• Published 28th Mar 2012
  • 1,910 Views, 39 Comments


Fluttershy has liked Pinkie Pie for a long time. Could this really tear apart their friendship

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chapter 3

Pinkie should be out soon Angel hoped. Waiting outside the library was becoming rather boring, but the boredom would definitely be over soon. There was no way that the ponies Fluttershy considered friends could keep that hyperactive mare still for so long. Angel didn't want to let Pinkie know about the promise around the others, they would only get in the way. All the bunny could do here was wait.

It wasn't like Fluttershy did not try to speak to Pinkie. She was just being a wimp about it as she always was. Watching the frantic mare pace the way between her cottage and Sugar Cube Corner may have been amusing the first few times, listening to her nervous murmurings, but it rapidly became annoying, and she still hasn’t stopped! She hasn't even realized that Pinkie was no longer there. Along with that, her panic of the very thought of Pinkie had caused her to jump ahead a day. Not that Angel was going to correct her. It gave Fluttershy the push she needed and the animals another feeding.

Telling Pinkie about Fluttershy's Pinkie promise, and how she had supposedly broken it would be the best bet. It acted as a conversation starter as well as a way to put a stop to that infernal walk.

Pink! A pink figure was at last bouncing from the library, going so rapidly that Angel was forced to bound after her. Pinkie was surprisingly, fast considering her strange way of walking. On several occasions, the figure nearly hopped out of Angel's sight. The route they were taking seemed familiar to the dashing rabbit, though he couldn't allot enough of his energy to figure out why. Though when the bouncing ball of energy that was Pinkie stopped, the reason became clear.

They were headed for Fluttershy's cottage the entire time. Yet, other than a shallow groove worn into the dirt, there was no sign of the shy mare. After closing the gap between himself and the pink earth pony, Angel acted out the promise. He ran, pushed himself, and for a brief moment, he even seemed to cry in spite of it all. The only thing even Pinkie could get out of that was Fluttershy. Then, the twitching began.

"Nose shakes, eye flutter, hoof stomps." The pink mare’s anger rose, contorting her voice with several others. "FLUTTERSHY BROKE A PINKIE PROMISE!"

Unfortunately, the yellow mare had just come into view. At least until she heard the scream, which had the desperate pegasus diving for cover in the bushes. Although, the moment in which she wasn't hiding was all Pinkie needed to go racing after her, yelling, "FLUTTERSHY!"

With a start, Fluttershy propelled herself into the air, flying faster than she ever would have been able to force herself if it wasn't an emergency. Somehow, in spite of all this, the pink figure was still leaping after her. Fearfully, the lightly colored pony headed towards the trees. Under normal conditions, she would have been hesitant to do this out of fear of waking the animals. For this moment though, that did not matter.

When Fluttershy reached the first of the trees, Pinkie jolted out of them bellowing. Putting her friend into sheer terror that made the golden mare's wings lock around her, the Pegasus was sent towards the earth in a deadly spiral, only to be caught by Pinkie.

Pinkie's eyes were small, and they held none of their usual warmth for her terrified friend. Pinkie howled again, "YOU PINKIE PROMISED!" The pegasus sprang out of the earth pony’s arms and slowly backed away, hiding her face in the bulk of her mane. Not daring or even thinking about flying again, she continued creeping away, trying to negate the earth pony’s advance.

"YOU BROKE YOUR PINKIE PROMISE!" Backing into a tree, left with nowhere to run or hide, and scared out of her wits triggered a dormant power inside Fluttershy. She looked Pinkie straight in the eye using all of her force in a piercing glare that could only be defined as “The Stare”.

Pinkie froze, giving the scared mare enough time to recuperate, at least enough to talk. "I... didn't break my promise." Taking in Pinkie's startled, yet confused, expression, Fluttershy continued. "My promise was that I would talk to you, and I just did ...well I am." She blushed, "It's just that... I really admire you... the way you can speak up to everypony without hesitation or worry. It’s... just... amazing." The stare faded as Fluttershy spoke, yet incredibly Pinkie remained rooted to the spot until her friend finished.

Then, Pinkie chimed in, "Why didn't you just say so silly filly! It would have saved you so much trouble. Ohh and we’re going camping this weekend, so get packing!"

Pinkie galloped away unable to hear Fluttershy's continued conversation. "Not only that...I think I might..." She glanced up only to realize Pinkie was no longer there. With a sigh, she finished, "Love you."

Pinkie probably just had somewhere to be... that’s all...I...understand. She sank down with her thoughts until she almost disappeared in the dirt, weeping. Why does it hurt so much?

The yelling came from this direction Rainbow thought. She could hear a slight sob coming from the forest.This should be about right. Spotting the crying mare, Rainbow touched down next to her. Fluttershy was apparently too busy in her own thoughts to take notice in the newfound company. Until she received a comforting nuzzle.

Looking over to glance at her guest, Fluttershy's teal eyes were speckled with glistening tears that made Rainbow freeze from the captivating sight. Shaking it off, the blue mare asked, "You ok?"


Dash held the conversation since she had plenty of experience cheering Fluttershy up. From the constant bullying Fluttershy was under at flight camp, she normally was feeling down. At first, all Rainbow managed to do was get angry and make things worse, but as time wore on, she managed to figure out how to cheer her friend up without having to drag Fluttershy out from fetal position. It was like she was a different pony. Someone that she could show Fluttershy, and Fluttershy alone. Someone only she could accept. It was special.

"How did you get her to leave?"

"I was... enjoying her company."

"You enjoyed getting yelled at?"

"I... don't want to talk about it."

There was a slight change in Fluttershy's eyes at that point. If Rainbow was looking anywhere else, she would have missed it. It was something Rainbow recognized more than anything, the way that she saw Fluttershy all of the years they spent together. Creating a pained realization, You love her, don't you?

"Let's go to Twilight's I'm not the only one who wants to be there for you."

As they headed off, Fluttershy took comfort in having such great friends, while everyone of Dash's wingbeats felt like a stab to her heart.

Special thanks to 2K_Chrome for spelling and gramar