• Published 8th Mar 2014
  • 830 Views, 12 Comments

Summer Breeze - AlwaysDressesInStyle

Fluttershy is tasked with finding breezies lost in Equestria. With the help of her friends, she sets out to see if any breezies could possibly survive in the harsh world on their own.

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Summer Breeze

Fluttershy yawned and stretched all four of her legs. Morning had come far too early after the previous day’s adventure, but her animal friends weren’t going to take care of themselves. But first things first, the flower that Seabreeze had given to her needed to be dried so she could preserve it. She gently lifted it off the dresser where she had placed it the night before and was surprised to have a tiny book fall out from between the petals.

“Oh my goodness, what’s this?” She picked up the miniature tome and examined it. Much like the flower it had been hidden inside of, the book had increased in size when Fluttershy returned from her brief but enjoyable time as a breezie. Unfortunately, it was still too small to read without the aid of a magnifying glass – something the pegasus lacked. She was about to rush through the door to take it to the library, but Angel Bunny thumped his foot against her leg, reminding her that the animals still needed breakfast.

Fluttershy normally took her time with her morning chores; enjoying feeding, caring for, and even conversing with each of her critters in turn. Curiosity gnawed at her as she prepared food for hundreds of animals. She had gone through the routine enough times to know where shortcuts could be taken without being detrimental to them. Half an hour later all of her animals were fed, and she was out the door in a streak of yellow and pink.

A familiar cyan pegasus fell in alongside her as she made her way towards the library. “Fluttershy? This is like, the fastest I’ve ever seen you fly! Are you racing? ‘Cause you know I’m always down for a good race!”

“Oh, I’m not racing, Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy quickly explained the situation to her friend.

“Then what are we waiting for?” Rainbow Dash got behind Fluttershy and shoved her ahead even faster. The pale yellow pegasus’ face got paler as she closed her eyes.

Twilight Sparkle moved the magnifying glass over the microscopic book. “It appears to be written in Breezish.”

“Brilliant deduction, Twilight.” Rainbow Dash smacked her forehead with one of her front hooves.

“It’s okay, I can read Breezish,” Fluttershy said. “Oh…oh my!” She read the intro to the book out loud to the rest of the group.

Congratulations! If you’re reading this, you’ve been recognized as a friend of the breezies. Please find this collection of breezie history and culture enjoyable. There are many misconceptions about our tribe, and we hope that this will help clear them up.


The Breezies

PS: As a consequence of our size, and our reliance on pegasi to control the breeze that gives us our magic, over the years we’ve experienced a few accidents. There have been several cases where breezies have become separated from the group and were unable to return home before the portal closed. Enclosed at the end of this book are the names and pictures of the breezies that have been separated from us over the last five years, along with a map detailing the general location where each was lost. Contrary to popular belief, breezies can survive in the wild (we would be extinct otherwise) in the proper environmental conditions (detailed within this tome).

“Yeah, if my team can have an accident, anypony’s team can have an accident,” Rainbow Dash said. “Looks like we’ve got a rescue mission on our hooves.”

“More like a wild goose chase. Finding these breezies after so much time has passed will be like looking for a needle in a haystack.” Applejack adjusted her hat. “Of course, if anypony can find them, it’s us.”

“Maybe it won’t be all that hard.” Twilight set the map down in front of the others. “Almost all of the disappearances have occurred right around here.” She waved a hoof towards the town of Horsey. “It’s right on the edge of the Everfree, halfway between here and Fillydelphia. If you want to skirt around the Everfree Forest, which the breezies would definitely want to avoid due to the unpredictable weather and all the fearsome creatures lurking within, you have to make a right turn after passing through Horsey. They’re probably flying too close to the Everfree and getting blown off course by a stray gust of wind.”

“Oh! Is Horsey the town where they make all that yummy, delicious chocolate?”

“Uh… yes.” She cringed at the forthcoming response.

“Woo-hoo! I am like so totally there! I mean, like no wonder the breezies are getting separated there. I mean, wouldn’t you want to stay and eat chocolate too? Mmmmn, I know I would!”

“But sugarcube, if they got blown into the Everfree they can’t possibly have survived.”

“If the wind gust was coming from the Everfree, it likely would have pushed them away from the forest. Fluttershy, since you’re the only one here who can read Breezish, I need you to translate the text for me so we can determine the ideal environment to sustain the breezies. Once we figure that out, we’ll split into two groups. You and Applejack are the best at tracking, so you’ll each lead a team. You’re also the only one here fluent in Breezish, though I should pick up the basics by the time we arrive there – at the very least enough to carry on a simple conversation. So I’ll go with Applejack.”

“But I don’t want to split up. I like all my friends and I can’t go with you both at the same time… unless… Say, can we stop at the mirror pool on the way?”

No Pinkie!” all of her friends replied in unison.

Rainbow Dash landed on the outskirts of Horsey, and her friends disembarked from the cart she had been pulling them in and split into their respective teams. Applejack led Twilight and Pinkie Pie one way, while Fluttershy, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash trod in the opposite direction.

Rarity and Fluttershy delicately searched every flower for any evidence of breezie activity. It was a job requiring finesse and a gentle touch, something both ponies were adept at. But the third member of their team was bored out of her mind. Painstakingly slow and precise work was never Rainbow Dash’s forte. Within minutes of beginning their search for the missing breezies, she took to the air citing a need for aerial reconnaissance. As she hovered in the air she decided to try creating a gentle breeze to see if that would lure any survivors out of hiding.

On the other side of town, Applejack and Twilight Sparkle were taking very different approaches to seeking the breezies. The farmer was examining the ground for tracks, while the scientist had an array of array of instruments set up. Pinkie Pie, on the other hoof, was happily frolicking in the meadow without a care in the world. Hopping, rolling, bouncing, the field was alive in a blur of pink as she played.

“Would ya knock it off, Pinkie? Y’all are stirring up so much pollen I can barely see my hoof in front o’ my face.”

“And you’re wreaking havoc on my allergies.” Twilight’s eyes watered as she fought to contain a sneeze.


“Bless you, Twi.”

“That wasn’t me. Pinkie?”

“Nope! It was this flower! Can flowers sneeze? ‘Cause this one totally did!”

“You have got to be kidding me…” Twilight repressed the urge to scream. Once again Pinkie had rendered logic, science, and planning completely moot. “Pinkie, go get the others. I’m going to attempt to make contact, but I’m not as fluent in Breezish as Fluttershy so the sooner you get her back here the better.”

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie saluted and disappeared in a cloud of dust.

Twilight’s magical aura surrounded the flower and she ever so carefully peeled back the petals to reveal a yellow breezie with orange and yellow hair and a cutie mark consisting of a pair of daisies.

“Volvo Saab IKEA.”

The breezie just blinked at Twilight. “You love wooden boxcars? Somehow I don’t think this is the message you’re trying to convey? While I appreciate the attempt to speak Breezish, I speak Equestrian, as do most breezies. I’m Zipzee. Who are you?”

“I’m Twilight Sparkle and this is Applejack.” She motioned to the orange pony next to her.

“Nice to meet ya, sugarcube.” She looked at the breezie and scratched her head. “Huh, usually I like t’ greet ponies with a hearty hoofshake but I reckon I plum don’t know how to shake your hoof without crushin’ y’all.”

“And I’m Pinkie Pie! I just know we’re going to be bestest best friends forever and ever!” The party pony announced her return. “And allow me to introduce you to Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy too!” She held out a cupcake for the breezie and Zipzee fluttered over to it.

“Wow! This is enormous!” She took a bite. “And delicious too!”

“Your friends are worried and they sent us to find you. Are there more of you here?” Fluttershy asked.

“Of course! Follow me!” Zipzee flitted from flower to flower, opening some of them to reveal more breezies.

Approximately two-dozen breezies stood in the midst of what could best be described as a mushroom village. Tiny homes carved from fungi rested in the shadow of a grove of trees.


“Bless you, Zipzee. You appear to have acute rhinitis.”

“You really think my rhinitis is cute, Twilight? Thank you!”

Twilight resisted the urge to facehoof. While it was possible Zipzee had the same annoying tendency to take words out of context like Pinkie Pie, it was far more likely she was unfamiliar with the intricacies of the Equestrian language.

“You’re definitely cute. All of you breezies are like totally super duper adorable!” said Pinkie Pie. “But I think she means you’re a sneezy breezie.”

“Oh yeah, I’m allergic to most flowers.”

This time there was no resistance when a lavender hoof struck a lavender forehead. “But you live in flowers.”

“I sneeze a lot.”

Twilight shook her head. “I can imagine.”

A white breezie with an icicle cutie mark fluttered in front of Twilight. “Salutations. I am Victor Breeze, leader of this colony of breezies.”

“I have a spell that I think will make communicating easier.” She pulled her friends close to her and surrounded them with her magical aura. Within seconds they had once more been turned into breezies. “See! Now we can talk face to face.”

“How convenient. Now we can take you on the tour. Follow me.” Victor led the way into the largest of the mushroom buildings. “This is our palace. It’s a work in progress, so please pardon our mess.”

“Oh! Itty bitty stained glass windows!”

“Yes, I understand it is traditional that all castles in Equestria have stained glass windows. And while this may not be the largest castle, it’s still within the borders of Equestria.”

Pinkie pressed her face against one of the windows. “Squee! When I look outside it’s like looking through rainbow-vision! Is this how you see the world, Rainbow Dash?”

“No Pinkie.”

“Oh, well that’s a shame ‘cause this is so cool! Whee!”

“This is our banquet room. Here you will find only the finest breezie cuisine. Help yourself.”

“Don’t mind if I do!” Pinkie Pie said, as she piled a plate high with food.

The tour continued and culminated with the throne room. “So what do you think?”

“Kinda cool. I’m amazed you fit so much into one tiny little mushroom.”

“I simply must agree with Rainbow Dash. A very efficient use of space, and you’ve made the décor blend in so naturally I must admit I’m quite jealous.”

“Thank you. The only thing left is to show you to your accommodations. You’ll have to forgive us, the only free space we have right now is in the dungeon.”

“You have a dungeon?” Pinkie gasped. “But why?”

“Once again, tradition dictates that all palaces have a dungeon, regardless of their usefulness. Should you decide to stay longer, we will begin work on proper homes for you.”

“That’s right kind o’ y’all, but I’ve got a farm I’ve gotta get back to. I’d think y’all would be anxious to get home yourselves.”

“This is our home now. We have been abandoned by our tribe, left for dead in a vast wilderness.”

“That’s not true,” Fluttershy said. “We were sent out by the rest of the breezies to locate you. They really miss you and want you to come home.”

“If they missed us they would have come back for us. Their time limit for doing so has long since expired. It’s irrelevant anyway. Not only have we survived, we’ve thrived without them.”

“But they couldn’t go back for you. The portal to your home is only open for a limited amount of time. If they had turned back then there’s a very strong possibility that no breezies would have made it home at all,” Fluttershy implored him to see the truth.

“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. I am quite familiar with that saying. It’s all sunshine and rainbows until you find yourself designated among the few.”

“Surely you must see the logic in their reasoning,” Twilight said.

Victor paused as Pinkie Pie stared at him intently. “I know what you want me to say, and I refuse to say it.”

“Please?” Pinkie asked.


“Pretty please?”


“Pretty please with ice cream, whipped cream, sprinkles, chocolate syrup, caramel, nuts, and cherries on top?”


Pinkie sighed. “Don’t call him Shirley.”

“I did not grant you permission to speak on my behalf.”

“But you’re not being funny!”

“I fail to see the humor in being stranded far away from family and friends.”

Pinkie cocked her head to the side and scrunched up her face. “Yeah, I guess I can kinda see that. Okie dokie lokie!” She hopped over to one of the open cells and flopped on the bed inside.

“It is getting late. You should rest. We can discuss this more in the morning.” Victor motioned to the cells. “I know they’re not the most comfortable beds in the world, but I would advise against sleeping in flowers until you’re more familiar with these new bodies.”

“Beds, flowers, neither of them can compare to the sheer awesomeness of sleeping on a cloud. You want soft and comfortable, clouds are the only way to go,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Yes. Good night.” Victor flipped a switch and lights went out. He flipped another and all of the cell doors slammed shut.


“I would not want you escaping in the middle of the night. Do not bother trying to teleport; we built this city here specifically because non-breezie magic does not work in this immediate vicinity. Tra La La, Tiddly Wink, keep an eye on our prisoners.”

“Anything, Twi?”

“Not even a spark of magic, Applejack. You?”

“I tried buckin’ my way out o’ this here cell and all I did was sprain my ankle. Any luck, Rare?”

“Not a bit. But worst of all there’s nothing in here even remotely inspiring. Of all the worst places to get locked up in, this is the worst possible place!”

“How ‘bout you, RD? Anything?”

“It’s a struggle to even get off the ground. Even if I could, there’s no room in here to work up enough speed to do a sonic rainboom.”

“Pinkie Pie, any of y’all’s Pinkie Senses tingling?”

“Nopey dopey mopey.”

“Can’t you even do that thing where you’re in a completely different place the second somepony takes their eyes off you?”

“Nope. I’ve been trying. Though honestly that trick works sooooo much better when it’s funny. Forcing it to work is like forcing a joke – it doesn’t end well.”


“Oh, was I supposed to be trying to escape? I’m sorry, I was just sitting here quietly.”

“Quiet.” Tra La La bellowed. She turned to Tiddly Wink and asked, “Do you think that was convincing?”

“I think so. They got real quiet all of a sudden. So it must’ve worked. Yup, yup, yup!” She waved her spear and made what she thought to be scary faces at the prisoners.

“Well, at least the guards are pushovers,” Rainbow Dash thought. “I could overpower them both easily if I could trick them into letting me out of my cell.” She grinned as inspiration struck. “You’re pretty good with that spear. But how’d you like to see what a real pro can do with one?”

“Would I? That would be so cool!” Tiddly Wink threw her spear at Dash. “Here, use mine!”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes went wide as she realized she had no room in her cell to dodge the incoming spear. She flapped her wings to gain altitude, but without the aid of pegasus magic they were sluggish. The spear hit her right in the flank.

“Oh no! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean for that to happen!”

“Here! Use my spear to pry hers out!” Tra La La threw her spear at Rainbow Dash also, and it embedded itself deep in her leg.

Rainbow Dash collapsed onto the floor of her cell in pain. She struggled trying to contort her body in a way to let her grasp the handles of the spears with her teeth.

“Rainbow, darling. Stop moving.”

The pegasus complied with Rarity’s demands and the unicorn motioned for her to wiggle closer to her own cell. Soon the handles to both spears were within Rarity’s reach and she pulled them both out. “Ugh, I bet the inside of my mouth will have splinters now.”

“Thanks, Rarity. I don’t suppose you can do something about the bleeding?”

Rarity sighed as she looked at her saddlebag – her new Summer Collection was going to have to be sacrificed. She took out some scraps of fabric and began bandaging Rainbow’s wounds. As she worked she mused, “I do find it quite ironic that the biggest pain in the flank I know now has a big pain in her own flank.”

“Yeah, well I’m afraid I’m going to decline your invitation to try acupuncture next week. I’ll have you know that this isn't therapeutic in the least. Having holes torn into you hurts.”

“Would you like some cheese to go with that whine, dear?”

“Oh! Say ‘yes’! I totally have a block of mozzarella in my saddlebag!”

“Pinkie, darling, why in Equestria are you carrying around cheese?”

“In case of pizza emergencies, silly!” She patted Rarity’s head through the bars separating their cells. “Oh, you know what? I’m hungry! That qualifies as a pizza emergency!” She dumped the contents of her saddlebag out and started rolling dough to make a pizza.

Twilight Sparkle paced around her cell. Two steps, turn. Two steps, turn. She sighed. This cell was much too small to be conductive to quality pacing. That usually wouldn’t bother her except that she did her best thinking while pacing – it kept her blood flowing as she thought.

Her friends had fallen asleep one by one – Rainbow Dash had been first, and nopony could blame her for that. She needed to heal, after all. Pinkie Pie had been next; boredom finally overtaking her after the pizza she had made was consumed. Applejack hadn’t been far behind, years of getting up with the chickens had made her the epitome of the old expression ‘early to bed and early to rise makes a pony healthy, wealthy, and wise’. Fluttershy had been too scared to sleep, but Rarity had finally lulled her to sleep with soothing thoughts. Even Twilight had to admit that the white unicorn had a rich, hypnotic voice. Once she had made sure Fluttershy was sound asleep, Rarity donned a sleeping mask and cited a need for beauty sleep. Even the two guards had fallen asleep, the blue one lying on top of the purple one, drooling.

What Twilight really needed right now was a plan. But her mind was as empty as her horn currently was, as unsettling as both those thoughts were. A plan would be easier to formulate if she had a clue as to just what Victor was planning, but he hadn’t let that on. He hadn’t even seemed villainous at first, just cold and distant. “Maybe he’s not a bad pony?” She never finished that train of thought as the combined rhythmic snoring of Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Tiddly Wink finally lulled her to slumber.

Morning dawned, but there were no golden rays of sunshine to awaken the ponies sleeping in the dungeon. The only sign of daybreak was the gradual brightening of the prison from pitch black to dull gray. Victor stepped over the dozing guards and unlocked Twilight Sparkle’s cell. He pressed a hoof to her mouth as he woke her up. “I require your presence.” He dragged her to her hooves and then dragged her out of the cell.

Once they were outside, Victor removed the hoof from Twilight’s mouth. “I’ll make this short and to the point. You’re going to use that spell of yours on every pony in that town over yonder.” He pointed towards Horsey. “And then we’ll travel from town to town until every pony in Equestria has become a breezie!”

“I’ll never agree to that!”

“Sure you will. You are emotional and hold attachment to your companions. I shall start injuring your friends if you do not comply. However, if you do as you’re told no harm will befall them. The choice is entirely up to you.”

“You’ll never get away with this!”

“I see you have come to the sensible conclusion. For the purposes of this conversation, whether or not I get away with it is irrelevant. You have a job to do and you will do it. Follow me.” He led her to the town square, where they perched atop the statue of the town’s founder. “Every stallion, mare, and foal. Got it?”

“I don’t want to…”

“You do not want to? In that case I shall take great delight in breaking that orange hick’s forelegs. I feel that is a fair retribution for her nearly shaking my hoof off yesterday. Do you agree?”

“I don’t. She was just being friendly.”

“Stop stalling and get on with it. And do not try anything stupid – if I fail to return with you my guards are under orders to execute all of your friends.”

“Fine.” Twilight closed her eyes. She really didn’t want to do this. Her horn glowed purple and she cast the spell. It had no effect on the town’s population, all of whom continued to go about their daily routines completely oblivious to what had just happened. “With my change in size, my magical aura isn’t extending far enough. I can’t do this.”

Cannot is different from will not. Cannot can be addressed rationally, and eventually overcome.” They returned to the mushroom palace.


“We were so worried about you!”

“You need not worry about your friend. As long as she continues to do what she is told when she is told, no harm will come to her or any of you. Now, I have a problem that needs a solution.” Victor locked the cell door and left the cell block.

“What’s he doing to you? Um, if you want to talk about it that is. I understand if you don’t. Eep.”

“He’s trying to turn everypony in Equestria into breezies.”

“How horrible,” said Rarity.

“How wonderful,” said Fluttershy, at the exact same moment.

“How horriful! Or is it wonderble?” Pinkie Pie added.

“We need to get out of here.”

“That worked so well for you last night, Rainbow darling.”

“I’m choosing to ignore that, Rarity. Anyways, Twilight, the next time he takes you out of the range of the magic inhibitor, just turn yourself back to normal and squish him. What’s he gonna do to you?”

“He said if he doesn’t return his guards are under orders to execute all of you.”

“Those guards?” Rainbow asked, pointing at the still napping breezies. “I think we can handle them, Twilight. No sweat.”

“Hey! What are you girls doing down here?”


“That’s me! You never came back after you went into the castle. I wanted to show you my house, and all of my favorite flowers, and I wanted to introduce you to my friends Tra La La and Tiddly Wink.” She pointed to the two guards. “But I see you’ve already met them.” She giggled. “Though that looks really uncomfortable. I should probably wake them up.”

“Wait! Could you release us from our cells first?” Twilight asked.

“Absolutely! What are you doing in jail cells anyway?”

“Victor captured us! He’s planning to turn everypony in Equestria into breezies. And he needs my magic to do it.”

“Oh wow, that would be so cool! It gets so lonely here with so few of us. I miss home. I had hundreds of friends back there. Here though, there are only twenty-five of us.”

“But what if they don’t want to become breezies?” Fluttershy asked.

“But breezies are awesome! Who wouldn’t want to be a breezie?”

“I know, right! Being breezy is easy!” Pinkie Pie bounced out of her cell.

“I still don’t see the problem with it, but if you want to stop Victor I’ll help you. He tries to do the right thing but, well, he doesn’t really understand breezies or ponies very well. It’s like he was born without a personality.”

“You would help them stop me? I am disappointed in you, Zipzee. I never expected to find a traitor in my midst. Guards! Seize them all!”

Startled awake, Tiddly Wink and Tra La La jumped to their hooves and promptly collided with one another, falling back to the floor unconscious.

“You’re surrounded and outnumbered. Just give up and I promise the princesses will grant you leniency.”

“I fail to see another option. If the options are surrender peacefully or bitterly fight to the very end, it is pointless to choose the latter. I surrender. Let the record state I only wished to build a surrogate colony for my fellow stranded breezies.”

“A noble goal, and I’m sure your intentions will be taken into account. Now please come with us.” Twilight guided him towards the other breezies. He explained what was going on, and the rest of the breezies all fell in line behind Twilight Sparkle. Once the ponies had been restored to their normal forms, the breezies all clustered around Fluttershy.

A few days later, at a cottage outside Ponyville, a very low-key, but nonetheless extremely important, event took place. Princess Celestia stood in Fluttershy’s backyard, watching as the yellow pegasus assisted Applejack in transplanting a series of mushroom buildings. Rarity and Twilight Sparkle were planting flowers under the direction of Zipzee, Tra La La, and Tiddly Wink. And Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were setting up a big welcome party for the breezies. A humbled Victor assisted them as best he could. He hadn’t expected to be fully pardoned, and he intended to do everything in his power to prove he deserved the faith in him that Princess Celestia had shown.

Celestia cleared her throat. “By royal decree, I, Princess Celestia, hereby declare that this sixty square meter parcel of land will be the exclusive domain of any breezy who misses the portal back to their home. Of course, each breezy will be given the option of remaining here in Equestria or returning home with the rest of the breezies the next time the portal opens.”

The cheering was quiet, but enthusiastic. The karaoke, however, was awkward at best.

“A little bit louder now…”


“A little bit louder now…”


“A little bit softer now…”


“Have you decided on a name yet?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes. We’re going to call it Breezie Blossom. Thank you for everything you and your friends have done for us.”

“You’re very welcome. And if there’s ever anything you need, just let me know. You can’t miss me, I live right next door.”

Comments ( 12 )

A nice story. Everyone is in character, it's original and well-written, but there's a major flaw.

This really shouldn't be a one shot. The pacing here is absolutely horrendous. It could easily be a multi-part story. You've got all these short little scenes, that when stuck together form a story, and you do it in like 5,000 words, when it needs at least 8,000. Everything goes way too fast.
Slow down the pacing, and you've got yourself a neat little story about Breezies.

Thank you! And I 100% agree about the pacing - I wrote this for the EqD WTG so I had both a word limit and a time limit.

I think a revision is in order...

"Featured Stories tagged 'Breezies'":

#1: Summer Breeze

> "Ratings disabled".

What. :ajbemused:

Not sure where you're seeing that, but I'm pretty sure this was never featured. At the time this was released there was no option to disable the ratings, and it accrued 16 likes & 1 dislike before such time as I could disable them. According to the statistics tab, Fimfiction ranks it:

Rating: 67,354th

It was in the #1 spot of the "Featured Stories"-section for the Breezies-tag here yesterday. I don't know if you temporarily turned ratings on and off again or something of the sort, but it's gone now, so it clearly was a bug.

I think that changes intentionally. I'm not sure if changes every time you log in or every time you click it, but yesterday that tag brought up Daring Do and the Tiny Tornado as #1 for me and today it has To be a Breezie. That said, I don't think a story with ratings disabled should trigger that, so it had to be a glitch. Maybe the 'disable' option stopped working for a bit? I don't know.

But no, I didn't re-enable the ratings until after you posted, and I only did that so I could see what the rating was (16 to 1 isn't bad, but it isn't exactly featured material) so I could respond to you. I immediately disabled it again. Just a personal preference on my part.

...That's what I meant. It probably was a bug it was showing up under featured, and it was fixed when you re-enabled and then disabled it again.

I liked this. It feels like it coulda been the draft for an actual episode.

Ya know, minus the part where Dash got comedically stabbed. Twice. Funny as it was.

How have I never seen this before, this was hilarious.

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for responding and I am glad I stumbled across it. Even if the part where Rainbow got stabbed got kinda dark.

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