sticking to Kane before she pulled them away in thought. “I do really wanna learn…” she muttered.

“And you will. You’ll learn so much,” Karyn encouraged.

“Then… I’ll do it,” Cinnamon declared. “I got some time, I can get myself ready.”

“Are yah sure, sweetie?” Big Mac asked.

Cinnamon turned to him, nodding. “Positive. I’m as sure that I want this as much as the twins are annoying.”

Big Mac’s eyes shot open. “Cinny!”

“But Daaaaaad, they are! Why can’t I ever listen to my music without them trying to dance all over the room?!” She shook her head, looking away from everyone. “Honestly, why can’t people just let others do their thing?” She huffed out, the room going silent. A moment later she gave a small squeak as what she did caught up to her. “Oh my… I’m sorry…”

“Well, what you said aside… hold onto that,” Karyn advised. “That’s you standing up for yourself.” Cinnamon looked to Karyn, and then over to Big Mac who gave a smiling nod.

“Okay, I’ll try. But… what about walking on two legs? I mean I’ve tried, but I can’t really do it without using my wings.”

“Oh, that? Just remember your tail and that we got some hoofspace on our back hooves.” Karyn slowly got out of her chair, making sure to gently set Kane down next to his blocks. “Just take it slow, find your balance, and suddenly it’s like riding a scooter.” As Karyn reared up, she saw Cinnamon’s eyes going up and down as she got out of her seat, in what Karyn called her “analytical mode.”

As Cinnamon reared herself up too, her forelegs went out to her sides as she kept adjusting herself. Threatening to fall back or forward, Karyn noticed her wings trying to snap out but she seems to keep them under control. “Oh dear… I need to work my hoofspace too I realized.”

“Yah got it, Cinny,” Big Mac encouraged with a smile. At the sound of Kane laughing, he looked over to him and got a small laugh to come out. “See? Even the little fella’s cheering you on.”

“Koniwa!” Kane yelled out, clapping his forehooves together. Everyone smiled to him, but all gasped as he began to imitate Cinnamon and Karyn as he got to his own forelegs. Karyn dropped to back to all fours, forehoof going out to catch him. However she stopped as Kane kept himself up. “Kowa!” he cheered. He looked to Cinnamon, and then he actually took a step forward. That step didn’t last long as he started to fall forward a bit, with Karyn there to catch him before he met an unfortunate fate.

“My, my, my,” Big Mac commented, lifting up his glass. “That’s ah first, little guy. Taking yer first reared step before Ah’ve see yah even trot.”

“I guess… he really embraces the human part of your family?” Cinnamon asked, putting herself back on all fours too.

“I… I suppose. He’s barely been able to hold himself steady on four so far,” Karyn added. But is this because of your DNA there Kaney? I mean, maybe you got some of my skills, but you got Karl’s biology in there too, she wondered. She rested Kane back against her barrel as she sat back down, and as she did another thought came. Wait… both our biology means… if I’m this tall, what’s that gonna do to you with human genes behind it?

That had been quite a few years ago. Cinnamon landed herself in Stanford not long after even with her young age. From her other brief times Karyn had come across Big Mac, he had mentioned Cinnamon being as happy as she could be. While they never got a chance to directly talk, it was passed over to her that Cinnamon would gladly visit again. And in her own words ‘I’ll make sure not to freak out at the sight of Karl.’

“Well, good luck with that, dear,” Karl said slowly getting up. “About that time for me.”

“I love you.”

“And I love ya, of course,” he replied, leaning down to give her another kiss. As he stood back up, the back door opened and both looked over.

“Mommy, Daddy?” Karl and Karyn smiled at the sight.

“Hey, boy,” Karl greeted, “Ya’re up a bit early.” Both watched as Kane stepped onto the patio, on two legs, and holding the door handle with a forehoof before he let it slip out. His eyes were a bit tired, and his mane was still mussed up from the trials of sleep. The shirt he was wearing looked not fully on, curled up like he hadn’t tugged it down completely. His pants were baggy and wrinkled, the signs of having took them to bed with him.

Ohayou... I’m hungry… can I have breakfast?” He was looking around the deck, stopping randomly, but to him it was likely focusing on certain objects around them. “Please?” he added.

Karl looked to Karyn, “Can ya handle it?”

“Absolutely,” she said, slipping out of her seat.

Karl stepped up to Kane, kneeling down and giving him a pat on the head. “Alright, boy, I gotta get going. I’ll see ya, later okay?”

Kane smiled, and he reached his forelegs up to him, and in response Karl picked him up in his arms. “Ai...shi...te… ruyo, Otō-san,” he said as he hugged Karl as much as he could.

“Love ya too, Kane.” With that Karl placed Kane back on the ground next to Karyn. He smiled as he hugged one of Karyn’s forelegs, her other one hugging him back. “Have fun.” Karl gave one last nod, and then stepped through the back door.

Karyn slowly eased Kane of herself, and he gave a toothy smile up to her. “I smelled bacon… can I have bacon, mom?”

“Of course you can, sweetie,” she said. She looked at him with love, but occasionally her eyes flicked to his teeth. Four of them easily sticking out as they were a bit… pointier. It gets harder and harder to keep what you are secret, my joy, she mused. Especially when the dentist has to say it’s some… some… she couldn’t finish that thought.

It was natural for him, apparently. And it wouldn’t hurt him since to every other pony there were gaps in those spots that he just filled in, if Faust’s info relayed through Emmé was right. They thought that would be that, but then last 4th of July barbecue Kane proved otherwise after sneaking a bite onto Karl’s meal of ribs. After a bit of scolding, and calming down from learning that he didn’t get stomach aches for days, meat and protein was suddenly a regular part of his diet. Doctor’s orders… at least at Faust’s recommendation like a doctor.

As they walked back in, Karyn barely registering the sound of Karl’s bike starting and revving off, they both made their way to the kitchen. Kane hopped onto one of the seats of the table, while Karyn went over to the stove where there was plenty of bacon left for them. Eggs also ready to be cooked.

“Do you have any homework, Kane dear?” she asked, starting to get some eggs ready.

“No, not this weekend,” he said back. “When does Magic Kindergarten end?”

Her eyes flicked away from her work for a second. “Hmm? End? Why?”

“I… kinda don’t like it no more. And my horn magic still isn’t right, and the other ponies laugh at me when they see me walk around. And seeing everyone without clothes is… weird.”

Karyn sighed. Not even Kane could escape it. Putting the heat low, she quickly turned around and trotted up to him. With a reassuring hoof on his back, she said, “Listen, Yūkan'na seishin, no matter what they think, you’re special and you’re great.”

“But what if can never use my horn? Are I not supposed to?” He frowned, ears dropping against his head.

“Hey, the fact you can do what you can do is amazing. You got a gift, and I bet those meanies are jealous.”

His ears perked back up, along with his look. “Really?”

“Of all the unicorns I know, you’re the first I saw do it. Keep at it. Even when kindergarten ends at the end of the month, you can still practice. You won’t worry have to worry about magic when you’re in normal grade school this next fall.” The mention of school put a smile on his face, which put one on Karyn’s. He just wanted to figure stuff out, when he wasn’t playing the Nintendo Revolution with one of them keeping track of how long.

“Everyone gets out, right? Flight School, Magic Kindergarten, and Agricare? They all end together?”

“Yep, and maybe we can find you some friends.” She gave another pat before turning back to the food. She hid her sigh from him. Though she didn’t want to touch magic again, she wasn’t going to stop him from poking at it. Even if it was another way that showed his human side.

Karyn stepped through the Ponyville Elementary halls, making her way to the Principal’s office. She had gotten a call about Kane, and while it wasn’t any trouble disciplinary-wise, she hoped it wouldn’t be trouble in a certain other way. When the time had come for Kane to start to learn magic, Emmé was surprisingly absent from that decision. She wondered if Faust had some sway in that especially since it had been getting close to a whole four months since they last saw her.

Knocking on the door, she was given the cue to come in. She saw Principal Cheerilee at her desk back and center, Kane sitting at a seat in front of her, and his Magic Kindergarten teacher Shiny Apple.

“Principal Cheerilee,” Karyn greeted, as she stepped up to be next to Kane.

“Mrs. O’Donnell,” Cheerilee greeted back, a small smile on her face. “First off I apologize if I worried you in any way about this sudden meeting, but this is… a very unique circumstance here.”

“You said it had something to do with what my son did?”

“Nothing horrible, Mrs. O’Donnell,” Shiny Apple spoke up. “More like something amazing.”


“It would be best if we wait until everypony is here,” Cheerilee said. “Due to what’s happened, Shiny Apple asked for somepony from the Mage Guild to come.”

“The Mage Guild?” Karyn felt her stomach freeze. Had they found out? They weren’t freaking out, did that mean they hadn’t? Or is this going to be Twilight Sparkle herself so that’s why this was way too calm of a situation?

Her panic was brought to a chokehold as there was a knock behind her from the door. “Come on in!” Cheerilee called. As the door opened, Karyn’s tenseness relaxed as it wasn’t any pony she knew. Though the fact she looked like Rarity just with a periwinkle coat and pink mane didn’t help.

“Hello, everypony,” she greeted. She looked to Karyn, stopping in her tracks for just a moment. “And you must be... Karyn, correct? Along with your son... Kane?” At Karyn’s nod, she gave a small smile. “My name’s Star Swirl, and I’m from the Guild Office here in Ponyville. I’m here on a recommendation from Mr. Shiny Apple here.”

“Yes, I believe little Kane has great magical potential,” he said. “We were going over our first lesson in channeling and… well, I believe a demonstration is best to show it.” He motioned over to Kane. “Do you mind showing us?”

Kane looked over to him, and then back to Karyn. At her reassuring look, he gave a nod. Taking a quick breath, Kane held out one of his forehooves. His face scrunched up in concentration, and then everyone watched as a cobalt blue light appear on it and the twinkle of magic sounded outward.

“Oh… wow,” Star Swirl whispered. “This is… unprecedented.” She stepped up to Kane, leaning in close.

“It was quite a surprise,” Apple mentioned. “I almost stopped the class right there. I mean I expect some to get a channel started, but definitely not from the hoof.”

“It took me a while to even begin channeling out of my own hooves like this,” Star Swirl said. Lighting up her own horn, a small aura started to wrap around Kane’s channeling hoof. “I wonder how this looks and— OH!” Star Swirl pulled back, her horn dying down. The yelp caused Kane to jump, and his magic died down.

“What’s wrong?” Cheerilee asked, Karyn feeling the temperature in the room rising.

“Oh… that was potent!” Star Swirl commented, composing herself. “Though… that feeling... “

Oh fuck, could she tell? Karyn panicked in her head.

“Your son might have a developing shaped aura,” Star Swirl finished, causing Karyn to go from worried to confused. “It felt… a bit too sharp. I don’t wanna go into detail, but mixing shaped auras is something you don’t want to do. Especially around those who might not be in full control of their channeling yet.” She lit up her horn again, and everyone watched as mini galaxies began to orbit around after a moment, with the occasional twinkle of a star.

“Oh… pretty!” Kane chirped.

“But in any case though,” Star Swirl continued, stopping her magic. “While I may not be the mage to evaluate your son’s magic, he has a bit of a gift. To channel out of your hooves at such a young age—”

“And before he has even done it out of his horn,” Apple added.

“—and before he has even done it out of his horn is incredible,” Star Swirl finished.

Karyn kept steady, she knew where this was going. “You want to recommend him for possibly a higher level school of magic?” At Star Swirl’s nod, Karyn sighed. “I see…”

“Is something the matter?”

“It’s…” Just the fact he would be found out easy, she thought. “Just that it’s kinda sudden and—”

“Oh, say no more!” Star Swirl intervened. “You don’t have to decide now!”

“I do need to think about it. And I need to talk to him about it.” She looked at Kane, who was looking to the floor instead of the adults around him.

“I think we’ve kept you two here long enough then,” Cheerilee spoke up. “You’re free to go then, if you got no other questions.”

“I think he wants to get home.” She leaned down to Kane, lowering her voice. “Wanna go home now, sweetie?”

“Y-yeah… I just wanna…”

“Play some more Smash Bros. Universe?” His smile returned, and the cheer in his eyes as well. She took that as her cue to lower herself to let him climb on her back. After feeling him grab onto her shirt, she gave a small nod to everyone else. “Thank you, everyone,” she said, before walking out of the door.

Sayōnara!” Kane called back before the door closed. Karyn paused, taking a moment to stretch her legs, also squeezing out some of the stress she was building in there. A petty part of her didn’t want Kane to use Inarese and direct it back to her heritage, but that was the absolute least of her problems right now with what just happened.

As she was about to walk away, her ears twitched as she heard talking from inside. “Mage Star Swirl, I swear that colt has to be part human.”

“Shiny Apple!” Cheerilee chided.

“You don’t think that? And I’m not being judgmental, but the way he acts and now this…”

“Lemme put that out of your mind now,” Star Swirl stepped in. “If that colt was somehow part human? We’d have to throw out the book on magic, put it into a safe and then send it to far beyond Eris – farthest planet from Human-Earth in their solar system – and make sure it stays locked away by using the high gravity of a supergiant star. Actually make that every book on magic from every Alter-Earth society. Cause not even alicorn magic without some kind of extreme magical prep could even begin to do something like that without problems.”

Karyn bristled, fast trotting her way out of there. She did not need to be on this razor’s edge. It had been five years too long already, six if they counted the one before the blessing that was Kane himself.

As she served Kane his food, which he happily began to devour, Karyn pushed the memory out of her mind. His birthday was next on the event calendar, and it would be another year down of the truth being hidden from everyone. He was just a little kid – colt – who wanted to have fun and find new things. He was just at that age of starting to get cutie marks… if he could even get one.

This is what she wanted: a happy family, a simple life, and a loving husband who was there for her and for her to be there for him. Yet everything was dragged down by the anchor that was all the human magic bullshit. They were stuck on Alter-Earth, in Ponyville, with each day slowly putting them closer and closer to friends and others of them. She hadn’t forgotten about The Curse, even if Pinkie was definitely actually not insane despite her insane introduction.

She sat herself down to eat, eyeing Kane. The way he just attacked his food in his little innocence… it was moments like this that helped her to get through all this. But even these moments came with reminders like how she couldn’t stop observing how dextrous his little hooves were compared to her own, and probably every other pony out there.

Sighing, she began to enjoy her own breakfast. It wasn’t that he was different, no, that made him special. It was just having to hide it.

Karl rolled up to the Corner, just as he always did. The only differences each time was the ponies he passed by at random points in the streets, and the seasonal air. Drive into the town, drive a good bit forward, right turn, forward, left turn, forward again until the corner gets into view. Granted it was a good stretch out, but even that didn’t lend itself to cutting down the monotony of it.

Though that didn’t apply to right now. Some weeks ago Pinkie was called away on some important business. Really important if what the twins and Thunder said was true about her being transported by helicopter. Then later that day it was reported that the city of Fillydelphia was invaded by some kind of monster pony bugs and a demon alicorn or something. And even then it wasn’t enough for the craziness as that city was then bombed by Equestria’s own military weeks after.

Needless to say the whole town was thrown into a bit of panic. When Karl rode through the town, the atmosphere was chilled compared to what was there before. Ponies everywhere looked like they were walking with one eye looking over their shoulder, and of course the occasional stare he got was heightened to a common status. He didn’t doubt they somehow blamed humanity for what happened because of course they did.

Right now, he didn’t have much support. Thunder, the twins, and even Big Mac were out of town. Only given a quick notice that they all had to go to Canterlot. Karl guessed apparently the Royal Family had to be protected or something along those lines. Considering what he heard about DJ Martinez in Singapore just a few days ago? Shit was getting serious.

As he hung up his helmet, adjusted his clothes, and stepped into the kitchen; he eased himself back into work mode. Though even as he met up with the others and began to get to work, he couldn’t get it out of his mind. It was like a war was going to spring up right in front of them. And if it came up close to them?

He tensed his muscles. He hoped it wouldn’t come to that. But given this ball and chain on them all? The universe would probably continue its sadistic streak on them and throw it at them because they couldn’t run.

Emmé sighed, another uneventful day.

Well uneventful in terms of this task she was doing. All around there was some chaos going on in Pony-World here, but she couldn’t exactly get herself involved with that. She could if she wanted, but given how one of Faust’s old enemies was involved the results probably would not be pretty if they didn’t plan it.

She stretched her limbs, enjoying the outskirts of Ponyville as she decided that there was no need to step in to work her investigation again. Seemed to be the same result for last few years ever since little Kane was born. Aside from a magic development here or a physical oddity there that had to be waved off as something else, Emmé really hadn’t needed to do anything.

But she stuck around anyway. Both to keep the Convocation appeased, but also in case some part of Karl or Kane’s human magic side appeared. The former was a bit iffy the last years due to some new incidents of human magic occuring: the most prominent being once dead ley lines being jump-started (one conveniently where Faust somehow managed to get Karl back to normal) and Alter-Earth researchers taking notice.

The latter, though, was squarely on her. She had to be there, especially with how the pony part of the little half-human half-pony kid could cause issues. Some foals could do accidental transfigurations which given what started this mess, Emmé wanted to be sure that didn’t happen even if that human magic felt so… purified.

Sighing, she leaned back to enjoy the sunset. Faust was somewhat begging her to finally let them go, but she knew this was the right thing to do. It wasn’t like she keeping them confined to their home, nor was she—

Her phone started to ring, and Emmé looked at who it was. “Speaking of Faust,” she mumbled to herself. Answering it, she leaned back even more. “Heya, Horseface. What’s up?”

“Emmé! Emmé I… it’s....” Faust cried on the other end.

That crying got Emmé to shoot herself back up to a sitting position. “Faust? What’s going on?”

“Emmé… it’s Kuzu… she…” she trailed off, choking as she sobbed more. “Kuzu’s gone!

The blood in Emmé’s body froze over. “WHAT?!” she screamed, jumping to her feet. “Faust… please tell me you mean she’s missing! Please tell me you’re not saying what I think you’re saying!” Emmé felt her own eyes threaten to break out in tears. If anything did actually happen to Kuzu…

“I felt it… her signature just vanished! I felt it all the way from Japan! She’s… gone!

Hands shaking, Emmé’s arms slowly fell back to her sides. She could hear Faust trying to speak to her, but she blanked that out. It couldn’t be possible. One of her few friends… dead? “No, no that can’t be true!” Emmé yelled out, hand on her forehead. “Kuzu… you can’t be—” she choked on her words as she focused her magic.

In an instant, she arrived back in Human-Earth. Landing on the roof of a Japan building, she pushed back the fatigue she felt. She didn’t care how unrefined that teleport was, she had to find her friend.

She looked up at her surroundings, she knew this was the building. Getting up to her feet, she quickly began to—

“What the…” Emmé felt the air around her. Everywhere it felt like a warzone to her, the atmosphere felt heated and full of hatred and… regret. She knew this feeling, and somehow it felt so foreign. Magic… pure magic was in the air… of the human kind. “No way…” She looked out into the city, toward what she could only assume to be the source. She saw no smoke, and the various buildings she could see looked undamaged. Yet the magic she felt and saw was everywhere, the unusual redness of the sky despite the early sun, all of it pointed to that— “No!” she cried, feeling her knees weak. Yet the sight and feeling before her told her otherwise. Maybe there was a chance. Maybe all this was covering up where Kuzu was. Maybe—

“I’m afraid the worse has happened,” a voice said. Emmé temporally felt a good portion of her sorrow be replaced by rage.

She looked over to the source, seeing a man in a business suit standing there. Complete with a set of glasses. Although he looked normal, she knew otherwise. “You...” she half spat, half cried. Of all the people in the Convocation, it had to be him.

“I go by ‘Tom’ these days instead of Merlin for the record. I know you’re not exactly happy to see me, and I am sorry for what happened with Arthur. However, this is not the time nor place for that,” he explained. “But yes: Kuzunoha and her sister have left us.”

Emmé was taken aback. Kuzu’s sister was involved? “What… what happened here?”

“Too much to explain at the moment,” he answered, his head downcast. “And some citizens were caught in the crossfire.”

“Wait, citizens?” She felt some her strength come back as she managed to ask, “What are you doing with them?”

“Helping and protecting them.” Emmé’s accusatory stance lessened. She was not expecting that kind of response. “There was even a pony who got a bit of human magic infusion from what we’ve observed. The poor dear’s going to have to live with it.”

“And… you’re going to help them?” Her head felt like it was going to explode. Too much was happening at once for even her.

“Listen, Queen of Sorceresses,” he said, addressing her by her old title. “Times are changing. For both humanity, and now all of Alter-Earth. It’s time we do the same. And I have a feeling this incident with Kuzunoha and what’s going on in Equestria is the first of things to come.” He adjusted his glasses, looking out to the city. “We need to do what we can, even if it means revealing humanity’s secret history. In fact we plan to let the citizens involved do what they want with this.

“My associate right now is taking care of Kuzunoha’s belongings and tending to her loyal Tanukis. He’ll also be the liaison for those involved. I’m just here if you or Lady Faust arrived.” He looked back over to her. “You have mine, and by extension our word that we’ll make sure they’re in good hands.”

“Oh really now? After all the shit you gave Kuzu, and also Faust, you guys are just gonna suddenly be buddy-buddy with all this?” she spat back.

Tom sighed, rolling his neck and adjusting his suit. “Take it as you will. And I promise you if something bad does happen to the people involved here? You can take out your anger on me personally.” He slowly walked up to her, and she didn’t move from her spot. “Right now though, I think you need to go to Faust. Your history is legendary, but you’re not invincible.”

She felt the need to lash out. Maybe right there take out some of that anger right now. But she stopped herself, feeling her grief start to well up again. Kuzu wouldn’t want this. She was always there to talk her and Faust down when they were losing it. Now… now she wasn’t there to do so, and Faust was already breaking down.

“Fine,” she finally relented. “I’ll leave.”

“Faust needs you.”

“Not just her,” she added. “There’s some others who need me, or don’t need me.”

“I’ll make sure those two and the little colt are left alone as well. Unless they do need our special help.” Nodding her head, she didn’t bother to give him a farewell as she teleported out of there.

She allowed herself a moment to breath as she arrived at Karl and Karyn’s house. It didn’t do much to calm herself down, but anything to make her at least able to hold off breaking down. She gave a knock at the door, not caring that some tears were streaming down her face.

The top door opened, and she was greeted by Karl who went from calm to angry in a microsecond. “What the hell do ya…” Karl’s eyes snapped into confusion as he began to see how Emmé looked. “What the hell happened to ya?”

“I….” she started. “There’s… no really other way to put this but… it’s time that I let you guys go.”

Karl for his part managed to hold back a twitch of surprise for a decent moment. “What?”

“All of this… all this hiding, it’s time it stopped.” She looked away from him, focusing on trying to keep stable. “I’m saying that we don’t have to hide it anymore.”

“Wait just a Goddamn minute, why? Why come out of nowhere and just like that say it’s okay to tell everyone? Or not hide it, what-the-fucking ever?” He looked over his shoulder as hoofsteps were heard, Emmé looking up to see Karyn walking up to the door.

“What’s happening here?” Karyn asked. “Wait, what happened with you?” she asked.

“She’s saying we don’t have to keep this a secret anymore,” Karl answered, before whipping his head back to Emmé. “But just… just like that?” he reiterated. “After all this...shit, all this saying this needs to be done: ya just say now we don’t have to?”

“I was a complete… shitbag, and it took losing someone precious to me to realize how much I was.” She wiped her eyes, looking back to them. “Karl, I know you hate me, and you have every right to hate me. All I can say is that I’m sorry, and...” She sucked in a breath, she was going to lose it any moment now. “Kuzu… she was right this whole time that I need to learn proper empathy. I did all this despite everything telling me I didn’t need to. And now she’s gone.”

Karyn’s ears snapped upward. “Wait… Kuzunoha’s… dead?” she asked. Emmé only gave a small nod in response, and Karyn put a hoof to her head.

“Wait… yaur friend?” Karl asked.

“A friend who I let down,” Emmé admitted. “And I need to get to the other friend I let down.” She pressed her hand against her eyes. “Listen… a lot of shit is happening right now. If any of that shit puts you guys in danger? Let us know.” She pulled her hand away, looking at them. They both just looked at her, and she couldn’t blame them. “I’m going now. Take care of yourselves, and your son.” Both of them seemed to want to respond, but she didn’t give them the chance as she mustered up one more teleport.

When she felt herself at her destination, she finally felt her strength give out. Falling to the floor onto her knees, she allowed the waterworks to flow. Shortly after, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her, connected to another grieving woman.

“It’s my fault…” Emmé whispered to Faust. “If I wasn’t so stubborn about this, I could have been there to help. I could have been there to easily stop all this.”

“Emmé,” Faust whispered back. “Don’t do this. Not now of all times.”

“If I was here instead of on Alter-Earth, I could have felt all that shit go down!” Emmé screamed out. “But I had to be a dogmatic bitch! I had to be a world away instead of there for her!”

“There’s so many ‘what ifs’,” Faust choked out. “She told me there was a problem with her sister, but I was busy with my own magic problem.” Faust took her arms off Emmé, sitting down next to her. “But we can’t think about that. It’s only—”

“Going to fuck us up more,” Emmé said. “I… Faust, I just can’t even think.” She shifted herself to sit on the floor as well, leaning into Faust who started to lean into her as well. “Just… please promise me one thing. Don’t bring up Karl or Karyn for a while.”

“Karl and Kary— huh?”

“Because being reminded of them will remind me of how I fucked up their already fucked up lives, and how I fucked up being a friend,” Emmé coughed out. “Just… only if they need to be brought up. Because I need to think about how I can make it up to them.” She fell silent, both of them holding each other. Neither of them spoke many words for the rest of the day, but both of them still conveyed loudly through their movements alone their sorrow.

Karl and Karyn watched Emmé vanish, and both of them hadn’t moved from their spot for what felt like hours. Karl had managed to close the door, but both were still trying to process what happened. They were free? They could finally stop the lies? But what about all the fallout they were warned about? There should have been massive relief off their shoulders from the news, but the only relief was probably having Kane be upstairs so he didn’t hear it all.

“Karl,” Karyn spoke, piercing the silence. “Can you excuse me for a moment?” He gave a slight nod, and she trotted herself all the way to the bathroom. Locking the door behind her, she held her head. The lies can finally stop, they can stop hiding their son from who he was. But she couldn’t stop thinking about something else. Which she couldn’t figure why, especially because of who that exactly was and how it wasn’t relief she was feeling in regards to that.

Kuzunoha. Kuzunoha was gone… so why was she feeling this way? She was the one who plagued her family, quite literally given what their marks were. She didn’t have a much better opinion of her after that sob story. So why then?

Stepping up to the mirror above the sink, she looked at herself. She looked like she wanted to cry. Cry! And it wasn’t because of the other news that they were hoping for and were granted! Kuzu was the bane of her family! Maybe only second to a certain delusional alicorn to just herself, but a bane nonetheless! So why did she feel this way? Why was she feeling grief for her?

Every single member of her family was well aware of Kuzunoha! They all knew that monster and the destruction she brought! How she tortured Kimono and... how also she didn't from her own admission. How she tried to take over what would be Equestria from Faust... and even Faust herself forgave her.

She closed her eyes, but that didn’t help slow her thoughts. She was the cause of the root of her problems! She was to blame for having Celestia’s delusional teachings of destiny beat her at every corner of her life! She was a tyrant who… wasn’t a tyrant these days. But she didn’t deserve sympathy! She didn’t do anything to earn it! She didn’t…

“I forgive you…” she forced out, feeling some of her tears break out. She didn’t deserve this. She was once a monster, but the daughtering woman she saw back then was so kind and empathetic. All Karyn was doing was just finding another excuse for the shit in her life. Kuzunoha she was, but the Kuzu she met was nothing like that.

A comforting feeling on her withers caused her to snap her eyes open. She looked in the mirror, and almost screamed as she saw a kitsune - Kyūbi - standing there to her side with one of her hands right where she felt it. To her other side though was a unicorn. The emerald eyes, purple mane, and pink coat immediately telling Karyn who it was.

“Kuzu? Kimono-ue?” she breathed out. What was going on here? Did she finally snap?

“Stay strong, my child,” Kimono spoke, Karyn swearing it was like that hallucination was in the room. “Kibō o ushinau koto wanai.” Kimono reached over and hugged ones of Karyn’s legs, and she almost jumped as she felt it.

Karyn blinked, and suddenly the physical feelings vanished. The Kimono and Kuzu in the mirror gone as well. She dropped onto her haunches, her head spinning a bit. As if the news about changelings and the Six being apparently beaten was bad enough. Was the world actually ending and the powers above even Faust were throwing out sympathy tickets?

But the words Kimono just said rang back in her head. Never lose hope, she translated out. She was going crazy, that had to be it. Maybe it was part of Equestria being blown up and now her psyche was exploding too because there wasn’t much she could do to get away from it. Then again magic had done some crazy shit before in Equestria’s history, was it possible Kuzu did something from beyond the grave? That was her Obā-sama’s specialty in some ways.

She pushed herself to her hooves, she needed to get out of here and into Karl’s arms. She was going to break and she needed him to not do so. When she got back to the front, he saw him still standing at the front with a hand on his forehead.

“What the fuck is happening, Karyn?” he asked, then looking to her. “Is it even happening right now?”

“If it is, then I just saw and felt a ghost,” she replied. The look on Karl’s face made her add, “Don’t ask. Can we just…”

“We can talk about this later,” he said, sliding up next to her. “Maybe we should follow Kane’s lead and get some sleep.” He leaned over and they both kissed. As they made their way upstairs, they were both silent. Which continued into the night as they both had a melancholy sleep.

Work the next day didn’t help Karl get out of the new funk. Freedom should have been delicious, but after so many years just suddenly coming out with the truth was going to be a headache. What was he going to do? Just come out and say that the rape that happened to his wife and gave them their child was a huge lie to cover up a magic incident in some huge conspiracy? Was he just going to say to his parents that he literally can’t go back to Human Earth and that’s why he never visited? Why he channeled some of that demon known as his own grandmother?

He let out a large groan, both because his frustration and also he wouldn’t make himself look like an idiot since he was the only one left in Sugarcube Corner. Everyone else had left probably a good fifteen minutes ago, but he just stuck around because… he had no idea why. Maybe he was hoping doing boring tasks that he didn’t need to do would give him something.

Which of course didn’t happen.

Cracking his neck, he made his way to the front of the shop. Grabbing his helmet, he decided getting home was probably the best thing to do. Maybe talk with Karyn ASAP about what to do going forward. The truth had to come out, but how was the question.

Before he could open the door, his phone began to ring. He paused a moment in confusion, hanging his helmet back up. Looking at the caller, he was surprised to see who it was. “Hello?” he answered.

“Karl! Hey! How are you?” Pinkie greeted on the other end.

“Pinkie… what’s going on?” Karl never expected Pinkie of all people to call him. Especially with all the shit going on. Did that mean that she and her friends were okay then?

Checking up on you, silly! I decided that since I’ve been gone so long, I should see how everyone back in Ponyville is doing! In fact I decided to start with you!”

“Wait, me?” Why would she do that? Sure he talked with her here and there, but she did that with everyone. In fact he learned that she basically played sadness counselor to everyone at some point like she did with him before.

Yeah! Just thought that… that…” she trailed off. “Karl… can I ask you something real quick?” she asked, her cheeriness dropped. “How much do you love your wife and your family?”

Karl pulled the phone away from himself for a moment, staring at it as if Pinkie was in the room with him at the moment just to shoot her his bewilderment. “Wha?” he questioned, putting the phone back to his ear.

I… there was a bit of… family drama that happened recently. A niece of mine had a nasty falling out. And… well with what’s happened with you and Karyn, I couldn’t put you out of my mind when it came to family drama.” Karl heard her shuffle herself around on the other end. “Does that make sense?

Why the hell are you still calling me about— He cut off that thought, speaking aloud, “Pinkie, lemme put this way. Ever since we learned we would become parents, I’ve made sure I would never see Karyn that hurt again, and the same goes for Kane! Look, I didn’t even want to ever have a child, but then all that happened and now I’m making sure that nothing bad ever happens to them wherever I can. Every night I make sure to let her know I love her, and every time I see Kane I make sure that he knows I care about him.”

Wait a second,” Pinkie replied. “You… never wanted a child?

Karl bristled. Oh… fuck, did I blurt that out? “I… y-yeah…” he admitted. “But… I still went through with it anyway. I couldn’t just… well… you know…” He went silent, waiting for a response. It didn’t come right away. What was going on?

Karl… thank you.

His train of thought derailed at that mention. “Thanks? For what?”

For that boost to my mood,” she explained. “After what happened with one loving relationship, it’s good to know another is good and true.”

‘True’ she says… “That’s… that’s not the whole truth though,” he added.

Hmm?” she quipped.

He took in a breath. If he let something slip already… “Pinkie… I’m sorry, but I haven’t been honest with you this whole time about what happened with us. Me, Karyn, and Kane, the truth is is that—”

“No!” Pinkie yelled, cutting him off. “K-Karl… please… not now.

Karl however continued, “I didn’t want to lie, but with what happened, we had to. Now I just want to tell the truth and—”

Please…” Pinkie pleaded. “I… I don’t want to hear this. I just went through one horrible truth.

“It’s not like that!” he yelled. “Pinkie, it’s not anything like me being unfaithful! In fact it’s because of what happened that I’m so devoted to Karyn! I haven’t lied about that! I never wanted to lie ever again because of what happened! It has to do with what happened with us!”

What… happened? Wait do you mean… that?” Karl was about to say something, but she cut him off again. “Karl, it sounds like you need to talk about this. But I can’t be the one to listen right now. There’s too much happening personally and all out there.” Karl was still, it felt like he was in the situation before this whole mess all over again. “However, I can be there… eventually. Yet if you said you lied about something with that though, I don’t know how long ‘eventually’ is.”

“I can promise ya that what I need to tell ya is…” He thought about his next words. “Not as horrible as what ya’ve seen, and what I had to lie about was horrible but it wasn’t… as bad as… uh…” he paused, his train of thought lost.

Talk with your wife first, Karl,” she suggested. “If this really is something that needs to be said, at least make sure you’re both ready. If I’m not, at least make sure you are. And also—” she stopped, a gasp sounding. “Karl… I need to go.”


Pinchy knee! I gotta go! Bye! Sorry!” Karl stood still as he heard the call disconnect. All he could think was that it was some emergency over there. Pocketing his phone, he grabbed his helmet off the hook and stepped outside. Locking the door behind him, he breathed in the night air.

But he nearly choked at the sight of Ponyville in complete chaos. Ponies everywhere were in herds, some running in panic while others looked like they were rallying. However the sight of honest-to-God torches and pitchforks made him realize those weren’t herds but angry mobs. What the hell was happening?

He jumped off the the front steps and quickly got onto his bike. As he started it up, he couldn’t help but notice a red glow of sorts in the sky. Zeroing in on it, that glow looked like… fire? Wait, is that the pegasus city? Cloudsville— no, dale. Like Karyn’s hometown?

YOU!” he heard someone scream at him. Karl looked back toward the ground, seeing a mob of ponies start to make his way over to him. “I bet it was you who’s causing Cloudsdale to burn! You’ve been a blight on Ponyville and now you’re spreading it to all of Equestria!” Karl realized the one speaking was his own personal blight in Ponyville in the form of that Blackened Sauté filth. One piece of trash he could handle, but a whole mob of them? With all of them having some kind of magic and weapons?

Karl didn’t say a word as he gunned the engines, wheel screeching against the ground for a split second. The mob all flinched at the sound, which gave Karl enough time to accelerate out of there as he saw them chasing after him. He had to slam the horn a few times to get ponies out of the way as he was planning on reaching speeds that would be illegal on a highway. He decided to make sure he stayed at that illegal speed by heading to the outskirt road, where there was no ponies out there… for now.

These ponies were crazy, he always knew that. But he still didn’t think they would actually reach this level of crazy! Of course one of the few times he gave people the benefit of the doubt they had to prove him wrong!

As he turned onto the forest road, the inklings of some of the mania visible behind him, he thought about what to do. Should he just grab Karyn and Kane and run? Everyone hop into a car and try to maybe get to the police station? Call the police and hold out? Or maybe… call Emmé? She did say to call for help.

But it’s not the help she’s talking about, part of him spoke. But did that matter? They could be in genuine danger here! Plus he was technically taking a long way home, and for all he knew someone could be there! Heck maybe that mob was maybe halfway there by foot in all these tense minutes!

He turned, almost skidded, onto the driveway and had to put some force into the brakes to get him to stop. He yanked his keys out and flew off the bike, ripping his helmet from his head as he sprinted to the door. Opening and slamming it behind him, he quickly locked it and took a quick look to see if maybe there was something he could use to barricade it with. Living room table, the chairs… but he’d need help for that! And Karyn wasn’t in her usual spot!

“Karyn!” he yelled out, running toward the back of the house. Was she relaxing outside? “Karyn where are ya?!” He opened up the back door, but didn’t see her outside.

“Karl?” her voice came. He ran back in, seeing her step out of the bathroom. “What’s going on?”

“The town’s gone to shit!” he replied, running up to her.

“It’s always been shit,” she said back.

“I mean that they’ve snapped! There are literal mobs out there! With the whole fire and pointy garden tools! And their targets are humans, and a good chance human sympathetic ponies!” He grabbed her by the wither, her eyes wide with fright. “We need to get outta here! Like now! Where’s Kane?!”

“He’s upstairs!” They both started to run to the front, but as they got to the foyer, they heard shouting from outside. “Holy shit…” Karyn breathed. Both of them jumped as the front door was banged on, each section audibly shaking as it sounded like someone was trying to kick – or buck – it down. Car alarms started to sound outside – from their own cars.

“Dad? Mom?” Kane’s voice came. Karl turned toward the stairs, seeing him start to descend it and looking down to them. “What’s going—” he stopped and screamed as the front window shattered and a brick flew inside. Karl threw up an arm, but Karyn sparked her horn and caught it a few feet from them. Both of them watched as they saw some ponies then jump through the window, some of them looking to them but others up the stairs.

KANE!” Karl roared, bursting forward. Some of the ponies yelped and dove out of the way as he shot forward, Karl managing to shove one out of his way and back to the front wall as he turned and ran up the stairs. Kane was shocked still as Karl managed to scoop him up in his arms.

He heard the front door suddenly burst open and more shouting was heard. Along with that the sound of objects being flung also came, but also too some hoofsteps following Karl up the stairs. He made a hard left and ran into the master bedroom, slamming the door behind him and locking it.

“D-dad, what’s going on?!” Kane cried.

“I got ya, boy,” Karl whispered. He ran over to the closet on the far side, opening it up and quickly kneeling. “Listen to me,” he said as he lowered Kane to the floor. “Ya need to stay in here. Don’t come out, and don’t open these doors unless it’s me or yaur mother. Those people are bad, and they’re…” he struggled to find the words, Kane was still so young, “they’re going to hurt ya. They’re here to hurt us.”

“B-but, why?” Kane asked, his eyes starting to water.

“Because they’re bad. And I gotta keep ya from them.” He eased Kane toward the back of the closet, and Karl grabbed his phone. The bedroom door suddenly was knocked against, and Karl growled as he quickly made an emergency call to the police. Putting it to the floor, he realized he was defenseless. Ponies were gonna corner him and despite that magic of his doing some things to his body, it probably wasn’t going to mean squat if he was barehanded and outnumbered by ponies who did superhuman things already.

He looked around the room. Computer case? Heavy but would break easy. Drawers? Unwieldy. Nightstand? Also too bulky. Now he really regretted not even having a bat or even just a survival knife of some kind since all the knives were in the kitchen.

He looked back into the closet, and focused on a suitcase. I wish these were real at the moment… but they could still be good bludgeoning tools! He grabbed the case and opened it, revealing his airsoft guns. Grabbing the mock AR-15 and Colt M1911, he slid them over toward the bed and then closed the closet doors.

The crash of the room door snapped Karl to attention, and he kneeled down slightly as he got ready to move. He watched three ponies walk in, one of them happening to be Blackened Sauté.

“Well, well, the Scourge of Ponyville,” he mocked, holding a shovel. Though given it was shovel for ponies it looked like a small spade to Karl.

“Scourge? That what ya’re calling me?” Karl shot back. He looked at the other two, a unicorn holding a pitchfork – cause of course a pitchfork for an angry mob – and a pegasus who didn’t have anything. Where was the rest of the mob? Did they all go for Karyn?

“Scourge, blight, disease; what does it matter?!” Sauté yelled. “You humans are the worst thing to ever happen to ponydom! You make Discord, Tirek, Sombra, or even Nightmare Moon all look like Poison Joke! And now you’re the cause of Cloudsdale burning!”

“Ya need to get the fuck out of here before I make yaur delusions a reality,” Karl snarled at them. He watched them all slightly shiver at his look. “I’m not the fuckers breaking in and apparently trying to murder someone. And last I checked, Castle Doctrine is a thing here in Equestria! So I wouldn’t be called a murderer here!” He felt his arms shaking a bit, as he grabbed his “weapons”. Maybe he could get some good hits in and use their tools himself even though they were comically small for him, but pointed metal was still pointed metal.

Suddenly the unicorn went wide eyed, dropping her pitchfork. “Holy bucking Celestia! He has a gun! Two guns!” she screamed, backing away. “Celestia promised us they wouldn’t have them!” Karl was frozen in bewilderment, was this happening?

It apparently was as suddenly she turned and ran out of the room. “Where are you going?!” Sauté yelled after her. “You can’t abandon Equestria like this! You haridelle!

Karl tightened his grip, vision going red as he sprung forward. Stepping onto the bed and vaulting over, both of them turned back just as he swung the fake AR-15 and slammed it against the pegasus. As he connected, he put some force into it and pushed forward to try and push him away. He grimaced though as he felt the insides of it rattle, and suddenly it came apart with wires and other innards spilling out.

That was for just a split second as he discarded it. He yelled out as he brought his other arm down and swiped at Sauté. Karl managed to hit the stain against his neck, but it didn’t feel as impactful as he watched him rolled a bit. He moved to try and pounce, but a pair of hooves clashing against his side dismissed that idea. He lost his grip on his other bludgeon, and Karl turned to see the pegasus in the air trying to swipe at him. From the corner of his eye he watched Sauté get back to his feet, and he felt a knot in his stomach start to build. That pegasus was zipping around faster than maybe he could swing at him, plus there was the issue of the piece of garbage masquerading as an earth pony who could maybe put a literal ton of force into him.

Karl ducked down to the floor, grabbing the pitchfork that was left behind. Swinging it wildly just to keep the pegasus away from him, he jumped over the bed and got back to the other side. He looked around, in this position he was going to be cornered quickly. Unless he made some space somehow.

The walls were lined with his desk in one corner, but also a couple of dressers. It already made the smallish room harder to navigate, but considering his attackers were the size of large dogs to him, they wouldn’t exactly have a problem. Especially since that one of them was flying and there was nothing he could really use to flatten them… Flatten… he focused on in his mind.

He looked at the bed in front of him, and then to his hands really quick. Taking a breath, he yelled outward as he ducked down and grabbed the bottom. Both of his attackers looked at him in confusion for a split second, which turned to surprise as Karl lifted. He roared as he flipped it over, Sauté diving out of the way while the pegasus had to fly out of the room to prevent being crushed.

Karl took a moment to look at what he did, and then to his hands. I’m really not that human anymore, am I? He looked at his work, seeing Sauté trying to get back to his hooves again. Karl flinched as he saw the pegasus yell as he flew back in, coming straight for him. He gagged as both hooves struck below his neck, and he was pushed into the back wall.

“Pummel that monster, Wind Tunnel!” Sauté yelled. Pummel he did, as Karl felt his hooves strike across his face, some going for his chest and stomach. One to his jaw made him drop the pitchfork. He thought those hard hooves were going to break his face, but instead they felt like someone trying and failing to push him over – still hurt though. Yet his face wasn’t being broken like he thought would happen, in that case...

Karl howled outward as he pushed forward and managed to clamp his hands onto Wind Sucker. He screamed as he pulled back and threw him to the floor, a satisfying thud sounding. He didn’t have time to celebrate for long as he watched Sauté charge forward. He jumped to the side as Sauté swing his shovel and get embedded in the wall, and dived away toward the middle of the room as he punched a hoof toward him.

A hoof that went straight through the wall where he was. Jesus Christ that could be my legs! Karl kept Sauté in his sights as he got back to his feet. However that was interrupted as Wind was suddenly on his back, kicking at him and pulling him downward. He tried to reach back, but a hoof to the head staggered him a bit. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

LEAVE!!!! The sound assaulted his ears, and for a moment everything went silent.

“Sweet Luna’s stars!” Wind yelled, and the assault ceased for a moment. Karl however took that moment to reach behind and yank the fucker off him. Karl looked out the window for a second, the sight surprising him as he managed to see what happening behind the house.

Holy shit Karyn… was all he could think. There was more important things though, as he threw Wind back to the floor. This time though he wasn’t planning to let him get back up. He stomped one foot onto one of his legs, and raised the other one up. He yelled as he brought it down onto one of his wings. The scream Wind brought sound back into the world. And also the next one. And the next one as he kept bringing his foot down.

When Karl heard and felt something crack, the screams descended into crying. For good measure, he aimed also for the easiest target of his barrel and he another small crack as he brought his foot down hard. He wasn’t going to get up soon. That just left— wait, what was Sauté doing? He spun himself around, and Karl felt his temples almost explode as he saw Sauté opening the closet doors and looking right at a scared Kane.

NO!” Karl dived forward, landing himself onto of Sauté and bringing them both to the floor. He tried to get a grip on him, but the strength that pushed back made that difficult. He had to get him away from Kane, even if he had to literally drag him away. He lifted himself off and got to his knees, maybe he could—

Karl felt pain explode in his chest as both of Sauté’s back legs kicked right into him. Flying back a bit, Karl landed on his rear as he felt the world spinning. Despite that he pushed himself up, getting to his feet and trying to balance himself. That didn’t last long as Sauté’s legs met him again, this time square in the knees and the snapping of bone sounded. Karl’s only response was to let the air he was holding in his lungs release as he flew back and slammed against the wall, the pain of that nothing to the searing burns he felt from his legs.

Everything was double as he tried to focus his vision back. The first thing he saw clearly was Sauté charging forward, going into a rearing stance and his front hooves were brought down onto Karl’s lower legs. He didn’t feel anything break per say, but the pain that shot through him made him think something did. He tried to move his arms, yet by the time he actually got them to respond, he realized that Sauté was ready to repeat history in terms of kicking back.

Everything got many shades darker, he felt a lot of things break inside his chest, and when he coughed he tasted copper on his tongue. His head slumped, and he couldn’t find the energy to move. It had been a long time since he felt this kind of pain.

“Dad?!” The sound of Kane’s voice brought enough attention to him for him to be able to look up - only with his eyes though. The doors were wide open, Kane looking out. Kane out in the open.

Karl watched helplessly as he watched Sauté look at Kane, then walking over predatorily. “And you’re the abomination…” Sauté seethed. “You’re an insult to everything Equestria, Faust herself would smite you if she were here.” Kane suddenly tried to back away, but didn’t get far as he fell back onto his rear, too scared to move.

None of Karl’s limbs wanted to move, every twitch resulted in too much pain to keep going forward. He had to do something, he had to get this zealot away from Kane. This Equestrian templar who thought of the alicorns, and even Faust as these paragons of— Wait... Faust... “Ya… ya think Faust would agree with this?” Karl strained. “Faust would look at ya... and be ashamed!”

Sauté stopped in his tracks, slowly turning back and looking to Karl. “What… did you say?”

“Ya think…” he took a deep breath, fighting through the burning, “Faust would do this? Ya think she thinks Equestria is a perfect paradise?!”

Sauté’s eye twitched, and lips were flustered for a moment. “D-Don’t you dare besmirch her name!” he yelled. “You do not know her! She is divine!

“I know her better than ya do!” Karl insisted. He coughed again, feeling some more blood in his throat. “I know Faust, I know what she would think!” He had to get him away from Kane, he had to just say anything to get him away. “She wouldn’t hate humanity. In fact... I bet she’s out there with a human husband. Having a happy family with kids.”

Sauté’s pupils shrank. “H-How… HOW DARE YOU!” Sauté grabbed the pitchfork from the floor, stomping up to Karl. “YOU... DEMON!” Karl watched as that pitchwork took up his vision before it suddenly went black. All he knew was that he was screaming, but he didn’t hear anything.

Karyn watched Karl bolt up the stairs, Kane in arms and running away from the mob. She saw some ponies start to chase after him, and she threw the brick she was holding in her magic toward them. She watched it knock one to the floor, but she quickly threw the door open to the living room and grabbed the chairs and table inside. Looking back, she saw some were already following them up, but with a grunt she slammed the table through the banister and blocked off the staircase.

Their attention was then turned to her. There was was too many of them and not enough heavy stuff to use. Lifting up the chairs, she hucked them forward and turned to run back toward the kitchen. She looked around, eyes toward the kitchen and the butcher’s block and other potential weapons.

She heard some come in the room behind her, and with a flick of her head she sent the dining room table flying over to them. Hearing a few yelp in pain, she pushed herself over toward the kitchen. She had to skid to a stop as the other door opened up and she was finding herself starting to be surrounded. Panicking, she haphazardly threw the few things she saw which included some cutlery and pans. She flinched as some barely received the sharp end, but her heart was pounding as more hooves were also pounding toward her and more voices were being raised.

With only one way to go now, she ran to the back door and almost broke it off its hinges as she ran outside. Whipping around, she tried to grab the patio furniture, but had to stop as she saw more of her attackers come out right behind her. She backed away slowly but cautiously as more and more came outside. A few of them had some cuts on them, but all of them were staring her down with the rare sight of a pony out for blood. When the stream of them stopped, she counted at least ten of them of all varying colors and races.

“And so we have the Traitor of Ponyville,” one of the spoke up. “At least the biggest one in Ponyville currently, no one can go as far as what Sandalwood did.”

“I’d say she’s just as bad!” another one yelled. “She’s squandered the gifts Faust blessed her with! Sandalwood spat in Lady Rarity’s legacy, but this… thing, gave herself to humans instead of Ponydom with what she has! Were you not raised better?! Were you not raised to be the best pony you could be?!”

“Technically I was raised more like a fox,” Karyn shot back. “My family is the Inari pony line after all.” She was trying to keep calm, but even saying those words was hard enough.

“So not just humans, but just any impure creature you’d rather associate with!” yet another psycho yelled. “You have the literal body of an alicorn in all but wings, yet what do you do? Pledge yourself to a human! At least your rapist was a pony!” Karyn visibly blanched, did they all really go that far in their zealotry?

“You’ve been brainwashed by those humans,” an earth pony in the group said as they began to close in more. “Now you’re passing on that taint to that innocent colt!”

“That colt is my son!” Karyn yelled back. “The only brainwashing here is you and your coddled little minds unable to comprehend that Equestria isn’t a perfect paradise!” Her heart felt like it was having an attack without all the pain. Not helping was her horn straining a bit from those TK uses with having to do them so quick.

“It was before those humans came along!” a pegasus mare shouted. “They brought war to our precious home! They’ve slaughtered innocent ponies and doing so right now!”

“Ponies have been doing that to themselves for years!” Karyn countered. “Did you fucking forget Moonfall? Sombra? That terrorist group that attacked Canterlot?! The Bucker Killings?! Did any of you study history and remember that Hearthswarming was to celebrate the end of warfare between the races?!” She was seething, breathing hard. “Anata wa shotto ni ataisuru bakada!

“So you’re beyond redemption then…” an earth pony said, adjusted the grip on his pitchfork and pointing it toward Karyn. “We’ll all make sure that every trace of the humans’ taint is sent back to their Earth and left behind forever. And every other non-pony species out there!”

Karyn focused her magic, her horn lighting up. Everyone else tensed at the sight, some of the pegasi splaying their wings ready to take off. “‘Never try to beat a Kimono at their own game’, that’s what we tell others,” she recited, closing her eyes. “My game? Don’t ever, push me around!” she bellowed.

A rush of emerald engulfed the whole area, everyone in the area being forced to shield their eyes. As their vision came to, most of them dropped their weapons as a rumble of sorts echoed around them. They all looked back forward, many of them taking steps back at the sight before them. Some having shaky legs and twitching jaws.

It wasn’t often, even for Ponyville, to see a dragon-sized unicorn.

Karyn looked down on all of them, feeling a rush of emotion. For a brief moment the zealots looked like scared teachers and students, but she pushed that memory away as she gritted her teeth. She stomped her hoof into the ground, causing all of them to back away if they didn’t fall to the ground.

“LEAVE!!!!” Karyn roared, probably going across the whole forest and maybe to Ponyville itself. But she didn’t care about that right now, because right now she was counting down before she really showed them how violent she could get with her talent.

She wouldn’t have to as every single one of them turned tail and ran, or flew in the case of the pegasi. Their mob tools dropped on the ground, they just scattered like the rats they were… and they were easily seen as rats from her view at the moment.

As she saw them disappear into the forest or just out of sight, she gagged and held a hoof to her head. She heard some familiar voices in her head, all of the mocking. When she felt tears in her eyes, she quickly flared her magic again and in a flash returned herself to normal.

She fell to her knees, hoof now clutching her horn as she felt the strain on it. Never before had she pushed it that much in a panic, but even then she felt like she could have… done more. Shivering, she didn’t know if the strain was a good or bad thing. That was definitely an unfocused channel over hitting her limit. And it was with having magic all around her to—

Wait, what am I doing?! she shouted at herself. Picking herself back to her feet, she ran back to the house. Please be okay, please be okay! She maneuvered herself around all the debris, not seeing anyone on the first floor. When she got to the stairs though she noticed the table she wedge there was pushed out of the way. Did more get up there?

“RRAAAAAGGGHHHH!!” Karyn froze at that. That was Karl… Karl sounding like he was in unbridled pain. She practically jumped up the stairs, only slowing down to make sure she didn’t tumble over the mess she made. Rushing into the room, she saw the bed overturned which she had to climb over, along with a pegasus crying nearby.

What caught her attention was Karl and that Sauté shitpiece in the corner. Karl’s legs were bent wrong, and he had blood coming out of his mouth which had covered a good deal of his clothes. The blood she was focusing on though was the one coming down from his left eye.

Or rather where a pitchfork spike was impaled.

Sauté was standing in front of him, looking on in horror, almost ready to throw up. His horror intensified as Karyn reached over and managed to secure a grip around his neck in her magic. He gagged as she lifted up in the air and she stared him down. She flicked her head back as she slammed him into the ceiling, stomped on the floor as he thrown down right after.

Bringing him back up in the air again, she glared at him again but didn’t get much of a response as his eyes looked unfocused. With one last scream, she put all of her weight into one last throw as she directed him to the side window. Specifically through it, glass and frame shattering.

As she heard him hit the ground outside, she picked up another sound coming toward them. Sirens. Actual, Faust-blessed, sirens. They came up near the house, and she saw the lights of them and the sound of rapid scrambling ponies.

Whipping herself back around, she blanched as she looked at Karl again. His head was hanging down, probably due in no small part to what was there, and he wasn’t moving. She leaned down, trying to find anything that he was—

“M-mom?” Karyn snap to, looking to see Kane slowly walk out of the closet. He looked like he was crying and had run out of tears, staring blankly toward her.

“Kane!” she cried, kneeling down to hug him close. He nuzzled into her, his breathing uneven and scattered.

“I-Is Dad… is Dad…”

“I don’t know…” she whispered, stroking him. But she felt herself go cold as probably even her loving embrace wasn’t going to help him. All she could do was hold him tight, and just perhaps pray.

Hoofsteps began to sound coming up the stairs, Karyn looking over and see police ponies and also EMS ponies rushing in. At the head of them she saw Sheriff Caramel.

“Oh my word and all of the princesses’ words,” Caramel let out as he looked over the situation. “I never imagined that… holy Celestia.” He paused as the EMS crew slipped past him and went over to Karl, some visibly looking sick at the sight. “Are you okay? Damnit, I knew I should have thought of here first!”

“Please, just help him!” Karyn begged, almost breaking out in tears. “I’m fine, but him— just please!”

“I’m not in healthcare, but I know we need to get him to Ponyville General, now!” Caramel looked around the room, his eyes stopping on the writhing form of Wind Tunnel. “And also make sure I get some scum thrown into solitary, and then into a cell in that solitary!”

“He’s breathing!” an EMS pony declared. “Unconscious, but breathing!”

“Do what you need to! I thought the Duke family got it bad! Just do anything! Emergency teleport transport, just do something dangit!” He pointed a hoof toward Wind Tunnel, who continued to just breath heavily and barely respond. “And because it’s protocol, him as well. Along with Sauté out there. Need to make sure there’s somepony I can actually throw in prison.”

“Just please… don’t let him leave us…” Karyn whispered.

Karyn sat waiting, taking glances at the situation around her. All over, hospital staff were running to and fro. All seemed to ignore her and Kane, who was at the moment merely clinging against her tiredly in her foreleg, as they all went about their business.

All for the better, as she had never seen so many ponies in such a tightly packed area like ever before. If it wasn’t a singular doctor or nurse, it was a group of staff escorting another patient. Karyn meanwhile kept looking between the crowd, Kane, and the hallways since one of them led to Karl but she didn’t have that answer yet.

After what happened, Caramel had escorted her and Kane to a hotel to get them to a safe area – in a police car even since those zealots decided to bust up their vehicles and the motorcycle. Karl meanwhile had been taken directly to the hospital and taken in immediately for surgery. In the back of her mind, part of her was worried they’d find out his secret, but she squelched that quickly. All that mattered was if he was going to be okay.

Please be okay, Karl, she begged. She looked down at Kane, who looked catatonic as he leaned against her as much as he could. He hadn’t said anything since last night nor that morning where they were escorted to breakfast and then the hospital by Caramel himself. Only the barest of groans or mumbles came from him.

“Mrs. O’Donnell?” She looked and saw Caramel walking up to them. “I’ve just talked to the doctors, your husband’s come out of surgery. The surgeon is waiting for you at his room, though he’s still sleeping. I’m here to bring you there before I have to tend to duties elsewhere. Like finding all those other ponies that were at your house.”

“Okay… I need to see him.” She stood up from her seat, still holding Kane close to her barrel. As they walked through the halls, they had to squeeze by so many different waves of other people. Apparently they had been sending quite a lot of victims of the Cloudsdale attack to Ponyville General here which would explain why the place was extra busy even with the rioting from yesterday as well.

Even as they got to the patient rooms, the halls were still busy. It looked like any avenue that could be used to get around was being used. Caramel pointed out one room, the door closed and a unicorn doctor waiting there. He had a beige coat and a yellow and brown striped mane and a small set of glasses. To Karyn’s intrigue he was standing on two legs and that’s when she noticed he was fully clothed too.

“Well this is where I gotta head out,” Caramel said, turning himself around. “You take care, and you all stay safe. I got one Tartarus of a report to write up.” He tipped his hat as he took off back the way they came, leaving Karyn to greet the doctor.

“Your husband is stable, Mrs. O’Donnell,” he started off with. Karyn felt a warm wave of relief wash over her. “Doctor Silver Sutures, I was called down from Canterlot specifically for this case. Couldn’t waste time nor take a risk in trying to move him twice given his condition, so they moved me down here instead.” He smiled at the idea, but it melted back into a frown as he adjusted his glasses. “But there is some things I need to tell you, before we go in there.”

“What things?” she asked, some of that worry returning.

“He’s stable... except for a myriad of issues in the meantime.” He pulled his glasses back up his muzzle, sighing. “The most obvious being his eye. His eye… his eye was basically destroyed, even some nerve damage in the socket.”

Karyn was silent, the images flashing in her mind. She knew it was bad from what she saw, but to hear it confirmed was like reliving the fear all over again. “Is there anything that can be done?”

“Your husband is on the clone organ list, but right now there’s an issue getting it to him. With nerve damage it will take months before he’s ready to receive one… if he can get it. Based on the damage it’s possible he may have to get a cybernetic replacement. Until then he’ll have to go through some rounds of treatment before then.” Sutures glanced toward the door. “Though for now he’ll have to put up with some complications aside from that.”

“His legs, right? I did see that… will he be able to walk again?”

“Mrs. O’Donnell – can I call you Karyn? – your husband… was in such a bad state. All of his ribs were broken as well, and he had a good deal of damage to other organs and some muscle damage.” Karyn stared, did he really have that happen to him? “If I may be honest? Given the condition he was in, I was surprised he was even breathing. I mean I know humans are tough, but your husband seems like he’s tough as a dragon when you take out the weight scaling! I know that’s a huge exaggeration, but it almost seemed like it!

“I mean when we were operating, I was trying to figure out what kind of Faustian miracle was happening to him. Like did somepony here give him emergency healing with some new kind of magic when one of our backs was turned? Cause when we applied our healing spells in an attempt for us to try and stabilize him, he actually took them better than any other human I’ve seen by a margin I didn’t think possible! And given what I was told about how he was injured by an earth pony assailant, I thought his insides might have been powder! I mean I had an unfortunate case a year ago on a human girl beaten in the streets, but they didn’t go as far as what happened to your husband and she needed outside assistance to keep stable!” His eyes drifted off, breathing out, and still continuing. “I thought we would have to keep him for a year, maybe a couple, with multiple surgeries and even put him in a life support pod! But no! No need for any additional organ transplants, nor replacement bones! I thought we would have needed five surgeries with the first seeing what bones needed replacing, but he might be ready to be sent home and will be walking in a few months or Celestia forbid weeks after some additional treatment!

“Though I cannot in good faith do that, so he’s going to be confined here for a while. Although he took the healing spells well, there was only so much we could do. He needs time to heal.”

Will he though? Karyn questioned.

Sutures continued on, “Even with modern medicine - both of the physical and magical variety - you still need to let the body recover naturally. So with that, he’s going to be wheelchair bound for a few months given all the stress on his body. If I may be honest again though, I’m tempted to keep running tests to see just what was going on there.”

“I... understand, that does seem rather… strange,” she lied. “But can I see him now?” She looked down at Kane, who was still unmoving aside the occasional shuffling. “Are you ready to see dad?” she asked. Kane for a moment looked up to her, and mumbled out something that she couldn’t interpret.

“Yeah, I won’t keep you any more.” Sutures turned and tapped the panel next to the handle, after the sound of a beep the lock clicked. “If you leave the room and want to come back, use your ID band to come back in. This is… extra security due to how he ended up here,” he explained. Opening the door, Karyn followed him in.

She gasped as she looked at Karl. He was sleeping in a bed, propped to be angled upward, and his lower body was encased in what she assumed to be a stabilizing pod. However it was his left eye that stole her attention right away. At first it looked like a black splotch, but it was some kind of plate over his where his eye should be and then some. In the center of it was a cyan blue gem, it was like a robotic eyepatch - just if the robot was made by ponies in the Crystal Empire.

“What… what is that?” she asked, stepping up to him. She adjusted her grip on Kane, wondering if it was a good idea to show him to Karl.

“A bit of eye preservation magitech,” Sutures answered. “The plate is internal as well. Human metalwork keeps the skull stable, while a bit of pony magic in the gem helps keep the area from experiencing unwanted pain. I know it doesn’t look that appealing, but it’s up to him if he wants a standard eyepatch to go over it.” He gave another adjustment to his glasses, turning to look at Karyn again. “I’ll leave you alone, give a page if he wakes up.”

“Doctor… thank you, for saving him,” Karyn said, as she continued to look at him.

“It’s my pleasure, but can I just ask one thing?” He stepped up to her, looking down at Kane. “Is your son… okay? What happened?”

“He saw what happened to Karl here right in front of him,” she stated, looking down to him again. “He doesn’t want to leave my side, but he hasn’t spoken at all.” The way Sutures’ eyes widened was all Karyn needed to see of his reaction. He didn’t speak any more as he slowly walked himself out of the room. “Kane?” she whispered. “We’re here with your father.” He glanced up at her, another mumble coming out in what sounded like a question. “He’s sleeping but… you can… uh…” Words died in her throat. She didn’t know what to do.

“Spirit?” Karyn’s ears perked up, and she turned her head toward the source. She nearly let out a full blown gasp as she saw her mother standing there in full uniform at the doorway.

“Mom?!” Karyn couldn’t hold back from yelling.

“What are you doing here?” Feather asked as she trotted forward. “And where’s Karl—” she stopped as she glanced over to the bed. Feather was the next one to gasp as she ran up to him, looking him over. She turned to Karyn, an angry glare on her face now. “Who,” she growled, not exactly in the form of a question.

“Crazy nutjob specists here in town,” Karyn answered. She gave a quick explanation of what happened last night, all the while Feather seemed to get angrier and angrier. “Now he doesn’t want to budge,” she said, looking down at Kane.

Feather trotted up to them, looking at Kane. “Kaney? Granny’s here,” she whispered.

To their surprise, Kane moved more than his eyes as he looked to Feather. “Obā-san?” he croaked out.

“Yeah, Kane dear, I’m here.” She reached a forehoof out to him, which he took in his own forelegs and hugged tightly.

“Dad… what’s going to happen with dad?!” he cried.

“Dad’s going to make it sweetie, he’s going to be okay!” Karyn assured.

“But why isn’t he waking up?!” He released Feather’s hoof, rolling to go back to clinging to Karyn, who started to feel fresh tears soak into her shirt and coat again.

Feather looked at him with sorrowful eyes, before turning her eyes up back to Karyn. “No one… hurts my family and gets away with it…” she seethed. “Not my daughter, not my son-in-law, not my grandson…” She looked back to Kane, her anger replaced with a calm demeanor. “You poor thing…” she whispered, nuzzling into his neck. “You’re getting big, but we didn’t need you to grow up this fast.” She pulled herself away, looking downcast. “I have to leave now. But know this, Spirit.” Before Karyn could react, Feather suddenly snapped herself onto her hind legs, and flapped her wings to lift herself off the ground, putting them at eye-to-eye as Feather closed in for a hug. “Remember that we’ll always be there for you.” Karyn almost let out another gasp as suddenly she was lifted into the air, resisting to kick her legs out as she recalled this feeling of weightlessness her mother could do easily. “Even though I have to follow what the Crown wants, even if it means that I can’t come for you: Know deep down I love you always.” Karyn felt herself touching the floor again, seeing her mother pull back with her eyes glaring. “I need to return to duty, it was my idea to bring the injured from Cloudsdale here and then they wanted me to supervise it. When I leave though, I’m going to prepare, I’m going to fight. And there’s going to be a fight. My superior officers weren’t sure if we would be going to war, but I can feel it though. I’m going to beg to fly with them if I have to. In whatever they got planned!”

“Mom…” Karyn whispered, her voice dying in her throat.

“I love you, Spirit,” Feather repeated, this time giving a kiss on Karyn’s forehead. “I may float like a breezie, but I’m going to sting harder than a basilisk’s fang.” She landed back on the ground, giving another quick nuzzle to Kane. “I love you all, but I have a country I need to go serve.” Feather gave one more solemn look to Karyn, before looking back over to Karl. “Keep them safe, I’m going to keep you all safe too.” She gave a sigh, looking to the ground. “Never thought I’d deal with this as just a lieutenant colonel….” she mumbled, trying and failing to put on a fake smile. With that, she turned and marched herself out of the room, probably a bit quicker than what was needed.

“I promise I will… Okā-san,” she declared as she saw Feather walk out of view. Looking back at Kane, she re-adjusted her caress of him. This can’t be happening… she thought. All this shit… what am I supposed to do? She didn’t ever want an extravagant life, but the universe always seemed to keep saying otherwise. Now all this? What was going to happen next?

“Hey…” Karyn blinked, looking up. A smile burst on her face as she saw Karl staring at her. “There’s my lovely wife… and my boy…” he rasped. Karyn nearly broke out into a run as she registered his words, Kane bouncing a bit as she trotted up to the bed. Her own eyes became moist a bit as she got up next to him.

“Dad?” Kane sounded, rolling in Karyn’s foreleg to look forward.

“Hey... boy…” he whispered. “How ya feeling?”

“Dad!” Kane cried, reaching out.

“Easy, dear,” Karyn calmed. “We don’t want to take this too quickly and—

“Give him to me, Karyn,” Karl interrupted. Karyn looked back to him, a weak smile still on his face. Karyn paused for a moment, before giving a nod of her head. Sitting herself down, she took Kane into both forelegs and put him next to Karl’s shoulder. Kane immediately clung to his arm, crying into it.

“I was worried you weren’t going to wake up!” Kane sobbed.

“Daddy got hurt, Kane…” he wheezed. “I’m really sore right now, and I may have to rest a lot more.” He looked up at Karyn, still smiling. “Are ya okay?”

“They didn’t get to us,” she answered, slowly easing herself to nuzzle against his head. “I was so worried.”

“I thought I was done for when he…” he trailed off, sighing. “I can feel it, something’s there on my face.”

Karyn gave him a quick, but gentle kiss. “You’re going to recover, it’s just going to take a while.” He leaned into her, his other hand slowly reaching up toward his not-eye. Karyn though quickly but gently pulled his hand away her her own forehoof, her own eyes telling him not to pursue that idea.

“Maybe ya should page a nurse or the doctor?” he pointed out. Karyn reluctantly pulled away, quickly doing said task with her magic to do so.

“Dad… why did those ponies do this?!” Kane yelled. “Why?!”

“Kane… I want ya to know something,” Karl stated. “I will never let anyone hurt ya, and yaur mom won’t either. If anyone does hurt ya, they’re going to be sorry they did. Mom and I are here to make sure ya don’t get hurt, even if it means that we have to get hurt. And ya know why?” He managed to reach his hand under Kane’s chin, easing him to look up at him. “It’s because we love ya so much. Don’t ever forget that.”

Karyn felt a smile come onto her face. She leaned her head inward, placing between Karl and Kane. “We’re here for each other…” she whispered. “We would—” she stopped talking as the clops of rapidly approaching hooves were heard. All heads turned toward the doorway, and flinched as suddenly an anxious Pinkie, Surprise, and Bubble threw themselves in there.

All of them turned their heads to them, and they all gasped in horror, Surprise’s mane deflating nearly instantly. They all dashed toward the bed, Karyn raising a foreleg in front of Kane, but they skidded to a stop at the same speed they took off.

“Your grace!” a voice chided, a moment later Nurse Careheart rushing in the room. She glanced around the room, also adding, “I can see he just woke up! And I must remind you that—”

“I’m so sorry!” Pinkie cried, tears welling in her eyes. Her head drooped down, Surprise and Bubble looking onward. Meanwhile Careheart sighed in defeat, once this group of ponies got started on something it was just easier to let them finish. Her attention was caught as she heard someone else at the door, and she looked to see a panting Thunderlane come into the room. She shot him an accusing look, and Thunderlane could only smile and grin as he knew immediately they were on thin ice… again.

“Those… big meany ponies!” Surprise started, looking directly at Karl. “They…” Surprise looked away, burying her head in her forelegs. Thunderlane right away was at her side and pulled her close, allowing her to weep into his coat.

“Nice to see ya guys,” Karl said. “First though, ya’re kinda crowding a bit.” He turned his head to focus more on to Pinkie as they all stepped back. “Second, I thawt y’all were in Canterlot.”

“We were,” Pinkie started. “But once we all heard about what Ponyville had done, we just had to hurry our tails down here! I mean, I was all like ‘WHAT?!’ and Thundie here was trying to calm me down, and Bubble and Surprise were all like ‘NO WAY!’ and then we realized that you were possibly hurt and—” Pinkie stopped abruptly, hooves holding her head. “I should have believed you about Ponyville! But I didn’t!”

Thunderlane moved to comfort her. “Pinkie, sweetheart, it’s not—”

“I ignored all the signs! I’ve seen them for so many years and denied them! It’s true! I am just a silly pony! No wonder ponies think I’m some crazy mare who couldn’t be trusted to work alongside her sisters! No wonder—” she was stopped as Thunderlane leaned in closer, a kiss being placed directly onto her forehead.

“If you’re just a ‘silly pony’, then how come you’re married to me?” he whispered. He placed a forehoof under her chin, tilting her head up to face him. “Explain also then how you were able to make a successful baking franchise?” He turned toward the twins, both smiling and Surprise’s mane popping back to normal. “How about being a part of the Royal Family? Being a mother to two wonderful bundles of joy? I’d say that’s all still mighty impressive for just a ‘silly pony’, wouldn’t you say?” The result was nearly instantaneous as Thunderlane was suddenly lifted off the ground in a bone-crushing hug, Pinkie not holding back in the kissing department either as her lips pressed onto his was forcing his head backward. Her mane was also big and poofy again, with a few curls out of place even.

As Pinkie released Thunderlane, she immediately went to the twins and scooped them up in a hug as well. “Because I’m not a silly pony! I’m Pinkamena Diane Pie! Party pony extraordinaire, mother, Duchess Vanner, and Knight Elemental of Laughter! Who’s also got plans already to have a ‘Get Well Soon, Karl!’ party!” She whipped around back to the bed. “If he would like one,” she added with a wink and lowered voice.

“I’d actually really that like,” Karl answered with a smile. “But… not exactly now obviously.”

“What?” Karyn whispered to him.

“Pinkie, can ya do us a favor?” Karl asked aloud. “Could ya take Kane outside and just watch him for a moment? I want to be alone for a minute to talk with Karyn.”

“Hmm?” Pinkie let go of the twins, stepping back up to the bed. “Are you sure?”

“Wait, please don’t say we gotta leave now!” Kane yelped.

“Don’t worry, sweetie, we’re not leaving yet,” Karyn assured.

“O-okay…” he conceded, breaking his grip on Karl’s arm. As he slipped down to the floor, the twins both hopped into his view.

Hiya, Kane!” they chorused. However, he barely gave them a glance. Slowly walking one hoof in front of the other.

“Heya… Bubba… Suppy…” he mumbled. Both of them looked at each other, an awkward frown presenting to each other.

“Wait…” Pinkie said, looking back up to Karl and Karyn. “Did he…?” The two of them only stared, Karyn tapping right near her left eye. “Hey, Kaney,” Pinkie whispered. “Did I ever tell you the story about my cutie mark?” She walked him out the door, Careheart stepping aside with Thunder and the twins following.

“Please make it quick, I see Doctor Sutures on the way and we need to look at him,” Careheart requested.

“Ya got it,” Karl said. With a nod, Careheart stepped out and closed the door.

“What’s going on?” Karyn asked, sitting herself down on her haunches.

“Karyn, we need to find a way to be safe,” he stated, rolling his head to look directly at her.


“Safe,” he repeated. “Look at what’s fucking happening here. This was just a riot in response to a fucking terrorist attack. Ponies here are fucking crazy, Karyn. But what about all this shit going on otherwise?” He reached his arm out to her, resting it on her withers. “Now more than ever we need to be by those that will actually look out for us. And right now, having one of those who’s one of the protectors of the realm or whatever you want to call it is basically our best option.”

Karyn’s eyes shot open. “Wait, you mean Pinkie and… the rest of them?!” She brought her hoof up the the side of the bed, tapping it as she recited, “They only protect their family! They say all the time that they protect all equally, but then you see them go out of their way to waste resources to save themselves over others! I mean they appoint their immediate family into positions that others are more qualified for!”

“Well, if ya’re going to play the nepotism card again, I’d say true or false it’s in our favor.” He moved his hand to rest it over Karyn’s hoof. “I mean, Pinkie cares about us, and ya talk with Big Mac.”

Karyn let out a groan, placing her other forehoof to her head. “I guess… but… there’s still the rest of them! They’re all so stuck in their beliefs that they’d probably arrest you for just disagreeing with their opinion!”


“And one of them happens to be the very one who gave all that hell to DJ Martinez.” Karl’s eye widened for just a moment, but all the same it relayed his agreement. “Then there’s the ones as established before who may have a chance to see what’s wrong with you on the inside.” She looked over to the door. “They might discover… Kane too.”

He sighed, pulling her hoof closer to him. “I know. Believe me, I realize that. But at this point though, I think I’d be willing to take that risk.”

It was Karyn’s turn to be surprised as a quick flinch forced her hoof back. “What?!”

“Think about it Karyn: Fucked up ponies, war is coming, a raging demon-thing on the loose, and some kind of bug monsters who can disguise and manipulate people.” He looked Karyn straight into the eye as he spoke, “We’re not safe anymore. Because of that, we need to be as safe as possible, and we have one of the protectors of the country here as our closest friend here.” He paused a moment, looking off to the ceiling slightly. “Maybe we should leave this hell-hole, and try to have as normal of a life as we can at this point. See if we can go to your family in Inari maybe. My gut’s telling me if people here are fucked up in the head, then I’d like to be around the ones whose job it is to be not fucked up and who have protection. Even then, could we move far enough away from all this? Plus haven’t they shown otherwise from all that nepotistic stuff?

“And as for both me and Kane… it’s getting to the point where we need to cross that bridge. I dunno how they’ll react, but I’m at my fucking breaking point. I mean, I almost confessed it to Pinkie over the phone yesterday!” He took in a breath, giving a small shake of his head. “Maybe not today, maybe not even tomorrow or the day after… but we need to tell them.”

“We can’t just throw this out there though,” Karyn argued. “Who knows what kind of reaction it will cause? What if… what if we become targets?” She began to stroke a hoof on his arm. “What if they think to… use you? Try to use human magic?”

Karl began to shiver, and suddenly he forced himself to lean over to her. “I know now is not the best time because of the people living here and how this happened, but it’s not going to get better anytime soon. What if Kane or I get hurt again and something we didn’t think about with us comes up? And I need to say this now, because ya’re my wife: I’m ready to tell Pinkie Pie and the others here, but I need you to do this with me.”

She sat silent, looking back to the door. Both of them were hurt, and right now she was the one who had to protect them. But to tell the truth finally? They hadn’t even told Kane about the other half about himself, how could they tell everyone especially all of them? They couldn’t do nothing though. Tomorrow another attack like Cloudsdale could happen in Ponyville, or an attack like Fillydelphia. What could they do against that?

I could have done more though for them, she realized. All my power… and I didn’t use even a fraction. She held off her grief, there would be time later. Right now she had to be there for them, and that meant being able to hold Kane close with a stable face. “Okay,” she declared, looking back to him. “We’ll find a way to tell them.”

A knock sounded on the door, and they looked to see Doctor Sutures poke his head in. “Excuse me? I understand you’re trying to be private, but I have to look at him now.”

“We’re finished,” Karl said.

“Very good then.” Sutures walked himself in, Careheart following. Pinkie and the rest filed themselves in behind, Kane having a small spring to his step. “I’ll give you another minute to talk and say your farewells, but then we have to do our thing.”

“We need to head out,” Pinkie said. “But I’ll see you guys around. I’ll be here in Ponyville again, but you rest up, Karl.” She looked to Karyn. “And I’ll make sure that you have a fixed-up home to go back to.”

Karyn blinked, processing those words. Karl’s right. We need them. “Thank you, Pinkie.” She looked down to Kane, who was looking back up to her. “You okay, dear?”

“Pinkie’s… story was so cool!” he chirped, a glance of a smile appearing. “Have you ever seen a sonic rainboom before? I think I wanna see one!”

“Oh, they’re amazing!” Pinkie commented, as Karyn picked Kane back up. “I can tell you more! But we gotta get going now!”

“We should get going too,” Karyn said, bringing Kane back over to Karl. “It’s time to say goodbye, Kane.”

The dug up cheeriness on him depleted, as he looked panicked. “B-but—”

“Don’t worry, boy, I’ll be home soon. And you’ll be able to visit,” Karl comforted, patting his head.

“O-okay…” Kane gave one last hug to his arm. “I love you, Dad.”

“I love ya also, and I’ll be back with ya both soon.” With that, they all reluctantly pulled away. Karyn watched Pinkie’s group leave out the door, and they all waved their goodbyes. As they rounded a corner, she lifted Kane up onto her back. She felt him lie down, tugging at her mane and collecting it like it was a pillow

“You want to go take a nap?” she asked, starting to trot.

“Mmm…” he mumbled, nestling more and more into her mane. She managed to smile, at least they had managed to bring back some of his cheer. Now she was curious about that story Pinkie told. Must have been one happy story, maybe she could use a good story to cheer her up.

Coming out of her thoughts, she realized a small issue. She looked around and found that she walked the wrong way. In fact, she was probably nearing the maternity wing. Ponies were still everywhere going anywhere, yet thankfully none of them seemed to acknowledge her or Kane; they all seemed too fixated on their own works. She breathed a sigh of relief as she approached an intersection and looked for signs to the exit.

As she came near the intersection though, she heard a pony yelling out to clear the way. She stopped in her tracks as a Doctor – from her guess anyway – pseudo galloped down the hall. For a split second she wondered what the rush was, but in the other split second she gasped at who was following her.

They were only in her vision for about three seconds total, but that was enough to see who they were. One midnight blue, one tan and brown, and a third white and purple. Two of them could look her in the eye, yet the second of those two was on her hind hooves. She knew exactly who they were.

“It’s happening, it’s happening, it’s happening...” she whispered, clutching her head. Her breathing intensified as she processed the signs. Seeing now Princess Luna, DJ Martinez, and Rarity’s son Elusive appearing right in front of her: it seemed like meeting all the Knight Elementals personally and their closest was now fated to happen. “Fate…” she whispered, a scowl replacing her worry. “Fine then.” She resumed her trek forward, continuing her way out of the hospital. If destiny is now saying that I have to face the Knight Elementals, AND perhaps the princesses too, then so fucking be it. She paused for a moment, as another thought came to her. I guess those are signs they’ll be coming back soon. Which I guess we all need.

Signs… signs of the future. That hallucination, Karl hurt, and the Curse coming to life? It was all like a message to Karyn: to prepare. She couldn’t hold back anymore, she had to give it her all. If the universe was going to play with her by pushing her around… then it was time to show the universe why you shouldn’t push her around.

Some days later, after a lot more resting and some more checkups, all three of them were back together in his room. Karl’s legs were still in their pod, but now he felt energy back in his arms and he could at least shift himself to a more comfortable sitting position despite how much it hurt. It was probably the extreme fatigue, but that also made him wonder how dead he would have been without his new… condition.

Karl looked down to Kane who was leaning against him napping away. Gently holding him close, he looked to Karyn who was sitting just nearby. “So any news then?” he asked.

Karyn was still for a moment before she slowly looked toward the floor.“I called otō-san to let him know about the situation, and I did relay it to your parents as well..” She shook her her head slightly, looking back up to him. “They’re devastated and wish desperately for you to speak with them as soon as you can. Otō-san’s tied up trying to do charity work considering he’s in South Cloudsdale after what happened in Cloudsdale proper.

“Anything about… getting us outta here?” Karl asked.

“Not... exactly. I mean, they’re aware, but nothing can be done at the moment. Both SC and Canterlot are places we don’t want to be. Oji-san apparently is out of the country and heading to Inari, but I can’t make contact with him. I heard they may be mobilizing alongside Equestria, but I heard also there’s drama in the Houses so who knows what the family is doing over there? Could be months before we could get something to happen.”

“At least it’s there.” Karl looked down to Kane, who was tossing and turning a bit as he napped away. He couldn’t blame him, but he only wished he could do something to help pull him out of that rut.

“I’ll take him,” Karyn whispered. Lighting her horn, she gently lifted Kane up and out of the bed. Floating him over and into her forelegs, she smiled as he stretched himself out and relaxed into her.

“What about him and the truth?” Karl leaned over a bit, managing to tossle Kane’s mane slightly.

“What can we tell him, though? I mean the part about him he probably wouldn’t understand, and the other part about you might give him more nightmares.”

“I guess that comes when we tell everyone else.” He moved his hand over to her, placing it on her withers “Are ya ready to tell them?” he asked.

“I’m not sure,” she answered back. “But I’ll try, I’ll definitely try to.”

“Pinkie’s already aware that I want to tell her. Look, she’s understanding. She’s probably gonna freak out, but if we tell her everything… well…”

“There’s no going back, and we’ll probably be roped into this whole mess.”

“It probably won’t be now, and with all this crap going on… especially with what happened in Canterlot.” Both of them went silent. Between the first visit and now: there was a full on invasion of the city. Apparently every princess was involved, along with that Nightmare Moon demon, and that Bug Queen. It also had all of the Knights Elemental coming back and a whole lot of other shit that made them shiver, it was war time now. “I’m not sure if it’s right, but I know we have to.” At that, there was a knock on the door to the room. Karl pulled his hand back, looking over. “Who…?”

“Hello? Hello?” a voice squeaked.

“What the— is that ya, Bubs?” Karl called. He glanced over to Karyn who after a moment used her magic to hit the button to unlock the door. “It’s open!” Right after, they watched Bubble hop himself in.

“Hey guys!” he cheered. “Was just trotting around the neighborhood and I thought I’d drop in!”

“Wait, where’s your sister?” Karyn asked.

“Oh! Surprise is doing some foalsitting!” he answered, dragging a chair over toward the bed and hopping up onto it. “Foalsitting for our brand new cousins! I dunno why they asked just her! But then again Mom was asked to foalsit twins a long, long, long time ago and she was alone! Though me and Surprise are twins, and we kinda watched Kane!” He looked over to the colt in question, his smiling dropping. “Will he be okay?”

“We’re... getting some positivity out of him,” Karl said.

“He’s at least not crying anymore, and we got some smiles when we visited some more,” Karyn mentioned. “Though his teachers recommended he skip the rest of Magic Kindergarten to… recover.”

“I’ve never seen somepony frown so much,” Bubble mumbled.

“Wish Cinnamon was here,” Karl commented.

“Oh!” Bubble’s smile came back. “Cinnamon is actually here in Equestria! I mean she was here for a bit in Ponyville, but I think she went back to Canterlot! I hear cousin DJ is here too in Equestria!”

Karl’s eye went wide, swinging it back and forth between Bubble and Karyn. “DJ… as in DJ Martinez?” he inquired. He looked to Karyn, who gave a slight nod.

“Uh huh! Heard that she really wanted to visit! Dunno why, but— Oh! Shoot!” Bubble knocked a hoof against his head. “Our Uncle Rumble is in town! But he said he’s leaving tomorrow! Heck, our Aunt Cadance is here too and some other family! We could have had a lotta visits!”

Karl glanced over to Karyn, seeing her wide eyed for a brief moment. “Actually, I don’t think we want visits for a while,” he quickly spoke up. He held up a finger. “Not that we don’t wantcha here, just… not too many people.”

“Aw… you sure?” Bubble pouted.

“Definitely, after this, we wanna keep any visits to a minimum.” Karl leaned forward, which wasn’t much considering the soreness still with him. “But do ya mind passing a message along to yaur mother?”

“Message?” Karyn asked.

“Message?” Bubble repeated. “Sure!” he leaned forward inquisitively.

“Can ya let Pinkie know, that if DJ ever feels like she needs some friends here in Equestria outside her family, that we’re here? I’d ask myself, but I wouldn’t know when a good time would be.”

“What?!” Karyn raised her voice. “Karl… what are you…?” He looked over to her, holding up a calming hand.

“No problem!” Bubble said, saluting.

“Thanks, Bub.”

“Messenger Bubble is on the job!” He turned himself over to the door, still looking at them all. “I guess I’ll head off then! Lemme know if you need a cheering up!”

“Ya do that, Bubs. Sorry I can’t give ya a ride, won’t be able to for a while,” Karl joked.

Bubble waved a hoof dismissively. “Eh… don’t worry about it. Don’t have my helmet anyway. You just get well soon, okay?” he said, pointing his hoof to Karl.

“We all will, ya don’t have to stress over that.”

“Welp, I gotta get home! Think maybe I wanna goto the farm after! Bye all!” With that, Bubble gave one more salute before he made his way out.

As soon as the door closed, Karyn immediately spoke, “Karl… DJ?” she asked.

He looked back to her. “If DJ is here in Equestria, that means something’s up. I mean, ya think she came over here for the sights? Things are probably extremely serious if she was here before what happened in Canterlot and after that Singapore thing and now all this.”

“But still, you want to get us involved right straight to her?” She pushed herself up slightly meeting him in the eye more. “I mean, isn’t through Pinkie enough?”

“I’m just… trying to give us more options,” he defended. “Maybe… I dunno, Karyn. It’s hard to explain it, but I feel like if we forced some way into their circle, then maybe the sooner we can start getting out of this mess.” He moved his hand out to her again. “Do ya trust me?”

Karyn took one look at his hand, focusing on the ring still proudly displayed on it, and then moved her hoof to embrace it. “Of course I do. And I’m not going to stop loving you even after the end of time.” She pulled his hand a little closer, giving it a small kiss.

A few moments later, they picked up some chatter outside the room.

“Cady, you sure you don’t need help?” one voice sounded.

“I’m fine, Twi! I’m just stretching my legs a bit!” another said.

Karyn gasped, causing Karl to looked over to her. “Oh no…” she whispered.

“What?” Karl whispered back.

“So what is it then? Why’d you stop?” the first voice sounded.

“Just… felt something weird. Actually still feeling it. Some kinda weird… cold,” the other explained.

“Maybe that’s a sign you should help back to bed? Might be the Acute Magic Overload messing with you. I mean I feel something kinda cold too but that might be the AC.”

“I dunno, Twi. But after what happened… it just felt kinda wrong. Like really wrong.”

“Then allow me to make it right by bringing you right back to bed! Dusky and Sweetie will by happy at your quick return!”

Karl and Karyn were frozen, the dead silence emanating enough to allow them to hear hoofsteps walk away. Both of them looked to each other, Karyn shaking a bit.

“That… that was too close…” Karyn breathed “Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadance right there…” she explained as he saw his confusion.

“...and they probably noticed – felt – me…” Karl finished. He had completely forgotten about those two when it came to that.

Karyn pulled herself closer to Karl, right up against the bed. “Listen, no matter what happens: let me do the heavy lifting again, and don’t try to stop me.”

Karl’s head tilted in bewilderment. “What do ya mean?”

“I mean that if someone comes and threatens us in any way, let’s just say I’m not gonna think twice about breaking a wall or even the ceiling.” She sparked her horn, keeping a hard stare on him as she declared, “Even if it means I go through multiple at the same exact moment.”

He felt his heart jump a bit. “Are ya sure about—”

“I am, no more of that,” she interrupted. “Time to stop hiding.” She let her magic die down, and she turned her head back to check on Kane. “That goes for all of us.”

Karl looked at the sight, worry on his face. But after a moment he shoved it down to his stomach as he allowed himself to smile as they leaned into each other. Despite everything, he was still happy with her. Even though the universe seemed keen on putting that through a warzone, that part still made it through.

He stared as if looking beyond the walls of the room. A war was coming, and maybe it wouldn’t come to them right away as it would for some certain heroes, but they all knew it was coming. More than just guns and bombs though, it seemed like much more even when you considered the magic involved. Or would that be the magic not involved yet?

No matter what though, they were going to face it. They had to.

Author's Note:

Well folks, we've made it to the end! It's been a long journey, but we're done!

Thank you all for sticking around! I'd love to hear your thoughts! Maybe give the TvTropes page of AAG some love with this story?

At any rate, I have some future plans and some rememberance of the story at a blogpost here!

Thank you again to Shinzakura! Hope you enjoyed!

Comments ( 1 )

I did! Now on to other things! Things of thingness!

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