• Published 3rd Mar 2014
  • 2,581 Views, 38 Comments

Momma - 5thWriter

Why did Queen Chrysalis attack Canterlot?

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Do you think me evil? That I am a soulless creature incapable of love? If you do think that, then you would be wrong.

While true, that perhaps my methods are harsh, it is only because I love my children. I love my children with every ounce of my being. I would rather see this world burn than feel sadness from my children. I suppose that’s why I do what I do. I push them as hard as I can to make them as strong as they can be. They gripe and they complain, but like all good children they do as their mother asks of them. I have asked so much of them and done so much myself so that our race may survive. Ours is not an easy life to live. We come from the area known as the Badlands just south of the jewel that is Equestria. The Badlands are a harsh wasteland. There is barely any water and even less food. I have seen my children starve by the dozen, simply because there wasn’t enough food to go around.

I suppose it was an act of desperation or maybe an act of insanity that caused me to think attacking Canterlot would be a good idea. Whatever the case, it was done with love for my children. In those short two weeks, I had eaten more love than I had in years. It was pure ecstasy, but I was no fool. My children came first. As often as I could, I would sneak away and give them as much love as I had saved up. Oh, how my children’s eyes sparkled when they tasted that sweet pure love; I had never seen them so happy before. I told them that this was why I was doing this. Not for the love, but for their happiness.

For the next few days it was a fairly simple routine, I would collect love during the day and I night I would sneak away to my children and feed them all the love I have saved up. Luckily as a queen, I was able to save vast amounts of love to feed them. As they fed, I would inform them of what I had learned about the ponies. Of have wasteful they were and the stench of their overconfidence. This caused my children to become angry. After all, they had had to watch their brothers and sisters die on a daily bases. Prove that they were worthy of being feed and fight savagely against the elements of the Badlands for whatever scraps of food remained. Very few of my children were fighters, less than a fourth, but all of them would be willing to fight to the death for this. What right did the ponies have to live while they were forced to choke on the scraps of life and then die? If Faust the creator above demanded that my race die, then she would find that we would not go quietly into the night. We would make this world acknowledge us.

I suppose it was my own overconfidence that led to my defeat at Canterlot. I had just beating the sun princess Celestia with the love I had gained from Shining Armor and my children had just destroyed the barrier. At this point, I was running on pure adrenaline. I could feel the ponies running scared, none of them knowing what to do as they had never faced a threat like us. After all, who would be foolish enough to attack Canterlot? One attack by a desperate queen and her children was enough to show these ponies how woefully unprepared they were. None of these fools would last a day in the Badlands. My children had just returned with the Elemental bearers; as Celestia was in a holding cocoon and the six did not have their Elements, I ordered the few of my children with me to join their brothers and sisters no Changeling would sit on the sidelines for this battle. I looked out over the city and could feel my children’s enjoyment at finally being able to make someone else feel their pain.

It was then, that I noticed a light glowing behind me. I turned around to see that Shining Armor had broken free of my control and was having his shield spell powered up by his fiancée Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. A split second later a shield of love erupted form the two of them. In the brief time it took for the shield to reach me, I knew it was all over for my children and I. There was nothing left that I could do. I scream for them to stop. But it was too late. The shield slammed into me with all of its might and sent my hurtling out of the city. It was a pain unlike any I had ever felt before. The force of the blow was enough to crack my chitin in several places. Even as I was in pain, it wasn’t enough to prevent me from seeing what was happening to my children. Many of them were being thrown out as I was, but a few were not lucky enough to be met with open air. Instead, they were slammed into a wall and crushed to death by the shield power. A few were met with only half a wall in those cases their bodies were ripped in half.

As I tumbled end over end through the air, I could hear the screams of my children. What were once cries of joy and excitement were now cries of terror and horror. They all cried out for me and there was nothing I could do for them as I wasn’t even able to do anything for myself. I was sent harsh and fast into a vast forest and after going through two trees was finally stopped by the third tree. The love and adrenaline I had had completely worn off at this point and unable to do anything else, I let sweet unconsciousness take me.

I don’t know how long I was out; all I know is that when I began to regain consciousness I could feel love being poured into me. I struggled to open an eye and saw three of my children on the ground before me. “What are you doing?” I asked them. Of course I already knew, they were giving me the love that they needed to live so that I could live.

“We’re saving you, Momma,” replied the middle one with a struggle.

“Don’t worry Momma. Soon you’ll be all better,” the one to the right added.

“Everyone who survived has been so worried about you Momma,” the final one finished.

“My children listen to me. If you finish this, you will die. Please don’t do this,” I begged of them.

“It’s okay Momma, we’re happy to give our lives for you,” the three replied as one. “Everyone needs you.”

My eyes began to tear up, they said they needed me but they didn’t know how much I needed them. With a final shimmer, the glowing from their horns stopped and the three heads collapsed. Though it wasn’t much, they gave everything they had so that I could continue on. The journey would be long, but thanks to these three I would make it back to the hive in the Badlands. I stood up on shaky legs and looked down at the still bodies of my dead children. For the first time, in my reign as queen, I did something I had never done before; I wept for my children.

My name is Chrysalis; I am the Terror of Badlands, Queen of the Changelings, but most of all I am Momma.

Comments ( 38 )

You're gonna go far, kid, if you keep writing like this. Not perfect by any means, but damn good.

Beautiful. Perfectly captures Chrysi's intentions and feelings.

Thanks for the compliment. Ever since the contest was announced this story came to me and I was wondering if I should write it or not. With each passing day I just felt that I had to write it more and more. I don't know if I'm going to win, but I enjoyed writing this.

There really is more to the Queen of the Changelings than people think.

4025720 Of course. Much think that crashing the wedding was one of the lowest things an MLP villain can do-

-until you realize that there were millions that needed the love.

Best bucking story ever. Nuff said. :moustache:

Not bad. The wording could be a little better, but I like the concept.

There is always more to a villain than people think. I too am exploring the reasons behind Chrysalis' attack on Canterlot, as well as much of the history behind the beginning of the Changelings.

Just watched vanoss prop hunt. So when there was the last momma it reminded me when h2odelirious blew up after he said momma. I know I am out of context. PRAISE THE SUN YOU SHTILORD

This is so adorable and actually made me sad:fluttercry:
Please continue writing like this, you can only get better from here!

No-No! NO! This was so sad! Why!? WHY, I ASK OF YOU WHY?! Why did you make something something this sad?!

When I was young, me and cousin were watching a nature documentary. She would always be rooting for the rabbit to run and hide so it doesn't get swooped up by the hawk. Then I would tell her how the hawk probably has a nest of babies she needs to feed and without the rabbit they would starve, then she would suddenly be cheering for the hawk, I found it really cute.

Fantastic short short story!... I would actually love to see this be expanded on. It's not a new concept... but man was it executed well.

I wrote that in about 45 minutes. It was really an "under the wire" entry. However, after writing it, I've been looking at it and I'm thinking of expanding on it over the summer. (Probably around July.) I really want to explore the dynamics of Chrysalis's thoughts on her children dying for her.

4105026 Have you read 'Homecoming' by seeker9709? You should, because it's seriously one of the best stories on the site, perhaps the best 'Alternate Universe'-tag ever. If you want some inspiration:


BTW, it has the best fighting scenes ever put in to words, so your head may explode from cheer awesomeness.

Anyway, why I link you this is because Chrysalis is in it and she has a very close portray in it to yours: A mother of a hive who only really cares for it's survival, but she also love her children.

BTW, if you are going to continue the story, could you come up with a explanation why the 'Love Shield' would hurt the Changlings? I mean, they feed of love for "#¤! sake!

I haven't read that story, but I've now put it in my read later list and I'm looking forward to reading it. I hope to get some good ideas from the fight scenes as Pony Force will have several. (*spoilers* Changeling Queen vs. Changeling King, AJ vs. Big Mac, & The Imperial Griffin Army vs. The Suicide Squad.*end spoilers*)

The love shield is very simple. Even though the changelings eat love the shield covered the city. So tell me, even if you gather up a small army can you eat something the size of a city? Have you read the story Nyx by RealityCheck? Here's a quote about the shield being made from love:

"It musta been like getting beat in the face with a sandwich,"

That's right! The changelings got their butts whopped by their own food!

4105510 Hmmm... never though of it like that... reminds me of that time my friend kept hitting me with with a still wrapped up steak: right analogy? ... ahhhh good times. :pinkiecrazy:

Yeah that's pretty good. But I gotta say, as a Texan why would you be so mean to a steak?
Use the Cauliflower! That stuff could kill people. :pinkiesick:

4105552 Well... both me and my friend are chefs (and Swedish btw) so his idea was that it would make the steak more... tender. We both have a very dark sense of humor and trains MMA so there's a lot of real time slap'stick humor between us. :pinkiecrazy:

Oh, you're from Sweden? (Boy, you really do met all sorts of people on here.
Last fall I was taking to Anneli Heed, who does the voice for Swedish Spitfire.

4105605 Oh, really? That's awesome! She's actually one of the few I can stand from the Swedish cast. And yeah, I'm Swedish... sadly not blond though if that ruined the stereotype :yay:

Oh, yeah, funniest part of my story: my friend gave me a black eye by accident, so I had to use the same steak that gave me the black eye to cool it of! :rainbowlaugh:

She was really nice to talk to. I hope we Swedish set is released over here in the States.

The only stereotype I know of Sweden is it's neutrality. (I thought the blond thing was Germany.)

Damn man, you got a black I from the steak? That must have been one heck of a story to tell. "So, how'd you get that black eye?" "Oh you know, got my ass beat by a steak as the eggs held my arms back."

4105664 Meh, I punished him later (you are allowed to misinterpret that :pinkiecrazy:... I'm a dirty pony, but i'm Swedish so I get away with my... preference).

There was no eggs, but I did wake him up the day after with a ton of ice in his trousers while sitting on his upper body.:pinkiehappy:

4105664 Ooops, sorry forgot you're not from Sweden... it was a joke, and I forget sometimes that not all humor goes well with different people. I'm sorry if my joke made you uncomfortable.:pinkiesad2:

Don't worry. I just call that a normal Tuesday night in my house.

4106198 Oooh.... kinky! :rainbowlaugh:

And I'm nothing compared to the lady of my life.

4106215 Oh, your married? Nice for you! Ahhh... makes me remember my ex-fiance... until I caught that #¤£%& cheating on me. Oh, well, those things happens.

Not married, not yet anyway, but I am defiantly taken; hook, line, and sinker.

4106586 Good for you. I never been able to be in a relationship for to long... and that's bad luck on my part. I mean, look at my last 2 relationships: he turned out to be straight and the last one: she turned out to a lesbian. I mean, good for them, but how about me?!... Life is just not fair to me when it comes to relationships. :pinkiesad2:

Life never promised to be fair my friend. In fact, if anything, it promises to be more of a bitch. I understand how you feel about the relationships. For years, I did everything I could think of to get girls interested in me and nothing was working. I would constantly change myself and always try to be someone who I wasn't. (Because I am a major dork.) Finally, one day I had had enough and called it quits on trying to be in a relationship. I no longer gave a crap about being with someone I was going to live for me and be who I wanted to be. Two weeks later I met the woman who is now the lady of my life and hot damn did I win out. She is basically, my dream woman. She's short, energetic, black, and very curvy in all the right places.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't force yourself into a relationship. If it's meant happen, it'll happen. :scootangel:

4108682 Lucky you. Meh, I guess love will come to me some day. If not, I have to keep on living a life with continued encounters of hot, european sex... wait, why am I complaining? :pinkiecrazy:

And this people/ponies/bots/everyone is that rare and beautiful occasion of the trope called "Draco in Leather Pants" being well developed.

Cheers to the author.

The story was nice, it had a feels to it that I probably should have expected reading a Chrysalis story of this nature. On the other hand, I feel that the ending was just cut too short; that exchange between the changelings and their queen had been far too brief.

You used almost 1.5K words total; I think you might could have expanded end section a little bit more than you did to make it feel less rushed and have greater impact.

If you think this is sad, go read the new story I just posted.

I like stories about Chrysalis being a mother first and a monster last. People don't seem to realize that, yes, she WAS attacking ponies and trying to take over Equestria, but not entirely for herself. She even said "Feed, children!" or something along those lines. She was just looking for a way to feed her children. I think, if a peace could be worked out, perhaps if Chrysalis had simply asked Celestia for aid, something could have been done. The Crystal Heart releases love, constantly...it almost seems like it was made to feed changelings. If Chrysalis hadn't tried to destroy her life, perhaps Cadence would have helped her. :fluttercry:

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