• Published 15th Mar 2014
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Harmony, Insanity and Freaks - Sputnikmann

When testing a spell she read, Twilight and her friends pull some very interesting creatures from another dimension. With the fate of Equestria on their shoulders once again, The Elements of Harmony must overcome the power of the Elements of Insanity

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Chapter 8

Somewhere in the Everfree Forest…

The Everfree Forest was usually a peaceful place. Unless a stay pony wandered into it, the wild creatures generally kept to themselves. However, the animals were restless now. They were angry that something, or somepony was disturbing the natural balance. A stench was rising through the air, making birds and other small animals run from the rancid odor.

A Pegasus was hovering a few inches off the ground, following the smell to its source. She was a grey Pegasus, her hair a pale blond. She had a red-and-black machine on her left eye and had intertwined gears as her cutie mark. “Where is that coming from?” she asked herself. She continued hovering through the forest, when her wings faulted. “Oh crap…” she said. With no wings to support her, Derpigun fell out of the air, and muzzle-first into the dirt.

“Who’s there?” asked an echoing voice further ahead. Derpigun froze, not even trying to get her wings to work. After hearing hoofsteps heading her way, she panicked and quickly flew into a conveniently placed bush. Peering out from a hole in the leaves, she saw four scaled hooves come into view. “Who’s there?” the mystery voice called again. “I’m warning you, I’m going to find you one way or another; so come out now!”

“Come out?” Derpigun asked, using her mechanics to project her voice. “So you can do what? Kill me?” Through her peeping hole, she saw the mystery pony turning around, trying to pinpoint the source of her voice. “I have a warning to you too; walk away now and I won’t pump your sorry ass full of lead!”

There was a short silence, and she saw the pony outside the bush stop turning. Finally, the pony spoke “You’re a pony freak, aren’t you?” he asked. Derpigun’s eyes widened. How could this pony know that? “No pony from around here would threaten somepony like that, and guns don’t exist here. So come on out. I probably have no beef with you.”

Sighing, Derpigun stood back up, and pointed a minigun (which she morphed her hoof into) at the pony. “So,” she started. “Who the hell are you?” she stopped for a moment. “What the hell are you?” This… thing had a pony-esque body, but had black and orange scales instead of fur. On his head were rounded spikes, similar to that of a baby dragon. His eyes were dragon-like, having slit pupils instead of normal rounded ones.

“My name is AssSpike,” He said, “a dragon-pony freak from Mann Manor. And you are… who exactly?”

“I’m Derpigun.” She stated plainly. “Now tell me why I shouldn’t blast you full of lead right now?” She was bluffing of course. As soon as her wings were working again, she would fly away as quickly as possible.

“Because I have no issues with you.” AssSpike said. “I’m looking for the Elements of Insanity; mostly that Brutalight Sparcake. I have some unfinished business with them.”

Derpigun lowered her minigun, which morphed back into her hoof. “If that’s the case, I’m going to tag along. I helped create their fucking leader and they kicked me out a day later. If you’re going to make them pay, I want in.”

“Well then,” said AssSpike. “It looks like we’ve got ourselves a deal.” He extended his hoof out. “Partners?”

Derpigun smirked. She placed her hoof on his. “Partners”

Meanwhile, in the Crystal Empire…

“Come on girls! We have to hurry!”

The Elements of Harmony and Shadow Rush were racing through the maze-like hallways of the Crystal Castle, trying to find their way to Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Amor’s throne room. All of them were worried, but Twilight was related to both of them, so she was obviously the most worried. She was so worried in fact; she forgot she didn’t fly very well and took off, leaving everypony except for Rainbow Dash and Shadow Rush behind.

“Twilight!” yelled Rainbow, “You have to think on the bright side of things! All of us except Shadow know this palace inside-out! Whoever is here will spend hours trying to find the Royal Couple! Just relax a little.”

Twilight sighed and reluctantly slowed down to allow her friends to catch up. When they regrouped, they started running towards the throne room. When they caught up, Twilight turned to Shadow.

“I’m going to take a wild guess that these two we’re tracking are more people from your world?” she asked him. “They do seem to have a severe bloodlust.”

Shadow nodded. “Yes,” he said. “These two are easily the most dangerous of the freaks. Their names are Painis Cupcake and Christian Brutal Sniper; two of the freaks that possessed the alternate Twilight and Pinkie Pie. Because of the G-modiverse’s physics and logic, there is somehow an infinite amount of everybody… and pony. I have seen Fluttercook, Rainbow.exe, Dash Pancakes, Christian Brutalight Sharple and many more. But none of them even rival that of CBS and Painis.”

“What’s so bad ‘bout ‘em?” asked Applejack. “From what you said about the Elements of Insanity, all of them ‘Freaks’ are vicious.”

“Most freaks, even the most insane ones; have a small grasp on reality.” said Shadow. “Painis does not. While most freaks kill their target and move on, Painis will kill you; then eat you, whether or not you are the same species as him.”

“What about the Christian Brutal Sniper guy?” asked Rainbow. “What could be possibly worse than cannibalism?”

“Again, most freaks have a small bit of self control in them.” said Shadow. “Christian has no respect for the dead and dying. All he cares is spilling blood everywhere. He can somehow pull an arsenal worth of blades out of no-where and wield them with one hand, no matter how heavy. Two axes, Swords, knives, machetes, baseball bats, saws, hammers… he even somehow manages to carry a bazooka with filled with arrows around with him.”

Pinkie raised her hoof, smiling since she knew the author remembered her. “I have a question!” She yelled. “What’s a bazooka?”

“I’ll tell you along the way.” said Shadow. “Let’s hurry to the throne room.”

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the Crystal Palace…

“Was it really necessary to kill those guards?” asked the Christian Brutal Sniper.

“No.” answered Painis Cupcake plainly. “But I was hungry, and you did say not to eat random civilians.”

“Bloody hell mate.” Christian said. “You are one sick bastard.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” said Painis with a smirk. After a few moments, he spoke again. “So, how did you arrive in this horse world?”

“I was finishing a match against another group of Challengers in arena in a new arena in Egypt” said Christian. “They were down to their last Scout. He fired his last shot with his new Back Scatter, but hit me with 1 of the 10 pellets shot. Knowing the arena, I chased him into a dead end in one of the cave systems. To make his defeat embarrassing, I pulled out my huntsman; preparing for a taunt kill.”

“And?” said a very impatient Painis.

“I thrust the arrow forward into the Scout’s abdomen, I heard him grunt in pain as the stun’s damage was done.” continued Christian. “Just when I was about to kill him, there was this vortex that opened behind me and sucked me into it. Before I flew out of earshot, I heard that bitch announcer Helen declare a victory for the challengers.”

“Damn,” said Painis. “Nothing like me, I was just about to eat a Gibus Heavy that had entered the resupply room in 2Fort. I was about to take a bite, then POW! Flash of light, falling through endless red tunnel, then BOOM! I was here, and I was a pony. Then I found a little pony and…”

“You would be wise to keep it down, mate.” said Christian, who covered Painis’ mouth with his hoof. “No doubt the monarchy of this ‘Crystal Empire’ has heard of you killing the guards. There could be more anywhere.”

“And if there are, we’ll smack ‘em, and snack on ‘em!” said Painis. “Those guards were pathetic. I mean, even the Nazis had better defenses than that. And I killed ’em all before I was freakified!”

“Let’s hope you’re right,” said Christian, “because we’re at the throne room.”

He gestured with his hoof to the door. “Would you do the honors?” he said.

Christian smirked. “Gladly.” He said. He knocked on the door.

“YES?” said someone on the other side of the door, probably a stallion by the voice. “Who is it?”

“Some… civilians coming to talk about… whatever civilians talk about with the monarchy.” said Painis. Christian sighed. “What?” he whispered.

“Sorry. The Crystal Court is temporarily shut down until the perpetrator of the recent murders is captured. Please come back at a different time. Do you have anything else to say?”

Painis nodded to Christian, who smacked the door with a Homewrecker mallet, knocking it straight off its hinges and crushing a butler pony as it fell. When the dust cleared, Painis and Christian were facing an Alicorn mare and a unicorn stallion sitting on a crystal throne.

Putting the homewrecker away and taking a Tribalman's Shiv out, Christian smirked and pointed the machete at the couple. "Ready to meet sharpie?" he asked.

Back with the Mane 6 and Shadow Rush…

Applejack’s ears perked up. “Did y’all hear that?” she asked.

“Hear what?” asked Twilight. “I didn’t hear anything.”

“I could’ve sworn I heard a crash.” said Applejack. “I think those freaks found the throne room.”

Twilight worried expression returned. “Come on, we’re almost there, let’s hurry!”

Author's Note:

YES IT'S DONE! I AM SO RELIVED THAT IT'S DONE. AND I AM BACK UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Thanks to everyone who has followed until this point.